use of in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class NodeApiTest method testListChildrenWithinMyFiles.
* Tests list children.
* <p>GET:</p>
* {@literal <host>:<port>/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/nodes/<nodeId>/children}
public void testListChildrenWithinMyFiles() throws Exception {
String myNodeId = getMyNodeId();
String rootChildrenUrl = getNodeChildrenUrl(Nodes.PATH_ROOT);
String folder0Name = "folder " + RUNID + " 0";
String folder0Id = createFolder(myNodeId, folder0Name, null).getId();
String childrenUrl = getNodeChildrenUrl(folder0Id);
Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>(1);
props.put("cm:title", "This is folder 1");
String folder1 = "folder " + RUNID + " 1";
String folder1_Id = createFolder(folder0Id, folder1, props).getId();
String contentF1 = "content" + RUNID + " in folder 1";
String contentF1_Id = createTextFile(folder1_Id, contentF1, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 1.").getId();
props = new HashMap<>(1);
props.put("cm:title", "This is folder 2");
String folder2 = "folder " + RUNID + " 2";
String folder2_Id = createFolder(folder0Id, folder2, props).getId();
String contentF2 = "content" + RUNID + " in folder 2.txt";
String contentF2_Id = createTextFile(folder2_Id, contentF2, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog 2.").getId();
String content1 = "content" + RUNID + " 1.txt";
String content1_Id = createTextFile(folder0Id, content1, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.").getId();
props = new HashMap<>();
props.put(PROP_OWNER, user1);
props.put("cm:lastThumbnailModification", Collections.singletonList("doclib:1444660852296"));
Node nodeUpdate = new Node();
put(URL_NODES, content1_Id, toJsonAsStringNonNull(nodeUpdate), null, 200);
List<String> folderIds = Arrays.asList(folder1_Id, folder2_Id);
List<String> contentIds = Arrays.asList(content1_Id);
Paging paging = getPaging(0, 100);
HttpResponse response = getAll(childrenUrl, paging, 200);
List<Document> nodes = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
assertEquals(3, nodes.size());
// Order by folders and modified date first
Map<String, String> orderBy = Collections.singletonMap("orderBy", "isFolder DESC,modifiedAt DESC");
response = getAll(childrenUrl, paging, orderBy, 200);
nodes = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
assertEquals(3, nodes.size());
assertEquals(folder2, nodes.get(0).getName());
assertEquals(folder1, nodes.get(1).getName());
Document node = nodes.get(2);
assertEquals(content1, node.getName());
assertEquals(TYPE_CM_CONTENT, node.getNodeType());
assertEquals(content1_Id, node.getId());
UserInfo createdByUser = node.getCreatedByUser();
assertEquals(user1, createdByUser.getId());
assertEquals(UserInfo.getTestDisplayName(user1), createdByUser.getDisplayName());
UserInfo modifiedByUser = node.getModifiedByUser();
assertEquals(user1, modifiedByUser.getId());
assertEquals(UserInfo.getTestDisplayName(user1), modifiedByUser.getDisplayName());
assertEquals(MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_TEXT_PLAIN, node.getContent().getMimeType());
assertTrue(node.getContent().getSizeInBytes() > 0);
// request without "include"
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
response = getAll(childrenUrl, paging, params, 200);
nodes = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
for (Node n : nodes) {
assertNull("There shouldn't be a 'properties' object in the response.", n.getProperties());
assertNull("There shouldn't be a 'isLink' object in the response.", n.getIsLink());
assertNull("There shouldn't be a 'path' object in the response.", n.getPath());
assertNull("There shouldn't be a 'aspectNames' object in the response.", n.getAspectNames());
// request with include - example 1
params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("include", "isLink");
response = getAll(childrenUrl, paging, params, 200);
nodes = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
for (Node n : nodes) {
assertNotNull("There should be a 'isLink' object in the response.", n.getIsLink());
// request with include - example 2
params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("include", "aspectNames,properties,path,isLink");
response = getAll(childrenUrl, paging, params, 200);
nodes = jacksonUtil.parseEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
for (Node n : nodes) {
// eg. cm:title, see above
assertNotNull("There should be a 'properties' object in the response.", n.getProperties());
assertNotNull("There should be a 'isLink' object in the response.", n.getIsLink());
assertNotNull("There should be a 'path' object in the response.", n.getPath());
assertNotNull("There should be a 'aspectNames' object in the response.", n.getAspectNames());
// request specific property via include
params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("include", "cm:lastThumbnailModification");
params.put("orderBy", "isFolder DESC,modifiedAt DESC");
response = getAll(childrenUrl, paging, params, 200);
nodes = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
assertEquals(3, nodes.size());
assertNull("There shouldn't be a 'properties' object in the response.", nodes.get(0).getProperties());
assertNull("There shouldn't be a 'properties' object in the response.", nodes.get(1).getProperties());
assertNotNull("There should be a 'properties' object in the response.", nodes.get(2).getProperties());
Set<Entry<String, Object>> propsSet = nodes.get(2).getProperties().entrySet();
assertEquals(1, propsSet.size());
Entry<String, Object> entry = propsSet.iterator().next();
assertEquals("cm:lastThumbnailModification", entry.getKey());
assertEquals("doclib:1444660852296", ((List<?>) entry.getValue()).get(0));
// filtering, via where clause - folders only
params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("where", "(" + Nodes.PARAM_ISFOLDER + "=true)");
response = getAll(childrenUrl, paging, params, 200);
nodes = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
assertEquals(2, nodes.size());
// filtering, via where clause - content only
params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("where", "(" + Nodes.PARAM_ISFILE + "=true)");
response = getAll(childrenUrl, paging, params, 200);
nodes = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(response.getJsonResponse(), Document.class);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
// list children via relativePath
params = Collections.singletonMap(Nodes.PARAM_RELATIVE_PATH, folder1);
response = getAll(childrenUrl, paging, params, 200);
JSONObject jsonResponse = response.getJsonResponse();
nodes = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(jsonResponse, Document.class);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
assertEquals(contentF1_Id, nodes.get(0).getId());
JSONObject jsonList = (JSONObject) jsonResponse.get("list");
JSONObject jsonSrcObj = (JSONObject) jsonResponse.get("source");
params = Collections.singletonMap(Nodes.PARAM_RELATIVE_PATH, "User Homes/" + user1 + "/" + folder0Name + "/" + folder2);
response = getAll(rootChildrenUrl, paging, params, 200);
jsonResponse = response.getJsonResponse();
nodes = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(jsonResponse, Document.class);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
assertEquals(contentF2_Id, nodes.get(0).getId());
jsonList = (JSONObject) jsonResponse.get("list");
jsonSrcObj = (JSONObject) jsonResponse.get("source");
// list children via relativePath and also return the source entity
params = new HashMap<>();
params.put(Nodes.PARAM_RELATIVE_PATH, "User Homes/" + user1 + "/" + folder0Name + "/" + folder2);
params.put("includeSource", "true");
params.put("include", "path,isLink");
params.put("fields", "id");
response = getAll(rootChildrenUrl, paging, params, 200);
jsonResponse = response.getJsonResponse();
nodes = RestApiUtil.parseRestApiEntries(jsonResponse, Document.class);
assertEquals(1, nodes.size());
Document doc = nodes.get(0);
assertEquals(contentF2_Id, doc.getId());
assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, doc.getIsLink());
jsonList = (JSONObject) jsonResponse.get("list");
// source is not affected by include (or fields for that matter) - returns the default node response
Folder src = RestApiUtil.parsePojo("source", jsonList, Folder.class);
assertEquals(folder2_Id, src.getId());
// -ve test - Invalid QName (Namespace prefix cm... is not mapped to a namespace URI) for the orderBy parameter.
params = Collections.singletonMap("orderBy", Nodes.PARAM_ISFOLDER + " DESC,cm" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ":modified DESC");
getAll(childrenUrl, paging, params, 400);
paging = getPaging(0, 10);
// -ve test - list folder children for unknown node should return 404
getAll(getNodeChildrenUrl(UUID.randomUUID().toString()), paging, 404);
// -ve test - user2 tries to access user1's home folder
getAll(getNodeChildrenUrl(myNodeId), paging, 403);
// -ve test - try to list children using relative path to unknown node
params = Collections.singletonMap(Nodes.PARAM_RELATIVE_PATH, "User Homes/" + user1 + "/unknown");
getAll(rootChildrenUrl, paging, params, 404);
// -ve test - try to list children using relative path to node for which user does not have read permission (expect 404 instead of 403)
params = Collections.singletonMap(Nodes.PARAM_RELATIVE_PATH, "User Homes/" + user2);
getAll(rootChildrenUrl, paging, params, 404);
// -ve test - list folder children with relative path to unknown node should return 400
params = Collections.singletonMap(Nodes.PARAM_RELATIVE_PATH, "/unknown");
getAll(getNodeChildrenUrl(content1_Id), paging, params, 400);
// filtering, via where clause - negated comparison
params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("where", "(NOT " + Nodes.PARAM_ISFILE + "=true)");
getAll(childrenUrl, paging, params, 400);