use of org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class MRPUpdate method doIt.
// prepare
* doIT - run process
protected String doIt() throws Exception {
String result = null;
ArrayList<Object> parameters = new ArrayList<Object>();
StringBuffer whereClause = new StringBuffer(MResource.COLUMNNAME_ManufacturingResourceType + "=? AND AD_Client_ID=?");
if (p_S_Resource_ID > 0) {
whereClause.append(" AND S_Resource_ID=?");
List<MResource> plants = new Query(getCtx(), MResource.Table_Name, whereClause.toString(), get_TrxName()).setParameters(parameters).list();
if (plants.size() == 0) {
// TODO: translate
throw new AdempiereException("No plants found");
for (MResource plant : plants) {"Run MRP to Plant: " + plant.getName());
parameters = new ArrayList<Object>();
whereClause = new StringBuffer("AD_Client_ID=?");
if (p_AD_Org_ID > 0) {
whereClause.append(" AND AD_Org_ID=?");
List<MOrg> organizations = new Query(getCtx(), MOrg.Table_Name, whereClause.toString(), get_TrxName()).setParameters(parameters).list();
for (MOrg organization : organizations) {"Run MRP to Organization: " + organization.getName());
if (p_M_Warehouse_ID == 0) {
MWarehouse[] ws = MWarehouse.getForOrg(getCtx(), organization.getAD_Org_ID());
for (MWarehouse w : ws) {"Run MRP to Wharehouse: " + w.getName());
deleteRecords(m_AD_Client_ID, organization.getAD_Org_ID(), plant.getS_Resource_ID(), w.getM_Warehouse_ID());
createRecords(m_AD_Client_ID, organization.getAD_Org_ID(), plant.getS_Resource_ID(), w.getM_Warehouse_ID());
result = result + "<br>finish MRP to Warehouse " + w.getName();
} else {"Run MRP to Wharehouse: " + p_M_Warehouse_ID);
deleteRecords(m_AD_Client_ID, organization.getAD_Org_ID(), plant.getS_Resource_ID(), p_M_Warehouse_ID);
createRecords(m_AD_Client_ID, organization.getAD_Org_ID(), plant.getS_Resource_ID(), p_M_Warehouse_ID);
result = result + "<br>finish MRP to Organization " + organization.getName();
result = result + "<br>finish MRP to Plant " + plant.getName();
if (Util.isEmpty(result, true)) {
// TODO: translate
return "No records found";
return Msg.getMsg(getCtx(), "ProcessOK");
use of org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class PrintPaperElementHandler method loadAttribute.
protected void loadAttribute(Attributes atts, String name, PO po) {
final String strValueExact = atts.getValue(name);
String strValue = strValueExact;
if (Util.isEmpty(strValue, true)) {
strValue = null;
} else {
strValue = strValue.trim();
final POInfo poInfo = POInfo.getPOInfo(po.getCtx(), getTable_ID());
final Class<?> clazz = poInfo.getColumnClass(poInfo.getColumnIndex(name));
if (strValue == null) {
po.set_ValueOfColumn(name, null);
} else if (clazz == BigDecimal.class) {
po.set_ValueOfColumn(name, new BigDecimal(strValue));
} else if (clazz == Integer.class) {
po.set_ValueOfColumn(name, new BigDecimal(strValue).intValueExact());
} else if (clazz == String.class) {
po.set_ValueOfColumn(name, strValueExact);
} else if (clazz == Boolean.class) {
po.set_ValueOfColumn(name, Boolean.valueOf(strValue));
} else if (clazz == Timestamp.class) {
Timestamp ts = Timestamp.valueOf(strValue);
po.set_ValueOfColumn(name, ts);
} else {
throw new AdempiereException("Class not supported - " + clazz);
use of org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class MAllocationHdr method prepareIt.
// invalidateIt
* Prepare Document
* @return new status (In Progress or Invalid)
public String prepareIt() {;
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_BEFORE_PREPARE);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
// Std Period open?
MPeriod.testPeriodOpen(getCtx(), getDateAcct(), MDocType.DOCBASETYPE_PaymentAllocation, getAD_Org_ID());
if (m_lines.length == 0) {
m_processMsg = "@NoLines@";
return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
// Stop the Document Workflow if invoice to allocate is as paid
for (MAllocationLine line : m_lines) {
if (line.getC_Invoice_ID() != 0) {
final String whereClause = I_C_Invoice.COLUMNNAME_C_Invoice_ID + "=? AND " + I_C_Invoice.COLUMNNAME_IsPaid + "=? AND " + I_C_Invoice.COLUMNNAME_DocStatus + " NOT IN (?,?)";
boolean InvoiceIsPaid = new Query(getCtx(), I_C_Invoice.Table_Name, whereClause, get_TrxName()).setClient_ID().setParameters(line.getC_Invoice_ID(), "Y", X_C_Invoice.DOCSTATUS_Voided, X_C_Invoice.DOCSTATUS_Reversed).match();
if (InvoiceIsPaid)
throw new AdempiereException("@ValidationError@ @C_Invoice_ID@ @IsPaid@");
// Add up Amounts & validate
BigDecimal approval = Env.ZERO;
for (int i = 0; i < m_lines.length; i++) {
MAllocationLine line = m_lines[i];
approval = approval.add(line.getWriteOffAmt()).add(line.getDiscountAmt());
// Make sure there is BP
if (line.getC_BPartner_ID() == 0) {
m_processMsg = "No Business Partner";
return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
m_processMsg = ModelValidationEngine.get().fireDocValidate(this, ModelValidator.TIMING_AFTER_PREPARE);
if (m_processMsg != null)
return DocAction.STATUS_Invalid;
m_justPrepared = true;
if (!DOCACTION_Complete.equals(getDocAction()))
return DocAction.STATUS_InProgress;
use of org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class MAlertRule method createReportFile.
// getSql
* Create Report File
* @param extension file extension
* @return newly created File
public File createReportFile(String extension) {
if (Util.isEmpty(extension)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter extension cannot be empty");
String name = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddhhmm").format(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())) + "_" + Util.stripDiacritics(getName().trim());
File file = null;
try {
file = new File(System.getProperty(""), name + "." + extension);
return file;
} catch (Exception e) {
file = null;
// Fallback
// TODO: add AD_AlertRule.FileName (maybe)
String filePrefix = "Alert_";
try {
file = File.createTempFile(filePrefix, "." + extension);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AdempiereException(e);
return file;
use of org.adempiere.exceptions.AdempiereException in project adempiere by adempiere.
the class PO method deleteEx.
// delete
* Delete Current Record
* @param force delete also processed records
* @throws AdempiereException
* @see #delete(boolean)
public void deleteEx(boolean force) throws AdempiereException {
if (!delete(force)) {
String msg = null;
ValueNamePair err = CLogger.retrieveError();
if (err != null)
msg = err.getName();
if (msg == null || msg.length() == 0)
msg = "DeleteError";
throw new AdempiereException(msg);