use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.version.Version in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class DocumentDetailsDialog method initEditionHistory.
* Constructs a list of objects representing the editions of the
* logical document
* @return List of editions
private List<SingleEditionBean> initEditionHistory() {
// get the mlContainer
NodeRef mlContainer = getDocumentMlContainer().getNodeRef();
// get all editions (in descending order - ie. most recent first)
List<Version> orderedEditionList = new ArrayList<Version>(getEditionService().getEditions(mlContainer).getAllVersions());
// the list of Single Edition Bean to return
editionHistory = new ArrayList<SingleEditionBean>(orderedEditionList.size());
boolean firstEdition = true;
// for each edition, init a SingleEditionBean
for (Version edition : orderedEditionList) {
SingleEditionBean editionBean = new SingleEditionBean();
MapNode clientEdition = new MapNode(edition.getFrozenStateNodeRef());
String editionLabel = edition.getVersionLabel();
if (firstEdition) {
editionLabel += " (" + Application.getMessage(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), MSG_CURRENT) + ")";
clientEdition.put("editionLabel", editionLabel);
clientEdition.put("editionNotes", edition.getDescription());
clientEdition.put("editionAuthor", edition.getCreator());
clientEdition.put("editionDate", edition.getCreatedDate());
// Set the edition of the edition bean
// get translations
List<VersionHistory> translationHistories = null;
if (firstEdition) {
// Get the translations because the current edition doesn't content link with its
// translation in the version store.
Map<Locale, NodeRef> translations = getMultilingualContentService().getTranslations(mlContainer);
translationHistories = new ArrayList<VersionHistory>(translations.size());
for (NodeRef translation : translations.values()) {
} else {
translationHistories = getEditionService().getVersionedTranslations(edition);
// add each translation in the SingleEditionBean
for (VersionHistory versionHistory : translationHistories) {
// get the list of versions (in descending order - ie. most recent first)
List<Version> orderedVersions = new ArrayList<Version>(versionHistory.getAllVersions());
// the last version (ie. most recent) is the first version of the list
Version lastVersion = orderedVersions.get(0);
// get the properties of the lastVersion
Map<QName, Serializable> lastVersionProperties = getEditionService().getVersionedMetadatas(lastVersion);
Locale language = (Locale) lastVersionProperties.get(ContentModel.PROP_LOCALE);
// create a map node representation of the last version
MapNode clientLastVersion = new MapNode(lastVersion.getFrozenStateNodeRef());
clientLastVersion.put("versionName", lastVersionProperties.get(ContentModel.PROP_NAME));
// use the node service for the description to ensure that the returned value is a text and not a MLText
clientLastVersion.put("versionDescription", getNodeService().getProperty(lastVersion.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), ContentModel.PROP_DESCRIPTION));
clientLastVersion.put("versionAuthor", lastVersionProperties.get(ContentModel.PROP_AUTHOR));
clientLastVersion.put("versionCreatedDate", lastVersionProperties.get(ContentModel.PROP_CREATED));
clientLastVersion.put("versionModifiedDate", lastVersionProperties.get(ContentModel.PROP_MODIFIED));
clientLastVersion.put("versionLanguage", this.getContentFilterLanguagesService().convertToNewISOCode(language.getLanguage()).toUpperCase());
if (getNodeService().hasAspect(lastVersion.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), ContentModel.ASPECT_MULTILINGUAL_EMPTY_TRANSLATION)) {
clientLastVersion.put("versionUrl", null);
} else {
clientLastVersion.put("versionUrl", DownloadContentServlet.generateBrowserURL(lastVersion.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), clientLastVersion.getName()));
// add a translation of the editionBean
firstEdition = false;
return editionHistory;
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.version.Version in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class VersionedDocumentDetailsDialog method getVersionHistory.
* Returns a list of objects representing the versions of the
* current document
* @return List of previous versions
public List getVersionHistory() {
List<MapNode> versions = new ArrayList<MapNode>();
for (Version version : this.versionHistory.getAllVersions()) {
// create a map node representation of the version
MapNode clientVersion = new MapNode(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef());
clientVersion.put("versionLabel", version.getVersionLabel());
clientVersion.put("notes", version.getDescription());
clientVersion.put("author", version.getCreator());
clientVersion.put("versionDate", version.getCreatedDate());
if (getFrozenStateDocument().hasAspect(ContentModel.ASPECT_MULTILINGUAL_EMPTY_TRANSLATION)) {
clientVersion.put("url", null);
} else {
clientVersion.put("url", DownloadContentServlet.generateBrowserURL(version.getFrozenStateNodeRef(), clientVersion.getName()));
// add the client side version to the list
return versions;
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.version.Version in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class VersionedDocumentDetailsDialog method nextItem.
* Navigates to next item in the list of versioned content for the current VersionHistory
public void nextItem(ActionEvent event) {
// Get the properties of the action event
UIActionLink link = (UIActionLink) event.getComponent();
Map<String, String> params = link.getParameterMap();
String versionLabel = params.get("versionLabel");
// if the version is not specified, get the next version
if (versionLabel == null) {
List<Version> nextVersions = new ArrayList<Version>(this.versionHistory.getSuccessors(this.documentVersion));
// if the version history doesn't contains successor, get the root version (the first one)
if (nextVersions == null || nextVersions.size() < 1) {
this.documentVersion = versionHistory.getRootVersion();
} else {
this.documentVersion = nextVersions.get(0);
} else {
this.documentVersion = this.versionHistory.getVersion(versionLabel);
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.version.Version in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class VersionedDocumentDetailsDialog method getTranslations.
* Returns a list of objects representing the translations of the given version of the mlContainer
* @return List of translations
public List getTranslations() {
// get the version of the mlContainer and its translations
List<VersionHistory> translationsList = getEditionService().getVersionedTranslations(this.documentEdition);
Map<Locale, NodeRef> translationNodeRef;
// if translation size == 0, the edition is the current edition and the translations are not yet attached.
if (translationsList.size() == 0) {
// the selection edition is the current: use the multilingual content service
translationNodeRef = getMultilingualContentService().getTranslations(this.documentEdition.getVersionedNodeRef());
} else {
translationNodeRef = new HashMap<Locale, NodeRef>(translationsList.size());
// get the last (most recent) version of the translation in the given lang of the edition
for (VersionHistory history : translationsList) {
// get the list of versions (in descending order - ie. most recent first)
List<Version> orderedVersions = new ArrayList<Version>(history.getAllVersions());
// the last (most recent) version is the first version of the list
Version lastVersion = orderedVersions.get(0);
// fill the list of translation
if (lastVersion != null) {
NodeRef versionNodeRef = lastVersion.getFrozenStateNodeRef();
Locale locale = (Locale) getNodeService().getProperty(versionNodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_LOCALE);
translationNodeRef.put(locale, versionNodeRef);
// the list of client-side translation to return
List<MapNode> translations = new ArrayList<MapNode>(translationNodeRef.size());
for (Map.Entry<Locale, NodeRef> entry : translationNodeRef.entrySet()) {
Locale locale = entry.getKey();
NodeRef nodeRef = entry.getValue();
// create a map node representation of the translation
MapNode mapNode = new MapNode(nodeRef);
String lgge = (locale != null) ? // convert the locale into new ISO codes
getContentFilterLanguagesService().convertToNewISOCode(locale.getLanguage()).toUpperCase() : null;
mapNode.put("name", getNodeService().getProperty(nodeRef, ContentModel.PROP_NAME));
mapNode.put("language", lgge);
mapNode.put("url", DownloadContentServlet.generateBrowserURL(nodeRef, mapNode.getName()));
mapNode.put("notEmpty", new Boolean(!getNodeService().hasAspect(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_MULTILINGUAL_EMPTY_TRANSLATION)));
// add the client side version to the list
return translations;
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.version.Version in project acs-community-packaging by Alfresco.
the class VersionedDocumentDetailsDialog method previousItem.
* Navigates to previous item in the list of versioned content for the current VersionHistory
public void previousItem(ActionEvent event) {
// Get the properties of the action event
UIActionLink link = (UIActionLink) event.getComponent();
Map<String, String> params = link.getParameterMap();
String versionLabel = params.get("versionLabel");
// if the version is not specified, get the next version
if (versionLabel == null) {
Version prevVersion = this.versionHistory.getPredecessor(this.documentVersion);
// if the version history doesn't contains predecessor, get the last version (ie. most recent)
if (prevVersion == null) {
List<Version> allVersions = new ArrayList<Version>(this.versionHistory.getAllVersions());
this.documentVersion = allVersions.get(0);
} else {
this.documentVersion = prevVersion;
} else {
this.documentVersion = this.versionHistory.getVersion(versionLabel);