use of org.antlr.v4.tool.LeftRecursiveRule in project antlr4 by antlr.
the class OutputModelController method buildRuleFunction.
/** Create RuleFunction per rule and update sempreds,actions of parser
* output object with stuff found in r.
public void buildRuleFunction(Parser parser, Rule r) {
RuleFunction function = rule(r);
function.fillNamedActions(delegate, r);
if (r instanceof LeftRecursiveRule) {
buildLeftRecursiveRuleFunction((LeftRecursiveRule) r, (LeftRecursiveRuleFunction) function);
} else {
buildNormalRuleFunction(r, function);
Grammar g = getGrammar();
for (ActionAST a : r.actions) {
if (a instanceof PredAST) {
PredAST p = (PredAST) a;
RuleSempredFunction rsf = parser.sempredFuncs.get(r);
if (rsf == null) {
rsf = new RuleSempredFunction(delegate, r, function.ctxType);
parser.sempredFuncs.put(r, rsf);
rsf.actions.put(g.sempreds.get(p), new Action(delegate, p));
use of org.antlr.v4.tool.LeftRecursiveRule in project antlr4 by antlr.
the class OutputModelController method buildLeftRecursiveRuleFunction.
public void buildLeftRecursiveRuleFunction(LeftRecursiveRule r, LeftRecursiveRuleFunction function) {
buildNormalRuleFunction(r, function);
// now inject code to start alts
CodeGenerator gen = delegate.getGenerator();
STGroup codegenTemplates = gen.getTemplates();
// pick out alt(s) for primaries
CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt outerAlt = (CodeBlockForOuterMostAlt) function.code.get(0);
List<CodeBlockForAlt> primaryAltsCode = new ArrayList<CodeBlockForAlt>();
SrcOp primaryStuff = outerAlt.ops.get(0);
if (primaryStuff instanceof Choice) {
Choice primaryAltBlock = (Choice) primaryStuff;
} else {
// just a single alt I guess; no block
primaryAltsCode.add((CodeBlockForAlt) primaryStuff);
// pick out alt(s) for op alts
StarBlock opAltStarBlock = (StarBlock) outerAlt.ops.get(1);
CodeBlockForAlt altForOpAltBlock = opAltStarBlock.alts.get(0);
List<CodeBlockForAlt> opAltsCode = new ArrayList<CodeBlockForAlt>();
SrcOp opStuff = altForOpAltBlock.ops.get(0);
if (opStuff instanceof AltBlock) {
AltBlock opAltBlock = (AltBlock) opStuff;
} else {
// just a single alt I guess; no block
opAltsCode.add((CodeBlockForAlt) opStuff);
// Insert code in front of each primary alt to create specialized ctx if there was a label
for (int i = 0; i < primaryAltsCode.size(); i++) {
LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo altInfo = r.recPrimaryAlts.get(i);
if (altInfo.altLabel == null)
ST altActionST = codegenTemplates.getInstanceOf("recRuleReplaceContext");
altActionST.add("ctxName", Utils.capitalize(altInfo.altLabel));
Action altAction = new Action(delegate, function.altLabelCtxs.get(altInfo.altLabel), altActionST);
CodeBlockForAlt alt = primaryAltsCode.get(i);
alt.insertOp(0, altAction);
// Insert code to set ctx.stop after primary block and before op * loop
ST setStopTokenAST = codegenTemplates.getInstanceOf("recRuleSetStopToken");
Action setStopTokenAction = new Action(delegate, function.ruleCtx, setStopTokenAST);
outerAlt.insertOp(1, setStopTokenAction);
// Insert code to set _prevctx at start of * loop
ST setPrevCtx = codegenTemplates.getInstanceOf("recRuleSetPrevCtx");
Action setPrevCtxAction = new Action(delegate, function.ruleCtx, setPrevCtx);
// Insert code in front of each op alt to create specialized ctx if there was an alt label
for (int i = 0; i < opAltsCode.size(); i++) {
ST altActionST;
LeftRecursiveRuleAltInfo altInfo = r.recOpAlts.getElement(i);
String templateName;
if (altInfo.altLabel != null) {
templateName = "recRuleLabeledAltStartAction";
altActionST = codegenTemplates.getInstanceOf(templateName);
altActionST.add("currentAltLabel", altInfo.altLabel);
} else {
templateName = "recRuleAltStartAction";
altActionST = codegenTemplates.getInstanceOf(templateName);
altActionST.add("ctxName", Utils.capitalize(;
// add label of any lr ref we deleted
altActionST.add("label", altInfo.leftRecursiveRuleRefLabel);
if (altActionST.impl.formalArguments.containsKey("isListLabel")) {
altActionST.add("isListLabel", altInfo.isListLabel);
} else if (altInfo.isListLabel) {
delegate.getGenerator().tool.errMgr.toolError(ErrorType.CODE_TEMPLATE_ARG_ISSUE, templateName, "isListLabel");
Action altAction = new Action(delegate, function.altLabelCtxs.get(altInfo.altLabel), altActionST);
CodeBlockForAlt alt = opAltsCode.get(i);
alt.insertOp(0, altAction);