use of in project activemq-artemis by apache.
the class SecurityTest method testDeleteTempQueueWithoutRole.
public void testDeleteTempQueueWithoutRole() throws Exception {
ActiveMQServer server = createServer();
HierarchicalRepository<Set<Role>> securityRepository = server.getSecurityRepository();
ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager securityManager = (ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager) server.getSecurityManager();
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("auser", "pass");
Role role = new Role("arole", false, false, false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false);
Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<>();
securityRepository.addMatch(SecurityTest.addressA, roles);
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("auser", "arole");
ClientSessionFactory cf = createSessionFactory(locator);
ClientSession session = cf.createSession("auser", "pass", false, true, true, false, -1);
session.createQueue(SecurityTest.addressA, SecurityTest.queueA, false);
try {
session.deleteQueue(SecurityTest.queueA);"should throw exception");
} catch (ActiveMQSecurityException se) {
// ok
} catch (ActiveMQException e) {
fail("Invalid Exception type:" + e.getType());
use of in project activemq-artemis by apache.
the class SecurityTest method testComplexRoles.
public void testComplexRoles() throws Exception {
ActiveMQServer server = createServer();
ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager securityManager = (ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager) server.getSecurityManager();
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("all", "all");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("bill", "activemq");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("andrew", "activemq1");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("frank", "activemq2");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("sam", "activemq3");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("all", "all");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("bill", "user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("andrew", "europe-user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("andrew", "user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("frank", "us-user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("frank", "news-user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("frank", "user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("sam", "news-user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("sam", "user");
Role all = new Role("all", true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true);
HierarchicalRepository<Set<Role>> repository = server.getSecurityRepository();
Set<Role> add = new HashSet<>();
add.add(new Role("user", true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true));
repository.addMatch("#", add);
Set<Role> add1 = new HashSet<>();
add1.add(new Role("user", false, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true));
add1.add(new Role("europe-user", true, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true));
add1.add(new Role("news-user", false, true, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true));
repository.addMatch("news.europe.#", add1);
Set<Role> add2 = new HashSet<>();
add2.add(new Role("user", false, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true));
add2.add(new Role("us-user", true, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true));
add2.add(new Role("news-user", false, true, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true));
repository.addMatch("", add2);
ClientSession billConnection = null;
ClientSession andrewConnection = null;
ClientSession frankConnection = null;
ClientSession samConnection = null;
ClientSessionFactory factory = createSessionFactory(locator);
ClientSession adminSession = factory.createSession("all", "all", false, true, true, false, -1);
String genericQueueName = "genericQueue";
adminSession.createQueue(genericQueueName, genericQueueName, false);
String eurQueueName = "news.europe.europeQueue";
adminSession.createQueue(eurQueueName, eurQueueName, false);
String usQueueName = "";
adminSession.createQueue(usQueueName, usQueueName, false);
// Step 4. Try to create a JMS Connection without user/password. It will fail.
try {
factory.createSession(false, true, true);"should throw exception");
} catch (ActiveMQSecurityException se) {
// ok
} catch (ActiveMQException e) {
fail("Invalid Exception type:" + e.getType());
// Step 5. bill tries to make a connection using wrong password
try {
billConnection = factory.createSession("bill", "activemq1", false, true, true, false, -1);"should throw exception");
} catch (ActiveMQSecurityException se) {
// ok
} catch (ActiveMQException e) {
fail("Invalid Exception type:" + e.getType());
// Step 6. bill makes a good connection.
billConnection = factory.createSession("bill", "activemq", false, true, true, false, -1);
// Step 7. andrew makes a good connection.
andrewConnection = factory.createSession("andrew", "activemq1", false, true, true, false, -1);
// Step 8. frank makes a good connection.
frankConnection = factory.createSession("frank", "activemq2", false, true, true, false, -1);
// Step 9. sam makes a good connection.
samConnection = factory.createSession("sam", "activemq3", false, true, true, false, -1);
checkUserSendAndReceive(genericQueueName, billConnection);
checkUserSendAndReceive(genericQueueName, andrewConnection);
checkUserSendAndReceive(genericQueueName, frankConnection);
checkUserSendAndReceive(genericQueueName, samConnection);
// Step 11. Check permissions on news.europe.europeTopic for bill: can't send and can't
// receive
checkUserNoSendNoReceive(eurQueueName, billConnection, adminSession);
// Step 12. Check permissions on news.europe.europeTopic for andrew: can send but can't
// receive
checkUserSendNoReceive(eurQueueName, andrewConnection);
// Step 13. Check permissions on news.europe.europeTopic for frank: can't send but can
// receive
checkUserReceiveNoSend(eurQueueName, frankConnection, adminSession);
// Step 14. Check permissions on news.europe.europeTopic for sam: can't send but can
// receive
checkUserReceiveNoSend(eurQueueName, samConnection, adminSession);
// Step 15. Check permissions on for bill: can't send and can't receive
checkUserNoSendNoReceive(usQueueName, billConnection, adminSession);
// Step 16. Check permissions on for andrew: can't send and can't receive
checkUserNoSendNoReceive(usQueueName, andrewConnection, adminSession);
// Step 17. Check permissions on for frank: can both send and receive
checkUserSendAndReceive(usQueueName, frankConnection);
// Step 18. Check permissions on for same: can't send but can receive
checkUserReceiveNoSend(usQueueName, samConnection, adminSession);
use of in project activemq-artemis by apache.
the class SecurityTest method testComplexRoles2.
public void testComplexRoles2() throws Exception {
ActiveMQServer server = createServer();
ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager securityManager = (ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager) server.getSecurityManager();
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("all", "all");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("bill", "activemq");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("andrew", "activemq1");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("frank", "activemq2");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("sam", "activemq3");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("all", "all");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("bill", "user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("andrew", "europe-user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("andrew", "user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("frank", "us-user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("frank", "news-user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("frank", "user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("sam", "news-user");
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("sam", "user");
Role all = new Role("all", true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true);
HierarchicalRepository<Set<Role>> repository = server.getSecurityRepository();
Set<Role> add = new HashSet<>();
add.add(new Role("user", true, true, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true));
repository.addMatch("#", add);
Set<Role> add1 = new HashSet<>();
add1.add(new Role("user", false, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true));
add1.add(new Role("europe-user", true, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true));
add1.add(new Role("news-user", false, true, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true));
repository.addMatch("news.europe.#", add1);
Set<Role> add2 = new HashSet<>();
add2.add(new Role("user", false, false, true, true, true, true, false, true, true, true));
add2.add(new Role("us-user", true, false, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true));
add2.add(new Role("news-user", false, true, false, false, false, false, false, true, true, true));
repository.addMatch("", add2);
ClientSession billConnection = null;
ClientSession andrewConnection = null;
ClientSession frankConnection = null;
ClientSession samConnection = null;
ClientSessionFactory factory = createSessionFactory(locator);
ClientSession adminSession = factory.createSession("all", "all", false, true, true, false, -1);
String genericQueueName = "genericQueue";
adminSession.createQueue(genericQueueName, genericQueueName, false);
String eurQueueName = "news.europe.europeQueue";
adminSession.createQueue(eurQueueName, eurQueueName, false);
String usQueueName = "";
adminSession.createQueue(usQueueName, usQueueName, false);
// Step 4. Try to create a JMS Connection without user/password. It will fail.
try {
factory.createSession(false, true, true);"should throw exception");
} catch (ActiveMQSecurityException se) {
// ok
} catch (ActiveMQException e) {
fail("Invalid Exception type:" + e.getType());
// Step 5. bill tries to make a connection using wrong password
try {
billConnection = factory.createSession("bill", "activemq1", false, true, true, false, -1);"should throw exception");
} catch (ActiveMQSecurityException se) {
// ok
} catch (ActiveMQException e) {
fail("Invalid Exception type:" + e.getType());
// Step 6. bill makes a good connection.
billConnection = factory.createSession("bill", "activemq", false, true, true, false, -1);
// Step 7. andrew makes a good connection.
andrewConnection = factory.createSession("andrew", "activemq1", false, true, true, false, -1);
// Step 8. frank makes a good connection.
frankConnection = factory.createSession("frank", "activemq2", false, true, true, false, -1);
// Step 9. sam makes a good connection.
samConnection = factory.createSession("sam", "activemq3", false, true, true, false, -1);
checkUserSendAndReceive(genericQueueName, billConnection);
checkUserSendAndReceive(genericQueueName, andrewConnection);
checkUserSendAndReceive(genericQueueName, frankConnection);
checkUserSendAndReceive(genericQueueName, samConnection);
// Step 11. Check permissions on news.europe.europeTopic for bill: can't send and can't
// receive
checkUserNoSendNoReceive(eurQueueName, billConnection, adminSession);
// Step 12. Check permissions on news.europe.europeTopic for andrew: can send but can't
// receive
checkUserSendNoReceive(eurQueueName, andrewConnection);
// Step 13. Check permissions on news.europe.europeTopic for frank: can't send but can
// receive
checkUserReceiveNoSend(eurQueueName, frankConnection, adminSession);
// Step 14. Check permissions on news.europe.europeTopic for sam: can't send but can
// receive
checkUserReceiveNoSend(eurQueueName, samConnection, adminSession);
// Step 15. Check permissions on for bill: can't send and can't receive
checkUserNoSendNoReceive(usQueueName, billConnection, adminSession);
// Step 16. Check permissions on for andrew: can't send and can't receive
checkUserNoSendNoReceive(usQueueName, andrewConnection, adminSession);
// Step 17. Check permissions on for frank: can both send and receive
checkUserSendAndReceive(usQueueName, frankConnection);
// Step 18. Check permissions on for same: can't send but can receive
checkUserReceiveNoSend(usQueueName, samConnection, adminSession);
use of in project activemq-artemis by apache.
the class SecurityTest method testDeleteDurableQueueWithoutRole.
public void testDeleteDurableQueueWithoutRole() throws Exception {
ActiveMQServer server = createServer();
HierarchicalRepository<Set<Role>> securityRepository = server.getSecurityRepository();
ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager securityManager = (ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager) server.getSecurityManager();
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("auser", "pass");
Role role = new Role("arole", false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<>();
securityRepository.addMatch(SecurityTest.addressA, roles);
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("auser", "arole");
ClientSessionFactory cf = createSessionFactory(locator);
ClientSession session = cf.createSession("auser", "pass", false, true, true, false, -1);
session.createQueue(SecurityTest.addressA, SecurityTest.queueA, true);
try {
session.deleteQueue(SecurityTest.queueA);"should throw exception");
} catch (ActiveMQSecurityException se) {
// ok
} catch (ActiveMQException e) {
fail("Invalid Exception type:" + e.getType());
use of in project activemq-artemis by apache.
the class SecurityTest method testSendWithoutRole.
public void testSendWithoutRole() throws Exception {
ActiveMQServer server = createServer();
HierarchicalRepository<Set<Role>> securityRepository = server.getSecurityRepository();
ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager securityManager = (ActiveMQJAASSecurityManager) server.getSecurityManager();
securityManager.getConfiguration().addUser("auser", "pass");
Role role = new Role("arole", false, false, true, false, false, false, false, false, false, false);
Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<>();
securityRepository.addMatch(SecurityTest.addressA, roles);
securityManager.getConfiguration().addRole("auser", "arole");
ClientSessionFactory cf = createSessionFactory(locator);
ClientSession session = cf.createSession("auser", "pass", false, true, true, false, -1);
session.createQueue(SecurityTest.addressA, SecurityTest.queueA, true);
ClientProducer cp = session.createProducer(SecurityTest.addressA);
try {
} catch (ActiveMQSecurityException se) {
// ok
} catch (ActiveMQException e) {
fail("Invalid Exception type:" + e.getType());