use of org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespaceException in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class AbstractNodeEventFilter method expandTypeDef.
protected Collection<QName> expandTypeDef(String typeDef) {
if ((typeDef == null) || typeDef.isEmpty() || typeDef.equals("none") || typeDef.contains("${")) {
return Collections.emptyList();
if (typeDef.indexOf(' ') < 0) {
return Collections.singleton(getQName(typeDef));
String[] typeDefParts = typeDef.split(" ");
if (typeDefParts.length != 2) {
LOGGER.warn("Ignoring invalid blacklist type pattern: " + typeDef);
return Collections.emptyList();
if (typeDefParts[1].equals(MARKER_INCLUDE_SUBTYPES)) {
if (typeDefParts[0].indexOf('*') >= 0) {
LOGGER.warn("Ignoring invalid blacklist type pattern: " + typeDef);
return Collections.emptyList();
QName baseType;
try {
baseType = getQName(typeDefParts[0]);
} catch (NamespaceException ne) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return dictionaryService.getSubTypes(baseType, true);
LOGGER.warn("Ignoring invalid blacklist type pattern: " + typeDef);
return Collections.emptyList();
use of org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespaceException in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class TypeVirtualizationMethod method asRegExpQNamePatternFilters.
private QNamePattern[] asRegExpQNamePatternFilters(String filtersString) {
String[] filters = filtersString.split(",");
List<QNamePattern> patterns = new ArrayList<>(3);
for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) {
String trimmedFilters = filters[i].trim();
if (!trimmedFilters.isEmpty()) {
if ("*".equals(trimmedFilters)) {
if ("none".equals(trimmedFilters)) {
String[] components = filters[i].split(":");
if (components == null || components.length != 2 || components[0].trim().isEmpty() || components[1].trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal filters string " + filtersString + ". Expected <prefix>:<name> | <prefix>:'*' instead of " + filters[i]);
try {
String uri = namespacePrefixResolver.getNamespaceURI(components[0]);
if (uri == null) {
// replicate expected resolver behavior
throw new NamespaceException("Unregistrered prefix " + components[0]);
String localName = components[1];
if ("*".equals(localName.trim())) {
localName = ".*";
RegexQNamePattern qNamePattern = new RegexQNamePattern(uri, localName);
if (!qNamePattern.isMatch(QName.createQName(uri, components[1]))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal filters string " + filtersString + " due to invalid regexp translatrion in " + filters[i] + " as " + qNamePattern);
} catch (NamespaceException e) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Illegal filters string " + filtersString + " due to unregistered name space in " + filters[i], e);
} catch (PatternSyntaxException e) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Illegal filters string " + filtersString + " due to invalid regexp translation in " + filters[i], e);
return patterns.toArray(new QNamePattern[] {});
use of org.alfresco.service.namespace.NamespaceException in project alfresco-repository by Alfresco.
the class FormServiceImplTest method disabledTestFDKModel.
@SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation" })
public void disabledTestFDKModel() throws Exception {
// NOTE: The FDK is not loaded by default, for this test to work you must
// import and make the "Forms Development Kit" project a dependency
// of the "Repository" project.
DictionaryService dictionary = (DictionaryService) this.applicationContext.getBean("DictionaryService");
try {
dictionary.getType(QName.createQName("fdk", "everything", this.namespaceService));
} catch (NamespaceException ne) {
fail("FDK namespace is missing, ensure you've made the 'Forms Development Kit' project a dependency of the 'Repository' project when enabling this test!");
// from the check above we know the 'fdk' namespace is present so we can safely
// use the FDK model, firstly create an instance of an everything node
String fdkUri = "";
QName everythingType = QName.createQName(fdkUri, "everything");
QName textProperty = QName.createQName(fdkUri, "text");
QName underscoreProperty = QName.createQName(fdkUri, "with_underscore");
QName dashProperty = QName.createQName(fdkUri, "with-dash");
QName duplicateProperty = QName.createQName(fdkUri, "duplicate");
QName periodProperty = QName.createQName(fdkUri, "period");
String guid = GUID.generate();
String name = "everything" + guid + ".txt";
String textValue = "This is some text.";
String underscoreValue = "Property with an underscore in the name.";
String dashValue = "Property with a dash in the name.";
String duplicateValue = "Property with the same name as an association.";
String periodValue = "day|1";
Map<QName, Serializable> docProps = new HashMap<QName, Serializable>(4);
docProps.put(ContentModel.PROP_NAME, name);
docProps.put(textProperty, textValue);
docProps.put(underscoreProperty, underscoreValue);
docProps.put(dashProperty, dashValue);
docProps.put(duplicateProperty, duplicateValue);
docProps.put(periodProperty, periodValue);
NodeRef everythingNode = this.nodeService.createNode(this.folder, ContentModel.ASSOC_CONTAINS, QName.createQName(NamespaceService.CONTENT_MODEL_1_0_URI, name), everythingType, docProps).getChildRef();
// define a list of fields to retrieve from the node
List<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>(4);
Form form = this.formService.getForm(new Item(NODE_FORM_ITEM_KIND, everythingNode.toString()), fields);
// check a form got returned
assertNotNull("Expecting form to be present", form);
// check the type is correct
assertEquals("fdk:everything", form.getItem().getType());
// check the field definitions
Collection<FieldDefinition> fieldDefs = form.getFieldDefinitions();
assertNotNull("Expecting to find fields", fieldDefs);
assertEquals("Expecting to find " + fields.size() + " fields", fields.size(), fieldDefs.size());
// find the fields, as we have a duplicate we can't use a Map
PropertyFieldDefinition nameField = null;
PropertyFieldDefinition textField = null;
PropertyFieldDefinition underscoreField = null;
PropertyFieldDefinition dashField = null;
PropertyFieldDefinition periodField = null;
PropertyFieldDefinition duplicatePropField = null;
AssociationFieldDefinition duplicateAssocField = null;
for (FieldDefinition field : fieldDefs) {
if (field.getName().equals("cm:name")) {
nameField = (PropertyFieldDefinition) field;
} else if (field.getName().equals("fdk:text")) {
textField = (PropertyFieldDefinition) field;
} else if (field.getName().equals("fdk:with_underscore")) {
underscoreField = (PropertyFieldDefinition) field;
} else if (field.getName().equals("fdk:with-dash")) {
dashField = (PropertyFieldDefinition) field;
} else if (field.getName().equals("fdk:duplicate")) {
if (field instanceof PropertyFieldDefinition) {
duplicatePropField = (PropertyFieldDefinition) field;
} else if (field instanceof AssociationFieldDefinition) {
duplicateAssocField = (AssociationFieldDefinition) field;
} else if (field.getName().equals("fdk:period")) {
periodField = (PropertyFieldDefinition) field;
assertNotNull("Expected to find nameField", nameField);
assertNotNull("Expected to find textField", textField);
assertNotNull("Expected to find underscoreField", underscoreField);
assertNotNull("Expected to find dashField", dashField);
assertNotNull("Expected to find periodField", periodField);
assertNotNull("Expected to find duplicatePropField", duplicatePropField);
assertNotNull("Expected to find duplicateAssocField", duplicateAssocField);
// check the field values
FormData values = form.getFormData();
assertEquals(name, values.getFieldData(nameField.getDataKeyName()).getValue());
assertEquals(textValue, values.getFieldData(textField.getDataKeyName()).getValue());
assertEquals(underscoreValue, values.getFieldData(underscoreField.getDataKeyName()).getValue());
assertEquals(dashValue, values.getFieldData(dashField.getDataKeyName()).getValue());
assertEquals(periodValue, values.getFieldData(periodField.getDataKeyName()).getValue().toString());
assertEquals(duplicateValue, values.getFieldData(duplicatePropField.getDataKeyName()).getValue());
FieldData fieldData = values.getFieldData(duplicateAssocField.getDataKeyName());
List<?> assocs = (List<?>) fieldData.getValue();
assertEquals(0, assocs.size());
// check the period property data type parameters were returned
DataTypeParameters dtp = periodField.getDataTypeParameters();
assertNotNull("Expected to find data type parameters for the fdk:period field", dtp);
// update the properties via FormService
FormData data = new FormData();
// setup the new property values
String newText = "This is the new text property";
data.addFieldData(textField.getDataKeyName(), newText);
String newUnderscore = "This is the new value for the underscore property.";
data.addFieldData(underscoreField.getDataKeyName(), newUnderscore);
String newDash = "This is the new value for the dash property.";
data.addFieldData(dashField.getDataKeyName(), newDash);
String newDuplicateProp = "This is the new value for the duplicate property.";
data.addFieldData(duplicatePropField.getDataKeyName(), newDuplicateProp);
// add new association value
data.addFieldData(duplicateAssocField.getDataKeyName() + "_added", this.document.toString());
// persist the data
this.formService.saveForm(new Item(NODE_FORM_ITEM_KIND, everythingNode.toString()), data);
// retrieve the data directly from the node service to ensure its been changed
Map<QName, Serializable> updatedProps = this.nodeService.getProperties(everythingNode);
String updatedText = (String) updatedProps.get(textProperty);
String updatedUnderscore = (String) updatedProps.get(underscoreProperty);
String updatedDash = (String) updatedProps.get(dashProperty);
String updatedDuplicate = (String) updatedProps.get(duplicateProperty);
// check values were updated
assertEquals(newText, updatedText);
assertEquals(newUnderscore, updatedUnderscore);
assertEquals(newDash, updatedDash);
assertEquals(newDuplicateProp, updatedDuplicate);
// retrieve the association that should now be present
assocs = this.nodeService.getTargetAssocs(everythingNode, duplicateProperty);
assertEquals(1, assocs.size());
// request a form for a type with an underscore in it's name
fields = new ArrayList<String>(1);
form = this.formService.getForm(new Item(TYPE_FORM_ITEM_KIND, "fdk:with_underscore"), fields);
// make sure there is 1 fields
fieldDefs = form.getFieldDefinitions();
assertEquals(1, fieldDefs.size());
// save the form to ensure persistence works too
String nodeName = GUID.generate() + ".txt";
data = new FormData();
data.addFieldData("prop_cm_name", nodeName);
data.addFieldData(AbstractFormProcessor.DESTINATION, this.folder.toString());
NodeRef newNode = (NodeRef) this.formService.saveForm(new Item(TYPE_FORM_ITEM_KIND, "fdk:with_underscore"), data);
// get and save a form for a type and property that has a dash in the namespace prefix
fields = new ArrayList<String>(2);
form = this.formService.getForm(new Item(TYPE_FORM_ITEM_KIND, "my-fdk:namespace-with-dash"), fields);
// make sure there are 2 fields
fieldDefs = form.getFieldDefinitions();
assertEquals(2, fieldDefs.size());
// save the form to ensure persistence works too
nodeName = GUID.generate() + ".txt";
data = new FormData();
data.addFieldData("prop_cm_name", nodeName);
data.addFieldData("prop_my-fdk_more_text", "This is some text");
data.addFieldData(TypeFormProcessor.DESTINATION, this.folder.toString());
newNode = (NodeRef) this.formService.saveForm(new Item(TYPE_FORM_ITEM_KIND, "my-fdk_namespace-with-dash"), data);
// retrieve the properties and check the values
Map<QName, Serializable> props = nodeService.getProperties(newNode);
assertEquals(nodeName, (String) props.get(ContentModel.PROP_NAME));
assertEquals("This is some text", (String) props.get(QName.createQName("", "more_text")));