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the class TservConstraintEnvTest method testGetAuthorizationsContainer.
public void testGetAuthorizationsContainer() throws ThriftSecurityException {
SecurityOperation security = createMock(SecurityOperation.class);
TCredentials goodCred = createMock(TCredentials.class);
TCredentials badCred = createMock(TCredentials.class);
ByteSequence bs = new ArrayByteSequence("foo".getBytes());
List<ByteBuffer> bbList = Collections.singletonList(ByteBuffer.wrap(bs.getBackingArray(), bs.offset(), bs.length()));
expect(security.authenticatedUserHasAuthorizations(goodCred, bbList)).andReturn(true);
expect(security.authenticatedUserHasAuthorizations(badCred, bbList)).andReturn(false);
assertTrue(new TservConstraintEnv(security, goodCred).getAuthorizationsContainer().contains(bs));
assertFalse(new TservConstraintEnv(security, badCred).getAuthorizationsContainer().contains(bs));
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the class TCredentialsUpdatingInvocationHandler method updateArgs.
* Try to find a TCredentials object in the argument list, and, when the AuthenticationToken is a KerberosToken, set the principal from the SASL server as the
* TCredentials principal. This ensures that users can't spoof a different principal into the Credentials than what they used to authenticate.
protected void updateArgs(Object[] args) throws ThriftSecurityException {
// If we don't have at least two args
if (args == null || args.length < 2) {
TCredentials tcreds = null;
if (args[0] != null && args[0] instanceof TCredentials) {
tcreds = (TCredentials) args[0];
} else if (args[1] != null && args[1] instanceof TCredentials) {
tcreds = (TCredentials) args[1];
// If we don't find a tcredentials in the first two positions
if (null == tcreds) {
// Not all calls require authentication (e.g. closeMultiScan). We need to let these pass through.
log.trace("Did not find a TCredentials object in the first two positions of the argument list, not updating principal");
Class<? extends AuthenticationToken> tokenClass = getTokenClassFromName(tcreds.tokenClassName);
// The Accumulo principal extracted from the SASL transport
final String principal = UGIAssumingProcessor.rpcPrincipal();
// If we authenticated the user over DIGEST-MD5 and they have a DelegationToken, the principals should match
if (SaslMechanism.DIGEST_MD5 == UGIAssumingProcessor.rpcMechanism() && DelegationTokenImpl.class.isAssignableFrom(tokenClass)) {
if (!principal.equals(tcreds.principal)) {
log.warn("{} issued RPC with delegation token over DIGEST-MD5 as the Accumulo principal {}. Disallowing RPC", principal, tcreds.principal);
throw new ThriftSecurityException("RPC principal did not match provided Accumulo principal", SecurityErrorCode.BAD_CREDENTIALS);
// If the authentication token isn't a KerberosToken
if (!KerberosToken.class.isAssignableFrom(tokenClass) && !SystemToken.class.isAssignableFrom(tokenClass)) {
// Don't include messages about SystemToken since it's internal
log.debug("Will not update principal on authentication tokens other than KerberosToken. Received {}", tokenClass);
throw new ThriftSecurityException("Did not receive a valid token", SecurityErrorCode.BAD_CREDENTIALS);
if (null == principal) {
log.debug("Found KerberosToken in TCredentials, but did not receive principal from SASL processor");
throw new ThriftSecurityException("Did not extract principal from Thrift SASL processor", SecurityErrorCode.BAD_CREDENTIALS);
// The principal from the SASL transport should match what the user requested as their Accumulo principal
if (!principal.equals(tcreds.principal)) {
UsersWithHosts usersWithHosts = impersonation.get(principal);
if (null == usersWithHosts) {
principalMismatch(principal, tcreds.principal);
if (!usersWithHosts.getUsers().contains(tcreds.principal)) {
principalMismatch(principal, tcreds.principal);
String clientAddr = TServerUtils.clientAddress.get();
if (!usersWithHosts.getHosts().contains(clientAddr)) {
final String msg = "Principal in credentials object allowed mismatched Kerberos principals, but not on " + clientAddr;
throw new ThriftSecurityException(msg, SecurityErrorCode.BAD_CREDENTIALS);
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the class TCredentialsUpdatingInvocationHandlerTest method testAllowedImpersonationFromSpecificHost.
public void testAllowedImpersonationFromSpecificHost() throws Exception {
final String proxyServer = "proxy", client = "client", host = "";
cc.set(Property.INSTANCE_RPC_SASL_PROXYUSERS.getKey() + proxyServer + ".users", client);
cc.set(Property.INSTANCE_RPC_SASL_PROXYUSERS.getKey() + proxyServer + ".hosts", host);
proxy = new TCredentialsUpdatingInvocationHandler<>(new Object(), conf);
TCredentials tcreds = new TCredentials("client", KerberosToken.class.getName(), ByteBuffer.allocate(0), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
proxy.updateArgs(new Object[] { new Object(), tcreds });
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the class TCredentialsUpdatingInvocationHandlerTest method testAllowedImpersonationForSpecificUsers.
public void testAllowedImpersonationForSpecificUsers() throws Exception {
final String proxyServer = "proxy";
cc.set(Property.INSTANCE_RPC_SASL_PROXYUSERS.getKey() + proxyServer + ".users", "client1,client2");
cc.set(Property.INSTANCE_RPC_SASL_PROXYUSERS.getKey() + proxyServer + ".hosts", "*");
proxy = new TCredentialsUpdatingInvocationHandler<>(new Object(), conf);
TCredentials tcreds = new TCredentials("client1", KerberosToken.class.getName(), ByteBuffer.allocate(0), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
proxy.updateArgs(new Object[] { new Object(), tcreds });
tcreds = new TCredentials("client2", KerberosToken.class.getName(), ByteBuffer.allocate(0), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
proxy.updateArgs(new Object[] { new Object(), tcreds });
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the class TCredentialsUpdatingInvocationHandlerTest method testCachedTokenClass.
public void testCachedTokenClass() throws Exception {
final String principal = "root";
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Class<? extends AuthenticationToken>> cache = proxy.getTokenCache();
TCredentials tcreds = new TCredentials(principal, KerberosToken.CLASS_NAME, ByteBuffer.allocate(0), UUID.randomUUID().toString());
proxy.updateArgs(new Object[] { new Object(), tcreds });
Assert.assertEquals(1, cache.size());
Assert.assertEquals(KerberosToken.class, cache.get(KerberosToken.CLASS_NAME));