use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class InputConfigurator method binOffline.
public static Map<String, Map<KeyExtent, List<Range>>> binOffline(TableId tableId, List<Range> ranges, ClientContext context) throws AccumuloException, TableNotFoundException {
Map<String, Map<KeyExtent, List<Range>>> binnedRanges = new HashMap<>();
if (context.getTableState(tableId) != TableState.OFFLINE) {
if (context.getTableState(tableId) != TableState.OFFLINE) {
throw new AccumuloException("Table is online tableId:" + tableId + " cannot scan table in offline mode ");
for (Range range : ranges) {
Text startRow;
if (range.getStartKey() != null)
startRow = range.getStartKey().getRow();
startRow = new Text();
Range metadataRange = new Range(new KeyExtent(tableId, startRow, null).toMetaRow(), true, null, false);
Scanner scanner = context.createScanner(MetadataTable.NAME, Authorizations.EMPTY);
RowIterator rowIter = new RowIterator(scanner);
KeyExtent lastExtent = null;
while (rowIter.hasNext()) {
Iterator<Map.Entry<Key, Value>> row =;
String last = "";
KeyExtent extent = null;
String location = null;
while (row.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<Key, Value> entry =;
Key key = entry.getKey();
if (key.getColumnFamily().equals(LastLocationColumnFamily.NAME)) {
last = entry.getValue().toString();
if (key.getColumnFamily().equals(CurrentLocationColumnFamily.NAME) || key.getColumnFamily().equals(FutureLocationColumnFamily.NAME)) {
location = entry.getValue().toString();
if (TabletColumnFamily.PREV_ROW_COLUMN.hasColumns(key)) {
extent = KeyExtent.fromMetaPrevRow(entry);
if (location != null)
return null;
if (!extent.tableId().equals(tableId)) {
throw new AccumuloException("Saw unexpected table Id " + tableId + " " + extent);
if (lastExtent != null && !extent.isPreviousExtent(lastExtent)) {
throw new AccumuloException(" " + lastExtent + " is not previous extent " + extent);
binnedRanges.computeIfAbsent(last, k -> new HashMap<>()).computeIfAbsent(extent, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(range);
if (extent.endRow() == null || range.afterEndKey(new Key(extent.endRow()).followingKey(PartialKey.ROW))) {
lastExtent = extent;
return binnedRanges;
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ClientServiceHandler method revokeTablePermission.
public void revokeTablePermission(TInfo tinfo, TCredentials credentials, String user, String tableName, byte permission) throws TException {
TableId tableId = checkTableId(context, tableName, TableOperation.PERMISSION);
NamespaceId namespaceId;
try {
namespaceId = context.getNamespaceId(tableId);
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
throw new TException(e);
security.revokeTablePermission(credentials, user, tableId, TablePermission.getPermissionById(permission), namespaceId);
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ClientServiceHandler method getTableConfiguration.
public Map<String, String> getTableConfiguration(TInfo tinfo, TCredentials credentials, String tableName) throws TException, ThriftTableOperationException {
TableId tableId = checkTableId(context, tableName, null);
AccumuloConfiguration config = context.getTableConfiguration(tableId);
return conf(credentials, config);
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ClientServiceHandler method checkTableClass.
public boolean checkTableClass(TInfo tinfo, TCredentials credentials, String tableName, String className, String interfaceMatch) throws TException, ThriftTableOperationException, ThriftSecurityException {
security.authenticateUser(credentials, credentials);
TableId tableId = checkTableId(context, tableName, null);
ClassLoader loader = getClass().getClassLoader();
Class<?> shouldMatch;
try {
shouldMatch = loader.loadClass(interfaceMatch);
AccumuloConfiguration conf = context.getTableConfiguration(tableId);
String context = ClassLoaderUtil.tableContext(conf);
Class<?> test = ClassLoaderUtil.loadClass(context, className, shouldMatch);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.warn("Error checking object types", e);
return false;
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class TableDiskUsage method getDiskUsage.
public static Map<TreeSet<String>, Long> getDiskUsage(Set<TableId> tableIds, VolumeManager fs, AccumuloClient client) throws IOException {
TableDiskUsage tdu = new TableDiskUsage();
// Add each tableID
for (TableId tableId : tableIds) tdu.addTable(tableId);
HashSet<TableId> tablesReferenced = new HashSet<>(tableIds);
HashSet<TableId> emptyTableIds = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<String> nameSpacesReferenced = new HashSet<>();
// For each table ID
for (TableId tableId : tableIds) {
Scanner mdScanner;
try {
mdScanner = client.createScanner(MetadataTable.NAME, Authorizations.EMPTY);
} catch (TableNotFoundException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
mdScanner.setRange(new KeyExtent(tableId, null, null).toMetaRange());
if (!mdScanner.iterator().hasNext()) {
// Read each file referenced by that table
for (Entry<Key, Value> entry : mdScanner) {
String file = entry.getKey().getColumnQualifier().toString();
String[] parts = file.split("/");
// the filename
String uniqueName = parts[parts.length - 1];
if (file.contains(":") || file.startsWith("../")) {
String ref = parts[parts.length - 3];
// Track any tables which are referenced externally by the current table
if (!ref.equals(tableId.canonical())) {
if (file.contains(":") && parts.length > 3) {
List<String> base = Arrays.asList(Arrays.copyOf(parts, parts.length - 3));
// add this file to this table
tdu.linkFileAndTable(tableId, uniqueName);
// Each table seen (provided by user, or reference by table the user provided)
for (TableId tableId : tablesReferenced) {
for (String tableDir : nameSpacesReferenced) {
// Find each file and add its size
Path path = new Path(tableDir + "/" + tableId);
if (!fs.exists(path)) {
log.debug("Table ID directory {} does not exist.", path);
}"Get all files recursively in {}", path);
RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> ri = fs.listFiles(path, true);
while (ri.hasNext()) {
FileStatus status =;
String name = status.getPath().getName();
tdu.addFileSize(name, status.getLen());
Map<TableId, String> reverseTableIdMap = ((ClientContext) client).getTableIdToNameMap();
TreeMap<TreeSet<String>, Long> usage = new TreeMap<>((o1, o2) -> {
int len1 = o1.size();
int len2 = o2.size();
int min = Math.min(len1, len2);
Iterator<String> iter1 = o1.iterator();
Iterator<String> iter2 = o2.iterator();
int count = 0;
while (count < min) {
String s1 =;
String s2 =;
int cmp = s1.compareTo(s2);
if (cmp != 0)
return cmp;
return len1 - len2;
for (Entry<List<TableId>, Long> entry : tdu.calculateUsage().entrySet()) {
TreeSet<String> tableNames = new TreeSet<>();
// Convert size shared by each table id into size shared by each table name
for (TableId tableId : entry.getKey()) tableNames.add(reverseTableIdMap.get(tableId));
// Make table names to shared file size
usage.put(tableNames, entry.getValue());
if (!emptyTableIds.isEmpty()) {
TreeSet<String> emptyTables = new TreeSet<>();
for (TableId tableId : emptyTableIds) {
usage.put(emptyTables, 0L);
return usage;