use of in project records-management by Alfresco.
the class RMBaseEventProcessor method getRecordFolders.
* Obtains all record folders underneath specified parent if the parent is a category or the parent itself if it is a record folder
* @param parentFolder - the parent folder to retrieve children folders from
* @return all record folders underneath specified parent if the parent is a category or the parent itself if it is a record folder
protected Set<FolderData> getRecordFolders(FolderData parentFolder) {
LinkedHashSet<FolderData> result = new LinkedHashSet<FolderData>();
String context = parentFolder.getContext();
if (RECORD_CATEGORY_CONTEXT.equals(context)) {
List<FolderData> directCategoryChildren = getDirectChildrenByContext(parentFolder, RECORD_CATEGORY_CONTEXT);
if (!directCategoryChildren.isEmpty()) {
for (FolderData childFolder : directCategoryChildren) {
List<FolderData> directRecordFolderChildren = getDirectChildrenByContext(parentFolder, RECORD_FOLDER_CONTEXT);
if (!directRecordFolderChildren.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<FolderData> iterator = directRecordFolderChildren.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
FolderData childFolder =;
if (childFolder.getPath().endsWith("locked") && !isIdValid(childFolder.getId(), RECORD_FOLDER_CONTEXT)) {
} else if (RECORD_FOLDER_CONTEXT.equals(context)) {
if (!parentFolder.getPath().endsWith("locked") || (parentFolder.getPath().endsWith("locked") && isIdValid(parentFolder.getId(), RECORD_FOLDER_CONTEXT))) {
return result;
use of in project records-management by Alfresco.
the class RMBaseEventProcessor method getUnfiledRecordFolders.
* Obtains all unfiled record folders underneath specified parent folder plus the parent folder
* @param parentFolder - the parent folder that we need to get unfiled record folders from
* @return all unfiled record folders underneath specified parent folder plus the parent folder
public Set<FolderData> getUnfiledRecordFolders(FolderData parentFolder) {
LinkedHashSet<FolderData> result = new LinkedHashSet<FolderData>();
int skip = 0;
int limit = 100;
List<FolderData> directChildren = new ArrayList<FolderData>();
List<FolderData> childFolders = fileFolderService.getChildFolders(UNFILED_CONTEXT, parentFolder.getPath(), skip, limit);
while (!childFolders.isEmpty()) {
skip += limit;
childFolders = fileFolderService.getChildFolders(UNFILED_CONTEXT, parentFolder.getPath(), skip, limit);
if (!directChildren.isEmpty()) {
for (FolderData childFolder : directChildren) {
if (!parentFolder.getPath().endsWith("locked") || (parentFolder.getPath().endsWith("locked") && isIdValid(parentFolder.getId(), UNFILED_CONTEXT))) {
return result;
use of in project records-management by Alfresco.
the class RMBaseEventProcessor method createRecordCategoryOrRecordFolder.
* Helper method used for creating in alfresco repo and in mongo DB, root record categories, record categories and record folders from configured path elements.
* @param path - path element
* @return created record folder, or existing record folder, if already created
* @throws Exception
public FolderData createRecordCategoryOrRecordFolder(String path) throws Exception {
// create inexistent elements from configured paths as admin
List<String> pathElements = Arrays.asList(split(path, "/"));
FolderData parentFolder = fileFolderService.getFolder(FILEPLAN_CONTEXT, RECORD_CONTAINER_PATH);
// for(String pathElement: pathElements)
int pathElementsLength = pathElements.size();
// when one path does not exist it must have at least path elements, one for root record category and one for record folder
if (pathElementsLength == 1) {
throw new Exception("At least 2 path elemets needed for creating record folders in which we can create records");
for (int i = 0; i < pathElementsLength; i++) {
String pathElement = pathElements.get(i);
FolderData folder = fileFolderService.getFolder(RECORD_CATEGORY_CONTEXT, parentFolder.getPath() + "/" + pathElement);
if (folder != null) {
parentFolder = folder;
} else {
if (i == 0) {
// create root category
parentFolder = createRootRecordCategoryWithFixedName(parentFolder, pathElement);
} else if (pathElementsLength > 1 && i == (pathElementsLength - 1)) {
// create record folder
parentFolder = createRecordFolderWithFixedName(parentFolder, pathElement);
} else {
// create child category
parentFolder = createRecordCategoryWithFixedName(parentFolder, pathElement);
return parentFolder;
use of in project records-management by Alfresco.
the class RMBaseEventProcessor method initialiseFoldersToExistingStructure.
* Helper method to obtain all folders with specified context.
* @param context - context of the wanted folders
* @return all folders with specified context.
public List<FolderData> initialiseFoldersToExistingStructure(String context) {
List<FolderData> existingFolderStructure = new ArrayList<FolderData>();
int skip = 0;
int limit = 100;
List<FolderData> emptyFolders = fileFolderService.getFoldersByCounts(context, null, null, null, null, null, null, skip, limit);
while (!emptyFolders.isEmpty()) {
skip += limit;
emptyFolders = fileFolderService.getFoldersByCounts(context, null, null, null, null, null, null, skip, limit);
// check for locked folders
Iterator<FolderData> iterator = existingFolderStructure.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
FolderData folder =;
if (folder.getPath().endsWith("locked") && !isIdValid(folder.getId(), context)) {
return existingFolderStructure;
use of in project records-management by Alfresco.
the class RMBaseEventProcessor method createUnfiledRecordFolderWithFixedName.
* Helper method for creating a child unfiled record folder with a specified name.
* @param folder - container that will contain created child unfiled record folder
* @param name - the name that created child unfiled record folder will have
* @return created child unfiled record folder with a specified name
* @throws Exception
public FolderData createUnfiledRecordFolderWithFixedName(FolderData folder, String name) throws Exception {
FolderData createdFolder = null;
String folderPath = folder.getPath();
String newfilePlanComponentTitle = "title: " + name;
// Build unfiled record folder properties
UnfiledContainerChild unfiledRecordFolderChildModel = UnfiledContainerChild.builder().name(name).nodeType(UNFILED_RECORD_FOLDER_TYPE).properties(UnfiledContainerChildProperties.builder().title(newfilePlanComponentTitle).description(EMPTY).build()).build();
UnfiledRecordFolderAPI unfiledRecordFoldersAPI = getRestAPIFactory().getUnfiledRecordFoldersAPI();
UnfiledContainerChild unfiledRecordFolderChild = unfiledRecordFoldersAPI.createUnfiledRecordFolderChild(unfiledRecordFolderChildModel, folder.getId());
String newUnfiledRecordFolderChildId = unfiledRecordFolderChild.getId();
fileFolderService.createNewFolder(newUnfiledRecordFolderChildId, UNFILED_CONTEXT, folderPath + "/" + name);
// Increment counts
fileFolderService.incrementFolderCount(folder.getContext(), folderPath, 1);
createdFolder = fileFolderService.getFolder(newUnfiledRecordFolderChildId);
return createdFolder;