use of org.apache.accumulo.core.util.ServerServices in project accumulo by apache.
the class TabletServer method announceExistence.
private void announceExistence() {
IZooReaderWriter zoo = ZooReaderWriter.getInstance();
try {
String zPath = ZooUtil.getRoot(getInstance()) + Constants.ZTSERVERS + "/" + getClientAddressString();
try {
zoo.putPersistentData(zPath, new byte[] {}, NodeExistsPolicy.SKIP);
} catch (KeeperException e) {
if (KeeperException.Code.NOAUTH == e.code()) {
log.error("Failed to write to ZooKeeper. Ensure that accumulo-site.xml, specifically instance.secret, is consistent.");
throw e;
tabletServerLock = new ZooLock(zPath);
LockWatcher lw = new LockWatcher() {
public void lostLock(final LockLossReason reason) {
Halt.halt(serverStopRequested ? 0 : 1, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (!serverStopRequested)
log.error("Lost tablet server lock (reason = {}), exiting.", reason);
public void unableToMonitorLockNode(final Throwable e) {
Halt.halt(1, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
log.error("Lost ability to monitor tablet server lock, exiting.", e);
byte[] lockContent = new ServerServices(getClientAddressString(), Service.TSERV_CLIENT).toString().getBytes(UTF_8);
for (int i = 0; i < 120 / 5; i++) {
zoo.putPersistentData(zPath, new byte[0], NodeExistsPolicy.SKIP);
if (tabletServerLock.tryLock(lw, lockContent)) {
log.debug("Obtained tablet server lock {}", tabletServerLock.getLockPath());
lockID = tabletServerLock.getLockID().serialize(ZooUtil.getRoot(getInstance()) + Constants.ZTSERVERS + "/");
}"Waiting for tablet server lock");
sleepUninterruptibly(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
String msg = "Too many retries, exiting.";;
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
} catch (Exception e) {"Could not obtain tablet server lock, exiting.", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.accumulo.core.util.ServerServices in project accumulo by apache.
the class ServerClient method getConnection.
public static <CT extends TServiceClient> Pair<String, CT> getConnection(ClientContext context, TServiceClientFactory<CT> factory, boolean preferCachedConnections, long rpcTimeout) throws TTransportException {
checkArgument(context != null, "context is null");
// create list of servers
ArrayList<ThriftTransportKey> servers = new ArrayList<>();
// add tservers
Instance instance = context.getInstance();
ZooCache zc = new ZooCacheFactory().getZooCache(instance.getZooKeepers(), instance.getZooKeepersSessionTimeOut());
for (String tserver : zc.getChildren(ZooUtil.getRoot(instance) + Constants.ZTSERVERS)) {
String path = ZooUtil.getRoot(instance) + Constants.ZTSERVERS + "/" + tserver;
byte[] data = ZooUtil.getLockData(zc, path);
if (data != null) {
String strData = new String(data, UTF_8);
if (!strData.equals("master"))
servers.add(new ThriftTransportKey(new ServerServices(strData).getAddress(Service.TSERV_CLIENT), rpcTimeout, context));
boolean opened = false;
try {
Pair<String, TTransport> pair = ThriftTransportPool.getInstance().getAnyTransport(servers, preferCachedConnections);
CT client = ThriftUtil.createClient(factory, pair.getSecond());
opened = true;
warnedAboutTServersBeingDown = false;
return new Pair<>(pair.getFirst(), client);
} finally {
if (!opened) {
if (!warnedAboutTServersBeingDown) {
if (servers.isEmpty()) {
log.warn("There are no tablet servers: check that zookeeper and accumulo are running.");
} else {
log.warn("Failed to find an available server in the list of servers: {}", servers);
warnedAboutTServersBeingDown = true;