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Example 26 with ParserRuleContext

use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext in project presto by prestodb.

the class TypeCalculation method parseTypeCalculation.

private static ParserRuleContext parseTypeCalculation(String calculation) {
    TypeCalculationLexer lexer = new TypeCalculationLexer(new CaseInsensitiveStream(new ANTLRInputStream(calculation)));
    CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
    TypeCalculationParser parser = new TypeCalculationParser(tokenStream);
    ParserRuleContext tree;
    try {
        // first, try parsing with potentially faster SLL mode
        tree = parser.typeCalculation();
    } catch (ParseCancellationException ex) {
        // if we fail, parse with LL mode
        // rewind input stream
        tree = parser.typeCalculation();
    return tree;
Also used : CommonTokenStream(org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream) ParserRuleContext(org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext) ParseCancellationException(org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.ParseCancellationException) CaseInsensitiveStream(com.facebook.presto.sql.parser.CaseInsensitiveStream) ANTLRInputStream(org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream)

Example 27 with ParserRuleContext

use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext in project antlr4 by antlr.

the class ParserATNSimulator method execATNWithFullContext.

// comes back with reach.uniqueAlt set to a valid alt
protected int execATNWithFullContext(DFA dfa, // how far we got in SLL DFA before failing over
DFAState D, ATNConfigSet s0, TokenStream input, int startIndex, ParserRuleContext outerContext) {
    if (debug || debug_list_atn_decisions) {
        System.out.println("execATNWithFullContext " + s0);
    boolean fullCtx = true;
    boolean foundExactAmbig = false;
    ATNConfigSet reach = null;
    ATNConfigSet previous = s0;;
    int t = input.LA(1);
    int predictedAlt;
    while (true) {
        // while more work
        //			System.out.println("LL REACH "+getLookaheadName(input)+
        //							   " from configs.size="+previous.size()+
        //							   " line "+input.LT(1).getLine()+":"+input.LT(1).getCharPositionInLine());
        reach = computeReachSet(previous, t, fullCtx);
        if (reach == null) {
            // if any configs in previous dipped into outer context, that
            // means that input up to t actually finished entry rule
            // at least for LL decision. Full LL doesn't dip into outer
            // so don't need special case.
            // We will get an error no matter what so delay until after
            // decision; better error message. Also, no reachable target
            // ATN states in SLL implies LL will also get nowhere.
            // If conflict in states that dip out, choose min since we
            // will get error no matter what.
            NoViableAltException e = noViableAlt(input, outerContext, previous, startIndex);
            int alt = getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(previous, outerContext);
            if (alt != ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) {
                return alt;
            throw e;
        Collection<BitSet> altSubSets = PredictionMode.getConflictingAltSubsets(reach);
        if (debug) {
            System.out.println("LL altSubSets=" + altSubSets + ", predict=" + PredictionMode.getUniqueAlt(altSubSets) + ", resolvesToJustOneViableAlt=" + PredictionMode.resolvesToJustOneViableAlt(altSubSets));
        //			System.out.println("altSubSets: "+altSubSets);
        //			System.err.println("reach="+reach+", "+reach.conflictingAlts);
        reach.uniqueAlt = getUniqueAlt(reach);
        // unique prediction?
        if (reach.uniqueAlt != ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) {
            predictedAlt = reach.uniqueAlt;
        if (mode != PredictionMode.LL_EXACT_AMBIG_DETECTION) {
            predictedAlt = PredictionMode.resolvesToJustOneViableAlt(altSubSets);
            if (predictedAlt != ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) {
        } else {
            // Just keeps scarfing until we know what the conflict is
            if (PredictionMode.allSubsetsConflict(altSubSets) && PredictionMode.allSubsetsEqual(altSubSets)) {
                foundExactAmbig = true;
                predictedAlt = PredictionMode.getSingleViableAlt(altSubSets);
        // else there are multiple non-conflicting subsets or
        // we're not sure what the ambiguity is yet.
        // So, keep going.
        previous = reach;
        if (t != IntStream.EOF) {
            t = input.LA(1);
    // not SLL.
    if (reach.uniqueAlt != ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) {
        reportContextSensitivity(dfa, predictedAlt, reach, startIndex, input.index());
        return predictedAlt;
    // We do not check predicates here because we have checked them
    // on-the-fly when doing full context prediction.
		In non-exact ambiguity detection mode, we might	actually be able to
		detect an exact ambiguity, but I'm not going to spend the cycles
		needed to check. We only emit ambiguity warnings in exact ambiguity

		For example, we might know that we have conflicting configurations.
		But, that does not mean that there is no way forward without a
		conflict. It's possible to have nonconflicting alt subsets as in:

		   LL altSubSets=[{1, 2}, {1, 2}, {1}, {1, 2}]


		   [(17,1,[5 $]), (13,1,[5 10 $]), (21,1,[5 10 $]), (11,1,[$]),
			(13,2,[5 10 $]), (21,2,[5 10 $]), (11,2,[$])]

		In this case, (17,1,[5 $]) indicates there is some next sequence that
		would resolve this without conflict to alternative 1. Any other viable
		next sequence, however, is associated with a conflict.  We stop
		looking for input because no amount of further lookahead will alter
		the fact that we should predict alternative 1.  We just can't say for
		sure that there is an ambiguity without looking further.
    reportAmbiguity(dfa, D, startIndex, input.index(), foundExactAmbig, reach.getAlts(), reach);
    return predictedAlt;
Also used : NoViableAltException(org.antlr.v4.runtime.NoViableAltException) BitSet(java.util.BitSet)

Example 28 with ParserRuleContext

use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext in project antlr4 by antlr.

the class ParserATNSimulator method evalSemanticContext.

/** Look through a list of predicate/alt pairs, returning alts for the
	 *  pairs that win. A {@code NONE} predicate indicates an alt containing an
	 *  unpredicated config which behaves as "always true." If !complete
	 *  then we stop at the first predicate that evaluates to true. This
	 *  includes pairs with null predicates.
protected BitSet evalSemanticContext(DFAState.PredPrediction[] predPredictions, ParserRuleContext outerContext, boolean complete) {
    BitSet predictions = new BitSet();
    for (DFAState.PredPrediction pair : predPredictions) {
        if (pair.pred == SemanticContext.NONE) {
            if (!complete) {
        // in dfa
        boolean fullCtx = false;
        boolean predicateEvaluationResult = evalSemanticContext(pair.pred, outerContext, pair.alt, fullCtx);
        if (debug || dfa_debug) {
            System.out.println("eval pred " + pair + "=" + predicateEvaluationResult);
        if (predicateEvaluationResult) {
            if (debug || dfa_debug)
                System.out.println("PREDICT " + pair.alt);
            if (!complete) {
    return predictions;
Also used : DFAState(org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFAState) BitSet(java.util.BitSet)

Example 29 with ParserRuleContext

use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext in project antlr4 by antlr.

the class Parser method consume.

	 * Consume and return the {@linkplain #getCurrentToken current symbol}.
	 * <p>E.g., given the following input with {@code A} being the current
	 * lookahead symbol, this function moves the cursor to {@code B} and returns
	 * {@code A}.</p>
	 * <pre>
	 *  A B
	 *  ^
	 * </pre>
	 * If the parser is not in error recovery mode, the consumed symbol is added
	 * to the parse tree using {@link ParserRuleContext#addChild(TerminalNode)}, and
	 * {@link ParseTreeListener#visitTerminal} is called on any parse listeners.
	 * If the parser <em>is</em> in error recovery mode, the consumed symbol is
	 * added to the parse tree using {@link #createErrorNode(ParserRuleContext, Token)} then
     * {@link ParserRuleContext#addErrorNode(ErrorNode)} and
	 * {@link ParseTreeListener#visitErrorNode} is called on any parse
	 * listeners.
public Token consume() {
    Token o = getCurrentToken();
    if (o.getType() != EOF) {
    boolean hasListener = _parseListeners != null && !_parseListeners.isEmpty();
    if (_buildParseTrees || hasListener) {
        if (_errHandler.inErrorRecoveryMode(this)) {
            ErrorNode node = _ctx.addErrorNode(createErrorNode(_ctx, o));
            if (_parseListeners != null) {
                for (ParseTreeListener listener : _parseListeners) {
        } else {
            TerminalNode node = _ctx.addChild(createTerminalNode(_ctx, o));
            if (_parseListeners != null) {
                for (ParseTreeListener listener : _parseListeners) {
    return o;
Also used : ParseTreeListener(org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeListener) ErrorNode(org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ErrorNode) TerminalNode(org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode)

Example 30 with ParserRuleContext

use of org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext in project antlr4 by antlr.

the class ParserInterpreter method parse.

/** Begin parsing at startRuleIndex */
public ParserRuleContext parse(int startRuleIndex) {
    RuleStartState startRuleStartState = atn.ruleToStartState[startRuleIndex];
    rootContext = createInterpreterRuleContext(null, ATNState.INVALID_STATE_NUMBER, startRuleIndex);
    if (startRuleStartState.isLeftRecursiveRule) {
        enterRecursionRule(rootContext, startRuleStartState.stateNumber, startRuleIndex, 0);
    } else {
        enterRule(rootContext, startRuleStartState.stateNumber, startRuleIndex);
    while (true) {
        ATNState p = getATNState();
        switch(p.getStateType()) {
            case ATNState.RULE_STOP:
                // pop; return from rule
                if (_ctx.isEmpty()) {
                    if (startRuleStartState.isLeftRecursiveRule) {
                        ParserRuleContext result = _ctx;
                        Pair<ParserRuleContext, Integer> parentContext = _parentContextStack.pop();
                        return result;
                    } else {
                        return rootContext;
                try {
                } catch (RecognitionException e) {
                    getContext().exception = e;
                    getErrorHandler().reportError(this, e);
Also used : RuleStartState(org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleStartState) ATNState(org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNState)


ParserRuleContext (org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserRuleContext)24 CommonTokenStream (org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream)6 ANTLRInputStream (org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream)5 ParseTree (org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree)5 IntervalSet (org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.IntervalSet)4 SmaliParser (com.googlecode.d2j.smali.antlr4.SmaliParser)3 BitSet (java.util.BitSet)3 LexerInterpreter (org.antlr.v4.runtime.LexerInterpreter)3 NoViableAltException (org.antlr.v4.runtime.NoViableAltException)3 ParserInterpreter (org.antlr.v4.runtime.ParserInterpreter)3 Token (org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token)3 ATN (org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATN)3 DFAState (org.antlr.v4.runtime.dfa.DFAState)3 Interval (org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.Interval)3 ErrorNode (org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ErrorNode)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 CommonToken (org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonToken)2 ATNState (org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.ATNState)2 DecisionInfo (org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.DecisionInfo)2 RuleStartState (org.antlr.v4.runtime.atn.RuleStartState)2