use of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloParentMetadataRepository method writeMetadata.
private void writeMetadata(final MergeParentMetadata metadata) throws MergerException {
BatchWriter writer = null;
try {
// Write each result.
final List<Mutation> mutations = makeWriteMetadataMutations(metadata);
writer = connector.createBatchWriter(mergeParentMetadataTableName, new BatchWriterConfig());
} catch (final AccumuloException | TableNotFoundException e) {
throw new MergerException("Unable to set MergeParentMetadata in Accumulo", e);
} finally {
if (writer != null) {
try {
} catch (final MutationsRejectedException e) {
throw new MergerException("Could not add results to a MergeParentMetadata table because some of the mutations were rejected.", e);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloFreeTextIndexer method storeStatement.
private void storeStatement(final Statement statement) throws IOException {
Objects.requireNonNull(mtbw, "Freetext indexer attempting to store, but setMultiTableBatchWriter() was not set.");
// if the predicate list is empty, accept all predicates.
// Otherwise, make sure the predicate is on the "valid" list
final boolean isValidPredicate = validPredicates.isEmpty() || validPredicates.contains(statement.getPredicate());
if (isValidPredicate && (statement.getObject() instanceof Literal)) {
// Get the tokens
final String text = statement.getObject().stringValue().toLowerCase();
final SortedSet<String> tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text);
if (!tokens.isEmpty()) {
// Get Document Data
final String docContent = StatementSerializer.writeStatement(statement);
final String docId = Md5Hash.md5Base64(docContent);
// Setup partition
final Text partition = genPartition(docContent.hashCode(), docTableNumPartitions);
final Mutation docTableMut = new Mutation(partition);
final List<Mutation> termTableMutations = new ArrayList<Mutation>();
final Text docIdText = new Text(docId);
// Store the Document Data
docTableMut.put(ColumnPrefixes.DOCS_CF_PREFIX, docIdText, new Value(docContent.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)));
// index the statement parts
docTableMut.put(ColumnPrefixes.getSubjColFam(statement), docIdText, EMPTY_VALUE);
docTableMut.put(ColumnPrefixes.getPredColFam(statement), docIdText, EMPTY_VALUE);
docTableMut.put(ColumnPrefixes.getObjColFam(statement), docIdText, EMPTY_VALUE);
docTableMut.put(ColumnPrefixes.getContextColFam(statement), docIdText, EMPTY_VALUE);
// index the statement terms
for (final String token : tokens) {
// tie the token to the document
docTableMut.put(ColumnPrefixes.getTermColFam(token), docIdText, EMPTY_VALUE);
// store the term in the term table (useful for wildcard searches)
// write the mutations
try {
} catch (final MutationsRejectedException e) {
logger.error("error adding mutation", e);
throw new IOException(e);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class AccumuloTemporalIndexer method storeStatement.
* Store a statement in the index if it meets the criterion: Object should be
* a literal and one of the validPredicates from the configuration.
* If it does not meet the criteria, it is silently ignored.
* logs a warning if the object is not parse-able.
* Attempts to parse with calendarValue = literalValue.calendarValue()
* if that fails, tries: org.joda.time.DateTime.parse() .
* T O D O parse an interval using multiple predicates for same subject -- ontology dependent.
private void storeStatement(final Statement statement) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
Objects.requireNonNull(temporalIndexBatchWriter, "This is not initialized for writing. Must call setMultiTableBatchWriter() and init().");
// if the predicate list is empty, accept all predicates.
// Otherwise, make sure the predicate is on the "valid" list
final boolean isValidPredicate = validPredicates == null || validPredicates.isEmpty() || validPredicates.contains(statement.getPredicate());
if (!isValidPredicate || !(statement.getObject() instanceof Literal)) {
// 0 begin, 1 end of interval
final DateTime[] indexDateTimes = new DateTime[2];
extractDateTime(statement, indexDateTimes);
if (indexDateTimes[0] == null) {
if (!this.isInit)
throw new RuntimeException("Method .init() was not called (or failed) before attempting to store statements.");
// Add this as an instant, or interval.
try {
if (indexDateTimes[1] != null) {
final TemporalInterval interval = new TemporalInterval(new TemporalInstantRfc3339(indexDateTimes[0]), new TemporalInstantRfc3339(indexDateTimes[1]));
addInterval(temporalIndexBatchWriter, interval, statement);
} else {
final TemporalInstant instant = new TemporalInstantRfc3339(indexDateTimes[0]);
addInstant(temporalIndexBatchWriter, instant, statement);
} catch (final MutationsRejectedException e) {
throw new IOException("While adding interval/instant for statement =" + statement, e);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class PcjIntegrationTestingUtil method writeResults.
* Add a collection of results to a specific PCJ table.
* @param accumuloConn
* - A connection to the Accumulo that hosts the PCJ table. (not
* null)
* @param pcjTableName
* - The name of the PCJ table that will receive the results.
* (not null)
* @param results
* - Binding sets that will be written to the PCJ table. (not
* null)
* @throws PcjException
* The provided PCJ table doesn't exist, is missing the PCJ
* metadata, or the result could not be written to it.
private static void writeResults(final Connector accumuloConn, final String pcjTableName, final Collection<BindingSet> results) throws PcjException {
// Fetch the variable orders from the PCJ table.
final PcjMetadata metadata = new PcjTables().getPcjMetadata(accumuloConn, pcjTableName);
// Write each result formatted using each of the variable orders.
BatchWriter writer = null;
try {
writer = accumuloConn.createBatchWriter(pcjTableName, new BatchWriterConfig());
for (final BindingSet result : results) {
final Set<Mutation> addResultMutations = makeWriteResultMutations(metadata.getVarOrders(), result);
} catch (TableNotFoundException | MutationsRejectedException e) {
throw new PcjException("Could not add results to the PCJ table named: " + pcjTableName, e);
} finally {
if (writer != null) {
try {
} catch (final MutationsRejectedException e) {
throw new PcjException("Could not add results to a PCJ table because some of the mutations were rejected.", e);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.client.MutationsRejectedException in project incubator-rya by apache.
the class PcjTables method updateMockCardinality.
* Update the cardinality of a PCJ by a {@code delta}.
* This method updates the PCJ table cardinality using a BatchWriter in the event that
* the Accumulo Connector is for a MockInstance. In the event that the cardinality is
* being updated asynchronously, there are no guarantees that the resulting cardinality
* will be correct.
* @param accumuloConn - A connection to a Mock Accumulo Instance that hosts the PCJ table. (not null)
* @param pcjTableName - The name of the PCJ table that will have its cardinality updated. (not null)
* @param delta - How much the cardinality will change.
* @throws PCJStorageException The cardinality could not be updated.
private void updateMockCardinality(final Connector accumuloConn, final String pcjTableName, final long delta) throws PCJStorageException {
BatchWriter batchWriter = null;
try {
batchWriter = accumuloConn.createBatchWriter(pcjTableName, new BatchWriterConfig());
final long cardinality = getPcjMetadata(accumuloConn, pcjTableName).getCardinality();
final Mutation mutation = new Mutation(PCJ_METADATA_ROW_ID);
final Value newCardinality = new Value(longLexicoder.encode(cardinality + delta));
} catch (TableNotFoundException | MutationsRejectedException e) {
throw new PCJStorageException("Could not update the cardinality value of the PCJ Table named: " + pcjTableName, e);
} finally {
if (batchWriter != null) {
try {
} catch (final MutationsRejectedException e) {
throw new PCJStorageException("Could not update the cardinality value of the PCJ Table named: " + pcjTableName, e);