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Example 16 with Sites

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class TestPersonSites method getSiteMembershipsForPersonAndNetwork.

 * Retrieves the site memberships associated to a user.
 * @param paging
 *            The paging object
 * @param params
 *            Public api parameters map.
 * @param person
 *            The test person.
 * @param network
 *            The test network.
 * @return The site memberships associated to the give user.
 * @throws Exception
private ListResponse<MemberOfSite> getSiteMembershipsForPersonAndNetwork(final Paging paging, Map<String, String> params, TestPerson person, TestNetwork network, boolean runAsUserTenant) throws Exception {
    final Sites sitesProxy = publicApiClient.sites();
    publicApiClient.setRequestContext(new RequestContext(network.getId(), person.getId()));
    ListResponse<MemberOfSite> resp;
    if (runAsUserTenant) {
        // get memberships
        resp = TenantUtil.runAsUserTenant(new TenantRunAsWork<ListResponse<MemberOfSite>>() {

            public ListResponse<MemberOfSite> doWork() throws Exception {
                ListResponse<MemberOfSite> resp = sitesProxy.getPersonSites(person.getId(), createParams(paging, params));
                return resp;
        }, person.getId(), network.getId());
    } else {
        resp = sitesProxy.getPersonSites(person.getId(), createParams(paging, params));
    return resp;
Also used : TenantRunAsWork(org.alfresco.repo.tenant.TenantUtil.TenantRunAsWork) MemberOfSite( RequestContext( Sites(

Example 17 with Sites

use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.

the class TestSites method testGetSiteAndListSites.

public void testGetSiteAndListSites() throws Exception {
    Sites sitesProxy = publicApiClient.sites();
    // create & get sites (as person 2)
        publicApiClient.setRequestContext(new RequestContext(network1.getId(), person2Id));
        String siteTitle = "site 1 " + System.currentTimeMillis();
        Site site = new SiteImpl(siteTitle, SiteVisibility.PRIVATE.toString());
        site1 = sitesProxy.createSite(site);
        Site ret = sitesProxy.getSite(site1.getSiteId());
        siteTitle = "site 2 " + System.currentTimeMillis();
        site = new SiteImpl(siteTitle, SiteVisibility.PUBLIC.toString());
        site2 = sitesProxy.createSite(site);
        ret = sitesProxy.getSite(site2.getSiteId());
        siteTitle = "site 3 " + System.currentTimeMillis();
        site = new SiteImpl(siteTitle, SiteVisibility.MODERATED.toString());
        site3 = sitesProxy.createSite(site);
        ret = sitesProxy.getSite(site3.getSiteId());
    List<TestSite> expectedSites = TenantUtil.runAsUserTenant(new TenantRunAsWork<List<TestSite>>() {

        public List<TestSite> doWork() throws Exception {
            List<TestSite> sites = network1.getSites(person1Id);
            return sites;
    }, person1Id, network1.getId());
        publicApiClient.setRequestContext(new RequestContext(network1.getId(), person1Id));
        int skipCount = 0;
        int maxItems = 2;
        Paging paging = getPaging(skipCount, maxItems, expectedSites.size(), expectedSites.size());
        ListResponse<Site> resp = sitesProxy.getSites(createParams(paging, null));
        checkList(expectedSites.subList(skipCount, skipCount + paging.getExpectedPaging().getCount()), paging.getExpectedPaging(), resp);
        publicApiClient.setRequestContext(new RequestContext(network1.getId(), person1Id));
        int skipCount = 2;
        int maxItems = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        Paging paging = getPaging(skipCount, maxItems, expectedSites.size(), expectedSites.size());
        ListResponse<Site> resp = sitesProxy.getSites(createParams(paging, null));
        checkList(expectedSites.subList(skipCount, skipCount + paging.getExpectedPaging().getCount()), paging.getExpectedPaging(), resp);
Also used : TestSite( ListResponse( TestSite( Paging( PublicApiException( Sites( RequestContext( Test(org.junit.Test)


Sites ( TestSite ( Test (org.junit.Test)11 PublicApiException ( RequestContext ( ListResponse ( TenantRunAsWork (org.alfresco.repo.tenant.TenantUtil.TenantRunAsWork)5 Paging ( MemberOfSite ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 SiteGroup ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)3 TestNetwork ( List (java.util.List)2 TestPerson ( HttpResponse ( PublicApiClient ( JSONObject (org.json.simple.JSONObject)2 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)1