use of org.alfresco.solr.client.NodeMetaData in project SearchServices by Alfresco.
the class DistributedAlfrescoSolrFingerPrintTest method testFingerPrint.
public void testFingerPrint() throws Exception {
handle.put("explain", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("timestamp", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("score", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("wt", SKIP);
handle.put("distrib", SKIP);
handle.put("shards.qt", SKIP);
handle.put("shards", SKIP);
// No longer used can be removed in Solr 6.
handle.put("spellcheck-extras", SKIP);
handle.put("q", SKIP);
handle.put("maxScore", SKIPVAL);
handle.put("_version_", SKIP);
handle.put("_original_parameters_", SKIP);
* Create and index an AclChangeSet.
AclChangeSet aclChangeSet = getAclChangeSet(1);
Acl acl = getAcl(aclChangeSet);
Acl acl2 = getAcl(aclChangeSet);
AclReaders aclReaders = getAclReaders(aclChangeSet, acl, list("joel"), list("phil"), null);
AclReaders aclReaders2 = getAclReaders(aclChangeSet, acl2, list("jim"), list("phil"), null);
indexAclChangeSet(aclChangeSet, list(acl, acl2), list(aclReaders, aclReaders2));
// Check for the ACL state stamp.
BooleanQuery.Builder builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
builder.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_SOLR4_ID, "TRACKER!STATE!ACLTX")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
builder.add(new BooleanClause(LegacyNumericRangeQuery.newLongRange(QueryConstants.FIELD_S_ACLTXID, aclChangeSet.getId(), aclChangeSet.getId() + 1, true, false), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
BooleanQuery waitForQuery =;
waitForDocCountAllCores(waitForQuery, 1, 80000);
* Create and index a Transaction
// First create a transaction.
Transaction txn = getTransaction(0, 4);
// Next create two nodes to update for the transaction
Node node1 = getNode(txn, acl, Node.SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED);
Node node2 = getNode(txn, acl, Node.SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED);
Node node3 = getNode(txn, acl, Node.SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED);
Node node4 = getNode(txn, acl, Node.SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED);
// Next create the NodeMetaData for each node. TODO: Add more metadata
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData1 = getNodeMetaData(node1, txn, acl, "mike", null, false);
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData2 = getNodeMetaData(node2, txn, acl, "mike", null, false);
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData3 = getNodeMetaData(node3, txn, acl, "mike", null, false);
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData4 = getNodeMetaData(node4, txn, acl, "mike", null, false);
List<String> content = new ArrayList();
int[] sizes = { 2000, 1000, 1500, 750 };
Random r = new Random(1);
String token1 = Integer.toString(Math.abs(r.nextInt()));
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
Random rand = new Random(1);
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int size = sizes[i];
for (int s = 0; s < size; s++) {
if (s > 0) {
buf.append(" ");
// Index the transaction, nodes, and nodeMetaDatas.
// Note that the content is automatically created by the test framework.
indexTransaction(txn, list(node1, node2, node3, node4), list(nodeMetaData1, nodeMetaData2, nodeMetaData3, nodeMetaData4), content);
// Check for the TXN state stamp.
builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
builder.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_SOLR4_ID, "TRACKER!STATE!TX")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
builder.add(new BooleanClause(LegacyNumericRangeQuery.newLongRange(QueryConstants.FIELD_S_TXID, txn.getId(), txn.getId() + 1, true, false), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
waitForQuery =;
waitForDocCountAllCores(waitForQuery, 1, 80000);
* Query the index for the content
waitForDocCountAllCores(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "jim")), 1, 80000);
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", token1)), 4, 80000);
QueryResponse response = query(getDefaultTestClient(), true, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [\"joel\"], \"tenants\": []}", params("q", "FINGERPRINT:" + node1.getId(), "qt", "/afts", "shards.qt", "/afts", "start", "0", "fl", "DBID,score", "rows", "100"));
SolrDocumentList docs = response.getResults();
assertTrue(docs.getNumFound() == 4);
SolrDocument doc0 = docs.get(0);
long dbid0 = (long) doc0.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid0 == node1.getId());
SolrDocument doc1 = docs.get(1);
long dbid1 = (long) doc1.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid1 == node3.getId());
SolrDocument doc2 = docs.get(2);
long dbid2 = (long) doc2.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid2 == node2.getId());
SolrDocument doc3 = docs.get(3);
long dbid3 = (long) doc3.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid3 == node4.getId());
response = query(getDefaultTestClient(), true, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [\"joel\"], \"tenants\": []}", params("q", "FINGERPRINT:" + node1.getId() + "_70", "qt", "/afts", "shards.qt", "/afts", "start", "0", "fl", "DBID,score", "rows", "100"));
docs = response.getResults();
assertTrue(docs.getNumFound() == 2);
doc0 = docs.get(0);
dbid0 = (long) doc0.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid0 == node1.getId());
doc1 = docs.get(1);
dbid1 = (long) doc1.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid1 == node3.getId());
response = query(getDefaultTestClient(), true, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [\"joel\"], \"tenants\": []}", params("q", "FINGERPRINT:" + node1.getId() + "_45", "qt", "/afts", "shards.qt", "/afts", "start", "0", "fl", "DBID,score", "rows", "100"));
docs = response.getResults();
assertTrue(docs.getNumFound() == 3);
doc0 = docs.get(0);
dbid0 = (long) doc0.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid0 == node1.getId());
doc1 = docs.get(1);
dbid1 = (long) doc1.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid1 == node3.getId());
doc2 = docs.get(2);
dbid2 = (long) doc2.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid2 == node2.getId());
response = query(getDefaultTestClient(), true, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [\"joel\"], \"tenants\": []}", params("q", "FINGERPRINT:" + nodeMetaData1.getNodeRef().getId(), "qt", "/afts", "shards.qt", "/afts", "start", "0", "fl", "DBID,score", "rows", "100"));
docs = response.getResults();
assertTrue(docs.getNumFound() == 4);
doc0 = docs.get(0);
dbid0 = (long) doc0.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid0 == node1.getId());
doc1 = docs.get(1);
dbid1 = (long) doc1.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid1 == node3.getId());
doc2 = docs.get(2);
dbid2 = (long) doc2.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid2 == node2.getId());
doc3 = docs.get(3);
dbid3 = (long) doc3.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid3 == node4.getId());
response = query(getDefaultTestClient(), true, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [\"joel\"], \"tenants\": []}", params("q", "FINGERPRINT:" + nodeMetaData1.getNodeRef().getId() + "_70", "qt", "/afts", "shards.qt", "/afts", "start", "0", "fl", "DBID,score", "rows", "100"));
docs = response.getResults();
assertTrue(docs.getNumFound() == 2);
doc0 = docs.get(0);
dbid0 = (long) doc0.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid0 == node1.getId());
doc1 = docs.get(1);
dbid1 = (long) doc1.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid1 == node3.getId());
response = query(getDefaultTestClient(), true, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [\"joel\"], \"tenants\": []}", params("q", "FINGERPRINT:" + nodeMetaData1.getNodeRef().getId() + "_45", "qt", "/afts", "shards.qt", "/afts", "start", "0", "fl", "DBID,score", "rows", "100"));
docs = response.getResults();
assertTrue(docs.getNumFound() == 3);
doc0 = docs.get(0);
dbid0 = (long) doc0.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid0 == node1.getId());
doc1 = docs.get(1);
dbid1 = (long) doc1.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid1 == node3.getId());
doc2 = docs.get(2);
dbid2 = (long) doc2.getFieldValue("DBID");
assertTrue(dbid2 == node2.getId());
use of org.alfresco.solr.client.NodeMetaData in project SearchServices by Alfresco.
the class AlfrescoSolrTrackerExceptionTest method testTrackers.
public void testTrackers() throws Exception {
* Create and index an AclChangeSet.
*/"######### Starting tracker test ###########");
AclChangeSet aclChangeSet = getAclChangeSet(1, 1);
Acl acl = getAcl(aclChangeSet);
Acl acl2 = getAcl(aclChangeSet);
AclReaders aclReaders = getAclReaders(aclChangeSet, acl, list("joel"), list("phil"), null);
AclReaders aclReaders2 = getAclReaders(aclChangeSet, acl2, list("jim"), list("phil"), null);
SOLRAPIQueueClient.setThrowException(false);"#################### Stop throwing exceptions ##############################");
indexAclChangeSet(aclChangeSet, list(acl, acl2), list(aclReaders, aclReaders2));
// Check for the ACL state stamp.
BooleanQuery.Builder builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
builder.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_SOLR4_ID, "TRACKER!STATE!ACLTX")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
builder.add(new BooleanClause(LegacyNumericRangeQuery.newLongRange(QueryConstants.FIELD_S_ACLTXID, aclChangeSet.getId(), aclChangeSet.getId() + 1, true, false), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
BooleanQuery waitForQuery =;
waitForDocCount(waitForQuery, 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed First Test ##############################");
// assert(false);
* Create and index a Transaction
// First create a transaction.
Transaction txn = getTransaction(0, 2, 1);
// Next create two nodes to update for the transaction
Node folderNode = getNode(txn, acl, Node.SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED);
Node fileNode = getNode(txn, acl, Node.SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED);
Node errorNode = getNode(txn, acl, Node.SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED);"######### error node:" + errorNode.getId());
// Next create the NodeMetaData for each node. TODO: Add more metadata
NodeMetaData folderMetaData = getNodeMetaData(folderNode, txn, acl, "mike", null, false);
NodeMetaData fileMetaData = getNodeMetaData(fileNode, txn, acl, "mike", ancestors(folderMetaData.getNodeRef()), false);
// The errorNodeMetaData will cause an exception.
NodeMetaData errorMetaData = getNodeMetaData(errorNode, txn, acl, "lisa", ancestors(folderMetaData.getNodeRef()), true);
// Index the transaction, nodes, and nodeMetaDatas.
// Note that the content is automatically created by the test framework.
indexTransaction(txn, list(errorNode, folderNode, fileNode), list(errorMetaData, folderMetaData, fileMetaData));"#################### Start throwing exceptions ##############################");
SOLRAPIQueueClient.setThrowException(false);"#################### Stop throwing exceptions ##############################");
// Check for the TXN state stamp."#################### Started Second Test ##############################");
builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
builder.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_SOLR4_ID, "TRACKER!STATE!TX")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
builder.add(new BooleanClause(LegacyNumericRangeQuery.newLongRange(QueryConstants.FIELD_S_TXID, txn.getId(), txn.getId() + 1, true, false), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
waitForQuery =;
waitForDocCount(waitForQuery, 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Second Test ##############################");
* Query the index for the content
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "jim")), 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", "world")), 2, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", Long.toString(fileNode.getId()))), 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Third Test ##############################");
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
// Query for an id in the content field. The node id is automatically populated into the content field by test framework
params.add("q", "t1:" + fileNode.getId());
params.add("qt", "/afts");
params.add("start", "0");
params.add("rows", "6");
params.add("sort", "id asc");
params.add("fq", "{!afts}AUTHORITY_FILTER_FROM_JSON");
SolrServletRequest req = areq(params, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [ \"joel\"], \"tenants\": [ \"\" ]}");
assertQ(req, "*[count(//doc)=1]", "//result/doc[1]/long[@name='DBID'][.='" + fileNode.getId() + "']");"#################### Passed Fourth Test ##############################");
// Check for the error doc
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_DOC_TYPE, "ErrorNode")), 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Fifth Test ##############################");
// Mark the folder as needing cascade
Transaction txn1 = getTransaction(0, 1, 2);
// Update the properties on the Node and NodeMetaData to simulate an update to the Node.
folderMetaData.getProperties().put(ContentModel.PROP_CASCADE_TX, new StringPropertyValue(Long.toString(txn1.getId())));
// Update the txnId
// Change the ancestor on the file just to see if it's been updated
NodeRef nodeRef = new NodeRef(new StoreRef("workspace", "SpacesStore"), createGUID());
// This will add the PROP_CASCADE_TX property to the folder."################### ADDING CASCADE TRANSACTION #################");
indexTransaction(txn1, list(folderNode), list(folderMetaData));
// Check for the TXN state stamp.
builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
builder.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_SOLR4_ID, "TRACKER!STATE!TX")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
builder.add(new BooleanClause(LegacyNumericRangeQuery.newLongRange(QueryConstants.FIELD_S_TXID, txn1.getId(), txn1.getId() + 1, true, false), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
waitForDocCount(, 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Sixth Test ##############################");
TermQuery termQuery1 = new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_ANCESTOR, nodeRef.toString()));
waitForDocCount(termQuery1, 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
params.add("q", QueryConstants.FIELD_ANCESTOR + ":\"" + nodeRef.toString() + "\"");
params.add("qt", "/afts");
params.add("start", "0");
params.add("rows", "6");
params.add("sort", "id asc");
params.add("fq", "{!afts}AUTHORITY_FILTER_FROM_JSON");
req = areq(params, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [ \"mike\"], \"tenants\": [ \"\" ]}");
assertQ(req, "*[count(//doc)=1]", "//result/doc[1]/long[@name='DBID'][.='" + fileNode.getId() + "']");"#################### Passed Seventh Test ##############################");
// Check that both documents have been indexed and have content.
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", "world")), 2, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Eighth Test ##############################");
// Try bulk loading
Transaction txn2 = getTransaction(0, 550);
List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList();
List<NodeMetaData> nodeMetaDatas = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < 550; i++) {
Node n = getNode(txn2, acl, Node.SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED);
NodeMetaData nm = getNodeMetaData(n, txn2, acl, "mike", ancestors(folderMetaData.getNodeRef()), false);
}"############################ Bulk Nodes:" + nodes.size());
indexTransaction(txn2, nodes, nodeMetaDatas);
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", "world")), 552, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Ninth Test ##############################");
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
Transaction txnX = getTransaction(0, 1);
List<Node> nodesX = new ArrayList();
List<NodeMetaData> nodeMetaDatasX = new ArrayList();
Node n = getNode(txnX, acl, Node.SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED);
NodeMetaData nm = getNodeMetaData(n, txnX, acl, "mike", ancestors(folderMetaData.getNodeRef()), false);
indexTransaction(txnX, nodesX, nodeMetaDatasX);
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", "world")), 1552, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Tenth Test ##############################");
// Test the maintenance methods
// Wait for a document that has the new owner and the content populated.
builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
builder.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", "world")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
builder.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_OWNER, "amy")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
waitForDocCount(, 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Eleventh Test ##############################");
// Wait for a document that has the new owner and the content populated.
builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
builder.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", "world")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
builder.add(new BooleanClause(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_OWNER, "jill")), BooleanClause.Occur.MUST));
waitForDocCount(, 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Twelth Test ##############################");
params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
// Query for an id in the content field. The node id is automatically populated into the content field by test framework
params.add("q", "t1:" + fileNode.getId());
params.add("qt", "/afts");
params.add("start", "0");
params.add("rows", "6");
params.add("sort", "id asc");
params.add("fq", "{!afts}AUTHORITY_FILTER_FROM_JSON");
req = areq(params, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [ \"amy\"], \"tenants\": [ \"\" ]}");
assertQ(req, "*[count(//doc)=1]", "//result/doc[1]/long[@name='DBID'][.='" + fileNode.getId() + "']");"#################### Passed Fourteenth Test ##############################");
params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
// Query for an id in the content field. The node id is automatically populated into the content field by test framework
params.add("q", "t1:" + folderNode.getId());
params.add("qt", "/afts");
params.add("start", "0");
params.add("rows", "6");
params.add("sort", "id asc");
params.add("fq", "{!afts}AUTHORITY_FILTER_FROM_JSON");
req = areq(params, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [ \"jill\"], \"tenants\": [ \"\" ]}");
assertQ(req, "*[count(//doc)=1]", "//result/doc[1]/long[@name='DBID'][.='" + folderNode.getId() + "']");"#################### Passed Fifteenth Test ##############################");
List<String> readers = aclReaders.getReaders();
// Change the aclReader
readers.set(0, "andy");
List<String> readers2 = aclReaders2.getReaders();
// Change the aclReader
readers2.set(0, "ice");
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "andy")), 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
// Ice should have replaced jim in acl2.
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "ice")), 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "jim")), 0, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Sixteenth Test ##############################");
params = new ModifiableSolrParams();
// Query for an id in the content field. The node id is automatically populated into the content field by test framework
params.add("q", "t1:" + fileNode.getId());
params.add("qt", "/afts");
params.add("start", "0");
params.add("rows", "6");
params.add("sort", "id asc");
params.add("fq", "{!afts}AUTHORITY_FILTER_FROM_JSON");
req = areq(params, "{\"locales\":[\"en\"], \"templates\": [{\"name\":\"t1\", \"template\":\"%cm:content\"}], \"authorities\": [ \"andy\"], \"tenants\": [ \"\" ]}");
assertQ(req, "*[count(//doc)=1]", "//result/doc[1]/long[@name='DBID'][.='" + fileNode.getId() + "']");"#################### Passed Seventeenth Test ##############################");
// Change the aclReader
readers.set(0, "alan");
// Change the aclReader
readers2.set(0, "paul");
// This should replace "andy" and "ice" with "alan" and "paul"
// Test that "alan" and "paul" are in the index
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "alan")), 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "paul")), 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
// Test that "andy" and "ice" are removed
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "andy")), 0, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "ice")), 0, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
// Test Maintenance acl purge
// Test Maintenance node purge
// paul should be purged
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "paul")), 0, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", Long.toString(fileNode.getId()))), 0, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
// Refects the purged node and transaction
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", "world")), 1001, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Eighteenth Test ##############################");
// alan should be purged
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_READER, "alan")), 0, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
// Fix the error node
errorMetaData.setNodeRef(new NodeRef(new StoreRef("workspace", "SpacesStore"), createGUID()));
// Reload the error node."Retry the error node");
// The error in the index should disappear.
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term(QueryConstants.FIELD_DOC_TYPE, "ErrorNode")), 0, MAX_WAIT_TIME);
// And the error node should be present
waitForDocCount(new TermQuery(new Term("content@s___t@{}content", Long.toString(errorNode.getId()))), 1, MAX_WAIT_TIME);"#################### Passed Nineteenth Test ##############################");
// assert(false);
use of org.alfresco.solr.client.NodeMetaData in project SearchServices by Alfresco.
the class SolrInformationServer method getCascadeNodes.
public List<NodeMetaData> getCascadeNodes(List<Long> txnIds) throws AuthenticationException, IOException, JSONException {
List<FieldInstance> list = AlfrescoSolrDataModel.getInstance().getIndexedFieldNamesForProperty(ContentModel.PROP_CASCADE_TX).getFields();
FieldInstance fieldInstance = list.get(0);
RefCounted<SolrIndexSearcher> refCounted = null;
IntArrayList docList = null;
HashSet<Long> childIds = new HashSet();
try {
refCounted = core.getSearcher();
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = refCounted.get();
String field = fieldInstance.getField();
SchemaField schemaField = searcher.getSchema().getField(field);
FieldType fieldType = schemaField.getType();
BooleanQuery.Builder builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
BooleanQuery booleanQuery = null;
for (Long l : txnIds) {
BytesRefBuilder bytesRefBuilder = new BytesRefBuilder();
fieldType.readableToIndexed(l.toString(), bytesRefBuilder);
TermQuery termQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(field, bytesRefBuilder.toBytesRef()));
BooleanClause booleanClause = new BooleanClause(termQuery, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD);
booleanQuery =;
DocListCollector collector = new DocListCollector();, collector);
docList = collector.getDocs();
// System.out.println("################ CASCASDE Parent Nodes:"+docList.size());
int size = docList.size();
Set set = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int docId = docList.get(i);
Document document = searcher.doc(docId, set);
IndexableField indexableField = document.getField(FIELD_SOLR4_ID);
String id = indexableField.stringValue();
TenantAclIdDbId ids = AlfrescoSolrDataModel.decodeNodeDocumentId(id);
// System.out.println("################## Cascade Parent:"+ ids.dbId);
} finally {
List<NodeMetaData> allNodeMetaDatas = new ArrayList();
for (Long childId : childIds) {
NodeMetaDataParameters nmdp = new NodeMetaDataParameters();
// We only care about the path and ancestors (which is included) for this case
// Gets only one
List<NodeMetaData> nodeMetaDatas = repositoryClient.getNodesMetaData(nmdp, 1);
return allNodeMetaDatas;
use of org.alfresco.solr.client.NodeMetaData in project SearchServices by Alfresco.
the class SolrInformationServer method recreateSolrDoc.
private SolrInputDocument recreateSolrDoc(long dbId, String tenant) throws AuthenticationException, IOException, JSONException {
NodeMetaDataParameters nmdp = new NodeMetaDataParameters();
List<NodeMetaData> nodeMetaDatas = repositoryClient.getNodesMetaData(nmdp, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
SolrInputDocument newDoc = null;
if (!nodeMetaDatas.isEmpty()) {
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData = nodeMetaDatas.get(0);
newDoc = createNewDoc(nodeMetaData, DOC_TYPE_NODE);
addFieldsToDoc(nodeMetaData, newDoc);
boolean isContentIndexedForNode = isContentIndexedForNode(nodeMetaData.getProperties());
Map<QName, PropertyValue> properties = nodeMetaData.getProperties();
// Cached doc is null for this method because it is a recreate after a cache miss.
addPropertiesToDoc(properties, isContentIndexedForNode, newDoc, null, transformContent);
} else {
// we get an empty list if a node is deleted
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("Failed to recreate Solr doc with tenant [" + tenant + "] and dbId [" + dbId + "], " + "because node not found in repository.");
return newDoc;
use of org.alfresco.solr.client.NodeMetaData in project SearchServices by Alfresco.
the class SolrInformationServer method indexNode.
public void indexNode(Node node, boolean overwrite) throws IOException, AuthenticationException, JSONException {
SolrQueryRequest request = null;
UpdateRequestProcessor processor = null;
try {
request = getLocalSolrQueryRequest();
processor = this.core.getUpdateProcessingChain(null).createProcessor(request, new SolrQueryResponse());
long start = System.nanoTime();
if ((node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.DELETED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.NON_SHARD_DELETED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.NON_SHARD_UPDATED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.UNKNOWN)) {
// fix up any secondary paths
NodeMetaDataParameters nmdp = new NodeMetaDataParameters();
List<NodeMetaData> nodeMetaDatas;
if ((node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.DELETED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.NON_SHARD_DELETED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.NON_SHARD_UPDATED)) {
// Fake the empty node metadata for this parent deleted node
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData = createDeletedNodeMetaData(node);
nodeMetaDatas = Collections.singletonList(nodeMetaData);
} else {
nodeMetaDatas = repositoryClient.getNodesMetaData(nmdp, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData = null;
if (!nodeMetaDatas.isEmpty()) {
nodeMetaData = nodeMetaDatas.get(0);
if (!(nodeMetaData.getTxnId() > node.getTxnId())) {
if (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.DELETED) {
try {
// Lock the node to ensure that no other trackers work with this node until this code completes.
if (!spinLock(nodeMetaData.getId(), 120000)) {
// We haven't acquired the lock in over 2 minutes. This really shouldn't happen unless something has gone wrong.
throw new Exception("Unable to acquire lock on nodeId:" + nodeMetaData.getId());
} finally {
// else, the node has moved on to a later transaction, and it will be indexed later
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(".. deleting");
deleteNode(processor, request, node);
if ((node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.UNKNOWN) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.NON_SHARD_UPDATED)) {".. updating");
long nodeId = node.getId();
try {
if (!spinLock(nodeId, 120000)) {
// We haven't acquired the lock in over 2 minutes. This really shouldn't happen unless something has gone wrong.
throw new Exception("Unable to acquire lock on nodeId:" + nodeId);
NodeMetaDataParameters nmdp = new NodeMetaDataParameters();
List<NodeMetaData> nodeMetaDatas = repositoryClient.getNodesMetaData(nmdp, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
AddUpdateCommand addDocCmd = new AddUpdateCommand(request);
addDocCmd.overwrite = overwrite;
if (!nodeMetaDatas.isEmpty()) {
NodeMetaData nodeMetaData = nodeMetaDatas.get(0);
if (!(nodeMetaData.getTxnId() > node.getTxnId())) {
if (mayHaveChildren(nodeMetaData))
cascadeUpdate(nodeMetaData, overwrite, request, processor);
if (node.getTxnId() == Long.MAX_VALUE) {
// This is a re-index. We need to clear the txnId from the pr
if ((node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.UPDATED) || (node.getStatus() == SolrApiNodeStatus.UNKNOWN)) {
// check index control
Map<QName, PropertyValue> properties = nodeMetaData.getProperties();
StringPropertyValue pValue = (StringPropertyValue) properties.get(ContentModel.PROP_IS_INDEXED);
if (pValue != null) {
Boolean isIndexed = Boolean.valueOf(pValue.getValue());
if (!isIndexed.booleanValue()) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(".. clearing unindexed");
deleteNode(processor, request, node);
SolrInputDocument doc = createNewDoc(nodeMetaData, DOC_TYPE_UNINDEXED_NODE);
solrContentStore.storeDocOnSolrContentStore(nodeMetaData, doc);
addDocCmd.solrDoc = doc;
long end = System.nanoTime();
this.trackerStats.addNodeTime(end - start);
// Make sure any unindexed or error doc is removed.
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(".. deleting node " + node.getId());
deleteNode(processor, request, node);
SolrInputDocument doc = createNewDoc(nodeMetaData, DOC_TYPE_NODE);
addToNewDocAndCache(nodeMetaData, doc);
addDocCmd.solrDoc = doc;
// Ends checking for a nodeMetaData
} finally {
// Ends checking for updated or unknown node status
long end = System.nanoTime();
this.trackerStats.addNodeTime(end - start);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Node index failed and skipped for " + node.getId() + " in Tx " + node.getTxnId(), e);
if (processor == null) {
if (request == null) {
request = getLocalSolrQueryRequest();
processor = this.core.getUpdateProcessingChain(null).createProcessor(request, new SolrQueryResponse());
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug(".. deleting on exception");
deleteNode(processor, request, node);
AddUpdateCommand addDocCmd = new AddUpdateCommand(request);
addDocCmd.overwrite = overwrite;
SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument();
doc.addField(FIELD_SOLR4_ID, PREFIX_ERROR + node.getId());
doc.addField(FIELD_VERSION, "0");
doc.addField(FIELD_DBID, node.getId());
doc.addField(FIELD_INTXID, node.getTxnId());
doc.addField(FIELD_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE, e.getMessage());
StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(4096);
PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter, true);
try {
String stack = stringWriter.toString();
doc.addField(FIELD_EXCEPTION_STACK, stack.length() < 32766 ? stack : stack.substring(0, 32765));
} finally {
addDocCmd.solrDoc = doc;
} finally {
if (processor != null) {
if (request != null) {