use of org.aion.types.AionAddress in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class BeaconHashValidatorTest method validateTxForPendingStateWhenBeaconHashNotOnMainchain.
public void validateTxForPendingStateWhenBeaconHashNotOnMainchain() {
long unityForkNumber = 3;
ForkUtility forkUtility = new ForkUtility();
IAionBlockchain blockchain = mock(IAionBlockchain.class);
Block bestBlock = mock(Block.class);
byte[] badBlockhash = ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("0xbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbadbad0");
AionTransaction tx = AionTransaction.createWithoutKey(// nonce - any val
new byte[] { 1 }, new AionAddress(// sender - any val
ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("0xa000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")), new AionAddress(// destination - any val
ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")), // value - any val
new byte[] { 1 }, // data - any val
new byte[] {}, // energyLimit - any val
1l, // energyPrice - any val
1l, // type - any val
(byte) 1, // beacon hash - does not exist in blockstore
BeaconHashValidator unit = new BeaconHashValidator(blockchain, forkUtility);
when(bestBlock.getNumber()).thenReturn(unityForkNumber - 2);
assertWithMessage("any beacon hash should fail for pending state if best_block_number+1 < unityFork_number").that(unit.validateTxForPendingState(tx)).isFalse();
when(bestBlock.getNumber()).thenReturn(unityForkNumber - 1);
assertWithMessage("non-mainchain hash validation should fail for pending state if best_block_number+1 = unityFork_number").that(unit.validateTxForPendingState(tx)).isFalse();
assertWithMessage("non-mainchain hash validation should fail for pending state if best_block_number+1 > unityFork_number").that(unit.validateTxForPendingState(tx)).isFalse();
use of org.aion.types.AionAddress in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class BeaconHashValidatorTest method validateTxForBlockOnSidechainAndBeaconHashOnSideChain.
public void validateTxForBlockOnSidechainAndBeaconHashOnSideChain() {
* Visualization of this case (x is the block of beacon hash , * is the new block):
* o--o--o---o--o main chain
* |
* \--x--o--* side chain
long unityForkNumber = 5;
ForkUtility forkUtility = new ForkUtility();
IAionBlockchain blockchain = mock(IAionBlockchain.class);
LinkedList<Block> sideChain = mockChain(unityForkNumber, 4, blockchain);
byte[] beaconHash = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(sideChain.get(3).getHash(), 0, beaconHash, 0, 32);
AionTransaction tx = AionTransaction.createWithoutKey(// nonce - any val
new byte[] { 1 }, new AionAddress(// sender - any val
ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("0xa000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")), new AionAddress(// destination - any val
ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")), // value - any val
new byte[] { 1 }, // data - any val
new byte[] {}, // energyLimit - any val
1l, // energyPrice - any val
1l, // type - any val
(byte) 1, // beacon hash
BeaconHashValidator unit = new BeaconHashValidator(blockchain, forkUtility);
assertWithMessage("beacon hash on chain of new block should pass if block_number = unityFork_number").that(unit.validateTxForBlock(tx, sideChain.get(0))).isTrue();
// not doing all the "if new block > unityFork" and "new block < unityFork" cases
// for the side chain test cases because those paths already checked by the
// mainchain tests
use of org.aion.types.AionAddress in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class BeaconHashValidatorTest method validateTxForBlockOnSidechainAndBeaconHashOnMainchainAfterSidechainFork.
public void validateTxForBlockOnSidechainAndBeaconHashOnMainchainAfterSidechainFork() {
* Visualization of this case (x is the block of beacon hash , * is the new block):
* o--o--o---x--o main chain
* |
* \--o--o--* side chain
long unityForkNumber = 2;
ForkUtility forkUtility = new ForkUtility();
IAionBlockchain blockchain = mock(IAionBlockchain.class);
// mocking up a block as if it were on the main chain but not the sidechain
Block mainchainOnlyBlock = mock(Block.class);
long mainchainOnlyBlockNum = 3l;
byte[] mainchainOnlyBlockHash = ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("0xcafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafe");
// need to set up the side chain so that its head block number is > mainchainOnlyBlockNum
LinkedList<Block> sideChain = mockChain(unityForkNumber, 6, blockchain);
byte[] beaconHash = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(mainchainOnlyBlockHash, 0, beaconHash, 0, 32);
AionTransaction tx = AionTransaction.createWithoutKey(// nonce - any val
new byte[] { 1 }, new AionAddress(// sender - any val
ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("0xa000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")), new AionAddress(// destination - any val
ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")), // value - any val
new byte[] { 1 }, // data - any val
new byte[] {}, // energyLimit - any val
1l, // energyPrice - any val
1l, // type - any val
(byte) 1, // beacon hash
BeaconHashValidator unit = new BeaconHashValidator(blockchain, forkUtility);
assertWithMessage("beacon hash not on chain of new block should fail if block_number = unityFork_number").that(unit.validateTxForBlock(tx, sideChain.get(0))).isFalse();
// not doing all the "if new block > unityFork" and "new block < unityFork" cases
// for the side chain test cases because those paths already checked by the
// mainchain tests
use of org.aion.types.AionAddress in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class BeaconHashValidatorTest method validateTxForBlockOnSidechainAndBeaconHashOnMainchainBeforeSidechainFork.
public void validateTxForBlockOnSidechainAndBeaconHashOnMainchainBeforeSidechainFork() {
* Visualization of this case (x is the block of beacon hash , * is the new block):
* o--x--o---o--o main chain
* |
* \--o--o--* side chain
long unityForkNumber = 2;
ForkUtility forkUtility = new ForkUtility();
IAionBlockchain blockchain = mock(IAionBlockchain.class);
LinkedList<Block> sideChain = mockChain(unityForkNumber, 7, blockchain);
when(blockchain.isMainChain(sideChain.get(2).getHash(), sideChain.get(2).getNumber())).thenReturn(true);
byte[] beaconHash = new byte[32];
System.arraycopy(sideChain.get(4).getHash(), 0, beaconHash, 0, 32);
AionTransaction tx = AionTransaction.createWithoutKey(// nonce - any val
new byte[] { 1 }, new AionAddress(// sender - any val
ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("0xa000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")), new AionAddress(// destination - any val
ByteUtil.hexStringToBytes("0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa")), // value - any val
new byte[] { 1 }, // data - any val
new byte[] {}, // energyLimit - any val
1l, // energyPrice - any val
1l, // type - any val
(byte) 1, // beacon hash
BeaconHashValidator unit = new BeaconHashValidator(blockchain, forkUtility);
assertWithMessage("beacon hash on chain of new block should pass if block_number = unityFork_number").that(unit.validateTxForBlock(tx, sideChain.get(0))).isTrue();
// not doing all the "if new block > unityFork" and "new block < unityFork" cases
// for the side chain test cases because those paths already checked by the
// mainchain tests
use of org.aion.types.AionAddress in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class TokenBridgeContractTest method testTransferRingLocked.
// william test
public void testTransferRingLocked() {
// override defaults
PrecompiledTransactionContext initializationContext = context(OWNER_ADDR, CONTRACT_ADDR);
this.contract = new TokenBridgeContract(initializationContext, ExternalStateForTests.usingRepository(this.repository), OWNER_ADDR, CONTRACT_ADDR);
this.connector = this.contract.getConnector();
ListFVM encodingList = new ListFVM();
for (ECKey k : members) {
encodingList.add(new AddressFVM(k.getAddress()));
// not initializing the ring
// set relayer
byte[] callPayload = new AbiEncoder(BridgeFuncSig.SIG_SET_RELAYER.getSignature(), new AddressFVM(members[0].getAddress())).encodeBytes();
PrecompiledTransactionResult transferResult = this.contract.execute(callPayload, DEFAULT_NRG);
// override defaults
this.repository.addBalance(CONTRACT_ADDR, BigInteger.TEN);
// we create a new token bridge contract here because we
// need to change the execution context
PrecompiledTransactionContext submitBundleContext = context(new AionAddress(members[0].getAddress()), CONTRACT_ADDR);
this.contract = new TokenBridgeContract(submitBundleContext, ExternalStateForTests.usingRepository(this.repository), OWNER_ADDR, CONTRACT_ADDR);
this.connector = this.contract.getConnector();
// assemble the payload
byte[] blockHash = HashUtil.h256("blockHash".getBytes());
BridgeTransfer[] transfers = new BridgeTransfer[5];
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// generate a unique sourceTransactionHash for each transfer
byte[] sourceTransactionHash = HashUtil.h256(Integer.toString(i).getBytes());
transfers[i] = BridgeTransfer.getInstance(BigInteger.ONE, AddressSpecs.computeA0Address(HashUtil.h256(Integer.toHexString(i).getBytes())), sourceTransactionHash);
byte[] payloadHash = BridgeUtilities.computeBundleHash(blockHash, transfers);
// ATB-4, do one assert here to check that transactionHash is not set
assertThat(this.contract.execute(ByteUtil.merge(BridgeFuncSig.PURE_ACTION_MAP.getBytes(), payloadHash), 21000L).getReturnData()).isEqualTo(ByteUtil.EMPTY_WORD);
byte[][] signatures = new byte[members.length][];
int i = 0;
for (ECKey k : members) {
signatures[i] = k.sign(payloadHash).toBytes();
ListFVM sourceTransactionList = new ListFVM();
ListFVM addressList = new ListFVM();
ListFVM uintList = new ListFVM();
for (BridgeTransfer b : transfers) {
sourceTransactionList.add(new AddressFVM(b.getSourceTransactionHash()));
addressList.add(new AddressFVM(b.getRecipient()));
uintList.add(new Uint128FVM(PrecompiledUtilities.pad(b.getTransferValue().toByteArray(), 16)));
ListFVM sigChunk1 = new ListFVM();
ListFVM sigChunk2 = new ListFVM();
ListFVM sigChunk3 = new ListFVM();
for (byte[] sig : signatures) {
sigChunk1.add(new AddressFVM(Arrays.copyOfRange(sig, 0, 32)));
sigChunk2.add(new AddressFVM(Arrays.copyOfRange(sig, 32, 64)));
sigChunk3.add(new AddressFVM(Arrays.copyOfRange(sig, 64, 96)));
callPayload = new AbiEncoder(BridgeFuncSig.SIG_SUBMIT_BUNDLE.getSignature(), new AddressFVM(blockHash), sourceTransactionList, addressList, uintList, sigChunk1, sigChunk2, sigChunk3).encodeBytes();
transferResult = this.contract.execute(callPayload, DEFAULT_NRG);
// VERIFICATION - failure
assertThat(this.contract.execute(ByteUtil.merge(BridgeFuncSig.PURE_ACTION_MAP.getBytes(), payloadHash), 21000L).getReturnData()).isEqualTo(new byte[32]);
assertEquals("FAILURE", transferResult.getStatus().causeOfError);
// check that nothing has been modified from the failed transfer
for (BridgeTransfer b : transfers) {
assertThat(this.repository.getBalance(new AionAddress(b.getRecipient()))).isEqualTo(BigInteger.ZERO);