use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowDeployment in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class ActivitiTimerExecutionTest method deployDefinition.
protected WorkflowDefinition deployDefinition(String resource) {
InputStream input = getInputStream(resource);
WorkflowDeployment deployment = workflowService.deployDefinition(ActivitiConstants.ENGINE_ID, input, MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_XML);
WorkflowDefinition definition = deployment.getDefinition();
return definition;
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowDeployment in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class ActivitiMultitenantWorkflowTest method testSubProcessCallActivity.
* ALF-15939: Call-activity should be multi-tenant aware.
public void testSubProcessCallActivity() throws Exception {
// Run as User1 so tenant domain 1
// Deploy called sub-process on tenant domain 1
InputStream input = getInputStream(CALLACTIVITY_SUBPROCESS_LOCATION);
WorkflowDeployment deployment = workflowService.deployDefinition(getEngine(), input, XML);
// Deploy called main-process on tenant domain 1
deployment = workflowService.deployDefinition(getEngine(), input, XML);
WorkflowDefinition mainProcessDefinition = deployment.getDefinition();
// Start a process, which immediately tries to call the sub-process before returning control to thread
try {
workflowService.startWorkflow(mainProcessDefinition.getId(), new HashMap<QName, Serializable>());
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("No exception was expected while running process, but got: " + e.toString());
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowDeployment in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class WorkflowDeployer method deploy.
* Deploy a workflow definition from a node in the repository.
public void deploy(NodeRef nodeRef, boolean redeploy) {
// Ignore if the node is a working copy
if (nodeService.hasAspect(nodeRef, ContentModel.ASPECT_WORKING_COPY) == false) {
if (!isValidLocation(nodeRef)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
Path nodePath = nodeService.getPath(nodeRef);
logger.debug("Workflow deployer: Definition '" + nodeRef + "' (" + nodePath + ") not deployed as it is not in the correct location.");
Boolean value = (Boolean) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, WorkflowModel.PROP_WORKFLOW_DEF_DEPLOYED);
if ((value != null) && (value.booleanValue() == true)) {
String engineId = (String) nodeService.getProperty(nodeRef, WorkflowModel.PROP_WORKFLOW_DEF_ENGINE_ID);
if (workflowAdminService.isEngineEnabled(engineId)) {
if (!redeploy && workflowService.isDefinitionDeployed(nodeRef)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Workflow deployer: Definition '" + nodeRef + "' already deployed");
} else {
// deploy / re-deploy
WorkflowDeployment deployment = workflowService.deployDefinition(nodeRef);
logDeployment(nodeRef, deployment);
if (deployment != null) {
WorkflowDefinition def = deployment.getDefinition();
// Update the meta data for the model
Map<QName, Serializable> props = nodeService.getProperties(nodeRef);
props.put(WorkflowModel.PROP_WORKFLOW_DEF_NAME, def.getName());
// TODO - ability to return and handle deployment problems / warnings
if (deployment.getProblems().length > 0) {
for (String problem : deployment.getProblems()) {
if (logger.isWarnEnabled())
nodeService.setProperties(nodeRef, props);
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Workflow deployer: Definition '" + nodeRef + "' not deployed as the '" + engineId + "' engine is disabled");
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
logger.debug("Workflow deployer: Definition '" + nodeRef + "' not deployed since it is a working copy");
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowDeployment in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class WorkflowInterpreter method executeCommand.
* Execute a single command using the BufferedReader passed in for any data needed.
* TODO: Use decent parser!
* @param line The unparsed command
* @return The textual output of the command.
protected String executeCommand(String line) throws IOException {
String[] command = line.split(" ");
if (command.length == 0) {
command = new String[1];
command[0] = line;
ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream out = new PrintStream(bout);
// repeat last command?
if (command[0].equals("r")) {
if (lastCommand == null) {
return "No command entered yet.";
return "repeating command " + lastCommand + "\n\n" + executeCommand(lastCommand);
// remember last command
lastCommand = line;
// execute command
if (command[0].equals("help")) {
String helpFile = I18NUtil.getMessage("");
ClassPathResource helpResource = new ClassPathResource(helpFile);
byte[] helpBytes = new byte[500];
InputStream helpStream = helpResource.getInputStream();
try {
int read =;
while (read != -1) {
bout.write(helpBytes, 0, read);
read =;
} finally {
} else if (command[0].equals("show")) {
if (command.length < 2) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else if (command[1].equals("file")) {
if (command.length != 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
ClassPathResource file = new ClassPathResource(command[2]);
InputStream fileStream = file.getInputStream();
byte[] fileBytes = new byte[500];
try {
int read =;
while (read != -1) {
bout.write(fileBytes, 0, read);
read =;
} finally {
} else if (command[1].equals("definitions")) {
List<WorkflowDefinition> defs = null;
if (command.length == 3) {
if (command[2].equals("all")) {
defs = workflowService.getAllDefinitions();
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else {
defs = workflowService.getDefinitions();
for (WorkflowDefinition def : defs) {
out.println("id: " + def.getId() + " , name: " + def.getName() + " , title: " + def.getTitle() + " , version: " + def.getVersion());
} else if (command[1].equals("workflows")) {
String id = (currentWorkflowDef != null) ? currentWorkflowDef.getId() : null;
if (id == null && command.length == 2) {
return "workflow definition not in use. Enter command 'show workflows all' or 'use <workflowDefId>'.\n";
if (command.length == 3) {
if (command[2].equals("all")) {
id = "all";
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if ("all".equals(id)) {
for (WorkflowDefinition def : workflowService.getAllDefinitions()) {
List<WorkflowInstance> workflows = workflowService.getActiveWorkflows(def.getId());
for (WorkflowInstance workflow : workflows) {
out.println("id: " + workflow.getId() + " , desc: " + workflow.getDescription() + " , start date: " + workflow.getStartDate() + " , def: " + workflow.getDefinition().getName() + " v" + workflow.getDefinition().getVersion());
} else {
List<WorkflowInstance> workflows = workflowService.getActiveWorkflows(id);
for (WorkflowInstance workflow : workflows) {
out.println("id: " + workflow.getId() + " , desc: " + workflow.getDescription() + " , start date: " + workflow.getStartDate() + " , def: " + workflow.getDefinition().getName());
} else if (command[1].equals("paths")) {
String workflowId = (command.length == 3) ? command[2] : (currentPath == null) ? null : currentPath.getInstance().getId();
if (workflowId == null) {
return "Syntax Error. Workflow Id not specified.\n";
List<WorkflowPath> paths = workflowService.getWorkflowPaths(workflowId);
for (WorkflowPath path : paths) {
out.println("path id: " + path.getId() + " , node: " + path.getNode().getName());
} else if (command[1].equals("tasks")) {
String pathId = (command.length == 3) ? command[2] : (currentPath == null) ? null : currentPath.getId();
if (pathId == null) {
return "Syntax Error. Path Id not specified.\n";
List<WorkflowTask> tasks = workflowService.getTasksForWorkflowPath(pathId);
for (WorkflowTask task : tasks) {
out.println("task id: " + task.getId() + " , name: " + task.getName() + " , properties: " + task.getProperties().size());
} else if (command[1].equals("transitions")) {
String workflowId = (command.length == 3) ? command[2] : (currentPath == null) ? null : currentPath.getInstance().getId();
if (workflowId == null) {
return "Syntax Error. Workflow Id not specified.\n";
List<WorkflowPath> paths = workflowService.getWorkflowPaths(workflowId);
if (paths.size() == 0) {
out.println("no further transitions");
for (WorkflowPath path : paths) {
out.println("path: " + path.getId() + " , node: " + path.getNode().getName() + " , active: " + path.isActive());
List<WorkflowTask> tasks = workflowService.getTasksForWorkflowPath(path.getId());
for (WorkflowTask task : tasks) {
out.println(" task id: " + task.getId() + " , name: " + task.getName() + ", title: " + task.getTitle() + " , desc: " + task.getDescription() + " , properties: " + task.getProperties().size());
for (WorkflowTransition transition : path.getNode().getTransitions()) {
out.println(" transition id: " + ((transition.getId() == null || transition.getId().equals("")) ? "[default]" : transition.getId()) + " , title: " + transition.getTitle());
} else if (command[1].equals("timers")) {
String id = (currentWorkflowDef != null) ? currentWorkflowDef.getId() : null;
if (id == null && command.length == 2) {
return "workflow definition not in use. Enter command 'show timers all' or 'use <workflowDefId>'.\n";
if (command.length == 3) {
if (command[2].equals("all")) {
id = "all";
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
List<WorkflowTimer> timers = new ArrayList<WorkflowTimer>();
if ("all".equals(id)) {
for (WorkflowDefinition def : workflowService.getAllDefinitions()) {
List<WorkflowInstance> workflows = workflowService.getActiveWorkflows(def.getId());
for (WorkflowInstance workflow : workflows) {
} else {
List<WorkflowInstance> workflows = workflowService.getActiveWorkflows(id);
for (WorkflowInstance workflow : workflows) {
for (WorkflowTimer timer : timers) {
out.print("id: " + timer.getId() + " , name: " + timer.getName() + " , due date: " + timer.getDueDate() + " , path: " + timer.getPath().getId() + " , node: " + timer.getPath().getNode().getName() + " , process: " + timer.getPath().getInstance().getId());
if (timer.getTask() != null) {
out.print(" , task: " + timer.getTask().getName() + "(" + timer.getTask().getId() + ")");
if (timer.getError() != null) {
out.println("error executing timer id " + timer.getId());
} else if (command[1].equals("my")) {
if (command.length != 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (command[2].equals("tasks")) {
out.println(AuthenticationUtil.getRunAsUser() + ":");
List<WorkflowTask> tasks = workflowService.getAssignedTasks(AuthenticationUtil.getRunAsUser(), WorkflowTaskState.IN_PROGRESS);
for (WorkflowTask task : tasks) {
out.println("id: " + task.getId() + " , name: " + task.getName() + " , properties: " + task.getProperties().size() + " , workflow: " + task.getPath().getInstance().getId() + " , path: " + task.getPath().getId());
} else if (command[2].equals("completed")) {
out.println(AuthenticationUtil.getRunAsUser() + ":");
List<WorkflowTask> tasks = workflowService.getAssignedTasks(AuthenticationUtil.getRunAsUser(), WorkflowTaskState.COMPLETED);
for (WorkflowTask task : tasks) {
out.println("id: " + task.getId() + " , name " + task.getName() + " , properties: " + task.getProperties().size() + " , workflow: " + task.getPath().getInstance().getId() + " , path: " + task.getPath().getId());
} else if (command[2].equals("pooled")) {
out.println(AuthenticationUtil.getRunAsUser() + ":");
List<WorkflowTask> tasks = workflowService.getPooledTasks(AuthenticationUtil.getRunAsUser());
for (WorkflowTask task : tasks) {
out.println("id: " + task.getId() + " , name " + task.getName() + " , properties: " + task.getProperties().size() + " , workflow: " + task.getPath().getInstance().getId() + " , path: " + task.getPath().getId());
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else if (command[0].equals("desc")) {
if (command.length < 2) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (command[1].equals("task")) {
if (command.length != 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
WorkflowTask task = workflowService.getTaskById(command[2]);
out.println("id: " + task.getId());
out.println("name: " + task.getName());
out.println("title: " + task.getTitle());
out.println("description: " + task.getDescription());
out.println("state: " + task.getState());
out.println("path: " + task.getPath().getId());
out.println("transitions: " + task.getDefinition().getNode().getTransitions().length);
for (WorkflowTransition transition : task.getDefinition().getNode().getTransitions()) {
out.println(" transition: " + ((transition.getId() == null || transition.getId().equals("")) ? "[default]" : transition.getId()) + " , title: " + transition.getTitle() + " , desc: " + transition.getDescription());
out.println("properties: " + task.getProperties().size());
for (Map.Entry<QName, Serializable> prop : task.getProperties().entrySet()) {
out.println(" " + prop.getKey() + " = " + prop.getValue());
} else if (command[1].equals("workflow")) {
if (command.length != 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
WorkflowInstance workflow = workflowService.getWorkflowById(command[2]);
out.println("definition: " + workflow.getDefinition().getName());
out.println("id: " + workflow.getId());
out.println("description: " + workflow.getDescription());
out.println("active: " + workflow.isActive());
out.println("start date: " + workflow.getStartDate());
out.println("end date: " + workflow.getEndDate());
out.println("initiator: " + workflow.getInitiator());
out.println("context: " + workflow.getContext());
out.println("package: " + workflow.getWorkflowPackage());
} else if (command[1].equals("path")) {
if (command.length != 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
Map<QName, Serializable> properties = workflowService.getPathProperties(command[2]);
out.println("path: " + command[1]);
out.println("properties: " + properties.size());
for (Map.Entry<QName, Serializable> prop : properties.entrySet()) {
out.println(" " + prop.getKey() + " = " + prop.getValue());
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else if (command[0].equals("query")) {
if (command.length < 2) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (command[1].equals("task")) {
// build query
WorkflowTaskQuery query = new WorkflowTaskQuery();
Map<QName, Object> taskProps = new HashMap<QName, Object>();
Map<QName, Object> procProps = new HashMap<QName, Object>();
for (int i = 2; i < command.length; i++) {
String[] predicate = command[i].split("=");
if (predicate.length == 1) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
String[] predicateName = predicate[0].split("\\.");
if (predicateName.length == 1) {
if (predicate[0].equals("taskId")) {
} else if (predicate[0].equals("taskState")) {
WorkflowTaskState state = WorkflowTaskState.valueOf(predicate[1]);
if (state == null) {
return "Syntax Error. Unknown task state\n";
} else if (predicate[0].equals("taskName")) {
query.setTaskName(QName.createQName(predicate[1], namespaceService));
} else if (predicate[0].equals("taskActor")) {
} else if (predicate[0].equals("processId")) {
} else if (predicate[0].equals("processName")) {
query.setProcessName(QName.createQName(predicate[1], namespaceService));
} else if (predicate[0].equals("workflowDefinitionName")) {
} else if (predicate[0].equals("processActive")) {
Boolean active = Boolean.valueOf(predicate[1]);
} else if (predicate[0].equals("orderBy")) {
String[] orderBy = predicate[1].split(",");
WorkflowTaskQuery.OrderBy[] queryOrderBy = new WorkflowTaskQuery.OrderBy[orderBy.length];
for (int iOrderBy = 0; iOrderBy < orderBy.length; iOrderBy++) {
queryOrderBy[iOrderBy] = WorkflowTaskQuery.OrderBy.valueOf(orderBy[iOrderBy]);
if (queryOrderBy[iOrderBy] == null) {
return "Syntax Error. Unknown orderBy.\n";
} else {
return "Syntax Error. Unknown query predicate.\n";
} else if (predicateName.length == 2) {
if (predicateName[0].equals("task")) {
taskProps.put(QName.createQName(predicateName[1], namespaceService), predicate[1]);
} else if (predicateName[0].equals("process")) {
procProps.put(QName.createQName(predicateName[1], namespaceService), predicate[1]);
} else {
return "Syntax Error. Unknown query predicate.\n";
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (taskProps.size() > 0) {
if (procProps.size() > 0) {
// execute query
List<WorkflowTask> tasks = workflowService.queryTasks(query);
out.println("found " + tasks.size() + " tasks.");
for (WorkflowTask task : tasks) {
out.println("task id: " + task.getId() + " , name: " + task.getName() + " , properties: " + task.getProperties().size() + ", process id: " + task.getPath().getInstance());
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else if (command[0].equals("deploy")) {
if (command.length != 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
ClassPathResource workflowDef = new ClassPathResource(command[2]);
WorkflowDeployment deployment = workflowService.deployDefinition(command[1], workflowDef.getInputStream(), MimetypeMap.MIMETYPE_XML);
WorkflowDefinition def = deployment.getDefinition();
for (String problem : deployment.getProblems()) {
out.println("deployed definition id: " + def.getId() + " , name: " + def.getName() + " , title: " + def.getTitle() + " , version: " + def.getVersion());
currentDeployEngine = command[1];
currentDeployResource = command[2];
out.print(executeCommand("use definition " + def.getId()));
} else if (command[0].equals("redeploy")) {
if (currentDeployResource == null) {
return "nothing to redeploy\n";
out.print(executeCommand("deploy " + currentDeployEngine + " " + currentDeployResource));
} else if (command[0].equals("undeploy")) {
if (command.length < 2) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (command[1].equals("definition")) {
if (command.length == 3) {
currentWorkflowDef = null;
currentPath = null;
out.print(executeCommand("show definitions"));
} else if (command.length == 4) {
if (command[2].equals("name")) {
List<WorkflowDefinition> defs = workflowService.getAllDefinitionsByName(command[3]);
for (WorkflowDefinition def : defs) {
out.print(" v" + def.getVersion());
currentWorkflowDef = null;
currentPath = null;
out.print(executeCommand("show definitions all"));
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else if (command[0].equals("use")) {
if (command.length == 1) {
out.println("definition: " + ((currentWorkflowDef == null) ? "None" : currentWorkflowDef.getId() + " , name: " + currentWorkflowDef.getTitle() + " , version: " + currentWorkflowDef.getVersion()));
out.println("workflow: " + ((currentPath == null) ? "None" : currentPath.getInstance().getId() + " , active: " + currentPath.getInstance().isActive()));
out.println("path: " + ((currentPath == null) ? "None" : currentPath.getId() + " , node: " + currentPath.getNode().getTitle()));
} else if (command.length > 1) {
if (command[1].equals("definition")) {
if (command.length != 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
WorkflowDefinition def = workflowService.getDefinitionById(command[2]);
if (def == null) {
return "Not found.\n";
currentWorkflowDef = def;
currentPath = null;
} else if (command[1].equals("workflow")) {
if (command.length != 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
WorkflowInstance instance = workflowService.getWorkflowById(command[2]);
currentWorkflowDef = instance.getDefinition();
currentPath = workflowService.getWorkflowPaths(instance.getId()).get(0);
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else if (command[0].equals("user")) {
if (command.length == 2) {
if (tenantService.isEnabled()) {
NodeRef personRef = personService.getPerson(command[1]);
if (personRef == null) {
throw new WorkflowException("User " + command[1] + " does not exist.");
PersonInfo info = personService.getPerson(personRef);
String userName = info.getUserName();
out.println("using user " + getCurrentUserName());
} else if (command[0].equals("start")) {
Map<QName, Serializable> params = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>();
for (int i = 1; i < command.length; i++) {
String[] param = command[i].split("=");
QName qname = QName.createQName(param[0], namespaceService);
if (param.length == 1) {
if (!vars.containsKey(qname)) {
return "var " + qname + " not found.\n";
params.put(qname, vars.get(qname));
} else if (param.length == 2) {
params.put(qname, param[1]);
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (currentWorkflowDef == null) {
return "Workflow definition not selected.\n";
setupStartTaskParameters(currentWorkflowDef.getStartTaskDefinition().metadata, params);
WorkflowPath path = workflowService.startWorkflow(currentWorkflowDef.getId(), params);
out.println("started workflow id: " + path.getInstance().getId() + " , def: " + path.getInstance().getDefinition().getTitle());
currentPath = path;
out.print(interpretCommand("show transitions"));
} else if (command[0].equals("update")) {
if (command.length < 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (command[1].equals("task")) {
if (command.length < 4) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
Map<QName, Serializable> params = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>();
for (int i = 3; i < command.length; i++) {
String[] param = command[i].split("=");
QName qname = QName.createQName(param[0], namespaceService);
if (param.length == 1) {
if (!vars.containsKey(qname)) {
return "var " + qname + " not found.\n";
params.put(qname, vars.get(qname));
} else if (param.length == 2) {
params.put(qname, param[1]);
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
WorkflowTask task = workflowService.updateTask(command[2], params, null, null);
out.println("updated task id: " + command[2] + ", properties: " + task.getProperties().size());
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else if (command[0].equals("signal")) {
if (command.length < 2) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
WorkflowPath path = workflowService.signal(command[1], getTransition(command));
out.println("signal sent - path id: " + path.getId());
out.print(interpretCommand("show transitions"));
} else if (command[0].equals("event")) {
if (command.length < 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
WorkflowPath path = workflowService.fireEvent(command[1], command[2]);
out.println("event " + command[2] + " fired - path id: " + path.getId());
out.print(interpretCommand("show transitions"));
} else if (command[0].equals("end")) {
if (command.length < 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (command[1].equals("task")) {
WorkflowTask task = workflowService.endTask(command[2], (command.length == 4) ? command[3] : null);
out.println("signal sent - path id: " + task.getPath().getId());
// ACE-3137: "show transitions" will fail if we don't set the workflow path first.
currentPath = task.getPath();
out.print(interpretCommand("show transitions"));
} else if (command[1].equals("workflow")) {
String workflowId = (command.length == 3) ? command[2] : (currentPath == null) ? null : currentPath.getInstance().getId();
if (workflowId == null) {
return "Syntax Error. Workflow Id not specified.\n";
out.println("workflow " + workflowId + " cancelled.");
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else if (command[0].equals("delete")) {
if (command.length < 2) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (command[1].equals("workflow")) {
String workflowId = (command.length == 3) ? command[2] : (currentPath == null) ? null : currentPath.getInstance().getId();
if (workflowId == null) {
return "Syntax Error. Workflow Id not specified.\n";
out.println("workflow " + workflowId + " deleted.");
} else if (command[1].equals("all")) {
if (command.length < 3) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (command[2].equals("workflows")) {
if (command.length < 4) {
return "Enter the command 'delete all workflows imeanit' to really delete all workflows\n";
if (command[3].equals("imeanit")) {
for (WorkflowDefinition def : workflowService.getAllDefinitions()) {
List<WorkflowInstance> workflows = workflowService.getActiveWorkflows(def.getId());
for (WorkflowInstance workflow : workflows) {
out.println("workflow " + workflow.getId() + " deleted.");
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else if (command[0].equals("var")) {
if (command.length == 1) {
for (Map.Entry<QName, Serializable> entry : vars.entrySet()) {
out.println(entry.getKey() + " = " + entry.getValue());
} else if (command.length == 2) {
String[] param = command[1].split("=");
if (param.length == 0) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (param.length == 1) {
QName qname = QName.createQName(param[0], namespaceService);
out.println("deleted var " + qname);
} else if (param.length == 2) {
boolean multi = false;
if (param[0].endsWith("*")) {
param[0] = param[0].substring(0, param[0].length() - 1);
multi = true;
QName qname = QName.createQName(param[0], namespaceService);
String[] strValues = param[1].split(",");
if (!multi && strValues.length > 1) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (!multi) {
vars.put(qname, strValues[0]);
} else {
List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String strValue : strValues) {
vars.put(qname, (Serializable) values);
out.println("set var " + qname + " = " + vars.get(qname));
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else if (command.length == 4) {
if (command[2].equals("person")) {
boolean multi = false;
if (command[1].endsWith("*")) {
command[1] = command[1].substring(0, command[1].length() - 1);
multi = true;
QName qname = QName.createQName(command[1], namespaceService);
String[] strValues = command[3].split(",");
if (!multi && strValues.length > 1) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (!multi) {
NodeRef auth = personService.getPerson(strValues[0]);
vars.put(qname, auth);
} else {
List<NodeRef> values = new ArrayList<NodeRef>();
for (String strValue : strValues) {
NodeRef auth = personService.getPerson(strValue);
vars.put(qname, (Serializable) values);
out.println("set var " + qname + " = " + vars.get(qname));
} else if (command[2].equals("group")) {
boolean multi = false;
if (command[1].endsWith("*")) {
command[1] = command[1].substring(0, command[1].length() - 1);
multi = true;
QName qname = QName.createQName(command[1], namespaceService);
String[] strValues = command[3].split(",");
if (!multi && strValues.length > 1) {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
if (!multi) {
NodeRef auth = authorityDAO.getAuthorityNodeRefOrNull(strValues[0]);
if (auth == null) {
throw new WorkflowException("Group " + strValues[0] + " does not exist.");
vars.put(qname, auth);
} else {
List<NodeRef> values = new ArrayList<NodeRef>();
for (String strValue : strValues) {
NodeRef auth = authorityDAO.getAuthorityNodeRefOrNull(strValue);
if (auth == null) {
throw new WorkflowException("Group " + strValue + " does not exist.");
vars.put(qname, (Serializable) values);
out.println("set var " + qname + " = " + vars.get(qname));
} else if (command[2].equals("package")) {
QName qname = QName.createQName(command[1], namespaceService);
int number = new Integer(command[3]);
NodeRef packageNodeRef = workflowService.createPackage(null);
for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
FileInfo fileInfo = fileFolderService.create(packageNodeRef, "Content" + i, ContentModel.TYPE_CONTENT);
ContentWriter writer = fileFolderService.getWriter(fileInfo.getNodeRef());
writer.putContent("Content" + i);
vars.put(qname, packageNodeRef);
out.println("set var " + qname + " = " + vars.get(qname));
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
} else {
return "Syntax Error.\n";
String retVal = new String(bout.toByteArray());
return retVal;
use of org.alfresco.service.cmr.workflow.WorkflowDeployment in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class AbstractActivitiComponentTest method deployDefinition.
protected WorkflowDefinition deployDefinition(String resource) {
InputStream input = getInputStream(resource);
WorkflowDeployment deployment = workflowEngine.deployDefinition(input, XML);
WorkflowDefinition definition = deployment.getDefinition();
return definition;