use of org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot in project textdb by TextDB.
the class PythonUDFOpExec method readArrowStream.
* For every batch, the operator gets the computed sentiment result by calling
* {@link FlightClient#getStream(Ticket, CallOption...)}.
* The reading and conversion process is the same as what it does when using Arrow file.
* {@code getStream} is a non-blocking call, but this method is a blocking call because it waits until the stream
* is finished.
* @param client The FlightClient that manages this.
* @param channel The predefined path that specifies where to read the data in Flight Serve.
* @param resultQueue resultQueue To store the results. Must be empty when it is passed here.
private void readArrowStream(FlightClient client, Channel channel, Queue<Tuple> resultQueue) {
try {
FlightInfo info = client.getInfo(FlightDescriptor.path(Collections.singletonList(;
Ticket ticket = info.getEndpoints().get(0).getTicket();
FlightStream stream = client.getStream(ticket);
while ( {
// get root
VectorSchemaRoot root = stream.getRoot();
for (int i = 0; i < root.getRowCount(); i++) {
resultQueue.add(ArrowUtils.getTexeraTuple(i, root));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
System.out.println("NO SUCH FLIGHT!!");
closeAndThrow(client, e);
use of org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot in project flink by apache.
the class ArrowUtilsTest method testCreateArrowWriter.
public void testCreateArrowWriter() {
VectorSchemaRoot root = VectorSchemaRoot.create(ArrowUtils.toArrowSchema(rowType), allocator);
ArrowWriter<RowData> writer = ArrowUtils.createRowDataArrowWriter(root, rowType);
ArrowFieldWriter<RowData>[] fieldWriters = writer.getFieldWriters();
for (int i = 0; i < fieldWriters.length; i++) {
assertEquals(testFields.get(i).f3, fieldWriters[i].getClass());
use of org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot in project flink by apache.
the class ArrowUtilsTest method testReadArrowBatches.
public void testReadArrowBatches() throws IOException {
VectorSchemaRoot root = VectorSchemaRoot.create(ArrowUtils.toArrowSchema(rowType), allocator);
ArrowWriter<RowData> arrowWriter = ArrowUtils.createRowDataArrowWriter(root, rowType);
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ArrowStreamWriter arrowStreamWriter = new ArrowStreamWriter(root, null, baos);
List<RowData> testData = Arrays.asList(new GenericRowData(rowType.getFieldCount()), new GenericRowData(rowType.getFieldCount()), new GenericRowData(rowType.getFieldCount()), new GenericRowData(rowType.getFieldCount()), new GenericRowData(rowType.getFieldCount()));
int batches = 3;
List<List<RowData>> subLists = Lists.partition(testData, testData.size() / batches + 1);
for (List<RowData> subList : subLists) {
for (RowData value : subList) {
assertEquals(batches, ArrowUtils.readArrowBatches(Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()))).length);
use of org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot in project beam by apache.
the class ArrowConversionTest method rowIterator.
public void rowIterator() {
org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Schema schema = new org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Schema(asList(field("int32", new ArrowType.Int(32, true)), field("float64", new ArrowType.FloatingPoint(FloatingPointPrecision.DOUBLE)), field("string", new ArrowType.Utf8()), field("timestampMicroUTC", new ArrowType.Timestamp(TimeUnit.MICROSECOND, "UTC")), field("timestampMilliUTC", new ArrowType.Timestamp(TimeUnit.MILLISECOND, "UTC")), field("int32_list", new ArrowType.List(), field("int32s", new ArrowType.Int(32, true))), field("boolean", new ArrowType.Bool()), field("fixed_size_binary", new ArrowType.FixedSizeBinary(3))));
Schema beamSchema = ArrowConversion.ArrowSchemaTranslator.toBeamSchema(schema);
VectorSchemaRoot expectedSchemaRoot = VectorSchemaRoot.create(schema, allocator);
IntVector intVector = (IntVector) expectedSchemaRoot.getFieldVectors().get(0);
Float8Vector floatVector = (Float8Vector) expectedSchemaRoot.getFieldVectors().get(1);
VarCharVector strVector = (VarCharVector) expectedSchemaRoot.getFieldVectors().get(2);
TimeStampMicroTZVector timestampMicroUtcVector = (TimeStampMicroTZVector) expectedSchemaRoot.getFieldVectors().get(3);
TimeStampMilliTZVector timeStampMilliTZVector = (TimeStampMilliTZVector) expectedSchemaRoot.getFieldVectors().get(4);
ListVector int32ListVector = (ListVector) expectedSchemaRoot.getFieldVectors().get(5);
IntVector int32ListElementVector = int32ListVector.<IntVector>addOrGetVector(new org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.FieldType(false, new ArrowType.Int(32, true), null)).getVector();
BitVector boolVector = (BitVector) expectedSchemaRoot.getFieldVectors().get(6);
FixedSizeBinaryVector fixedSizeBinaryVector = (FixedSizeBinaryVector) expectedSchemaRoot.getFieldVectors().get(7);
ArrayList<Row> expectedRows = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
DateTime dt = new DateTime(2019, 1, i + 1, i, i, i, DateTimeZone.UTC);
expectedRows.add(Row.withSchema(beamSchema).addValues(i, i + .1 * i, "" + i, dt, dt, ImmutableList.of(i), (i % 2) != 0, new byte[] { (byte) i, (byte) (i + 1), (byte) (i + 2) }).build());
intVector.set(i, i);
floatVector.set(i, i + .1 * i);
strVector.set(i, new Text("" + i));
timestampMicroUtcVector.set(i, dt.getMillis() * 1000);
timeStampMilliTZVector.set(i, dt.getMillis());
int32ListElementVector.set(i, i);
int32ListVector.endValue(i, 1);
boolVector.set(i, i % 2);
fixedSizeBinaryVector.set(i, new byte[] { (byte) i, (byte) (i + 1), (byte) (i + 2) });
assertThat(ImmutableList.copyOf(ArrowConversion.rowsFromRecordBatch(beamSchema, expectedSchemaRoot)), IsIterableContainingInOrder.contains( -> equalTo(row)).collect(ImmutableList.toImmutableList())));
use of org.apache.arrow.vector.VectorSchemaRoot in project twister2 by DSC-SPIDAL.
the class ArrowAllToAll method onReceive.
public void onReceive(int source, ChannelBuffer buffer, int length) {
PendingReceiveTable table = receives.get(source);
ArrowBuf buf = ((ArrowChannelBuffer) buffer).getArrowBuf();
if (table.bufferIndex == 0) {
table.fieldNodes.add(new ArrowFieldNode(table.noArray, 0));
VectorSchemaRoot schemaRoot = table.root;
List<FieldVector> fieldVectors = schemaRoot.getFieldVectors();
// we received everything for this array
if (table.noBuffers == table.bufferIndex + 1) {
FieldVector fieldVector = fieldVectors.get(table.columnIndex);
loadBuffers(fieldVector, fieldVector.getField(), table.buffers.iterator(), table.fieldNodes.iterator());
if (table.arrays.size() == schemaRoot.getFieldVectors().size()) {
List<ArrowColumn> columns = new ArrayList<>();
// create the table
for (FieldVector v : fieldVectors) {
ArrowColumn c;
if (v instanceof BaseFixedWidthVector) {
if (v instanceof IntVector) {
c = new Int4Column((IntVector) v);
} else if (v instanceof Float4Vector) {
c = new Float4Column((Float4Vector) v);
} else if (v instanceof Float8Vector) {
c = new Float8Column((Float8Vector) v);
} else if (v instanceof UInt8Vector) {
c = new Int8Column((UInt8Vector) v);
} else if (v instanceof UInt2Vector) {
c = new UInt2Column((UInt2Vector) v);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Un-supported type : " + v.getClass().getName());
} else if (v instanceof BaseVariableWidthVector) {
if (v instanceof VarCharVector) {
c = new StringColumn((VarCharVector) v);
} else if (v instanceof VarBinaryVector) {
c = new BinaryColumn((VarBinaryVector) v);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Un-supported type : " + v.getClass().getName());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Un-supported type : " + v.getClass().getName());
Table t = new ArrowTable(schemaRoot.getSchema(), table.noArray, columns);"Received table from source " + source + " to " + + " count" + t.rowCount());
recvCallback.onReceive(source,, t);