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Example 16 with CustomType

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class TestCustomTypeAspect method testCreateModel_WithAspectsAndTypes_Invalid.

public void testCreateModel_WithAspectsAndTypes_Invalid() throws Exception {
    String modelName = "testModel" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    Pair<String, String> namespacePair = getTestNamespaceUriPrefixPair();
    // Create the model as a Model Administrator
    createCustomModel(modelName, namespacePair, ModelStatus.DRAFT);
    // Add type
        final String typeURL = "cmm/" + modelName + "/types";
        CustomType type = new CustomType();
        type.setDescription("test type Desc");
        // Try to create a model with an invalid type name (null)
        post(typeURL, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 400);
        // Try to create a model with an invalid type name (name contains ':')
        post(typeURL, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 400);
        // Try to create a model with an invalid type name (name is empty)
        post(typeURL, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 400);
        // Try to create a model with an invalid type name (name contains '<')
        post(typeURL, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 400);
    // Add aspect
        final String aspectURL = "cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects";
        CustomAspect aspect = new CustomAspect();
        aspect.setTitle("test aspect title");
        // Try to create a model with an invalid aspect name (null)
        post(aspectURL, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 400);
        // Try to create a model with an invalid aspect name (name contains ':')
        post(aspectURL, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 400);
        // Try to create a model with an invalid aspect name (name is empty)
        post(aspectURL, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 400);
        // Try to create a model with an invalid aspect name (name contains '>')
        post(aspectURL, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 400);
Also used : CustomType( CustomAspect( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 17 with CustomType

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class TestCustomTypeAspect method testCreateAspectsAndTypesWithProperties.

public void testCreateAspectsAndTypesWithProperties() throws Exception {
    String modelName = "testModel" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    Pair<String, String> namespacePair = getTestNamespaceUriPrefixPair();
    // Create the model as a Model Administrator
    createCustomModel(modelName, namespacePair, ModelStatus.DRAFT);
        // Add aspect with property
        String aspectName = "testAspect1" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        CustomAspect aspect = new CustomAspect();
        String aspectPropName = "testAspect1Prop1" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        CustomModelProperty aspectProp = new CustomModelProperty();
        aspectProp.setTitle("property title");
        List<CustomModelProperty> props = new ArrayList<>(1);
        // Create aspect as a Model Administrator
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 201);
        // Retrieve the created aspect
        HttpResponse response = getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", aspect.getName(), 200);
        CustomAspect returnedAspect = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), CustomAspect.class);
        compareCustomTypesAspects(aspect, returnedAspect, "prefixedName", "dataType", "indexTokenisationMode");
        assertEquals(1, returnedAspect.getProperties().size());
        CustomModelProperty customModelProperty = returnedAspect.getProperties().get(0);
        assertEquals(aspectPropName, customModelProperty.getName());
        assertEquals("property title", customModelProperty.getTitle());
        assertEquals(namespacePair.getSecond() + QName.NAMESPACE_PREFIX + aspectPropName, customModelProperty.getPrefixedName());
        assertEquals("Default data type is 'd:text'.", "d:text", customModelProperty.getDataType());
        // Test default indexing options
        assertEquals(Facetable.UNSET, customModelProperty.getFacetable());
        assertEquals(IndexTokenisationMode.TRUE, customModelProperty.getIndexTokenisationMode());
        // Add type with properties
        String typeName = "testType1" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        CustomType type = new CustomType();
        type.setDescription("test type1 Desc");
        type.setTitle("test type1 title");
        String typePropName = "testType1Prop1" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        CustomModelProperty typeProp = new CustomModelProperty();
        // data type without dictionary prefix
        List<CustomModelProperty> props = new ArrayList<>(1);
        // Create type as a Model Administrator
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 400);
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 201);
        // Retrieve the created type
        HttpResponse response = getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", type.getName(), 200);
        CustomType returnedType = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), CustomType.class);
        compareCustomTypesAspects(type, returnedType, "prefixedName", "indexTokenisationMode");
        assertEquals("Shouldn't list the inherited properties from 'cm:content'.", 1, returnedType.getProperties().size());
        CustomModelProperty customModelProperty = returnedType.getProperties().get(0);
        assertEquals(typePropName, customModelProperty.getName());
        assertEquals("d:int", customModelProperty.getDataType());
        assertEquals(namespacePair.getSecond() + QName.NAMESPACE_PREFIX + typePropName, customModelProperty.getPrefixedName());
        // Test default indexing options
        assertEquals(Facetable.UNSET, customModelProperty.getFacetable());
        assertEquals(IndexTokenisationMode.TRUE, customModelProperty.getIndexTokenisationMode());
        // Add more types with the same parent
        // Test to make sure the inherited properties are excluded properly.
        // As without parent’s property exclusion, we won’t be able to
        // create multiple types|aspects with the same parent.
        String typeName2 = "testType2" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        CustomType type2 = new CustomType();
        type2.setDescription("test type2 Desc");
        type2.setTitle("test type2 title");
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type2), 201);
        String typeName3 = "testType3" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        CustomType type3 = new CustomType();
        type3.setDescription("test type3 Desc");
        type3.setTitle("test type3 title");
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type3), 201);
        // Retrieve the created model
        HttpResponse response = getSingle("cmm", modelName, 200);
        CustomModel returnedModel = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), CustomModel.class);
        // Retrieve the created model with its types and aspects
        response = getSingle("cmm", modelName + SELECT_ALL, 200);
        returnedModel = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), CustomModel.class);
        assertEquals(3, returnedModel.getTypes().size());
        assertEquals(1, returnedModel.getAspects().size());
Also used : CustomType( CustomAspect( HttpResponse( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) CustomModelProperty( CustomModel( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 18 with CustomType

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class TestCustomTypeAspect method testDeleteTypeAspect.

public void testDeleteTypeAspect() throws Exception {
    final String modelName = "testDeleteTypeModel" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    Pair<String, String> namespacePair = getTestNamespaceUriPrefixPair();
    // Create the model as a Model Administrator
    createCustomModel(modelName, namespacePair, ModelStatus.DRAFT, null, "Joe Bloggs");
    // Add type
    final String typeName = "testType" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    final String typeNameWithPrefix = namespacePair.getSecond() + QName.NAMESPACE_PREFIX + typeName;
    CustomType type = createTypeAspect(CustomType.class, modelName, typeName, "test type title", "test type Desc", "cm:content");
    // Add aspect
    final String aspectName = "testAspect" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    final String aspectNameWithPrefix = namespacePair.getSecond() + QName.NAMESPACE_PREFIX + aspectName;
    CustomAspect aspect = createTypeAspect(CustomAspect.class, modelName, aspectName, null, null, null);
    // Delete type
        // Try to delete the model's type as a non Admin user
        delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", typeName, 403);
        // Delete the model's type as a Model Administrator
        delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", typeName, 204);
        // Try to retrieve the deleted type
        getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", typeName, 404);
    // Delete Aspect
        // Try to delete the model's aspect as a non Admin user
        delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", aspectName, 403);
        // Delete the model's aspect as a Model Administrator
        delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", aspectName, 204);
        // Try to retrieve the deleted aspect
        getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", aspectName, 404);
    // Create the type again
    post("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 201);
    // Retrieve the created type
    HttpResponse response = getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", type.getName(), 200);
    CustomType returnedType = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), CustomType.class);
    compareCustomTypesAspects(type, returnedType, "prefixedName");
    // Create the aspect again
    post("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 201);
    // Retrieve the created aspect
    response = getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", aspect.getName(), 200);
    CustomAspect returnedAspect = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), CustomAspect.class);
    compareCustomTypesAspects(aspect, returnedAspect, "prefixedName");
    // Update the Type by adding property
    CustomType payload = new CustomType();
    String typePropName = "testType1Prop1" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    CustomModelProperty typeProp = new CustomModelProperty();
    typeProp.setTitle("property title");
    List<CustomModelProperty> props = new ArrayList<>(1);
    put("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", typeName, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(payload), SELECT_PROPS_QS, 200);
    // Activate the model
    CustomModel statusPayload = new CustomModel();
    // Activate the model as a Model Administrator
    put("cmm", modelName, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(statusPayload), SELECT_STATUS_QS, 200);
    // Test for SHA-703
    // Add another type with 'typeName' as its parent
    final String childTypeName = "testChildType" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    createTypeAspect(CustomType.class, modelName, childTypeName, "test child type title", null, typeNameWithPrefix);
    // Add another aspect with 'aspectName' as its parent
    final String childAspectName = "testChildAspect" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    createTypeAspect(CustomAspect.class, modelName, childAspectName, "test child aspect title", null, aspectNameWithPrefix);
    // Delete the model's type as a Model Administrator
    // Cannot delete a type of an active model
    delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", typeName, 409);
    // Delete the model's aspect as a Model Administrator
    // Cannot delete an aspect of an active model
    delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", childAspectName, 409);
    // Deactivate the model
    statusPayload = new CustomModel();
    // Deactivate the model as a Model Administrator
    put("cmm", modelName, RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(statusPayload), SELECT_STATUS_QS, 200);
    // Delete type
        // Try to delete the model's type (parent) as a Model Administrator
        // conflict: childTypeName depends on typeName
        delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", typeName, 409);
        // Delete the child type first
        delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", childTypeName, 204);
        // Try to retrieve the deleted child type
        getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", childTypeName, 404);
        // Now delete the parent type
        delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", typeName, 204);
        // Try to retrieve the deleted parent type
        getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", typeName, 404);
    // Delete Aspect
        // Try to delete the model's aspect (parent) as a Model Administrator
        // conflict: childAspectName depends on aspectName
        delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", aspectName, 409);
        // Delete the child aspect first
        delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", childAspectName, 204);
        // Try to retrieve the deleted child aspect
        getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", childAspectName, 404);
        // Now delete the parent aspect
        delete("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", aspectName, 204);
        // Try to retrieve the deleted parent aspect
        getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", aspectName, 404);
Also used : CustomType( CustomAspect( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HttpResponse( CustomModelProperty( CustomModel( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 19 with CustomType

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class TestCustomTypeAspect method testCreateAspectsAndTypes_ExistingModel.

public void testCreateAspectsAndTypes_ExistingModel() throws Exception {
    String modelName = "testModel" + System.currentTimeMillis();
    Pair<String, String> namespacePair = getTestNamespaceUriPrefixPair();
    // Create the model as a Model Administrator
    createCustomModel(modelName, namespacePair, ModelStatus.DRAFT);
    final String aspectName = "testAspect1" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Add aspect
        CustomAspect aspect = new CustomAspect();
        // Try to create aspect as a non Admin user
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 403);
        // Set the aspect's parent with a type name!
        // Try to create an invalid aspect as a Model Administrator
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 409);
        // Create aspect as a Model Administrator
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 201);
        // Create the aspect again - duplicate name
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 409);
        // Retrieve the created aspect
        HttpResponse response = getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", aspect.getName(), 200);
        CustomAspect returnedAspect = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), CustomAspect.class);
        compareCustomTypesAspects(aspect, returnedAspect, "prefixedName");
        assertEquals(namespacePair.getSecond() + QName.NAMESPACE_PREFIX + aspectName, returnedAspect.getPrefixedName());
    String typeName = "testType" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        // Add type
        CustomType type = new CustomType();
        type.setDescription("test type Desc");
        type.setTitle("test type title");
        // Try to create type as a non Admin user
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 403);
        // Set the type's parent with an aspect name!
        // Try to create an invalid type as a Model Administrator
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 409);
        // Create type as a Model Administrator
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 201);
        // Create the type again - duplicate name
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 409);
        // Retrieve the created type
        HttpResponse response = getSingle("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", type.getName(), 200);
        CustomType returnedType = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), CustomType.class);
        compareCustomTypesAspects(type, returnedType, "prefixedName");
        assertEquals(namespacePair.getSecond() + QName.NAMESPACE_PREFIX + typeName, returnedType.getPrefixedName());
        // for now this is the simplest way to check for the imported namespaces
        CustomModelDefinition modelDef = getModelDefinition(modelName);
        Collection<NamespaceDefinition> importedNamespaces = modelDef.getImportedNamespaces();
        assertTrue(hasNamespaceUri(importedNamespaces, ""));
        assertTrue(hasNamespacePrefix(importedNamespaces, "cm"));
    // Existing name
        // Add aspect
        CustomAspect aspect = new CustomAspect();
        // Set the aspect name with an existing type name. The model
        // cannot have a type and an aspect with the same name.
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/aspects", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(aspect), 409);
        CustomType type = new CustomType();
        // Set the type name with an existing aspect name
        post("cmm/" + modelName + "/types", RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(type), 409);
Also used : CustomType( CustomModelDefinition(org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.CustomModelDefinition) CustomAspect( HttpResponse( Collection(java.util.Collection) Test(org.junit.Test)


CustomType ( CustomAspect ( Test (org.junit.Test)14 HttpResponse ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 CustomModel ( CustomModelProperty ( List (java.util.List)7 CustomModelConstraint ( CustomModelDefinition (org.alfresco.service.cmr.dictionary.CustomModelDefinition)3 CustomModelNamedValue ( Paging ( ConstraintViolatedException ( InvalidArgumentException ( Collection (java.util.Collection)1 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)1 CompiledModel (org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.CompiledModel)1 M2Aspect (org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.M2Aspect)1 M2Constraint (org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.M2Constraint)1 M2Model (org.alfresco.repo.dictionary.M2Model)1