use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class AccumuloMiniClusterConfiguration method getAdminToken.
public AuthenticationToken getAdminToken() {
if (saslEnabled) {
// Turn on Kerberos authentication so UGI acts properly
final Configuration conf = new Configuration(false);
conf.set(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.HADOOP_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "kerberos");
ClusterUser rootUser = AccumuloClusterHarness.getKdc().getRootUser();
try {
UserGroupInformation.loginUserFromKeytab(rootUser.getPrincipal(), rootUser.getKeytab().getAbsolutePath());
return new KerberosToken();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
String password = conf.get(ACCUMULO_MINI_PASSWORD_KEY);
if (null == password) {
return new PasswordToken(password);
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ArbitraryTablePropertiesIT method userSetGetTablePropertyWithoutPermission.
// Tests set and get of user added arbitrary properties using a non-root account without permissions to alter tables
public void userSetGetTablePropertyWithoutPermission() throws Exception {
log.debug("Starting userSetGetTablePropertyWithoutPermission test ------------------------");
// Make a test username and password
ClusterUser user = getUser(1);
String testUser = user.getPrincipal();
AuthenticationToken testToken = user.getToken();
// Create a root user and create the table
// Create a test user and grant that user permission to alter the table
final String tableName = getUniqueNames(1)[0];
final Connector c = getConnector();
c.securityOperations().createLocalUser(testUser, (testToken instanceof PasswordToken ? (PasswordToken) testToken : null));
// Set variables for the property name to use and the initial value
String propertyName = "table.custom.description";
String description1 = "Description";
// Make sure the property name is valid
// Getting a fresh token will ensure we're logged in as this user (if necessary)
Connector testConn = c.getInstance().getConnector(testUser, user.getToken());
// If able to set it, the test fails, since permission was never granted
try {
testConn.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, propertyName, description1);"Was able to set property without permissions");
} catch (AccumuloSecurityException e) {
// Loop through properties to make sure the new property is not added to the list
int count = 0;
for (Entry<String, String> property : testConn.tableOperations().getProperties(tableName)) {
if (property.getKey().equals(propertyName))
Assert.assertEquals(count, 0);
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ArbitraryTablePropertiesIT method userSetGetRemoveTablePropertyWithPermission.
// Tests set, get, and remove of user added arbitrary properties using a non-root account with permissions to alter tables
public void userSetGetRemoveTablePropertyWithPermission() throws Exception {
log.debug("Starting userSetGetRemoveTablePropertyWithPermission test ------------------------");
// Make a test username and password
ClusterUser user = getUser(0);
String testUser = user.getPrincipal();
AuthenticationToken testToken = user.getToken();
// Create a root user and create the table
// Create a test user and grant that user permission to alter the table
final String tableName = getUniqueNames(1)[0];
final Connector c = getConnector();
c.securityOperations().createLocalUser(testUser, (testToken instanceof PasswordToken ? (PasswordToken) testToken : null));
c.securityOperations().grantTablePermission(testUser, tableName, TablePermission.ALTER_TABLE);
// Set variables for the property name to use and the initial value
String propertyName = "table.custom.description";
String description1 = "Description";
// Make sure the property name is valid
// Getting a fresh token will ensure we're logged in as this user (if necessary)
Connector testConn = c.getInstance().getConnector(testUser, user.getToken());
// Set the property to the desired value
testConn.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, propertyName, description1);
// Loop through properties to make sure the new property is added to the list
int count = 0;
for (Entry<String, String> property : testConn.tableOperations().getProperties(tableName)) {
if (property.getKey().equals(propertyName) && property.getValue().equals(description1))
Assert.assertEquals(count, 1);
// Set the property as something different
String description2 = "set second";
testConn.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, propertyName, description2);
// / Loop through properties to make sure the new property is added to the list
count = 0;
for (Entry<String, String> property : testConn.tableOperations().getProperties(tableName)) {
if (property.getKey().equals(propertyName) && property.getValue().equals(description2))
Assert.assertEquals(count, 1);
// Remove the property and make sure there is no longer a value associated with it
testConn.tableOperations().removeProperty(tableName, propertyName);
// / Loop through properties to make sure the new property is added to the list
count = 0;
for (Entry<String, String> property : testConn.tableOperations().getProperties(tableName)) {
if (property.getKey().equals(propertyName))
Assert.assertEquals(count, 0);
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class AuditMessageIT method testDataOperationsAudits.
public void testDataOperationsAudits() throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException, TableExistsException, TableNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException {
conn.securityOperations().createLocalUser(AUDIT_USER_1, new PasswordToken(PASSWORD));
conn.securityOperations().grantSystemPermission(AUDIT_USER_1, SystemPermission.SYSTEM);
conn.securityOperations().changeUserAuthorizations(AUDIT_USER_1, auths);
grantEverySystemPriv(conn, AUDIT_USER_1);
// Connect as Audit User and do a bunch of stuff.
// Start testing activities here
auditConnector = getCluster().getConnector(AUDIT_USER_1, new PasswordToken(PASSWORD));
// Insert some play data
BatchWriter bw = auditConnector.createBatchWriter(OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME, new BatchWriterConfig());
Mutation m = new Mutation("myRow");
m.put("cf1", "cq1", "v1");
m.put("cf1", "cq2", "v3");
// A regular scan
try (Scanner scanner = auditConnector.createScanner(OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME, auths)) {
for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> entry : scanner) {
System.out.println("Scanner row: " + entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());
// A batch scan
try (BatchScanner bs = auditConnector.createBatchScanner(OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME, auths, 1)) {
bs.fetchColumn(new Text("cf1"), new Text("cq1"));
bs.setRanges(Arrays.asList(new Range("myRow", "myRow~")));
for (Map.Entry<Key, Value> entry : bs) {
System.out.println("BatchScanner row: " + entry.getKey() + " " + entry.getValue());
// Delete some data.
auditConnector.tableOperations().deleteRows(OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME, new Text("myRow"), new Text("myRow~"));
// End of testing activities
ArrayList<String> auditMessages = getAuditMessages("testDataOperationsAudits");
assertTrue(1 <= findAuditMessage(auditMessages, "action: scan; targetTable: " + OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME));
assertTrue(1 <= findAuditMessage(auditMessages, "action: scan; targetTable: " + OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME));
assertEquals(1, findAuditMessage(auditMessages, String.format(AuditedSecurityOperation.CAN_DELETE_RANGE_AUDIT_TEMPLATE, OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME, "myRow", "myRow~")));
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class AuditMessageIT method testImportExportOperationsAudits.
public void testImportExportOperationsAudits() throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException, TableExistsException, TableNotFoundException, IOException, InterruptedException {
conn.securityOperations().createLocalUser(AUDIT_USER_1, new PasswordToken(PASSWORD));
conn.securityOperations().grantSystemPermission(AUDIT_USER_1, SystemPermission.SYSTEM);
conn.securityOperations().changeUserAuthorizations(AUDIT_USER_1, auths);
grantEverySystemPriv(conn, AUDIT_USER_1);
// Connect as Audit User and do a bunch of stuff.
// Start testing activities here
auditConnector = getCluster().getConnector(AUDIT_USER_1, new PasswordToken(PASSWORD));
// Insert some play data
BatchWriter bw = auditConnector.createBatchWriter(OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME, new BatchWriterConfig());
Mutation m = new Mutation("myRow");
m.put("cf1", "cq1", "v1");
m.put("cf1", "cq2", "v3");
// Prepare to export the table
File exportDir = new File(getCluster().getConfig().getDir().toString() + "/export");
auditConnector.tableOperations().exportTable(OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME, exportDir.toString());
// We've exported the table metadata to the MiniAccumuloCluster root dir. Grab the .rf file path to re-import it
File distCpTxt = new File(exportDir.toString() + "/distcp.txt");
File importFile = null;
// Just grab the first rf file, it will do for now.
String filePrefix = "file:";
try (java.util.Scanner it = new java.util.Scanner(distCpTxt, {
while (it.hasNext() && importFile == null) {
String line = it.nextLine();
if (line.matches(".*\\.rf")) {
importFile = new File(line.replaceFirst(filePrefix, ""));
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(importFile, exportDir);
auditConnector.tableOperations().importTable(NEW_TEST_TABLE_NAME, exportDir.toString());
// Now do a Directory (bulk) import of the same data.
File failDir = new File(exportDir + "/tmp");
assertTrue(failDir.mkdirs() || failDir.isDirectory());
auditConnector.tableOperations().importDirectory(THIRD_TEST_TABLE_NAME, exportDir.toString(), failDir.toString(), false);
// Stop testing activities here
ArrayList<String> auditMessages = getAuditMessages("testImportExportOperationsAudits");
assertEquals(1, findAuditMessage(auditMessages, String.format(AuditedSecurityOperation.CAN_CREATE_TABLE_AUDIT_TEMPLATE, OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME)));
assertEquals(1, findAuditMessage(auditMessages, String.format(AuditedSecurityOperation.CAN_ONLINE_OFFLINE_TABLE_AUDIT_TEMPLATE, "offlineTable", OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME)));
assertEquals(1, findAuditMessage(auditMessages, String.format(AuditedSecurityOperation.CAN_EXPORT_AUDIT_TEMPLATE, OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME, exportDir.toString())));
assertEquals(1, findAuditMessage(auditMessages, String.format(AuditedSecurityOperation.CAN_IMPORT_AUDIT_TEMPLATE, NEW_TEST_TABLE_NAME, filePrefix + exportDir.toString())));
assertEquals(1, findAuditMessage(auditMessages, String.format(AuditedSecurityOperation.CAN_CREATE_TABLE_AUDIT_TEMPLATE, THIRD_TEST_TABLE_NAME)));
assertEquals(1, findAuditMessage(auditMessages, String.format(AuditedSecurityOperation.CAN_BULK_IMPORT_AUDIT_TEMPLATE, THIRD_TEST_TABLE_NAME, filePrefix + exportDir.toString(), filePrefix + failDir.toString())));
assertEquals(1, findAuditMessage(auditMessages, String.format(AuditedSecurityOperation.CAN_ONLINE_OFFLINE_TABLE_AUDIT_TEMPLATE, "onlineTable", OLD_TEST_TABLE_NAME)));