use of org.anhcraft.spaciouslib.utils.GVersion in project SpaciousLib by anhcraft.
the class PlayerList method create.
* Creates a PlayerListHeaderFooter packet<br>
* Supports raw JSON text.
* @param header the header
* @param footer the footer
* @return PacketSender object
public static PacketSender create(String header, String footer) {
if (JSONUtils.isValid(header)) {
header = Strings.color(header);
} else {
header = "{\"text\": \"" + Strings.color(header) + "\"}";
if (JSONUtils.isValid(footer)) {
footer = Strings.color(footer);
} else {
footer = "{\"text\": \"" + Strings.color(footer) + "\"}";
GVersion v = GameVersion.getVersion();
try {
Class<?> chatSerializerClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + v.toString() + "." + (v.equals(GVersion.v1_8_R1) ? "" : "IChatBaseComponent$") + "ChatSerializer");
Class<?> packetPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooterClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + GameVersion.getVersion().toString() + ".PacketPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooter");
Method chatSerializer = chatSerializerClass.getDeclaredMethod("a", String.class);
Object chatBaseComponentHeader = chatSerializer.invoke(null, header);
Object chatBaseComponentFooter = chatSerializer.invoke(null, footer);
Constructor<?> packetCons = packetPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooterClass.getDeclaredConstructor();
Object packet = packetCons.newInstance();
Field headerField = packetPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooterClass.getDeclaredField("a");
headerField.set(packet, chatBaseComponentHeader);
Field footerField = packetPlayOutPlayerListHeaderFooterClass.getDeclaredField("b");
footerField.set(packet, chatBaseComponentFooter);
return new PacketSender(packet);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException | NoSuchFieldException e) {
return null;
use of org.anhcraft.spaciouslib.utils.GVersion in project SpaciousLib by anhcraft.
the class Title method create.
* Creates a specific title packet<br>
* Supports raw JSON text.
* @param text the message
* @param type the type of the title
* @param fadeIn the fading in time
* @param stay the staying time
* @param fadeOut the fading out time
* @return PacketSender object
public static PacketSender create(String text, Type type, int fadeIn, int stay, int fadeOut) {
if (JSONUtils.isValid(text)) {
text = Strings.color(text);
} else {
text = "{\"text\": \"" + Strings.color(text) + "\"}";
GVersion v = GameVersion.getVersion();
try {
Class<?> chatSerializerClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + v.toString() + "." + (v.equals(GVersion.v1_8_R1) ? "" : "IChatBaseComponent$") + "ChatSerializer");
Class<?> chatBaseComponentClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + v.toString() + ".IChatBaseComponent");
Method chatSerializer = chatSerializerClass.getDeclaredMethod("a", String.class);
Object chatBaseComponent = chatSerializer.invoke(null, text);
Class<?> packetPlayOutTitleClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + GameVersion.getVersion().toString() + ".PacketPlayOutTitle");
Class<?> enumTitleActionClass = Class.forName("net.minecraft.server." + v.toString() + "." + (v.equals(GVersion.v1_8_R1) ? "" : "PacketPlayOutTitle$") + "EnumTitleAction");
Field enumTitleField = enumTitleActionClass.getDeclaredField(type.toString());
Object enumTitle = enumTitleField.get(null);
Constructor<?> packetCons = packetPlayOutTitleClass.getDeclaredConstructor(enumTitleActionClass, chatBaseComponentClass, int.class, int.class, int.class);
Object packet = packetCons.newInstance(enumTitle, chatBaseComponent, fadeIn, stay, fadeOut);
return new PacketSender(packet);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException | NoSuchFieldException e) {
return null;