use of org.apache.accumulo.test.VerifyIngest.VerifyParams in project accumulo by apache.
the class BulkIT method runTest.
static void runTest(AccumuloClient c, ClientInfo info, FileSystem fs, Path basePath, String tableName, String filePrefix, String dirSuffix, boolean useOld) throws Exception {
Path base = new Path(basePath, "testBulkFail_" + dirSuffix);
fs.delete(base, true);
Path bulkFailures = new Path(base, "failures");
Path files = new Path(base, "files");
IngestParams params = new IngestParams(info.getProperties(), tableName, N);
params.timestamp = 1;
params.random = 56;
params.cols = 1;
String fileFormat = filePrefix + "rf%02d";
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
params.outputFile = new Path(files, String.format(fileFormat, i)).toString();
params.startRow = N * i;
TestIngest.ingest(c, fs, params);
params.outputFile = new Path(files, String.format(fileFormat, N)).toString();
params.startRow = N;
params.rows = 1;
// create an rfile with one entry, there was a bug with this:
TestIngest.ingest(c, fs, params);
bulkLoad(c, tableName, bulkFailures, files, useOld);
VerifyParams verifyParams = new VerifyParams(info.getProperties(), tableName, N);
verifyParams.random = 56;
for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) {
verifyParams.startRow = i * N;
VerifyIngest.verifyIngest(c, verifyParams);
verifyParams.startRow = N;
verifyParams.rows = 1;
VerifyIngest.verifyIngest(c, verifyParams);
use of org.apache.accumulo.test.VerifyIngest.VerifyParams in project accumulo by apache.
the class ManagerFailoverIT method test.
public void test() throws Exception {
try (AccumuloClient c = Accumulo.newClient().from(getClientProps()).build()) {
String[] names = getUniqueNames(2);
VerifyParams params = new VerifyParams(getClientProps(), names[0]);
TestIngest.ingest(c, params);
ClusterControl control = cluster.getClusterControl();
// start up a new one
// talk to it
c.tableOperations().rename(names[0], names[1]);
params.tableName = names[1];
VerifyIngest.verifyIngest(c, params);
use of org.apache.accumulo.test.VerifyIngest.VerifyParams in project accumulo by apache.
the class GarbageCollectorIT method gcTest.
public void gcTest() throws Exception {
final String table = "test_ingest";
try (AccumuloClient c = Accumulo.newClient().from(getClientProperties()).build()) {
c.tableOperations().setProperty(table, Property.TABLE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD.getKey(), "5K");
VerifyParams params = new VerifyParams(getClientProperties(), table, 10_000);
params.cols = 1;
TestIngest.ingest(c, cluster.getFileSystem(), params);
c.tableOperations().compact(table, null, null, true, true);
int before = countFiles();
while (true) {
sleepUninterruptibly(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
int more = countFiles();
if (more <= before)
before = more;
// restart GC
sleepUninterruptibly(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
int after = countFiles();
VerifyIngest.verifyIngest(c, params);
assertTrue(after < before);
use of org.apache.accumulo.test.VerifyIngest.VerifyParams in project accumulo by apache.
the class BulkSplitOptimizationIT method testBulkSplitOptimization.
public void testBulkSplitOptimization() throws Exception {
try (AccumuloClient c = Accumulo.newClient().from(getClientProps()).build()) {
final String tableName = getUniqueNames(1)[0];
c.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, Property.TABLE_MAJC_RATIO.getKey(), "1000");
c.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, Property.TABLE_FILE_MAX.getKey(), "1000");
c.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, Property.TABLE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD.getKey(), "1G");
FileSystem fs = cluster.getFileSystem();
Path testDir = new Path(cluster.getTemporaryPath(), "testmf");
FunctionalTestUtils.createRFiles(c, fs, testDir.toString(), ROWS, SPLITS, 8);
FileStatus[] stats = fs.listStatus(testDir);
System.out.println("Number of generated files: " + stats.length);
FunctionalTestUtils.checkSplits(c, tableName, 0, 0);
FunctionalTestUtils.checkRFiles(c, tableName, 1, 1, 100, 100);
// initiate splits
c.tableOperations().setProperty(tableName, Property.TABLE_SPLIT_THRESHOLD.getKey(), "100K");
sleepUninterruptibly(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// wait until over split threshold -- should be 78 splits
while (c.tableOperations().listSplits(tableName).size() < 75) {
sleepUninterruptibly(500, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
FunctionalTestUtils.checkSplits(c, tableName, 50, 100);
VerifyParams params = new VerifyParams(getClientProps(), tableName, ROWS);
params.timestamp = 1;
params.dataSize = 50;
params.random = 56;
params.startRow = 0;
params.cols = 1;
VerifyIngest.verifyIngest(c, params);
// ensure each tablet does not have all map files, should be ~2.5 files per tablet
FunctionalTestUtils.checkRFiles(c, tableName, 50, 100, 1, 4);
use of org.apache.accumulo.test.VerifyIngest.VerifyParams in project accumulo by apache.
the class DeleteIT method deleteTest.
public static void deleteTest(AccumuloClient c, AccumuloCluster cluster, String tableName) throws Exception {
VerifyParams params = new VerifyParams(getClientProps(), tableName, 1000);
params.cols = 1;
params.random = 56;
TestIngest.ingest(c, params);
assertEquals(0, cluster.getClusterControl().exec(TestRandomDeletes.class, new String[] { "-c", cluster.getClientPropsPath(), "--table", tableName }));
TestIngest.ingest(c, params);
VerifyIngest.verifyIngest(c, params);