use of org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class EditUserDetailsDialog method finishImpl.
protected String finishImpl(FacesContext context, String outcome) throws Exception {
try {
ServiceRegistry services = Repository.getServiceRegistry(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
DictionaryService dd = services.getDictionaryService();
Map<QName, Serializable> props = getNodeService().getProperties(getPerson().getNodeRef());
for (String key : getPerson().getProperties().keySet()) {
QName propQName = QName.createQName(key);
if (dd.getProperty(propQName) == null || dd.getProperty(propQName).isProtected() == false) {
props.put(propQName, (Serializable) getPerson().getProperties().get(key));
// persist all property changes
NodeRef personRef = getPerson().getNodeRef();
this.getNodeService().setProperties(personRef, props);
// save person description content field
if (this.personDescription != null) {
ContentService cs = services.getContentService();
ContentWriter writer = cs.getWriter(personRef, ContentModel.PROP_PERSONDESC, true);
// setup user avatar association
if (this.photoRef != null) {
List<AssociationRef> refs = this.getNodeService().getTargetAssocs(personRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_AVATAR);
// remove old association if it exists
if (refs.size() == 1) {
NodeRef existingRef = refs.get(0).getTargetRef();
this.getNodeService().removeAssociation(personRef, existingRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_AVATAR);
// setup new association
this.getNodeService().createAssociation(personRef, this.photoRef, ContentModel.ASSOC_AVATAR);
// if the above calls were successful, then reset Person Node in the session
} catch (Throwable err) {
Utils.addErrorMessage(MessageFormat.format(Application.getMessage(context, Repository.ERROR_GENERIC), err.getMessage()), err);
outcome = null;
return outcome;
use of org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class DocumentPropertiesDialog method getContentTypes.
* @return Returns a list of content types to allow the user to select from
public List<SelectItem> getContentTypes() {
if (this.contentTypes == null) {
this.contentTypes = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(80);
ServiceRegistry registry = Repository.getServiceRegistry(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
MimetypeService mimetypeService = registry.getMimetypeService();
// get the mime type display names
Map<String, String> mimeTypes = mimetypeService.getDisplaysByMimetype();
for (String mimeType : mimeTypes.keySet()) {
this.contentTypes.add(new SelectItem(mimeType, mimeTypes.get(mimeType)));
// make sure the list is sorted by the values
QuickSort sorter = new QuickSort(this.contentTypes, "label", true, IDataContainer.SORT_CASEINSENSITIVE);
return this.contentTypes;
use of org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class WorkflowUtil method isTaskEditable.
public static boolean isTaskEditable(String taskId, ServletContext sc) {
if (taskId == null || taskId.isEmpty()) {
return false;
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = Repository.getServiceRegistry(sc);
String username = serviceRegistry.getAuthenticationService().getCurrentUserName();
WorkflowService workflowService = serviceRegistry.getWorkflowService();
WorkflowTask task = workflowService.getTaskById(taskId);
return workflowService.isTaskEditable(task, username);
use of org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class BaseServlet method checkAccess.
* Check the user has the given permission on the given node. If they do not either force a log on if this is a guest
* user or forward to an error page.
* @param req
* the request
* @param res
* the response
* @param nodeRef
* the node in question
* @param allowLogIn
* Indicates whether guest users without access to the node should be redirected to the log in page. If
* <code>false</code>, a status 403 forbidden page is displayed instead.
* @return <code>true</code>, if the user has access
* @throws IOException
* Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
* @throws ServletException
* On other errors
public boolean checkAccess(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, NodeRef nodeRef, String permission, boolean allowLogIn) throws IOException, ServletException {
ServletContext sc = getServletContext();
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = getServiceRegistry(sc);
PermissionService permissionService = serviceRegistry.getPermissionService();
// check that the user has the permission
if (permissionService.hasPermission(nodeRef, permission) == AccessStatus.DENIED) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("User does not have " + permission + " permission for NodeRef: " + nodeRef.toString());
if (allowLogIn && serviceRegistry.getAuthorityService().hasGuestAuthority()) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Redirecting to login page...");
redirectToLoginPage(req, res, sc);
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Forwarding to error page...");
Application.handleSystemError(sc, req, res, MSG_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, logger);
return false;
return true;
use of org.alfresco.service.ServiceRegistry in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class CommandServlet method service.
* @see javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet#doGet(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException, IOException {
String uri = req.getRequestURI();
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Processing URL: " + uri + (req.getQueryString() != null ? ("?" + req.getQueryString()) : ""));
AuthenticationStatus status = servletAuthenticate(req, res);
if (status == AuthenticationStatus.Failure) {
uri = uri.substring(req.getContextPath().length());
StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(uri, "/");
int tokenCount = t.countTokens();
if (tokenCount < 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Command Servlet URL did not contain all required args: " + uri);
// skip servlet name
// get the command processor to execute the command e.g. "workflow"
String procName = t.nextToken();
// get the command to perform
String command = t.nextToken();
// get any remaining uri elements to pass to the processor
String[] urlElements = new String[tokenCount - 3];
for (int i = 0; i < tokenCount - 3; i++) {
urlElements[i] = t.nextToken();
// retrieve the URL arguments to pass to the processor
Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<String, String>(8, 1.0f);
Enumeration names = req.getParameterNames();
while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) names.nextElement();
args.put(name, req.getParameter(name));
try {
// get configured command processor by name from Config Service
CommandProcessor processor = createCommandProcessor(procName);
// validate that the processor has everything it needs to run the command
if (processor.validateArguments(getServletContext(), command, args, urlElements) == false) {
redirectToLoginPage(req, res, getServletContext());
ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = getServiceRegistry(getServletContext());
UserTransaction txn = null;
try {
txn = serviceRegistry.getTransactionService().getUserTransaction();
// inform the processor to execute the specified command
if (processor instanceof ExtCommandProcessor) {
((ExtCommandProcessor) processor).process(serviceRegistry, req, res, command);
} else {
processor.process(serviceRegistry, req, command);
// commit the transaction
} catch (Throwable txnErr) {
try {
if (txn != null) {
} catch (Exception tex) {
throw txnErr;
String returnPage = req.getParameter(ARG_RETURNPAGE);
if (returnPage != null && returnPage.length() != 0) {
validateReturnPage(returnPage, req);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Redirecting to specified return page: " + returnPage);
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("No return page specified, displaying status output.");
if (res.getContentType() == null && !res.isCommitted()) {
// request that the processor output a useful status message
PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
} catch (Throwable err) {
throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException("Error during command servlet processing: " + err.getMessage(), err);