use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileInfo in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class ADMRemoteStore method resolveNodePath.
* @param path cm:name based root relative path
* example: /alfresco/site-data/pages/customise-user-dashboard.xml
* /alfresco/site-data/components
* @param pattern optional pattern that is used as part of the match to aquire the surf-config
* folder under the appropriate sites or user location.
* @param create if true create the config and folder dirs for the given path returning
* the FileInfo for the last parent in the path, if false only attempt to
* resolve the folder path if it exists returning the last element.
* @param isFolder True if the path is for a folder, false if it ends in a filename
* @return FileInfo representing the file/folder at the specified path location (see create
* parameter above) or null if the supplied path does not exist in the store.
private FileInfo resolveNodePath(final String path, final String pattern, final boolean create, final boolean isFolder) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Resolving path: " + path);
final String adminUserName = AuthenticationUtil.getAdminUserName();
FileInfo result = null;
if (path != null) {
// break down the path into its component elements
List<String> pathElements = new ArrayList<String>(4);
final StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(path, "/");
// the store requires paths of the form /alfresco/site-data/<objecttype>[/<folder>]/<file>.xml
if (t.countTokens() >= 3) {
// skip /alfresco
// skip /site-data
// collect remaining folder path (and file)
while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
NodeRef surfConfigRef = aquireSurfConfigRef(path + (pattern != null ? ("/" + pattern) : ""), create);
try {
if (surfConfigRef != null) {
if (create) {
List<String> folders = isFolder ? pathElements : pathElements.subList(0, pathElements.size() - 1);
List<FileFolderUtil.PathElementDetails> folderDetails = new ArrayList<>(pathElements.size());
Map<QName, Serializable> prop = new HashMap<>(2);
prop.put(ContentModel.PROP_IS_INDEXED, false);
prop.put(ContentModel.PROP_IS_CONTENT_INDEXED, false);
for (String element : folders) {
Map<QName, Map<QName, Serializable>> aspects = Collections.singletonMap(ContentModel.ASPECT_INDEX_CONTROL, prop);
folderDetails.add(new FileFolderUtil.PathElementDetails(element, aspects));
// ensure folders exist down to the specified parent
// ALF-17729 / ALF-17796 - disable auditable on parent folders
Set<NodeRef> allCreatedFolders = new LinkedHashSet<>();
result = FileFolderUtil.makeFolders(this.fileFolderService, nodeService, surfConfigRef, folderDetails, ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER, behaviourFilter, new HashSet<QName>(Arrays.asList(new QName[] { ContentModel.ASPECT_AUDITABLE })), allCreatedFolders);
// MNT-16371: Revoke ownership privileges for surf-config folder, to tighten access for former SiteManagers.
for (NodeRef nodeRef : allCreatedFolders) {
ownableService.setOwner(nodeRef, adminUserName);
} else {
// perform the cm:name path lookup against our config root node
result = this.fileFolderService.resolveNamePath(surfConfigRef, pathElements);
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfErr) {
// this is a valid condition - we return null to indicate failed lookup
return result;
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileInfo in project alfresco-remote-api by Alfresco.
the class ADMRemoteStore method outputFileNodes.
* Output the matching file paths a node contains based on a pattern search.
* @param out Writer for output - relative paths separated by newline characters
* @param surfConfigRef Surf-Config folder
* @param fileInfo The FileInfo node to use as the parent
* @param pattern Optional pattern to match filenames against ("*" is match all)
* @param recurse True to recurse sub-directories
* @throws IOException
private void outputFileNodes(Writer out, FileInfo fileInfo, NodeRef surfConfigRef, String pattern, boolean recurse) throws IOException {
if (surfConfigRef != null) {
final boolean debug = logger.isDebugEnabled();
PagingResults<FileInfo> files = getFileNodes(fileInfo, pattern, recurse);
final Map<NodeRef, String> nameCache = new HashMap<NodeRef, String>();
for (final FileInfo file : files.getPage()) {
// walking up the parent tree manually until the "surf-config" parent is hit
// and manually appending the rest of the cm:name path down to the node.
final StringBuilder displayPath = new StringBuilder(64);
NodeRef ref = unprotNodeService.getPrimaryParent(file.getNodeRef()).getParentRef();
while (!ref.equals(surfConfigRef)) {
String name = nameCache.get(ref);
if (name == null) {
name = (String) unprotNodeService.getProperty(ref, ContentModel.PROP_NAME);
nameCache.put(ref, name);
displayPath.insert(0, '/');
displayPath.insert(0, name);
ref = unprotNodeService.getPrimaryParent(ref).getParentRef();
if (debug)
logger.debug(" /alfresco/site-data/" + displayPath.toString() + file.getName());
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileInfo in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class BrowseBean method queryBrowseNodes.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helper methods
* Query a list of nodes for the specified parent node Id
* @param parentNodeId Id of the parent node or null for the root node
private void queryBrowseNodes(String parentNodeId) {
long startTime = 0;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
UserTransaction tx = null;
try {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
tx = Repository.getUserTransaction(context, true);
NodeRef parentRef;
if (parentNodeId == null) {
// no specific parent node specified - use the root node
parentRef = this.getNodeService().getRootNode(Repository.getStoreRef());
} else {
// build a NodeRef for the specified Id and our store
parentRef = new NodeRef(Repository.getStoreRef(), parentNodeId);
List<FileInfo> children = null;
try {
children = this.getFileFolderService().list(parentRef);
} finally {
this.containerNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(children.size());
this.contentNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(children.size());
// in case of dynamic config, only lookup once
Set<NodeEventListener> nodeEventListeners = getNodeEventListeners();
for (FileInfo fileInfo : children) {
// create our Node representation from the NodeRef
NodeRef nodeRef = fileInfo.getNodeRef();
// find it's type so we can see if it's a node we are interested in
QName type = this.getNodeService().getType(nodeRef);
// make sure the type is defined in the data dictionary
TypeDefinition typeDef = this.getDictionaryService().getType(type);
if (typeDef != null) {
MapNode node = null;
// look for File content node
if (this.getDictionaryService().isSubClass(type, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT)) {
// create our Node representation
node = new MapNode(nodeRef, this.getNodeService(), fileInfo.getProperties());
} else // look for Space folder node
if (this.getDictionaryService().isSubClass(type, ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER) == true && this.getDictionaryService().isSubClass(type, ContentModel.TYPE_SYSTEM_FOLDER) == false) {
// create our Node representation
node = new MapNode(nodeRef, this.getNodeService(), fileInfo.getProperties());
node.addPropertyResolver("icon", this.resolverSpaceIcon);
node.addPropertyResolver("smallIcon", this.resolverSmallIcon);
} else // look for File Link object node
if (ApplicationModel.TYPE_FILELINK.equals(type)) {
// create our File Link Node representation
node = new MapNode(nodeRef, this.getNodeService(), fileInfo.getProperties());
// only display the user has the permissions to navigate to the target of the link
NodeRef destRef = (NodeRef) node.getProperties().get(ContentModel.PROP_LINK_DESTINATION);
if (destRef != null && new Node(destRef).hasPermission(PermissionService.READ) == true) {
node.addPropertyResolver("url", this.resolverLinkUrl);
node.addPropertyResolver("downloadUrl", this.resolverLinkDownload);
node.addPropertyResolver("webdavUrl", this.resolverLinkWebdavUrl);
node.addPropertyResolver("cifsPath", this.resolverLinkCifsPath);
node.addPropertyResolver("fileType16", this.resolverFileType16);
node.addPropertyResolver("fileType32", this.resolverFileType32);
node.addPropertyResolver("lang", this.resolverLang);
} else if (ApplicationModel.TYPE_FOLDERLINK.equals(type)) {
// create our Folder Link Node representation
node = new MapNode(nodeRef, this.getNodeService(), fileInfo.getProperties());
// only display the user has the permissions to navigate to the target of the link
NodeRef destRef = (NodeRef) node.getProperties().get(ContentModel.PROP_LINK_DESTINATION);
if (destRef != null && new Node(destRef).hasPermission(PermissionService.READ) == true) {
node.addPropertyResolver("icon", this.resolverSpaceIcon);
node.addPropertyResolver("smallIcon", this.resolverSmallIcon);
// inform any listeners that a Node wrapper has been created
if (node != null) {
for (NodeEventListener listener : nodeEventListeners) {
listener.created(node, type);
} else {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
logger.warn("Found invalid object in database: id = " + nodeRef + ", type = " + type);
// commit the transaction
} catch (InvalidNodeRefException refErr) {
Utils.addErrorMessage(MessageFormat.format(Application.getMessage(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), Repository.ERROR_NODEREF), new Object[] { refErr.getNodeRef() }), refErr);
this.containerNodes = Collections.<Node>emptyList();
this.contentNodes = Collections.<Node>emptyList();
try {
if (tx != null) {
} catch (Exception tex) {
} catch (Throwable err) {
Utils.addErrorMessage(MessageFormat.format(Application.getMessage(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), Repository.ERROR_GENERIC), err.getMessage()), err);
this.containerNodes = Collections.<Node>emptyList();
this.contentNodes = Collections.<Node>emptyList();
try {
if (tx != null) {
} catch (Exception tex) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
logger.debug("Time to query and build map nodes: " + (endTime - startTime) + "ms");
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileInfo in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class FileUploadBean method uploadFile.
* Ajax method to upload file content. A multi-part form is required as the input.
* "return-page" = javascript to execute on return from the upload request
* "currentPath" = the cm:name based server path to upload the content into
* and the file item content.
* @throws Exception
@InvokeCommand.ResponseMimetype(value = MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_HTML)
public void uploadFile() throws Exception {
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ExternalContext externalContext = fc.getExternalContext();
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) externalContext.getRequest();
ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(new DiskFileItemFactory());
List<FileItem> fileItems = upload.parseRequest(request);
FileUploadBean bean = new FileUploadBean();
String currentPath = null;
String filename = null;
String returnPage = null;
File file = null;
for (FileItem item : fileItems) {
if (item.isFormField() && item.getFieldName().equals("return-page")) {
returnPage = item.getString();
} else if (item.isFormField() && item.getFieldName().equals("currentPath")) {
currentPath = URLDecoder.decode(item.getString());
} else {
filename = FilenameUtils.getName(item.getName());
file = TempFileProvider.createTempFile("alfresco", ".upload");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Ajax file upload request: " + filename + " to path: " + currentPath + " return page: " + returnPage);
try {
if (file != null && currentPath != null && currentPath.length() != 0) {
NodeRef containerRef = pathToNodeRef(fc, currentPath);
if (containerRef != null) {
// Guess the mimetype
String mimetype = Repository.getMimeTypeForFileName(fc, filename);
// Now guess the encoding
String encoding = "UTF-8";
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
encoding = Repository.guessEncoding(fc, is, mimetype);
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Bad as it is, it's not terminal
logger.error("Failed to guess character encoding of file: " + file, e);
} finally {
if (is != null) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Try and extract metadata from the file
ContentReader cr = new FileContentReader(file);
// create properties for content type
String author = null;
String title = null;
String description = null;
Map<QName, Serializable> contentProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(5, 1.0f);
if (Repository.extractMetadata(fc, cr, contentProps)) {
author = (String) (contentProps.get(ContentModel.PROP_AUTHOR));
title = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, contentProps.get(ContentModel.PROP_TITLE));
description = DefaultTypeConverter.INSTANCE.convert(String.class, contentProps.get(ContentModel.PROP_DESCRIPTION));
// default the title to the file name if not set
if (title == null) {
title = filename;
ServiceRegistry services = Repository.getServiceRegistry(fc);
FileInfo fileInfo = services.getFileFolderService().create(containerRef, filename, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT);
NodeRef fileNodeRef = fileInfo.getNodeRef();
// set the author aspect
if (author != null) {
Map<QName, Serializable> authorProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(1, 1.0f);
authorProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_AUTHOR, author);
services.getNodeService().addAspect(fileNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_AUTHOR, authorProps);
// apply the titled aspect - title and description
Map<QName, Serializable> titledProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(2, 1.0f);
titledProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_TITLE, title);
titledProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_DESCRIPTION, description);
services.getNodeService().addAspect(fileNodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_TITLED, titledProps);
// get a writer for the content and put the file
ContentWriter writer = services.getContentService().getWriter(fileNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_CONTENT, true);
} catch (Exception e) {
returnPage = returnPage.replace("${UPLOAD_ERROR}", e.getMessage());
} finally {
if (file != null) {
logger.debug("delete temporary file:" + file.getPath());
// Delete the temporary file
Document result = XMLUtil.newDocument();
Element htmlEl = result.createElement("html");
Element bodyEl = result.createElement("body");
Element scriptEl = result.createElement("script");
scriptEl.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
Node scriptText = result.createTextNode(returnPage);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("File upload request complete.");
ResponseWriter out = fc.getResponseWriter();
XMLUtil.print(result, out);
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.model.FileInfo in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class MySpacesBean method createSpace.
@InvokeCommand.ResponseMimetype(value = MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_HTML)
public void createSpace() throws Exception {
FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
ResponseWriter out = fc.getResponseWriter();
Map<String, String> requestMap = fc.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
String path = (String) requestMap.get("path");
String name = (String) requestMap.get("name");
String title = (String) requestMap.get("title");
String description = (String) requestMap.get("description");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("MySpacesBean.createSpace() path=" + path + " name=" + name + " title=" + title + " description=" + description);
try {
if (path != null && name != null) {
NodeRef containerRef = FileUploadBean.pathToNodeRef(fc, path);
if (containerRef != null) {
NodeService nodeService = Repository.getServiceRegistry(fc).getNodeService();
FileFolderService ffService = Repository.getServiceRegistry(fc).getFileFolderService();
FileInfo folderInfo = ffService.create(containerRef, name, ContentModel.TYPE_FOLDER);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Created new folder: " + folderInfo.getNodeRef().toString());
// apply the uifacets aspect - icon, title and description properties
Map<QName, Serializable> uiFacetsProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(4, 1.0f);
uiFacetsProps.put(ApplicationModel.PROP_ICON, CreateSpaceWizard.DEFAULT_SPACE_ICON_NAME);
uiFacetsProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_TITLE, title);
uiFacetsProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_DESCRIPTION, description);
nodeService.addAspect(folderInfo.getNodeRef(), ApplicationModel.ASPECT_UIFACETS, uiFacetsProps);
out.write("OK: " + folderInfo.getNodeRef().toString());
} catch (FileExistsException ferr) {
out.write("ERROR: A file with that name already exists.");
} catch (Throwable err) {
out.write("ERROR: " + err.getMessage());