use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class QueriesNodesApiTest method testLiveSearchNodes_SortPage.
public void testLiveSearchNodes_SortPage() throws Exception {
int f1Count = 5;
List<String> f1NodeIds = new ArrayList<>(f1Count);
int f2Count = 3;
List<String> f2NodeIds = new ArrayList<>(f2Count);
int totalCount = f1Count + f2Count;
List<String> allIds = new ArrayList<>(totalCount);
String testTerm = "def456sortpage";
try {
// As user 1 ...
Paging paging = getPaging(0, 100);
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(1);
params.put(Queries.PARAM_TERM, testTerm);
String myFolderNodeId = getMyNodeId();
String f1Id = createFolder(myFolderNodeId, "folder sort 1").getId();
String f2Id = createFolder(myFolderNodeId, "folder sort 2").getId();
String name = "name";
Map<String, String> idNameMap = new HashMap<>();
int nameIdx = f1Count;
for (int i = 1; i <= f1Count; i++) {
// create doc - in folder 1
String contentText = "f1 " + testTerm + " test document " + user1 + " document " + i;
String num = String.format("%05d", nameIdx);
String docName = name + num + name + ".txt";
Document doc = createTextFile(f1Id, docName, contentText, "UTF-8", null);
idNameMap.put(doc.getId(), docName);
nameIdx = f2Count;
for (int i = 1; i <= f2Count; i++) {
// create doc - in folder 2
String contentText = "f2 " + testTerm + " test document";
String num = String.format("%05d", nameIdx);
String docName = name + num + name + ".txt";
Document doc = createTextFile(f2Id, docName, contentText, "UTF-8", null);
idNameMap.put(doc.getId(), docName);
List<String> idsSortedByNameAsc = new ArrayList<>(sortByValue(idNameMap).keySet());
List<String> idsSortedByNameDescCreatedAtAsc = new ArrayList<>(totalCount);
for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; i++) {
if (i < f1Count) {
if (i < f2Count) {
// test sort order
// default sort order (modifiedAt desc)
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, null, paging, 200, false, true, allIds);
// sort order - modifiedAt asc
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, "modifiedAt asc", paging, 200, false, true, allIds);
// sort order - modifiedAt desc
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, "modifiedAt desc", paging, 200, true, true, allIds);
// sort order - createdAt asc
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, "createdAt asc", paging, 200, true, true, allIds);
// sort order - createdAt desc
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, "createdAt desc", paging, 200, false, true, allIds);
// sort order - name asc
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, "name asc", paging, 200, true, true, idsSortedByNameAsc);
// sort order - name desc
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, "name desc", paging, 200, false, true, idsSortedByNameAsc);
// sort order - name desc, createdAt asc
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, "name desc, createdAt asc", paging, 200, false, true, idsSortedByNameDescCreatedAtAsc);
// sort order - name asc, createdAt asc
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, "name asc, createdAt desc", paging, 200, true, true, idsSortedByNameDescCreatedAtAsc);
// basic paging test
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, null, getPaging(0, 100), 200, false, true, allIds);
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, null, getPaging(0, f1Count), 200, false, true, f1NodeIds);
checkApiCall(null, DEAFULT_QUERY, testTerm, null, null, null, null, getPaging(f1Count, f2Count), 200, false, true, f2NodeIds);
// TODO sanity check modifiedAt (for now modifiedAt=createdAt)
// -ve test - invalid sort field
params = new HashMap<>(2);
params.put(Queries.PARAM_TERM, testTerm);
params.put(Queries.PARAM_ORDERBY, "invalid asc");
getAll(URL_QUERIES_LSN, paging, params, 400);
// -ve test - unauthenticated - belts-and-braces ;-)
getAll(URL_QUERIES_LSN, paging, params, 401);
} finally {
// some cleanup
for (String docId : allIds) {
deleteNode(docId, true, 204);
use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class RenditionsTest method testCreateRenditionForNewVersion.
* Tests create rendition after uploading new version(s)
public void testCreateRenditionForNewVersion() throws Exception {
String PROP_LTM = "cm:lastThumbnailModification";
String RENDITION_NAME = "imgpreview";
String userId = userOneN1.getId();
setRequestContext(networkN1.getId(), userOneN1.getId(), null);
// Create a folder within the site document's library
String folderName = "folder" + System.currentTimeMillis();
String folder_Id = addToDocumentLibrary(userOneN1Site, folderName, TYPE_CM_FOLDER, userId);
// Create multipart request - pdf file
String fileName = "quick.pdf";
File file = getResourceFile(fileName);
MultiPartRequest reqBody = MultiPartBuilder.create().setFileData(new FileData(fileName, file)).build();
Map<String, String> params = Collections.singletonMap("include", "properties");
// Upload quick.pdf file into 'folder' - do not include request to create 'doclib' thumbnail
HttpResponse response = post(getNodeChildrenUrl(folder_Id), reqBody.getBody(), params, null, "alfresco", reqBody.getContentType(), 201);
Document document1 = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
String contentNodeId = document1.getId();
// pause briefly
// Get rendition (not created yet) information for node
response = getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), RENDITION_NAME, 200);
Rendition rendition = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Rendition.class);
assertEquals(RenditionStatus.NOT_CREATED, rendition.getStatus());
params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("placeholder", "false");
getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), (RENDITION_NAME + "/content"), params, 404);
// TODO add test to request creation of rendition as another user (that has read-only access on the content, not write)
// Create and get 'imgpreview' rendition
rendition = createAndGetRendition(contentNodeId, RENDITION_NAME);
assertEquals(RenditionStatus.CREATED, rendition.getStatus());
ContentInfo contentInfo = rendition.getContent();
assertEquals(MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_IMAGE_JPEG, contentInfo.getMimeType());
assertEquals("JPEG Image", contentInfo.getMimeTypeName());
assertTrue(contentInfo.getSizeInBytes() > 0);
params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("placeholder", "false");
response = getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), (RENDITION_NAME + "/content"), params, 200);
byte[] renditionBytes1 = response.getResponseAsBytes();
// check node details ...
params = Collections.singletonMap("include", "properties");
response = getSingle(NodesEntityResource.class, contentNodeId, params, 200);
Document document1b = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
assertEquals(document1b.getModifiedAt(), document1.getModifiedAt());
assertEquals(document1b.getModifiedByUser().getId(), document1.getModifiedByUser().getId());
assertEquals(document1b.getModifiedByUser().getDisplayName(), document1.getModifiedByUser().getDisplayName());
assertNotEquals(document1b.getProperties().get(PROP_LTM), document1.getProperties().get(PROP_LTM));
// upload another version of "quick.pdf" and check again
fileName = "quick-2.pdf";
file = getResourceFile(fileName);
reqBody = MultiPartBuilder.create().setFileData(new FileData("quick.pdf", file)).setOverwrite(true).build();
response = post(getNodeChildrenUrl(folder_Id), reqBody.getBody(), null, null, "alfresco", reqBody.getContentType(), 201);
Document document2 = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
assertEquals(contentNodeId, document2.getId());
// wait to allow new version of the rendition to be created ...
Thread.sleep(DELAY_IN_MS * 4);
params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("placeholder", "false");
response = getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), (RENDITION_NAME + "/content"), params, 200);
// check rendition binary has changed
assertNotEquals(renditionBytes1, response.getResponseAsBytes());
// check node details ...
params = Collections.singletonMap("include", "properties");
response = getSingle(NodesEntityResource.class, contentNodeId, params, 200);
Document document2b = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
assertEquals(document2b.getModifiedByUser().getId(), document1.getModifiedByUser().getId());
assertEquals(document2b.getModifiedByUser().getDisplayName(), document1.getModifiedByUser().getDisplayName());
// check last thumbnail modification property has changed ! (REPO-1644)
assertNotEquals(document2b.getProperties().get(PROP_LTM), document1b.getProperties().get(PROP_LTM));
use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class RenditionsTest method testDownloadRendition.
* Tests download rendition.
* <p>GET:</p>
* {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/<nodeId>/renditions/<renditionId>/content}
public void testDownloadRendition() throws Exception {
setRequestContext(networkN1.getId(), userOneN1.getId(), null);
// Create a folder within the site document's library
String folderName = "folder" + System.currentTimeMillis();
String folder_Id = addToDocumentLibrary(userOneN1Site, folderName, TYPE_CM_FOLDER, userOneN1.getId());
// Create multipart request
String fileName = "quick.pdf";
File file = getResourceFile(fileName);
MultiPartBuilder multiPartBuilder = MultiPartBuilder.create().setFileData(new FileData(fileName, file));
MultiPartRequest reqBody =;
// Upload quick.pdf file into 'folder'
HttpResponse response = post(getNodeChildrenUrl(folder_Id), reqBody.getBody(), null, reqBody.getContentType(), 201);
Document document = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
String contentNodeId = document.getId();
// pause briefly
// Get rendition (not created yet) information for node
response = getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), "doclib", 200);
Rendition rendition = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Rendition.class);
assertEquals(RenditionStatus.NOT_CREATED, rendition.getStatus());
// Download placeholder - by default with Content-Disposition header
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("placeholder", "true");
response = getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), ("doclib/content"), params, 200);
Map<String, String> responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
String contentDisposition = responseHeaders.get("Content-Disposition");
String contentType = responseHeaders.get("Content-Type");
// Download placeholder - without Content-Disposition header (attachment=false)
params.put("attachment", "false");
response = getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), ("doclib/content"), params, 200);
responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
String cacheControl = responseHeaders.get("Cache-Control");
contentType = responseHeaders.get("Content-Type");
// Test 304 response - placeholder=true&attachment=false
String lastModifiedHeader = responseHeaders.get(LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER);
Map<String, String> headers = Collections.singletonMap(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_HEADER, lastModifiedHeader);
// Currently the placeholder file is not cached.
// As the placeholder is not a NodeRef, so we can't get the ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIED date.
getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), "doclib/content", params, headers, 200);
// Create and get 'doclib' rendition
rendition = createAndGetRendition(contentNodeId, "doclib");
assertEquals(RenditionStatus.CREATED, rendition.getStatus());
// Download rendition - by default with Content-Disposition header
response = getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), "doclib/content", 200);
responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
contentDisposition = responseHeaders.get("Content-Disposition");
contentType = responseHeaders.get("Content-Type");
// Download rendition - without Content-Disposition header (attachment=false)
params = Collections.singletonMap("attachment", "false");
response = getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), "doclib/content", params, 200);
responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
contentType = responseHeaders.get("Content-Type");
// Download rendition - with Content-Disposition header (attachment=true) same as default
params = Collections.singletonMap("attachment", "true");
response = getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), "doclib/content", params, 200);
responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
// Check the cache settings which have been set in the RenditionsImpl#getContent()
cacheControl = responseHeaders.get("Cache-Control");
contentDisposition = responseHeaders.get("Content-Disposition");
contentType = responseHeaders.get("Content-Type");
// Test 304 response - doclib rendition (attachment=true)
lastModifiedHeader = responseHeaders.get(LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER);
headers = Collections.singletonMap(IF_MODIFIED_SINCE_HEADER, lastModifiedHeader);
getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), "doclib/content", params, headers, 304);
// Here we want to overwrite/update the existing content in order to force a new rendition creation,
// so the ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIED date would be different. Hence, we use the multipart upload by providing
// the old fileName and setting overwrite field to true
file = getResourceFile("quick-2.pdf");
multiPartBuilder = MultiPartBuilder.create().setFileData(new FileData(fileName, file)).setOverwrite(true);
reqBody =;
// Update quick.pdf
post(getNodeChildrenUrl(folder_Id), reqBody.getBody(), null, reqBody.getContentType(), 201);
// The requested "If-Modified-Since" date is older than rendition modified date
response = getSingleWithDelayRetry(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), "doclib/content", params, headers, MAX_RETRY, PAUSE_TIME, 200);
responseHeaders = response.getHeaders();
String newLastModifiedHeader = responseHeaders.get(LAST_MODIFIED_HEADER);
assertNotEquals(lastModifiedHeader, newLastModifiedHeader);
// -ve tests
// nodeId in the path parameter does not represent a file
getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(folder_Id), "doclib/content", 400);
// nodeId in the path parameter does not exist
getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(UUID.randomUUID().toString()), "doclib/content", 404);
// renditionId in the path parameter is not registered/available
getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), ("renditionId" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "/content"), 404);
InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog".getBytes());
file = TempFileProvider.createTempFile(inputStream, "RenditionsTest-", ".abcdef");
reqBody = MultiPartBuilder.create().setFileData(new FileData(file.getName(), file)).build();
// Upload temp file into 'folder'
response = post(getNodeChildrenUrl(folder_Id), reqBody.getBody(), null, reqBody.getContentType(), 201);
document = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
contentNodeId = document.getId();
// The content of the rendition does not exist and the placeholder parameter is not present
getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), "doclib/content", 404);
// The content of the rendition does not exist and the placeholder parameter has a value of "false"
params = Collections.singletonMap("placeholder", "false");
getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), "doclib/content", params, 404);
// The rendition does not exist, a placeholder is not available and the placeholder parameter has a value of "true"
params = Collections.singletonMap("placeholder", "true");
getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(contentNodeId), ("renditionId" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "/content"), params, 404);
// Create a node without any content
String emptyContentNodeId = addToDocumentLibrary(userOneN1Site, "emptyDoc.txt", TYPE_CM_CONTENT, userOneN1.getId());
getSingle(getNodeRenditionsUrl(emptyContentNodeId), "doclib/content", params, 200);
use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class SharedLinkApiTest method testGetSharedLinksIncludePath.
* Tests for get /shared-links?include=path
* <p>GET:</p>
* {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links?include=path}
@Category({ LuceneTests.class, RedundantTests.class })
public void testGetSharedLinksIncludePath() throws Exception {
String contentText = "includePathTest" + RUNID;
Paging paging = getPaging(0, 100);
Map<String, String> queryParams = new HashMap<>();
queryParams.put("include", "path");
// As user 1: Test the backward compatibility by checking response with and without path is consistent when no shared-links
// Get all shared links visible to user 1
HttpResponse response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, 200);
List<QuickShareLink> sharedLinks = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
// Check that the same no of items is returned with include=path
response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, queryParams, 200);
List<QuickShareLink> sharedLinksWithPath = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
assertEquals("get /shared-links/ API returns same no of shared-links with or without include=path, when there are no shared-links", sharedLinks, sharedLinksWithPath);
// Create Files in various locations: My Files, SharedFiles, Sites with different visibility
// Create doc in "My Files"
Document myFile = createTextFile(getMyNodeId(), "MyFile" + RUNID + ".txt", contentText);
// Create doc in "Shared" folder
Document sharedFile = createTextFile(getSharedNodeId(), "SharedFile" + RUNID + ".txt", contentText);
// Create Sites
Site publicSite = createSite("TestSite-Public-" + RUNID, SiteVisibility.PUBLIC);
Site modSite = createSite("TestSite-Moderate-" + RUNID, SiteVisibility.MODERATED);
Site privateSite = createSite("TestSite-Private-" + RUNID, SiteVisibility.PRIVATE);
// Create file in Site Public > DocumentLibrary
String docLibPub = getSiteContainerNodeId(publicSite.getId(), "documentLibrary");
Document filePublic = createTextFile(docLibPub, "filePublic.txt", contentText);
// Create files in Site Moderated > DocumentLibrary > Folder 1 and Folder 2
String docLibMod = getSiteContainerNodeId(modSite.getId(), "documentLibrary");
Folder folder1 = createFolder(docLibMod, "1");
Folder folder2 = createFolder(docLibMod, "2");
Document fileMod = createTextFile(folder1.getId(), "fileMod.txt", contentText);
Document fileMod2 = createTextFile(folder2.getId(), "fileMod2.txt", contentText);
// Create file in Site Private > DocumentLibrary
String docLibPvt = getSiteContainerNodeId(privateSite.getId(), "documentLibrary");
Document filePrivate = createTextFile(docLibPvt, "filePrivate.txt", contentText);
// Share the files above in: My Files, SharedFiles, Sites with different visibility
String myFileLinkId = postSharedLink(myFile);
String sharedLinkId = postSharedLink(sharedFile);
String filePublicLinkId = postSharedLink(filePublic);
String fileModLinkId = postSharedLink(fileMod);
String fileMod2LinkId = postSharedLink(fileMod2);
String filePrivateLinkId = postSharedLink(filePrivate);
// Grant user2: Consumer Permission for Moderated Site > File1
List<NodePermissions.NodePermission> locallySetPermissions = new ArrayList<>();
locallySetPermissions.add(new NodePermissions.NodePermission(user2, PermissionService.CONSUMER, AccessStatus.ALLOWED.toString()));
NodePermissions nodePermissions = new NodePermissions();
Document docPermissions = new Document();
put(URL_NODES, fileMod.getId(), toJsonAsStringNonNull(docPermissions), null, 200);
// Grant user2: Consumer Permission for Moderated Site > Folder 2, File2
put(URL_NODES, fileMod2.getId(), toJsonAsStringNonNull(docPermissions), null, 200);
Folder folderPermissions = new Folder();
put(URL_NODES, folder2.getId(), toJsonAsStringNonNull(folderPermissions), null, 200);
// Get links For User1
response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, myFileLinkId, null, 200);
QuickShareLink link = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
assertNull("get /shared-links/<id> API does not return Path info by default", link.getPath());
// Path info is not included for get shared-links/<id>
response = getSingle(QuickShareLinkEntityResource.class, myFileLinkId, queryParams, 200);
link = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
assertNull("get /shared-links/<id> API ignores Path info when requested as it is a noAuth API.", link.getPath());
response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, 200);
sharedLinks = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
assertEquals("API returns correct shared-links as expected: without path info", 6, sharedLinks.size());
sharedLinks.forEach(sharedLink -> assertNull("API does not return Path info for any shared-links by default", sharedLink.getPath()));
// Path info is included for get shared-links when requested
response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, queryParams, 200);
sharedLinks = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
// Complete path info is retrieved for the user with access to the complete path
assertEquals("API returns correct shared-links as expected: with path info", 6, sharedLinks.size());
sharedLinks.forEach(sharedLink -> assertTrue("API returns Complete Path info for each link when requested by content owner", sharedLink.getPath().getIsComplete()));
// Get links For User2
response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, 200);
sharedLinks = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
// Path info is not included when not requested
assertEquals("API returns correct shared-links as expected for user2: without path info", 4, sharedLinks.size());
sharedLinks.forEach(sharedLink -> assertNull("get /shared-links/ API does not return Path info for any shared-links by default", sharedLink.getPath()));
response = getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, queryParams, 200);
sharedLinks = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
// Path info is retrieved for the user with access to the complete path: Sorted as LIFO
assertEquals("API returns correct shared-links as expected for user2: with path info", 4, sharedLinks.size());
sharedLinks.forEach(sharedLink -> assertNotNull("API returns Path info for each link when requested by user2", sharedLink.getPath()));
// Moderated Site > fileMod2: Path only includes elements where user2 has access
QuickShareLink sharedLink = sharedLinks.get(0);
assertEquals("Incorrect sort order or SharedLink ID for fileMod2: " + sharedLink, fileMod2LinkId, sharedLink.getId());
PathInfo path = sharedLink.getPath();
assertEquals("Complete Path is returned even when user2 does not have appropriate permissions. SharedLink Path: " + path, false, path.getIsComplete());
assertEquals("Path omits immediate Parent folder Name when user has access to it. SharedLink Path: " + path, "/" + folder2.getName(), path.getName());
assertEquals("Path omits immediate Parent folder ID when user has access to it. SharedLink Path: " + path, folder2.getId(), path.getElements().get(0).getId());
// Moderated Site > fileMod: Path empty when user2 does not have access to the immediate parent
sharedLink = sharedLinks.get(1);
assertEquals("Incorrect sort order or SharedLink ID for fileMod: " + sharedLink, fileModLinkId, sharedLink.getId());
path = sharedLink.getPath();
assertNotNull("Path info is not included in the response when user does not have right permissions. SharedLink Path: " + path, path);
assertNull("Path Name is returned when user does not have right permissions. SharedLink Path: " + path, path.getName());
assertNull("Path info is returned when user does not have right permissions. SharedLink Path: " + path, path.getIsComplete());
assertNull("Path Elements are returned when user does not have right permissions. SharedLink Path: " + path, path.getElements());
// Public Site > filePublic: Path includes all the elements when user2 has appropriate access
sharedLink = sharedLinks.get(2);
assertEquals("Incorrect sort order or SharedLink ID for filePublic: " + sharedLink, filePublicLinkId, sharedLink.getId());
path = sharedLink.getPath();
assertEquals("Complete Path is not returned for user2 for public files. SharedLink Path: " + path, true, path.getIsComplete());
assertEquals("Incorrect Path Name for Public Site Files. SharedLink Path: " + path, "/Company Home/Sites/" + publicSite.getId() + "/documentLibrary", path.getName());
assertEquals("Incorrect Path Elements for Public Site Files. SharedLink Path: " + path, 4, path.getElements().size());
assertEquals("Incorrect ID in the Path for Company Home. SharedLink Path: " + path, getRootNodeId(), path.getElements().get(0).getId());
assertEquals("Incorrect ID in the Path for Public Site. SharedLink Path: " + path, publicSite.getGuid(), path.getElements().get(2).getId());
assertEquals("Incorrect ID in the Path for Public Site DocLib. SharedLink Path: " + path, docLibPub, path.getElements().get(3).getId());
// Shared Files > shared: Path includes all the elements when user2 has appropriate access
sharedLink = sharedLinks.get(3);
assertEquals("Incorrect sort order or SharedLink ID for sharedFiles: " + sharedLink, sharedLinkId, sharedLink.getId());
path = sharedLink.getPath();
assertEquals("Complete Path is not returned for user2 for shared files. SharedLink Path: " + path, true, path.getIsComplete());
assertEquals("Incorrect Path Name for Shared Files. SharedLink Path: " + path, "/Company Home/Shared", path.getName());
assertEquals("Incorrect Path Elements for Shared Files. SharedLink Path: " + path, 2, path.getElements().size());
assertEquals("Incorrect ID in the Path for Company Home. SharedLink Path: " + path, getRootNodeId(), path.getElements().get(0).getId());
assertEquals("Incorrect ID in the path for Shared Files. SharedLink Path: " + path, getSharedNodeId(), path.getElements().get(1).getId());
// Unauthorized request returns 401
setRequestContext(null, "UserNotKnown", DEFAULT_ADMIN_PWD);
queryParams = new HashMap<>();
getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, queryParams, 401);
// Unauthenticated request returns 401
setRequestContext(user2, null, null);
getAll(URL_SHARED_LINKS, paging, queryParams, 401);
// Delete the shared links
use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class SharedLinkApiTest method testEmailSharedLink.
* Tests emailing shared links.
* <p>POST:</p>
* {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/<networkId>/public/alfresco/versions/1/shared-links/<sharedId>/email}
public void testEmailSharedLink() throws Exception {
// Create plain text document
String myFolderNodeId = getMyNodeId();
String contentText = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
String fileName = "file-" + RUNID + ".txt";
Document doc = createTextFile(myFolderNodeId, fileName, contentText);
String docId = doc.getId();
// Create shared link to document
Map<String, String> body = Collections.singletonMap("nodeId", docId);
HttpResponse response = post(URL_SHARED_LINKS, toJsonAsStringNonNull(body), 201);
QuickShareLink resp = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntry(response.getJsonResponse(), QuickShareLink.class);
String sharedId = resp.getId();
assertEquals(fileName, resp.getName());
// Email request with minimal properties
QuickShareLinkEmailRequest request = new QuickShareLinkEmailRequest();
List<String> recipients = new ArrayList<>(2);
recipients.add(user2 + "@acme.test");
recipients.add(user2 + "@ping.test");
post(getEmailSharedLinkUrl(sharedId), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(request), 202);
// Email request with all the properties
request = new QuickShareLinkEmailRequest();
request.setMessage("My custom message!");
recipients = Collections.singletonList(user2 + "@acme.test");
post(getEmailSharedLinkUrl(sharedId), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(request), 202);
// -ve tests
// sharedId path parameter does not exist
post(getEmailSharedLinkUrl(sharedId + System.currentTimeMillis()), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(request), 404);
// Unregistered client
request = new QuickShareLinkEmailRequest();
request.setClient("VeryCoolClient" + System.currentTimeMillis());
List<String> user2Email = Collections.singletonList(user2 + "@acme.test");
post(getEmailSharedLinkUrl(sharedId), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(request), 404);
// client is mandatory
post(getEmailSharedLinkUrl(sharedId), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(request), 400);
// recipientEmails is mandatory
post(getEmailSharedLinkUrl(sharedId), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(request), 400);
// TODO if and when these tests are optionally runnable via remote env then we could skip this part of the test
// (else need to verify test mechanism for enterprise admin via jmx ... etc)
QuickShareLinksImpl quickShareLinks = applicationContext.getBean("quickShareLinks", QuickShareLinksImpl.class);
try {
request = new QuickShareLinkEmailRequest();
post(getEmailSharedLinkUrl(sharedId), RestApiUtil.toJsonAsString(request), 501);
} finally {