use of org.abs_models.frontend.ast.ModifyClassModifier in project abstools by abstools.
the class ProductLineAnalysisHelper method isStronglyUnambiguous.
* A product line is strongly unambiguous if each set in the partition of
* the delta modules specified in the product-line declaration is
* consistent, that is, if one delta module in a set adds or removes a
* class, no other delta module in the same set may add, remove or modify
* the same class, and the modifications of the same class in different
* delta modules in the same set have to be disjoint.
public static boolean isStronglyUnambiguous(ProductLine pl, SemanticConditionList errors) {
boolean result = true;
Model model = pl.getModel();
System.out.print("Delta partition: ");
for (Set<String> set : pl.getDeltaPartition()) {
for (String el : set)
System.out.print(" " + el + " ");
System.out.print("} ");
assert pl.getDeltaPartition() != null;
for (Set<String> set : pl.getDeltaPartition()) {
// Remember the names of classes and methods modified by deltas in
// current set
// { Module.Class -> { Method -> Delta } }
// { Module.Class -> { "CLASS" -> Delta } }
Map<String, Map<String, String>> cache = new HashMap<>();
for (String deltaID : set) {
// assumes the DeltaDecl corresponding to deltaID exists (wellFormedProductLine)
DeltaDecl delta = model.getDeltaDeclsMap().get(deltaID);
assert delta.getModuleModifiers() != null;
for (ModuleModifier moduleModifier : delta.getModuleModifiers()) {
if (moduleModifier instanceof ModifyClassModifier) {
// String methodID;
String prefix = ((ClassModifier) moduleModifier).getQualifiedName();
for (Modifier mod : ((ModifyClassModifier) moduleModifier).getModifiers()) {
if (mod instanceof DeltaTraitModifier) {
HashSet<String> methodIDSet = new HashSet<>();
((DeltaTraitModifier) mod).collectMethodIDs(methodIDSet, model);
for (String methodID : methodIDSet) {
if (cache.containsKey(prefix)) {
if (cache.get(prefix).containsKey(methodID)) {
result = false;
String otherDeltaID = cache.get(prefix).get(methodID);
if (!deltaID.equals(otherDeltaID))
errors.add(new TypeError(pl, ErrorMessage.AMBIGUOUS_PRODUCTLINE, pl.getName(), deltaID, otherDeltaID, prefix + ", method " + methodID));
// FIXME also a kind of ambiguity but needs a different error message
} else if (cache.get(prefix).containsKey("CLASS")) {
result = false;
String otherDeltaID = cache.get(prefix).get("CLASS");
if (!deltaID.equals(otherDeltaID))
errors.add(new TypeError(pl, ErrorMessage.AMBIGUOUS_PRODUCTLINE, pl.getName(), deltaID, otherDeltaID, prefix));
// FIXME also a kind of ambiguity but needs a different error message
} else {
cache.get(prefix).put(methodID, deltaID);
} else {
cache.put(prefix, new HashMap<>());
cache.get(prefix).put(methodID, deltaID);
} else if (moduleModifier instanceof AddClassModifier || moduleModifier instanceof RemoveClassModifier) {
String prefix = ((ClassModifier) moduleModifier).getQualifiedName();
if (cache.containsKey(prefix)) {
result = false;
assert !cache.get(prefix).isEmpty();
String otherDeltaID = cache.get(prefix).values().iterator().next();
errors.add(new TypeError(pl, ErrorMessage.AMBIGUOUS_PRODUCTLINE, pl.getName(), deltaID, otherDeltaID, prefix));
System.out.println("3 ambiguity due to " + deltaID + "<>" + otherDeltaID);
} else {
cache.put(prefix, new HashMap<>());
cache.get(prefix).put("CLASS", deltaID);
// TODO apply same reasoning to other elements: fields,
// functions, ADTs, etc
// TODO remove boolean result unless needed
return result;
use of org.abs_models.frontend.ast.ModifyClassModifier in project abstools by abstools.
the class TraitTest method resolveTest4.
public void resolveTest4() {
Model model = assertParse("module TestMod;" + "interface Inter {}" + "trait T = { " + " Unit printLine_1(){println(\"I'm 1!\");}" + " Unit printLine_2(){println(\"I'm 2!\");}" + "}" + "trait T2 = { " + " Unit printLine_2(){println(\"I'm 2!\");}" + " Unit printLine_3(){println(\"I'm 3!\");}" + "}" + "class InterImpl(Inter inter) implements Inter { }" + "" + "delta D3;" + "modifies class TestMod.InterImpl{" + " adds Int i = 0;" + " modifies T adds T2 removes {Unit printLine_2();}" + "}");
ClassDecl cls = (ClassDecl) findDecl(model, "TestMod", "InterImpl");
assertTrue(cls.getMethods().getNumChild() == 0);
DeltaDecl delta = findDelta(model, "D3");
assertThat(delta, instanceOf(DeltaDecl.class));
ModifyClassModifier mm = (ModifyClassModifier) delta.getModuleModifier(0);
DeltaTraitModifier dml = (DeltaTraitModifier) mm.getModifier(1);
ModifyMethodModifier mcl = (ModifyMethodModifier) dml.getMethodModifier();
TraitExpr expr = mcl.getTraitExpr();
TraitExpr set = expr.resolve(cls.getModuleDecl());
assertTrue("expected 2, got " + set.getChild(0).getNumChild(), set.getChild(0).getNumChild() == 2);
assertThat(set, instanceOf(TraitSetExpr.class));
use of org.abs_models.frontend.ast.ModifyClassModifier in project abstools by abstools.
the class TraitTest method collapseTest3.
public void collapseTest3() {
Model model = assertParse("module TestMod;" + "trait T = {" + "Unit printLine_0(){println(\"I'm 0!\");}" + "Unit printLine_1(){println(\"I'm 1!\");}" + "}" + "trait T2 = {" + "Unit printLine_1(){println(\"I'm 1!\");}" + "}" + "class InterImpl(Inter inter){ }" + "" + "delta D3;" + "modifies class TestMod.InterImpl{" + "adds Int i = 0;" + "adds T " + "modifies T2 " + "removes { Unit printLine_0(); }" + " removes { Unit printLine_1(); }" + "adds {" + "Unit printLine_2(){println(\"I'm 2!\");}" + "Unit printLine_3(){println(\"I'm 3!\");}" + "}" + "removes { Unit printLine_2(); }" + "removes { Unit printLine_3(); }" + "}");
ClassDecl cls = (ClassDecl) findDecl(model, "TestMod", "InterImpl");
assertTrue(cls.getMethods().getNumChild() == 0);
DeltaDecl delta = findDelta(model, "D3");
assertThat(delta, instanceOf(DeltaDecl.class));
ModifyClassModifier mm = (ModifyClassModifier) delta.getModuleModifier(0);
assertTrue(mm.getModifierList().getNumChild() == 8);
DeltaTraitModifier dml = (DeltaTraitModifier) mm.getModifier(1);
AddMethodModifier mcl = (AddMethodModifier) dml.getMethodModifier();
TraitExpr set = mcl.getTraitExpr();
assertTrue(set.getChild(0).getNumChild() == 2);
assertThat(set, instanceOf(TraitSetExpr.class));
DeltaTraitModifier dml2 = (DeltaTraitModifier) mm.getModifier(2);
ModifyMethodModifier mcl2 = (ModifyMethodModifier) dml2.getMethodModifier();
TraitExpr set2 = mcl2.getTraitExpr();
assertTrue(set2.getChild(0).getNumChild() == 1);
assertThat(set2, instanceOf(TraitSetExpr.class));
use of org.abs_models.frontend.ast.ModifyClassModifier in project abstools by abstools.
the class TraitTest method resolveTest2.
public void resolveTest2() {
// this tests that the given delta is wrong (as we take T union T2 and thus have printLine_2 twice)
Model model = assertParse("module TestMod;" + "interface Inter {}" + "trait T = { " + " Unit printLine_1(){println(\"I'm 1!\");}" + " Unit printLine_2(){println(\"I'm 2!\");}" + "}" + "trait T2 = { " + " Unit printLine_2(){println(\"I'm 2!\");}" + " Unit printLine_3(){println(\"I'm 3!\");}" + "}" + "class InterImpl(Inter inter) implements Inter { }" + "" + "delta D3;" + "modifies class TestMod.InterImpl{" + " adds Int i = 0;" + " modifies T adds T2" + "}");
ClassDecl cls = (ClassDecl) findDecl(model, "TestMod", "InterImpl");
assertTrue(cls.getMethods().getNumChild() == 0);
DeltaDecl delta = findDelta(model, "D3");
assertThat(delta, instanceOf(DeltaDecl.class));
ModifyClassModifier mm = (ModifyClassModifier) delta.getModuleModifier(0);
DeltaTraitModifier dml = (DeltaTraitModifier) mm.getModifier(1);
ModifyMethodModifier mcl = (ModifyMethodModifier) dml.getMethodModifier();
TraitExpr expr = mcl.getTraitExpr();
TraitExpr set = expr.resolve(cls.getModuleDecl());
assertTrue("expected 2, got " + set.getChild(0).getNumChild(), set.getChild(0).getNumChild() == 2);
use of org.abs_models.frontend.ast.ModifyClassModifier in project abstools by abstools.
the class TraitTest method addModifyModifierAtRuntimeBackComp.
public void addModifyModifierAtRuntimeBackComp() {
Model model = assertParse("module M;" + "class C { Unit m(){skip;} }");
ClassDecl cls = (ClassDecl) findDecl(model, "M", "C");
MethodSig sig = AbsASTBuilderUtil.createMethodSig("m", AbsASTBuilderUtil.getUnit());
MethodImpl impl = new MethodImpl(sig, new Block(new List<>(), new List<>(new SkipStmt(), new SkipStmt())));
ModifyMethodModifier opr = new ModifyMethodModifier(impl);
ModifyClassModifier mcn = new ModifyClassModifier();
DeltaAccess acc = new DeltaAccess(cls.getModuleDecl().getName());
DeltaDecl dd = new DeltaDecl();
CompilationUnit cu = model.getCompilationUnitList().getChild(0);
assertEquals(1, cls.getMethods().getNumChild());
assertEquals(2, cls.getMethod(0).getBlock().getNumChild());