use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.EntityBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class EntityDAO method executeFindByPKQuery.
* This method executes a "findByPK-style" query. Such a query has two characteristics:
* <ol>
* <li>The columns SELECTed by the SQL are all of the columns in the table relevant to the DAO, and only those columns. (e.g., in StudyDAO, the columns
* SELECTed are all of the columns in the study table, and only those columns.)
* <li>It returns at most one EntityBean.
* <ul>
* <li>Typically this means that the WHERE clause includes the columns in a candidate key with "=" criteria.
* <li>e.g., "WHERE item_id = ?" when selecting from item
* <li>e.g., "WHERE item_id = ? AND event_crf_id=?" when selecting from item_data
* </ol>
* Note that queries which join two tables may be included in the definition of "findByPK-style" query, as long as the first criterion is met.
* @param queryName
* The name of the query which should be executed.
* @param variables
* The set of variables used to populate the PreparedStatement; should be empty if none are needed.
* @return The EntityBean selected by the query.
public EntityBean executeFindByPKQuery(String queryName, HashMap variables) {
EntityBean answer = new EntityBean();
String sql = digester.getQuery(queryName);
logMe("query:" + queryName + "variables:" + variables);
ArrayList rows;
if (variables == null || variables.isEmpty()) {
rows =;
} else {
rows =, variables);
Iterator it = rows.iterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {
answer = (EntityBean) this.getEntityFromHashMap((HashMap);
return answer;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.EntityBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class StudyEventDAO method getEventsAndMultipleCRFVersionInformation.
* Using the HashMaps returned from a <code>select</code> call in
* findCRFsByStudy, prepare a HashMap whose keys are study event definitions
* and whose values are ArrayLists of CRF versions included in those
* definitions.
* @param rows
* The HashMaps retured by the <code>select</code> call in
* findCRFsByStudy.
* @return a HashMap whose keys are study event definitions and whose values
* are ArrayLists of CRF versions included in those definitions.
* Both the keys of the HashMap and the elements of the ArrayLists
* are actually EntitBeans.
public HashMap getEventsAndMultipleCRFVersionInformation(ArrayList rows) {
HashMap returnMe = new HashMap();
Iterator it = rows.iterator();
EntityBean event = new EntityBean();
EntityBean crf = new EntityBean();
EntityBean version = new EntityBean();
while (it.hasNext()) {
HashMap answers = (HashMap);
// removed setActive since the setId calls automatically result in
// setActive calls
event = new EntityBean();
event.setName((String) answers.get("sed_name"));
event.setId(((Integer) answers.get("study_event_definition_id")).intValue());
crf = new EntityBean();
crf.setName((String) answers.get("crf_name") + " " + (String) answers.get("ver_name"));
crf.setId(((Integer) answers.get("crf_version_id")).intValue());
ArrayList crfs = new ArrayList();
if (this.findDouble(returnMe, event)) {
// (returnMe.containsKey(event))
// {
// TODO create custom checker, this does not work
// logger.warn("putting a crf into an OLD event: " +
// crf.getName() + " into "
// + event.getName());
// logger.warn("just entered the if statement");
// (ArrayList)
crfs = this.returnDouble(returnMe, event);
// returnMe.get(event);
// logger.warn("just got the array list from the hashmap");
// logger.warn("just added the crf to the array list");
returnMe = this.removeDouble(returnMe, event);
// .remove(event);
// not sure the above will work, tbh
returnMe.put(event, crfs);
} else {
crfs = new ArrayList();
logger.warn("put a crf into a NEW event: " + crf.getName() + " into " + event.getName());
// maybe combine the two crf +
returnMe.put(event, crfs);
// version?
return returnMe;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.EntityBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class StudyEventDAO method getEventAndCRFVersionInformation.
// TODO: decide whether to use getEventsAndMultipleCRFVersionInformation
// instead of this method
public HashMap getEventAndCRFVersionInformation(ArrayList al) {
HashMap returnMe = new HashMap();
Iterator it = al.iterator();
EntityBean event = new EntityBean();
EntityBean crf = new EntityBean();
EntityBean version = new EntityBean();
while (it.hasNext()) {
HashMap answers = (HashMap);
logger.warn("***Study Event Def ID: " + answers.get("study_event_definition_id"));
logger.warn("***CRF ID: " + answers.get("crf_id"));
logger.warn("***CRFVersion ID: " + answers.get("crf_version_id"));
event = new EntityBean();
event.setName((String) answers.get("sed_name"));
event.setId(((Integer) answers.get("study_event_definition_id")).intValue());
crf = new EntityBean();
crf.setName((String) answers.get("crf_name") + " " + (String) answers.get("ver_name"));
crf.setId(((Integer) answers.get("crf_version_id")).intValue());
// maybe combine the two crf + version?
returnMe.put(event, crf);
return returnMe;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.EntityBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class DataEntryServlet method createEventCRF.
* Creates a new Event CRF or update the exsiting one, that is, an event CRF can be created but not item data yet, in this case, still consider it is not
* started(called uncompleted before)
* @param request TODO
* @param fp TODO
* @return
* @throws Exception
private EventCRFBean createEventCRF(HttpServletRequest request, FormProcessor fp) throws InconsistentStateException {
locale = LocaleResolver.getLocale(request);
// < resmessage =
// ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.akaza.openclinica.i18n.page_messages",
// locale);
// < restext =
// ResourceBundle.getBundle("org.akaza.openclinica.i18n.notes",locale);
// <
// resexception=ResourceBundle.getBundle(
// "org.akaza.openclinica.i18n.exceptions",locale);
UserAccountBean ub = (UserAccountBean) request.getSession().getAttribute(USER_BEAN_NAME);
StudyBean currentStudy = (StudyBean) request.getSession().getAttribute("study");
EventCRFBean ecb;
EventCRFDAO ecdao = new EventCRFDAO(getDataSource());
int crfVersionId = fp.getInt(INPUT_CRF_VERSION_ID);
LOGGER.trace("***FOUND*** crfversionid: " + crfVersionId);
int studyEventId = fp.getInt(INPUT_STUDY_EVENT_ID);
int eventDefinitionCRFId = fp.getInt(INPUT_EVENT_DEFINITION_CRF_ID);
int subjectId = fp.getInt(INPUT_SUBJECT_ID);
int eventCRFId = fp.getInt(INPUT_EVENT_CRF_ID);
LOGGER.trace("look specifically wrt event crf id: " + eventCRFId);
LOGGER.trace("Creating event CRF. Study id: " + currentStudy.getId() + "; CRF Version id: " + crfVersionId + "; Study Event id: " + studyEventId + "; Event Definition CRF id: " + eventDefinitionCRFId + "; Subject: " + subjectId);
StudySubjectDAO ssdao = new StudySubjectDAO(getDataSource());
StudySubjectBean ssb = ssdao.findBySubjectIdAndStudy(subjectId, currentStudy);
if (ssb.getId() <= 0) {
LOGGER.trace("throwing ISE with study subject bean id of " + ssb.getId());
// "begin_data_entry_without_event_but_subject"));
throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, resexception.getString("begin_data_entry_without_event_but_subject"));
StudyEventDefinitionDAO seddao = new StudyEventDefinitionDAO(getDataSource());
StudyEventDefinitionBean sedb = seddao.findByEventDefinitionCRFId(eventDefinitionCRFId);
// logger.trace("study event definition:" + sedb.getId());
if (sedb.getId() <= 0) {
addPageMessage(resexception.getString("begin_data_entry_without_event_but_study"), request);
throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, resexception.getString("begin_data_entry_without_event_but_study"));
CRFVersionDAO cvdao = new CRFVersionDAO(getDataSource());
EntityBean eb = cvdao.findByPK(crfVersionId);
if (eb.getId() <= 0) {
throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, resexception.getString("begin_data_entry_without_event_but_CRF"));
StudyEventDAO sedao = new StudyEventDAO(getDataSource());
StudyEventBean sEvent = (StudyEventBean) sedao.findByPK(studyEventId);
StudyBean studyWithSED = currentStudy;
if (currentStudy.getParentStudyId() > 0) {
studyWithSED = new StudyBean();
AuditableEntityBean aeb = sedao.findByPKAndStudy(studyEventId, studyWithSED);
if (aeb.getId() <= 0) {
addPageMessage(resexception.getString("begin_data_entry_without_event_but_especified_event"), request);
throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, resexception.getString("begin_data_entry_without_event_but_especified_event"));
ecb = new EventCRFBean();
if (eventCRFId == 0) {
// no event CRF created yet
ArrayList ecList = ecdao.findByEventSubjectVersion(sEvent, ssb, (CRFVersionBean) eb);
if (ecList.size() > 0) {
ecb = (EventCRFBean) ecList.get(0);
} else {
ecb.setCreatedDate(new Date());
if (currentStudy.getStudyParameterConfig().getInterviewerNameDefault().equals("blank")) {
} else {
// default will be event's owner name
if (!currentStudy.getStudyParameterConfig().getInterviewDateDefault().equals("blank")) {
if (sEvent.getDateStarted() != null) {
// default
// date
} else {
// logger.trace("evnet start date is null, so date
// interviewed is null");
} else {
// logger.trace("date interviewed is
// null,getInterviewDateDefault() is blank");
// ecb.setOwnerId(ub.getId());
// above depreciated, try without it, tbh
ecb = (EventCRFBean) ecdao.create(ecb);
LOGGER.debug("*********CREATED EVENT CRF");
} else {
// there is an event CRF already, only need to update
ecb = (EventCRFBean) ecdao.findByPK(eventCRFId);
ecb.setUpdatedDate(new Date());
ecb = updateECB(sEvent, request);
ecb = (EventCRFBean) ecdao.update(ecb);
if (ecb.getId() <= 0) {
addPageMessage(resexception.getString("new_event_CRF_not_created"), request);
throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, resexception.getString("new_event_CRF_not_created"));
} else {
if (sEvent.getSubjectEventStatus().equals(SubjectEventStatus.SIGNED)) {
sEvent.setUpdatedDate(new Date());
} else {
sEvent.setUpdatedDate(new Date());
return ecb;
use of org.akaza.openclinica.bean.core.EntityBean in project OpenClinica by OpenClinica.
the class TableOfContentsServlet method createEventCRF.
* Creates a new Event CRF or update the exsiting one, that is, an event CRF
* can be created but not item data yet, in this case, still consider it is
* not started(called uncompleted before)
* @return
* @throws Exception
private EventCRFBean createEventCRF() throws Exception {
EventCRFBean ecb;
ecdao = new EventCRFDAO(sm.getDataSource());
int crfVersionId = fp.getInt(INPUT_CRF_VERSION_ID);
int studyEventId = fp.getInt(INPUT_STUDY_EVENT_ID);
int eventDefinitionCRFId = fp.getInt(INPUT_EVENT_DEFINITION_CRF_ID);
int subjectId = fp.getInt(INPUT_SUBJECT_ID);
int eventCRFId = fp.getInt(INPUT_EVENT_CRF_ID);"Creating event CRF within Table of Contents. Study id: " + currentStudy.getId() + "; CRF Version id: " + crfVersionId + "; Study Event id: " + studyEventId + "; Event Definition CRF id: " + eventDefinitionCRFId + "; Subject: " + subjectId);
StudySubjectDAO ssdao = new StudySubjectDAO(sm.getDataSource());
StudySubjectBean ssb = ssdao.findBySubjectIdAndStudy(subjectId, currentStudy);
if (!ssb.isActive()) {
throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, resexception.getString("trying_to_begin_DE1"));
StudyEventDefinitionDAO seddao = new StudyEventDefinitionDAO(sm.getDataSource());
StudyEventDefinitionBean sedb = seddao.findByEventDefinitionCRFId(eventDefinitionCRFId);
if (!ssb.isActive() || !sedb.isActive()) {
throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, resexception.getString("trying_to_begin_DE2"));
CRFVersionDAO cvdao = new CRFVersionDAO(sm.getDataSource());
EntityBean eb = cvdao.findByPK(crfVersionId);
if (!eb.isActive()) {
throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, resexception.getString("trying_to_begin_DE3"));
StudyEventDAO sedao = new StudyEventDAO(sm.getDataSource());
StudyEventBean sEvent = (StudyEventBean) sedao.findByPK(studyEventId);
StudyBean studyWithSED = currentStudy;
if (currentStudy.getParentStudyId() > 0) {
studyWithSED = new StudyBean();
AuditableEntityBean aeb = sedao.findByPKAndStudy(studyEventId, studyWithSED);
if (!aeb.isActive()) {
throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, resexception.getString("trying_to_begin_DE4"));
ecb = new EventCRFBean();
if (eventCRFId == 0) {
// no event CRF created yet
ecb.setCreatedDate(new Date());
if (sEvent.getDateStarted() != null) {
// default date
} else {
ecb = (EventCRFBean) ecdao.create(ecb);"CREATED EVENT CRF");
} else {
// there is an event CRF already, only need to update
ecb = (EventCRFBean) ecdao.findByPK(eventCRFId);
ecb.setUpdatedDate(new Date());
ecb = (EventCRFBean) ecdao.update(ecb);
if (!ecb.isActive()) {
throw new InconsistentStateException(Page.LIST_STUDY_SUBJECTS_SERVLET, resexception.getString("new_event_CRF_not_created_database_error"));
} else {
sEvent.setUpdatedDate(new Date());
return ecb;