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the class InvertedIndexAccessMethod method isEditDistanceFuncSelectOptimizable.
private boolean isEditDistanceFuncSelectOptimizable(Index index, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr) throws AlgebricksException {
// Check for panic in selection query.
// TODO: Panic also depends on prePost which is currently hardcoded to be true.
AsterixConstantValue listOrStrConstVal = (AsterixConstantValue) ((ConstantExpression) optFuncExpr.getConstantExpr(0)).getValue();
IAObject listOrStrObj = listOrStrConstVal.getObject();
ATypeTag typeTag = listOrStrObj.getType().getTypeTag();
if (!isEditDistanceFuncCompatible(typeTag, index.getIndexType())) {
return false;
AsterixConstantValue intConstVal = (AsterixConstantValue) ((ConstantExpression) optFuncExpr.getConstantExpr(1)).getValue();
IAObject intObj = intConstVal.getObject();
AInt32 edThresh = null;
// Apply type casting based on numeric types of the input to INTEGER type.
try {
edThresh = (AInt32) ATypeHierarchy.convertNumericTypeObject(intObj, ATypeTag.INTEGER);
} catch (HyracksDataException e) {
throw new AlgebricksException(e);
int mergeThreshold = 0;
if (typeTag == ATypeTag.STRING) {
AString astr = (AString) listOrStrObj;
// Compute merge threshold depending on the query grams contain pre- and postfixing
if (optFuncExpr.containsPartialField()) {
mergeThreshold = (astr.getStringValue().length() - index.getGramLength() + 1) - edThresh.getIntegerValue() * index.getGramLength();
} else {
mergeThreshold = (astr.getStringValue().length() + index.getGramLength() - 1) - edThresh.getIntegerValue() * index.getGramLength();
if ((typeTag == ATypeTag.ARRAY) && (index.getIndexType() == IndexType.SINGLE_PARTITION_WORD_INVIX || index.getIndexType() == IndexType.LENGTH_PARTITIONED_WORD_INVIX)) {
IACollection alist = (IACollection) listOrStrObj;
// Compute merge threshold.
mergeThreshold = alist.size() - edThresh.getIntegerValue();
if (mergeThreshold <= 0) {
// We cannot use index to optimize expr.
return false;
return true;
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the class InvertedIndexAccessMethod method addFunctionSpecificArgs.
private void addFunctionSpecificArgs(IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr, InvertedIndexJobGenParams jobGenParams) {
if (optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getFunctionIdentifier() == BuiltinFunctions.STRING_CONTAINS) {
jobGenParams.setSimilarityThreshold(new AsterixConstantValue(AMissing.MISSING));
if (optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getFunctionIdentifier() == BuiltinFunctions.SIMILARITY_JACCARD_CHECK) {
// Add the similarity threshold which, by convention, is the last constant value.
jobGenParams.setSimilarityThreshold(((ConstantExpression) optFuncExpr.getConstantExpr(optFuncExpr.getNumConstantExpr() - 1)).getValue());
if (optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getFunctionIdentifier() == BuiltinFunctions.EDIT_DISTANCE_CHECK || optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getFunctionIdentifier() == BuiltinFunctions.EDIT_DISTANCE_CONTAINS) {
if (optFuncExpr.containsPartialField()) {
} else {
// Add the similarity threshold which, by convention, is the last constant value.
jobGenParams.setSimilarityThreshold(((ConstantExpression) optFuncExpr.getConstantExpr(optFuncExpr.getNumConstantExpr() - 1)).getValue());
if (optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getFunctionIdentifier() == BuiltinFunctions.FULLTEXT_CONTAINS || optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr().getFunctionIdentifier() == BuiltinFunctions.FULLTEXT_CONTAINS_WO_OPTION) {
// Let the job Gen pass the full-text search information.
// We check the last argument of the given full-text search to see whether conjunctive or disjunctive
// search parameter is given. This is the last argument of the function call expression.
AbstractFunctionCallExpression funcExpr = optFuncExpr.getFuncExpr();
jobGenParams.setSimilarityThreshold(new AsterixConstantValue(ANull.NULL));
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class ResolveVariableRule method resolveAsFieldAccess.
// Resolves a "resolve" function call as a field access.
private void resolveAsFieldAccess(Mutable<ILogicalExpression> funcRef, Pair<ILogicalExpression, List<String>> varAndPath) {
// Rewrites to field-access-by-names.
ILogicalExpression expr = varAndPath.first;
List<String> path = varAndPath.second;
Mutable<ILogicalExpression> firstArgRef = new MutableObject<>(expr);
ILogicalExpression newFunc = null;
for (String fieldName : path) {
List<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> args = new ArrayList<>();
args.add(new MutableObject<>(new ConstantExpression(new AsterixConstantValue(new AString(fieldName)))));
newFunc = new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(FunctionUtil.getFunctionInfo(BuiltinFunctions.FIELD_ACCESS_BY_NAME), args);
firstArgRef = new MutableObject<>(newFunc);
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the class SimilarityCheckRule method replaceWithVariableArg.
private boolean replaceWithVariableArg(Mutable<ILogicalExpression> expRef, FunctionIdentifier normFuncIdent, AsterixConstantValue constVal, VariableReferenceExpression varRefExpr, List<AssignOperator> assigns, IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
// Find variable in assigns to determine its originating function.
LogicalVariable var = varRefExpr.getVariableReference();
Mutable<ILogicalExpression> simFuncExprRef = null;
ScalarFunctionCallExpression simCheckFuncExpr = null;
AssignOperator matchingAssign = null;
for (int i = 0; i < assigns.size(); i++) {
AssignOperator assign = assigns.get(i);
for (int j = 0; j < assign.getVariables().size(); j++) {
// Check if variables match.
if (var != assign.getVariables().get(j)) {
// Check if corresponding expr is a function call.
if (assign.getExpressions().get(j).getValue().getExpressionTag() != LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
simFuncExprRef = assign.getExpressions().get(j);
// Analyze function expression and get equivalent similarity check function.
simCheckFuncExpr = getSimilarityCheckExpr(normFuncIdent, constVal, (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) simFuncExprRef.getValue());
matchingAssign = assign;
if (simCheckFuncExpr != null) {
// Only non-null if we found that varRefExpr refers to an optimizable similarity function call.
if (simCheckFuncExpr != null) {
// Create a new assign under matchingAssign which assigns the result of our similarity-check function to a variable.
LogicalVariable newVar = context.newVar();
AssignOperator newAssign = new AssignOperator(newVar, new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(simCheckFuncExpr));
// Hook up inputs.
newAssign.getInputs().add(new MutableObject<ILogicalOperator>(matchingAssign.getInputs().get(0).getValue()));
// Replace select condition with a get-item on newVarFromExpression.
List<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> selectGetItemArgs = new ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>>();
// First arg is a variable reference expr on newVarFromExpression.
selectGetItemArgs.add(new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(new VariableReferenceExpression(newVar)));
// Second arg is the item index to be accessed, here 0.
selectGetItemArgs.add(new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(new ConstantExpression(new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt32(0)))));
ILogicalExpression selectGetItemExpr = new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(FunctionUtil.getFunctionInfo(BuiltinFunctions.GET_ITEM), selectGetItemArgs);
// Replace the old similarity function call with the new getItemExpr.
// Replace expr corresponding to original variable in the original assign with a get-item on
// newVarFromExpression.
List<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> assignGetItemArgs = new ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>>();
// First arg is a variable reference expr on newVarFromExpression.
assignGetItemArgs.add(new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(new VariableReferenceExpression(newVar)));
// Second arg is the item index to be accessed, here 1.
assignGetItemArgs.add(new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(new ConstantExpression(new AsterixConstantValue(new AInt32(1)))));
ILogicalExpression assignGetItemExpr = new ScalarFunctionCallExpression(FunctionUtil.getFunctionInfo(BuiltinFunctions.GET_ITEM), assignGetItemArgs);
// Replace the original assign expr with the get-item expr.
return true;
return false;
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class ResolveVariableRule method resolveInternal.
// Resolves an undefined name to a dataset or a fully qualified variable/field-access path
// based on the given information of dataset matches and candidate paths.
private boolean resolveInternal(Mutable<ILogicalExpression> funcRef, boolean hasMatchedDataset, Collection<Pair<ILogicalExpression, List<String>>> varAccessCandidates, String unresolvedVarName, Triple<Boolean, String, String> fullyQualifiedDatasetPathCandidateFromParent, Mutable<ILogicalExpression> parentFuncRef, IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
AbstractFunctionCallExpression func = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) funcRef.getValue();
int numVarCandidates = varAccessCandidates.size();
// The resolution order: 1. field-access 2. datasets (standalone-name or fully-qualified)
if (numVarCandidates > 0) {
if (numVarCandidates == 1) {
resolveAsFieldAccess(funcRef, varAccessCandidates.iterator().next());
} else {
// More than one possibilities.
throw new AlgebricksException("Cannot resolve ambiguous alias reference for undefined identifier " + unresolvedVarName);
} else if (hasMatchedDataset) {
// Rewrites the "resolve" function to a "dataset" function and only keep the dataset name argument.
Mutable<ILogicalExpression> datasetNameExpression = func.getArguments().get(0);
} else if (fullyQualifiedDatasetPathCandidateFromParent.first) {
// Rewrites the parent "field-access" function to a "dataset" function.
AbstractFunctionCallExpression parentFunc = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) parentFuncRef.getValue();
parentFunc.getArguments().add(new MutableObject<>(new ConstantExpression(new AsterixConstantValue(new AString(fullyQualifiedDatasetPathCandidateFromParent.second + "." + fullyQualifiedDatasetPathCandidateFromParent.third)))));
} else {
MetadataProvider metadataProvider = (MetadataProvider) context.getMetadataProvider();
// Cannot find any resolution.
throw new AlgebricksException("Cannot find dataset " + unresolvedVarName + " in dataverse " + metadataProvider.getDefaultDataverseName() + " nor an alias with name " + unresolvedVarName);
return true;