Search in sources :

Example 11 with OpTimer

use of org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer in project accumulo by apache.

the class HdfsZooInstance method getMasterLocations.

public List<String> getMasterLocations() {
    String masterLocPath = ZooUtil.getRoot(this) + Constants.ZMASTER_LOCK;
    OpTimer timer = null;
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("tid={} Looking up master location in zoocache.", Thread.currentThread().getId());
        timer = new OpTimer().start();
    byte[] loc = ZooLock.getLockData(zooCache, masterLocPath, null);
    if (timer != null) {
        log.trace("tid={} Found master at {} in {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), (loc == null ? "null" : new String(loc, UTF_8)), String.format("%.3f secs", timer.scale(TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
    if (loc == null) {
        return Collections.emptyList();
    return Collections.singletonList(new String(loc, UTF_8));
Also used : OpTimer(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer)

Example 12 with OpTimer

use of org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer in project accumulo by apache.

the class HdfsZooInstance method getRootTabletLocation.

public String getRootTabletLocation() {
    String zRootLocPath = ZooUtil.getRoot(this) + RootTable.ZROOT_TABLET_LOCATION;
    OpTimer timer = null;
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("tid={} Looking up root tablet location in zoocache.", Thread.currentThread().getId());
        timer = new OpTimer().start();
    byte[] loc = zooCache.get(zRootLocPath);
    if (timer != null) {
        log.trace("tid={} Found root tablet at {} in {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), (loc == null ? "null" : new String(loc, UTF_8)), String.format("%.3f secs", timer.scale(TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
    if (loc == null) {
        return null;
    return new String(loc, UTF_8).split("\\|")[0];
Also used : OpTimer(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer)

Example 13 with OpTimer

use of org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer in project accumulo by apache.

the class NativeMapStressTest method testLotsOfGetsAndScans.

private static void testLotsOfGetsAndScans() {
    ArrayList<Thread> threads = new ArrayList<>();
    final int numThreads = 8;
    final int totalGets = 100000000;
    final int mapSizePerThread = (int) (4000000 / (double) numThreads);
    final int getsPerThread = (int) (totalGets / (double) numThreads);
    for (int tCount = 0; tCount < numThreads; tCount++) {
        Runnable r = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                NativeMap nm = new NativeMap();
                Random r = new Random();
                OpTimer timer = null;
                AtomicLong nextOpid = new AtomicLong();
                if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
          "tid={} oid={} Creating map of size {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), nextOpid.get(), mapSizePerThread);
                    timer = new OpTimer().start();
                for (int i = 0; i < mapSizePerThread; i++) {
                    String row = String.format("r%08d", i);
                    String val = row + "v";
                    put(nm, row, val, i);
                if (timer != null) {
                    // stop and log created elapsed time
          "tid={} oid={} Created map of size {} in {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), nextOpid.getAndIncrement(), nm.size(), String.format("%.3f secs", timer.scale(TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
                    // start timer for gets
          "tid={} oid={} Doing {} gets()", Thread.currentThread().getId(), nextOpid.get(), getsPerThread);
                for (int i = 0; i < getsPerThread; i++) {
                    String row = String.format("r%08d", r.nextInt(mapSizePerThread));
                    String val = row + "v";
                    Value value = nm.get(new Key(new Text(row)));
                    if (value == null || !value.toString().equals(val)) {
                        log.error("nm.get({}) failed", row);
                if (timer != null) {
                    // stop and log created elapsed time
          "tid={} oid={} Finished {} gets in {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), nextOpid.getAndIncrement(), getsPerThread, String.format("%.3f secs", timer.scale(TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
                    // start timer for random iterations
          "tid={} oid={} Doing {} random iterations", Thread.currentThread().getId(), nextOpid.get(), getsPerThread);
                int scanned = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < getsPerThread; i++) {
                    int startRow = r.nextInt(mapSizePerThread);
                    String row = String.format("r%08d", startRow);
                    Iterator<Entry<Key, Value>> iter = nm.iterator(new Key(new Text(row)));
                    int count = 0;
                    while (iter.hasNext() && count < 10) {
                        String row2 = String.format("r%08d", startRow + count);
                        String val2 = row2 + "v";
                        Entry<Key, Value> entry =;
                        if (!entry.getValue().toString().equals(val2) || !entry.getKey().equals(new Key(new Text(row2)))) {
                            log.error("nm.iter({}) failed row = {} count = {} row2 = {} val2 = {}", row2, row, count, row, val2);
                    scanned += count;
                if (timer != null) {
                    // stop and log created elapsed time
          "tid={} oid={} Finished {}  random iterations (scanned = {}) in {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), nextOpid.getAndIncrement(), getsPerThread, scanned, String.format("%.3f secs", timer.scale(TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
        Thread t = new Thread(r);
    for (Thread thread : threads) {
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.error("Could not join thread '{}'.", thread.getName(), e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Text( AtomicLong(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong) Entry(java.util.Map.Entry) Random(java.util.Random) OpTimer(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer) Value( NativeMap(org.apache.accumulo.tserver.NativeMap) Key(

Example 14 with OpTimer

use of org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer in project accumulo by apache.

the class MetadataLocationObtainer method lookupTablet.

public TabletLocations lookupTablet(ClientContext context, TabletLocation src, Text row, Text stopRow, TabletLocator parent) throws AccumuloSecurityException, AccumuloException {
    try {
        OpTimer timer = null;
        if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
            log.trace("tid={} Looking up in {} row={} extent={} tserver={}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), src.tablet_extent.getTableId(), TextUtil.truncate(row), src.tablet_extent, src.tablet_location);
            timer = new OpTimer().start();
        Range range = new Range(row, true, stopRow, true);
        TreeMap<Key, Value> encodedResults = new TreeMap<>();
        TreeMap<Key, Value> results = new TreeMap<>();
        // Use the whole row iterator so that a partial mutations is not read. The code that extracts locations for tablets does a sanity check to ensure there is
        // only one location. Reading a partial mutation could make it appear there are multiple locations when there are not.
        List<IterInfo> serverSideIteratorList = new ArrayList<>();
        serverSideIteratorList.add(new IterInfo(10000, WholeRowIterator.class.getName(), "WRI"));
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> serverSideIteratorOptions = Collections.emptyMap();
        boolean more = ThriftScanner.getBatchFromServer(context, range, src.tablet_extent, src.tablet_location, encodedResults, locCols, serverSideIteratorList, serverSideIteratorOptions, Constants.SCAN_BATCH_SIZE, Authorizations.EMPTY, false, 0L, null);
        decodeRows(encodedResults, results);
        if (more && results.size() == 1) {
            range = new Range(results.lastKey().followingKey(PartialKey.ROW_COLFAM_COLQUAL_COLVIS_TIME), true, new Key(stopRow).followingKey(PartialKey.ROW), false);
            more = ThriftScanner.getBatchFromServer(context, range, src.tablet_extent, src.tablet_location, encodedResults, locCols, serverSideIteratorList, serverSideIteratorOptions, Constants.SCAN_BATCH_SIZE, Authorizations.EMPTY, false, 0L, null);
            decodeRows(encodedResults, results);
        if (timer != null) {
            log.trace("tid={} Got {} results from {} in {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), results.size(), src.tablet_extent, String.format("%.3f secs", timer.scale(TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
        return MetadataLocationObtainer.getMetadataLocationEntries(results);
    } catch (AccumuloServerException ase) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("{} lookup failed, {} server side exception", src.tablet_extent.getTableId(), src.tablet_location);
        throw ase;
    } catch (NotServingTabletException e) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("{} lookup failed, {} not serving {}", src.tablet_extent.getTableId(), src.tablet_location, src.tablet_extent);
    } catch (AccumuloException e) {
        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("{} lookup failed", src.tablet_extent.getTableId(), e);
        parent.invalidateCache(context.getInstance(), src.tablet_location);
    return null;
Also used : AccumuloException(org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloException) NotServingTabletException(org.apache.accumulo.core.tabletserver.thrift.NotServingTabletException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Range( TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) IterInfo( AccumuloServerException(org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.AccumuloServerException) OpTimer(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer) Value( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map) TreeMap(java.util.TreeMap) SortedMap(java.util.SortedMap) Key( PartialKey(

Example 15 with OpTimer

use of org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer in project accumulo by apache.

the class TabletLocatorImpl method binRanges.

public List<Range> binRanges(ClientContext context, List<Range> ranges, Map<String, Map<KeyExtent, List<Range>>> binnedRanges) throws AccumuloException, AccumuloSecurityException, TableNotFoundException {
     * For this to be efficient, need to avoid fine grained synchronization and fine grained logging. Therefore methods called by this are not synchronized and
     * should not log.
    OpTimer timer = null;
    if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
        log.trace("tid={} Binning {} ranges for table {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), ranges.size(), tableId);
        timer = new OpTimer().start();
    LockCheckerSession lcSession = new LockCheckerSession();
    List<Range> failures;
    try {
        processInvalidated(context, lcSession);
        // for this to be optimal, need to look ranges up in sorted order when
        // ranges are not present in cache... however do not want to always
        // sort ranges... therefore try binning ranges using only the cache
        // and sort whatever fails and retry
        failures = binRanges(context, ranges, binnedRanges, true, lcSession);
    } finally {
    if (failures.size() > 0) {
        // sort failures by range start key
        // try lookups again
        try {
            failures = binRanges(context, failures, binnedRanges, false, lcSession);
        } finally {
    if (timer != null) {
        log.trace("tid={} Binned {} ranges for table {} to {} tservers in {}", Thread.currentThread().getId(), ranges.size(), tableId, binnedRanges.size(), String.format("%.3f secs", timer.scale(TimeUnit.SECONDS)));
    return failures;
Also used : OpTimer(org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer) Range(


OpTimer (org.apache.accumulo.core.util.OpTimer)17 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Key ( Range ( AccumuloSecurityException (org.apache.accumulo.core.client.AccumuloSecurityException)3 ThriftSecurityException (org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl.thrift.ThriftSecurityException)3 Value ( TabletClientService (org.apache.accumulo.core.tabletserver.thrift.TabletClientService)3 HostAndPort (org.apache.accumulo.core.util.HostAndPort)3 Text ( Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)2 TreeSet (java.util.TreeSet)2 AtomicLong (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong)2 PartialKey ( TKeyValue ( NotServingTabletException (org.apache.accumulo.core.tabletserver.thrift.NotServingTabletException)2 TApplicationException (org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException)2 TException (org.apache.thrift.TException)2 TTransportException (org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException)2 IOException (