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Example 11 with Node

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class NodesImpl method getFolderOrDocument.

public Node getFolderOrDocument(String nodeId, Parameters parameters) {
    String path = parameters.getParameter(PARAM_RELATIVE_PATH);
    NodeRef nodeRef = validateOrLookupNode(nodeId, path);
    Node node = getFolderOrDocumentFullInfo(nodeRef, null, null, parameters);
    return node;
Also used : NodeRef(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef) Node(

Example 12 with Node

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class NodesImpl method createNode.

public Node createNode(String parentFolderNodeId, Node nodeInfo, Parameters parameters) {
    if (nodeInfo.getNodeRef() != null) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Unexpected id when trying to create a new node: " + nodeInfo.getNodeRef().getId());
    validateAspects(nodeInfo.getAspectNames(), EXCLUDED_NS, EXCLUDED_ASPECTS);
    validateProperties(nodeInfo.getProperties(), EXCLUDED_NS, Arrays.asList());
    // check that requested parent node exists and it's type is a (sub-)type of folder
    NodeRef parentNodeRef = validateOrLookupNode(parentFolderNodeId, null);
    // node name - mandatory
    String nodeName = nodeInfo.getName();
    if ((nodeName == null) || nodeName.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Node name is expected: " + parentNodeRef.getId());
    // node type - check that requested type is a (sub-) type of cm:object
    String nodeType = nodeInfo.getNodeType();
    if ((nodeType == null) || nodeType.isEmpty()) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Node type is expected: " + parentNodeRef.getId() + "," + nodeName);
    QName nodeTypeQName = createQName(nodeType);
    boolean isContent = isSubClass(nodeTypeQName, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT);
    if (!isContent) {
    /* RA-834: commented-out since not currently applicable for empty file
        List<ThumbnailDefinition> thumbnailDefs = null;
        String renditionsParam = parameters.getParameter(PARAM_RENDITIONS);
        if (renditionsParam != null)
            if (!isContent)
                throw new InvalidArgumentException("Renditions ['"+renditionsParam+"'] only apply to content types: "+parentNodeRef.getId()+","+nodeName);

            thumbnailDefs = getThumbnailDefs(renditionsParam);
    Map<QName, Serializable> props = new HashMap<>(1);
    if (nodeInfo.getProperties() != null) {
        // node properties - set any additional properties
        props = mapToNodeProperties(nodeInfo.getProperties());
    // Optionally, lookup by relative path
    String relativePath = nodeInfo.getRelativePath();
    parentNodeRef = getOrCreatePath(parentNodeRef, relativePath);
    // Existing file/folder name handling
    boolean autoRename = Boolean.valueOf(parameters.getParameter(PARAM_AUTO_RENAME));
    if (autoRename && (isContent || isSubClass(nodeTypeQName, ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER))) {
        NodeRef existingNode = nodeService.getChildByName(parentNodeRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, nodeName);
        if (existingNode != null) {
            // File already exists, find a unique name
            nodeName = findUniqueName(parentNodeRef, nodeName);
    QName assocTypeQName = ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS;
    if ((nodeInfo.getAssociation() != null) && (nodeInfo.getAssociation().getAssocType() != null)) {
        assocTypeQName = getAssocType(nodeInfo.getAssociation().getAssocType());
    Boolean versionMajor = null;
    String str = parameters.getParameter(PARAM_VERSION_MAJOR);
    if (str != null) {
        versionMajor = Boolean.valueOf(str);
    String versionComment = parameters.getParameter(PARAM_VERSION_COMMENT);
    // Create the node
    NodeRef nodeRef;
    if (isContent) {
        // create empty file node - note: currently will be set to default encoding only (UTF-8)
        nodeRef = createNewFile(parentNodeRef, nodeName, nodeTypeQName, null, props, assocTypeQName, parameters, versionMajor, versionComment);
    } else {
        // create non-content node
        nodeRef = createNodeImpl(parentNodeRef, nodeName, nodeTypeQName, props, assocTypeQName);
    addCustomAspects(nodeRef, nodeInfo.getAspectNames(), EXCLUDED_ASPECTS);
    processNodePermissions(nodeRef, nodeInfo);
    if (nodeInfo.getTargets() != null) {
        addTargets(nodeRef.getId(), nodeInfo.getTargets());
    if (nodeInfo.getSecondaryChildren() != null) {
        addChildren(nodeRef.getId(), nodeInfo.getSecondaryChildren());
    Node newNode = getFolderOrDocument(nodeRef.getId(), parameters);
    return newNode;
Also used : NodeRef(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef) Serializable( InvalidArgumentException( ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) QName(org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName) Node( FilterPropBoolean(org.alfresco.repo.node.getchildren.FilterPropBoolean)

Example 13 with Node

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class NodesImpl method getFolderOrDocument.

public Node getFolderOrDocument(final NodeRef nodeRef, NodeRef parentNodeRef, QName nodeTypeQName, List<String> includeParam, Map<String, UserInfo> mapUserInfo) {
    if (mapUserInfo == null) {
        mapUserInfo = new HashMap<>(2);
    if (includeParam == null) {
        includeParam = Collections.emptyList();
    Node node;
    Map<QName, Serializable> properties = nodeService.getProperties(nodeRef);
    PathInfo pathInfo = null;
    if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_PATH)) {
        ChildAssociationRef archivedParentAssoc = (ChildAssociationRef) properties.get(ContentModel.PROP_ARCHIVED_ORIGINAL_PARENT_ASSOC);
        pathInfo = lookupPathInfo(nodeRef, archivedParentAssoc);
    if (nodeTypeQName == null) {
        nodeTypeQName = getNodeType(nodeRef);
    if (parentNodeRef == null) {
        parentNodeRef = getParentNodeRef(nodeRef);
    Type type = getType(nodeTypeQName, nodeRef);
    if (type == null) {
        // not direct folder (or file) ...
        // might be sub-type of cm:cmobject (or a cm:link pointing to cm:cmobject or possibly even another cm:link)
        node = new Node(nodeRef, parentNodeRef, properties, mapUserInfo, sr);
    } else if (type.equals(Type.DOCUMENT)) {
        node = new Document(nodeRef, parentNodeRef, properties, mapUserInfo, sr);
    } else if (type.equals(Type.FOLDER)) {
        node = new Folder(nodeRef, parentNodeRef, properties, mapUserInfo, sr);
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected - should not reach here: " + type);
    if (includeParam.size() > 0) {
        node.setProperties(mapFromNodeProperties(properties, includeParam, mapUserInfo, EXCLUDED_NS, EXCLUDED_PROPS));
    Set<QName> aspects = null;
    if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_ASPECTNAMES)) {
        aspects = nodeService.getAspects(nodeRef);
        node.setAspectNames(mapFromNodeAspects(aspects, EXCLUDED_NS, EXCLUDED_ASPECTS));
    if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_ISLINK)) {
        boolean isLink = isSubClass(nodeTypeQName, ContentModel.TYPE_LINK);
    if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_ISLOCKED)) {
        boolean isLocked = isLocked(nodeRef, aspects);
    if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_ISFAVORITE)) {
        boolean isFavorite = isFavorite(nodeRef);
    if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_ALLOWABLEOPERATIONS)) {
        // note: refactor when requirements change
        Map<String, String> mapPermsToOps = new HashMap<>(3);
        mapPermsToOps.put(PermissionService.DELETE, OP_DELETE);
        mapPermsToOps.put(PermissionService.ADD_CHILDREN, OP_CREATE);
        mapPermsToOps.put(PermissionService.WRITE, OP_UPDATE);
        mapPermsToOps.put(PermissionService.CHANGE_PERMISSIONS, OP_UPDATE_PERMISSIONS);
        List<String> allowableOperations = new ArrayList<>(3);
        for (Entry<String, String> kv : mapPermsToOps.entrySet()) {
            String perm = kv.getKey();
            String op = kv.getValue();
            if (perm.equals(PermissionService.ADD_CHILDREN) && Type.DOCUMENT.equals(type)) {
                // special case: do not return "create" (as an allowable op) for file/content types - note: 'type' can be null
            } else if (perm.equals(PermissionService.DELETE) && (isSpecialNode(nodeRef, nodeTypeQName))) {
                // special case: do not return "delete" (as an allowable op) for specific system nodes
            } else if (permissionService.hasPermission(nodeRef, perm) == AccessStatus.ALLOWED) {
        node.setAllowableOperations((allowableOperations.size() > 0) ? allowableOperations : null);
    if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_PERMISSIONS)) {
        Boolean inherit = permissionService.getInheritParentPermissions(nodeRef);
        List<NodePermissions.NodePermission> inheritedPerms = new ArrayList<>(5);
        List<NodePermissions.NodePermission> setDirectlyPerms = new ArrayList<>(5);
        Set<String> settablePerms = null;
        boolean allowRetrievePermission = true;
        try {
            for (AccessPermission accessPerm : permissionService.getAllSetPermissions(nodeRef)) {
                NodePermissions.NodePermission nodePerm = new NodePermissions.NodePermission(accessPerm.getAuthority(), accessPerm.getPermission(), accessPerm.getAccessStatus().toString());
                if (accessPerm.isSetDirectly()) {
                } else {
            settablePerms = permissionService.getSettablePermissions(nodeRef);
        } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
            // ignore - ie. denied access to retrieve permissions, eg. non-admin on root (Company Home)
            allowRetrievePermission = false;
        // returned only node info that he's allowed to see
        if (allowRetrievePermission) {
            NodePermissions nodePerms = new NodePermissions(inherit, inheritedPerms, setDirectlyPerms, settablePerms);
    if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_ASSOCIATION)) {
        // Ugh ... can we optimise this and return the actual assoc directly (via FileFolderService/GetChildrenCQ) ?
        ChildAssociationRef parentAssocRef = nodeService.getPrimaryParent(nodeRef);
        // note: parentAssocRef.parentRef can be null for -root- node !
        if ((parentAssocRef == null) || (parentAssocRef.getParentRef() == null) || (!parentAssocRef.getParentRef().equals(parentNodeRef))) {
            List<ChildAssociationRef> parentAssocRefs = nodeService.getParentAssocs(nodeRef);
            for (ChildAssociationRef pAssocRef : parentAssocRefs) {
                if (pAssocRef.getParentRef().equals(parentNodeRef)) {
                    // for now, assume same parent/child cannot appear more than once (due to unique name)
                    parentAssocRef = pAssocRef;
        if (parentAssocRef != null) {
            QName assocTypeQName = parentAssocRef.getTypeQName();
            if ((assocTypeQName != null) && (!EXCLUDED_NS.contains(assocTypeQName.getNamespaceURI()))) {
                AssocChild childAssoc = new AssocChild(assocTypeQName.toPrefixString(namespaceService), parentAssocRef.isPrimary());
    if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_DEFINITION)) {
        NodeDefinition nodeDefinition = nodeDefinitionMapper.fromTypeDefinition(getTypeDefinition(nodeRef), dictionaryService);
    return node;
Also used : Serializable( AccessDeniedException( NodePermissions( ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Node( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) AssocChild( NodeDefinition( Document( Folder( FilterPropBoolean(org.alfresco.repo.node.getchildren.FilterPropBoolean) QName(org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName) AccessPermission( ChildAssociationRef(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ChildAssociationRef) VersionType(org.alfresco.service.cmr.version.VersionType) ActivityType(org.alfresco.repo.activities.ActivityType) PathInfo(

Example 14 with Node

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class NodesImpl method upload.

public Node upload(String parentFolderNodeId, FormData formData, Parameters parameters) {
    if (formData == null || !formData.getIsMultiPart()) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("The request content-type is not multipart: " + parentFolderNodeId);
    NodeRef parentNodeRef = validateOrLookupNode(parentFolderNodeId, null);
    if (!nodeMatches(parentNodeRef, Collections.singleton(ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER), null, false)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("NodeId of folder is expected: " + parentNodeRef.getId());
    String fileName = null;
    Content content = null;
    boolean autoRename = false;
    QName nodeTypeQName = ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT;
    // If a fileName clashes for a versionable file
    boolean overwrite = false;
    Boolean versionMajor = null;
    String versionComment = null;
    String relativePath = null;
    String renditionNames = null;
    Map<String, Object> qnameStrProps = new HashMap<>();
    Map<QName, Serializable> properties = null;
    Map<String, String[]> formDataParameters = formData.getParameters();
    for (FormData.FormField field : formData.getFields()) {
        switch(field.getName().toLowerCase()) {
            case "name":
                String str = getStringOrNull(field.getValue());
                if ((str != null) && (!str.isEmpty())) {
                    fileName = str;
            case "filedata":
                if (field.getIsFile()) {
                    fileName = (fileName != null ? fileName : field.getFilename());
                    content = field.getContent();
            case "autorename":
                autoRename = Boolean.valueOf(field.getValue());
            case "nodetype":
                nodeTypeQName = createQName(getStringOrNull(field.getValue()));
                if (!isSubClass(nodeTypeQName, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT)) {
                    throw new InvalidArgumentException("Can only upload type of cm:content: " + nodeTypeQName);
            case "overwrite":
                overwrite = Boolean.valueOf(field.getValue());
            case "majorversion":
                versionMajor = Boolean.valueOf(field.getValue());
            case "comment":
                versionComment = getStringOrNull(field.getValue());
            case "relativepath":
                relativePath = getStringOrNull(field.getValue());
            case "renditions":
                renditionNames = getStringOrNull(field.getValue());
                    final String propName = field.getName();
                    if (propName.indexOf(QName.NAMESPACE_PREFIX) > -1 && !qnameStrProps.containsKey(propName)) {
                        String[] fieldValue = formDataParameters.get(propName);
                        if (fieldValue.length > 1) {
                            qnameStrProps.put(propName, Arrays.asList(fieldValue));
                        } else {
                            qnameStrProps.put(propName, fieldValue[0]);
    // destination, or site + container or updateNodeRef
    if ((fileName == null) || fileName.isEmpty() || (content == null)) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Required parameters are missing");
    if (autoRename && overwrite) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Both 'overwrite' and 'autoRename' should not be true when uploading a file");
    // if requested, make (get or create) path
    parentNodeRef = getOrCreatePath(parentNodeRef, relativePath);
    final QName assocTypeQName = ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS;
    final Set<String> renditions = getRequestedRenditions(renditionNames);
    validateProperties(qnameStrProps, EXCLUDED_NS, Arrays.asList());
    try {
        // Map the given properties, if any.
        if (qnameStrProps.size() > 0) {
            properties = mapToNodeProperties(qnameStrProps);
             * Existing file handling
        NodeRef existingFile = nodeService.getChildByName(parentNodeRef, assocTypeQName, fileName);
        if (existingFile != null) {
            // File already exists, decide what to do
            if (autoRename) {
                // attempt to find a unique name
                fileName = findUniqueName(parentNodeRef, fileName);
            // drop-through !
            } else if (overwrite && nodeService.hasAspect(existingFile, ContentModel.ASPECT_VERSIONABLE)) {
                // overwrite existing (versionable) file
                BasicContentInfo contentInfo = new ContentInfoImpl(content.getMimetype(), content.getEncoding(), -1, null);
                return updateExistingFile(parentNodeRef, existingFile, fileName, contentInfo, content.getInputStream(), parameters, versionMajor, versionComment);
            } else {
                // name clash (and no autoRename or overwrite)
                throw new ConstraintViolatedException(fileName + " already exists.");
        // Note: pending REPO-159, we currently auto-enable versioning on new upload (but not when creating empty file)
        if (versionMajor == null) {
            versionMajor = true;
        // Create a new file.
        NodeRef nodeRef = createNewFile(parentNodeRef, fileName, nodeTypeQName, content, properties, assocTypeQName, parameters, versionMajor, versionComment);
        // Create the response
        final Node fileNode = getFolderOrDocumentFullInfo(nodeRef, parentNodeRef, nodeTypeQName, parameters);
        requestRenditions(renditions, fileNode);
        return fileNode;
    // Do not clean formData temp files to allow for retries.
    // Temp files will be deleted later when GC call DiskFileItem#finalize() method or by temp file cleaner.
    } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) {
        throw new PermissionDeniedException(ade.getMessage());
         * NOTE: Do not clean formData temp files to allow for retries. It's
         * possible for a temp file to remain if max retry attempts are
         * made, but this is rare, so leave to usual temp file cleanup.
Also used : FormData(org.springframework.extensions.webscripts.servlet.FormData) Serializable( AccessDeniedException( ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) QName(org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName) Node( ConstraintViolatedException( NodeRef(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef) InvalidArgumentException( Content( ContentInfoImpl( BasicContentInfo( PermissionDeniedException( FilterPropBoolean(org.alfresco.repo.node.getchildren.FilterPropBoolean)

Example 15 with Node

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class QuickShareLinksImpl method getQuickShareInfo.

private QuickShareLink getQuickShareInfo(NodeRef nodeRef, Map<String, Object> map, boolean noAuth, List<String> includeParam) {
    String sharedId = (String) map.get("sharedId");
    try {
        Map<QName, Serializable> nodeProps = nodeService.getProperties(nodeRef);
        ContentData cd = (ContentData) nodeProps.get(ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT);
        String mimeType = cd.getMimetype();
        String mimeTypeName = mimeTypeService.getDisplaysByMimetype().get(mimeType);
        ContentInfo contentInfo = new ContentInfo(mimeType, mimeTypeName, cd.getSize(), cd.getEncoding());
        Map<String, UserInfo> mapUserInfo = new HashMap<>(2);
        // note: if noAuth mode then don't return userids (to limit disclosure and be consistent with v0 internal)
        boolean displayNameOnly = noAuth;
        UserInfo modifiedByUser = Node.lookupUserInfo((String) nodeProps.get(ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIER), mapUserInfo, personService, displayNameOnly);
        // TODO review - should we return sharedByUser for authenticated users only ?? (not exposed by V0 but needed for "find")
        String sharedByUserId = (String) nodeProps.get(QuickShareModel.PROP_QSHARE_SHAREDBY);
        UserInfo sharedByUser = Node.lookupUserInfo(sharedByUserId, mapUserInfo, personService, displayNameOnly);
        QuickShareLink qs = new QuickShareLink(sharedId, nodeRef.getId());
        qs.setName((String) map.get("name"));
        qs.setTitle((String) map.get("title"));
        qs.setDescription((String) map.get("description"));
        qs.setModifiedAt((Date) map.get("modified"));
        qs.setExpiresAt((Date) map.get("expiryDate"));
        // note: if noAuth mode then do not return allowable operations (eg. but can be optionally returned when finding shared links)
        if (!noAuth) {
            // Cached document
            Node doc = null;
            if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_ALLOWABLEOPERATIONS)) {
                if (quickShareService.canDeleteSharedLink(nodeRef, sharedByUserId)) {
                    // the allowable operations for the shared link
                doc = getNode(nodeRef, includeParam, mapUserInfo);
                List<String> allowableOps = doc.getAllowableOperations();
                // the allowable operations for the actual file being shared
            // in noAuth mode we don't return the path info
            if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_PATH)) {
                qs.setPath(nodes.lookupPathInfo(nodeRef, null));
            if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_PROPERTIES)) {
                if (doc == null) {
                    doc = getNode(nodeRef, includeParam, mapUserInfo);
                // Create a map from node properties excluding properties already in this QuickShareLink
                Map<String, Object> filteredNodeProperties = filterProps(doc.getProperties(), EXCLUDED_PROPS);
            if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_ISFAVORITE)) {
                if (doc == null) {
                    doc = getNode(nodeRef, includeParam, mapUserInfo);
            if (includeParam.contains(PARAM_INCLUDE_ASPECTNAMES)) {
                if (doc == null) {
                    doc = getNode(nodeRef, includeParam, mapUserInfo);
        return qs;
    } catch (InvalidSharedIdException ex) {
        logger.warn("Unable to find: " + sharedId);
        throw new EntityNotFoundException(sharedId);
    } catch (InvalidNodeRefException inre) {
        logger.warn("Unable to find: " + sharedId + " [" + inre.getNodeRef() + "]");
        throw new EntityNotFoundException(sharedId);
Also used : Serializable( InvalidSharedIdException(org.alfresco.service.cmr.quickshare.InvalidSharedIdException) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) QName(org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName) Node( UserInfo( EntityNotFoundException( ContentData(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ContentData) ContentInfo( InvalidNodeRefException(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.InvalidNodeRefException) QuickShareLink(


Node ( NodeRef (org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef)14 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)12 QName (org.alfresco.service.namespace.QName)10 Serializable ( UserInfo ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)4 EntityNotFoundException ( ChildAssociationRef (org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.ChildAssociationRef)4 FilterPropBoolean (org.alfresco.repo.node.getchildren.FilterPropBoolean)3 SearchRequestContext ( WebApiDescription ( InvalidArgumentException ( Version (org.alfresco.service.cmr.version.Version)3 List (java.util.List)2 Map (java.util.Map)2 PagingRequest (org.alfresco.query.PagingRequest)2 EmptyResultSet ( SolrJSONResultSet (