use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ScanDataSource method createIterator.
private SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> createIterator() throws IOException {
Map<FileRef, DataFileValue> files;
SamplerConfigurationImpl samplerConfig = options.getSamplerConfigurationImpl();
synchronized (tablet) {
if (memIters != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to create new scan iterator w/o releasing memory");
if (tablet.isClosed())
throw new TabletClosedException();
if (interruptFlag.get())
throw new IterationInterruptedException(tablet.getExtent().toString() + " " + interruptFlag.hashCode());
// only acquire the file manager when we know the tablet is open
if (fileManager == null) {
fileManager = tablet.getTabletResources().newScanFileManager();
if (fileManager.getNumOpenFiles() != 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to create new scan iterator w/o releasing files");
// set this before trying to get iterators in case
// getIterators() throws an exception
expectedDeletionCount = tablet.getDataSourceDeletions();
memIters = tablet.getTabletMemory().getIterators(samplerConfig);
Pair<Long, Map<FileRef, DataFileValue>> reservation = tablet.getDatafileManager().reserveFilesForScan();
fileReservationId = reservation.getFirst();
files = reservation.getSecond();
Collection<InterruptibleIterator> mapfiles = fileManager.openFiles(files, options.isIsolated(), samplerConfig);
for (SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> skvi : Iterables.concat(mapfiles, memIters)) ((InterruptibleIterator) skvi).setInterruptFlag(interruptFlag);
List<SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value>> iters = new ArrayList<>(mapfiles.size() + memIters.size());
MultiIterator multiIter = new MultiIterator(iters, tablet.getExtent());
TabletIteratorEnvironment iterEnv = new TabletIteratorEnvironment(IteratorScope.scan, tablet.getTableConfiguration(), fileManager, files, options.getAuthorizations(), samplerConfig);
statsIterator = new StatsIterator(multiIter, TabletServer.seekCount, tablet.getScannedCounter());
SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> visFilter = IteratorUtil.setupSystemScanIterators(statsIterator, options.getColumnSet(), options.getAuthorizations(), options.getDefaultLabels());
if (!loadIters) {
return visFilter;
} else {
List<IterInfo> iterInfos;
Map<String, Map<String, String>> iterOpts;
ParsedIteratorConfig pic = tablet.getTableConfiguration().getParsedIteratorConfig(IteratorScope.scan);
if (options.getSsiList().size() == 0 && options.getSsio().size() == 0) {
// No scan time iterator options were set, so can just use the pre-parsed table iterator options.
iterInfos = pic.getIterInfo();
iterOpts = pic.getOpts();
} else {
// Scan time iterator options were set, so need to merge those with pre-parsed table iterator options.
iterOpts = new HashMap<>(pic.getOpts().size() + options.getSsio().size());
iterInfos = new ArrayList<>(pic.getIterInfo().size() + options.getSsiList().size());
IteratorUtil.mergeIteratorConfig(iterInfos, iterOpts, pic.getIterInfo(), pic.getOpts(), options.getSsiList(), options.getSsio());
String context;
if (options.getClassLoaderContext() != null) {
log.trace("Loading iterators for scan with scan context: {}", options.getClassLoaderContext());
context = options.getClassLoaderContext();
} else {
context = pic.getContext();
if (context != null) {
log.trace("Loading iterators for scan with table context: {}", options.getClassLoaderContext());
} else {
log.trace("Loading iterators for scan");
return iterEnv.getTopLevelIterator(IteratorUtil.loadIterators(visFilter, iterInfos, iterOpts, iterEnv, true, context));
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ScannerOptions method removeScanIterator.
public synchronized void removeScanIterator(String iteratorName) {
checkArgument(iteratorName != null, "iteratorName is null");
// if no iterators are set, we don't have it, so it is already removed
if (serverSideIteratorList.size() == 0)
for (IterInfo ii : serverSideIteratorList) {
if (ii.iterName.equals(iteratorName)) {
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ScannerOptions method addScanIterator.
public synchronized void addScanIterator(IteratorSetting si) {
checkArgument(si != null, "si is null");
if (serverSideIteratorList.size() == 0)
serverSideIteratorList = new ArrayList<>();
for (IterInfo ii : serverSideIteratorList) {
if (ii.iterName.equals(si.getName()))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Iterator name is already in use " + si.getName());
if (ii.getPriority() == si.getPriority())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Iterator priority is already in use " + si.getPriority());
serverSideIteratorList.add(new IterInfo(si.getPriority(), si.getIteratorClass(), si.getName()));
if (serverSideIteratorOptions.size() == 0)
serverSideIteratorOptions = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> opts = serverSideIteratorOptions.get(si.getName());
if (opts == null) {
opts = new HashMap<>();
serverSideIteratorOptions.put(si.getName(), opts);
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class ConditionCheckerContext method buildIterator.
SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> buildIterator(SortedKeyValueIterator<Key, Value> systemIter, TCondition tc) throws IOException {
ArrayByteSequence key = new ArrayByteSequence(tc.iterators);
MergedIterConfig mic = mergedIterCache.get(key);
if (mic == null) {
IterConfig ic = compressedIters.decompress(tc.iterators);
List<IterInfo> mergedIters = new ArrayList<>(tableIters.size() + ic.ssiList.size());
Map<String, Map<String, String>> mergedItersOpts = new HashMap<>(tableIterOpts.size() + ic.ssio.size());
IteratorUtil.mergeIteratorConfig(mergedIters, mergedItersOpts, tableIters, tableIterOpts, ic.ssiList, ic.ssio);
mic = new MergedIterConfig(mergedIters, mergedItersOpts);
mergedIterCache.put(key, mic);
return IteratorUtil.loadIterators(systemIter, mic.mergedIters, mic.mergedItersOpts, tie, true, context, classCache);
use of in project accumulo by apache.
the class IteratorUtilTest method onlyReadsRelevantIteratorScopeConfigurations.
public void onlyReadsRelevantIteratorScopeConfigurations() throws Exception {
Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<>();
// Make some configuration items, one with a bogus scope
data.put(Property.TABLE_ITERATOR_SCAN_PREFIX + "foo", "50," + SummingCombiner.class.getName());
data.put(Property.TABLE_ITERATOR_SCAN_PREFIX + "foo.opt." + SummingCombiner.ALL_OPTION, "true");
data.put(Property.TABLE_ITERATOR_PREFIX + "", "50," + SummingCombiner.class.getName());
data.put(Property.TABLE_ITERATOR_SCAN_PREFIX + "foo.opt.fakeopt", "fakevalue");
AccumuloConfiguration conf = new ConfigurationCopy(data);
List<IterInfo> iterators = new ArrayList<>();
Map<String, Map<String, String>> options = new HashMap<>();
IteratorUtil.parseIterConf(IteratorScope.scan, iterators, options, conf);
Assert.assertEquals(1, iterators.size());
IterInfo ii = iterators.get(0);
Assert.assertEquals(new IterInfo(50, SummingCombiner.class.getName(), "foo"), ii);