use of org.aion.types.AionAddress in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class Benchmark method createDummyBlock.
private static MiningBlock createDummyBlock() {
byte[] parentHash = new byte[32];
byte[] coinbase = RandomUtils.nextBytes(AionAddress.LENGTH);
byte[] logsBloom = new byte[0];
byte[] difficulty = new DataWord(0x1000000L).getData();
long number = 1;
long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000;
byte[] extraData = new byte[0];
byte[] nonce = new byte[32];
byte[] receiptsRoot = new byte[32];
byte[] transactionsRoot = new byte[32];
byte[] stateRoot = new byte[32];
List<AionTransaction> transactionsList = Collections.emptyList();
byte[] solutions = new byte[0];
// TODO: set a dummy limit of 5000000 for now
return new MiningBlock(parentHash, new AionAddress(coinbase), logsBloom, difficulty, number, timestamp, extraData, nonce, receiptsRoot, transactionsRoot, stateRoot, transactionsList, solutions, 0, 5000000);
use of org.aion.types.AionAddress in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class Benchmark method signTransactions.
private static List<AionTransaction> signTransactions(int num) {
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
List<AionTransaction> list = new ArrayList<>();
long ownerNonce = repo.getNonce(owner).longValue();
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
byte[] recipient = RandomUtils.nextBytes(AionAddress.LENGTH);
// transfer token to random people
byte[] nonce = BigInteger.valueOf(ownerNonce + i).toByteArray();
AionAddress to = contract;
byte[] value = BigInteger.ZERO.toByteArray();
byte[] data = ByteUtil.merge(Hex.decode("fbb001d6" + "000000000000000000000000"), recipient, BigInteger.ONE.toByteArray());
long nrg = 1_000_000L;
long nrgPrice = 10_000_000_000L;
AionTransaction tx = AionTransaction.create(key, nonce, to, value, data, nrg, nrgPrice, TransactionTypes.DEFAULT, null);
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
timeSignTransactions = t2 - t1;
return list;
use of org.aion.types.AionAddress in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class Benchmark method verifyState.
private static void verifyState() throws VmFatalException {
long ownerNonce = repo.getNonce(owner).longValue();
for (int i = 0; i < recipients.size(); i++) {
byte[] nonce = BigInteger.valueOf(ownerNonce + i).toByteArray();
AionAddress to = contract;
byte[] value = BigInteger.ZERO.toByteArray();
byte[] data = ByteUtil.merge(Hex.decode("70a08231" + "000000000000000000000000"), recipients.get(i));
long nrg = 1_000_000L;
long nrgPrice = 10_000_000_000L;
AionTransaction tx = AionTransaction.create(key, nonce, to, value, data, nrg, nrgPrice, TransactionTypes.DEFAULT, null);
AionTxExecSummary summary = executeTransaction(tx);
assertEquals(1, new DataWord(summary.getReceipt().getTransactionOutput()).longValue());
use of org.aion.types.AionAddress in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class ContractIntegTest method deployContract.
private AionAddress deployContract(RepositoryCache repo, AionTransaction tx, String contractName, String contractFilename, BigInteger value, long nrg, long nrgPrice, BigInteger nonce, boolean addToBlockChain) throws IOException, VmFatalException {
assertEquals(deployerBalance, repo.getBalance(deployer));
assertEquals(deployerNonce, repo.getNonce(deployer));
MiningBlock block = makeBlock(tx);
AionTxExecSummary summary = executeTransaction(tx, block, repo);
if (!summary.getReceipt().getError().equals("")) {
return null;
assertNotEquals(nrg, summary.getNrgUsed().longValue());
AionAddress contract = TxUtil.calculateContractAddress(tx);
if (contractFilename == null) {
checkStateOfNewContract(repo, contractName, contract, summary.getResult(), FastVmResultCode.SUCCESS, value);
} else {
checkStateOfNewContract(repo, contractName, contractFilename, contract, summary.getResult(), FastVmResultCode.SUCCESS, value);
checkStateOfDeployer(repo, summary, nrgPrice, value, nonce);
if (addToBlockChain) {
Pair<ImportResult, AionBlockSummary> result = blockchain.tryToConnectAndFetchSummary(block);
return contract;
use of org.aion.types.AionAddress in project aion by aionnetwork.
the class ContractIntegTest method testFvmConstructorIsCalledOnCodeDeployment.
public void testFvmConstructorIsCalledOnCodeDeployment() throws Exception {
String contractName = "MultiFeatureContract";
byte[] deployCode = ContractUtils.getContractDeployer("MultiFeatureContract.sol", "MultiFeatureContract");
long nrg = 1_000_000;
long nrgPrice = energyPrice;
BigInteger value = BigInteger.ONE;
BigInteger nonce = BigInteger.ZERO;
AionTransaction tx = AionTransaction.create(deployerKey, nonce.toByteArray(), null, value.toByteArray(), deployCode, nrg, nrgPrice, txType, null);
RepositoryCache repo = blockchain.getRepository().startTracking();
nonce = nonce.add(BigInteger.ONE);
AionAddress contract = deployContract(repo, tx, contractName, null, value, nrg, nrgPrice, nonce);
if (txType == TransactionTypes.DEFAULT) {
// Now call the contract and check that the constructor message was set.
String getMsgFunctionHash = "ce6d41de";
tx = AionTransaction.create(deployerKey, nonce.toByteArray(), contract, BigInteger.ZERO.toByteArray(), Hex.decode(getMsgFunctionHash), nrg, nrgPrice, txType, null);
MiningBlock block = makeBlock(tx);
AionTxExecSummary summary = executeTransaction(tx, block, repo);
assertEquals("", summary.getReceipt().getError());
assertNotEquals(nrg, summary.getNrgUsed().longValue());
String expectedMsg = "Im alive!";
assertEquals(expectedMsg, new String(extractOutput(summary.getResult())));
} else if (txType == TransactionTypes.AVM_CREATE_CODE) {