use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class ARecordPrinterFactory method createPrinter.
public IPrinter createPrinter() {
final PointableAllocator allocator = new PointableAllocator();
final IAType inputType = recType == null ? DefaultOpenFieldType.getDefaultOpenFieldType(ATypeTag.OBJECT) : recType;
final IVisitablePointable recAccessor = allocator.allocateRecordValue(inputType);
final APrintVisitor printVisitor = new APrintVisitor();
final Pair<PrintStream, ATypeTag> arg = new Pair<>(null, null);
return new IPrinter() {
public void init() {
arg.second = inputType.getTypeTag();
public void print(byte[] b, int start, int l, PrintStream ps) throws HyracksDataException {
recAccessor.set(b, start, l);
arg.first = ps;
recAccessor.accept(printVisitor, arg);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class AUnorderedlistPrinterFactory method createPrinter.
public IPrinter createPrinter() {
PointableAllocator allocator = new PointableAllocator();
final IAType inputType = unorderedlistType == null ? DefaultOpenFieldType.getDefaultOpenFieldType(ATypeTag.MULTISET) : unorderedlistType;
final IVisitablePointable listAccessor = allocator.allocateListValue(inputType);
final APrintVisitor printVisitor = new APrintVisitor();
final Pair<PrintStream, ATypeTag> arg = new Pair<>(null, null);
return new IPrinter() {
public void init() {
arg.second = inputType.getTypeTag();
public void print(byte[] b, int start, int l, PrintStream ps) throws HyracksDataException {
try {
listAccessor.set(b, start, l);
arg.first = ps;
listAccessor.accept(printVisitor, arg);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new HyracksDataException(e);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class RecordMergeDescriptor method createEvaluatorFactory.
public IScalarEvaluatorFactory createEvaluatorFactory(final IScalarEvaluatorFactory[] args) {
return new IScalarEvaluatorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(final IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
final PointableAllocator pa = new PointableAllocator();
final IVisitablePointable vp0 = pa.allocateRecordValue(inRecType0);
final IVisitablePointable vp1 = pa.allocateRecordValue(inRecType1);
final IPointable argPtr0 = new VoidPointable();
final IPointable argPtr1 = new VoidPointable();
final IScalarEvaluator eval0 = args[0].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
final IScalarEvaluator eval1 = args[1].createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
final List<RecordBuilder> rbStack = new ArrayList<>();
final ArrayBackedValueStorage tabvs = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
private final RuntimeRecordTypeInfo runtimeRecordTypeInfo = new RuntimeRecordTypeInfo();
private final DeepEqualAssessor deepEqualAssesor = new DeepEqualAssessor();
private ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
eval0.evaluate(tuple, argPtr0);
eval1.evaluate(tuple, argPtr1);
ARecordVisitablePointable rp0 = (ARecordVisitablePointable) vp0;
ARecordVisitablePointable rp1 = (ARecordVisitablePointable) vp1;
try {
mergeFields(outRecType, rp0, rp1, true, 0);
rbStack.get(0).write(out, true);
} catch (IOException | AsterixException e) {
throw new HyracksDataException(e);
private void mergeFields(ARecordType combinedType, ARecordVisitablePointable leftRecord, ARecordVisitablePointable rightRecord, boolean openFromParent, int nestedLevel) throws IOException, AsterixException, HyracksDataException {
if (rbStack.size() < (nestedLevel + 1)) {
rbStack.add(new RecordBuilder());
//Add all fields from left record
for (int i = 0; i < leftRecord.getFieldNames().size(); i++) {
IVisitablePointable leftName = leftRecord.getFieldNames().get(i);
IVisitablePointable leftValue = leftRecord.getFieldValues().get(i);
IVisitablePointable leftType = leftRecord.getFieldTypeTags().get(i);
boolean foundMatch = false;
for (int j = 0; j < rightRecord.getFieldNames().size(); j++) {
IVisitablePointable rightName = rightRecord.getFieldNames().get(j);
IVisitablePointable rightValue = rightRecord.getFieldValues().get(j);
IVisitablePointable rightType = rightRecord.getFieldTypeTags().get(j);
// Check if same fieldname
if (PointableHelper.isEqual(leftName, rightName) && !deepEqualAssesor.isEqual(leftValue, rightValue)) {
//Field was found on the right and are subrecords, merge them
if (PointableHelper.sameType(ATypeTag.OBJECT, rightType) && PointableHelper.sameType(ATypeTag.OBJECT, leftType)) {
//We are merging two sub records
addFieldToSubRecord(combinedType, leftName, leftValue, rightValue, openFromParent, nestedLevel);
foundMatch = true;
} else {
throw new RuntimeDataException(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_FIELD_NAME, getIdentifier());
if (!foundMatch) {
addFieldToSubRecord(combinedType, leftName, leftValue, null, openFromParent, nestedLevel);
//Repeat for right side (ignoring duplicates this time)
for (int j = 0; j < rightRecord.getFieldNames().size(); j++) {
IVisitablePointable rightName = rightRecord.getFieldNames().get(j);
IVisitablePointable rightValue = rightRecord.getFieldValues().get(j);
boolean foundMatch = false;
for (int i = 0; i < leftRecord.getFieldNames().size(); i++) {
IVisitablePointable leftName = leftRecord.getFieldNames().get(i);
if (rightName.equals(leftName)) {
foundMatch = true;
if (!foundMatch) {
addFieldToSubRecord(combinedType, rightName, rightValue, null, openFromParent, nestedLevel);
* Takes in a record type, field name, and the field values (which are record) from two records
* Merges them into one record of combinedType
* And adds that record as a field to the Record in subrb
* the second value can be null, indicated that you just add the value of left as a field to subrb
private void addFieldToSubRecord(ARecordType combinedType, IVisitablePointable fieldNamePointable, IVisitablePointable leftValue, IVisitablePointable rightValue, boolean openFromParent, int nestedLevel) throws IOException, AsterixException, HyracksDataException {
int pos = runtimeRecordTypeInfo.getFieldIndex(fieldNamePointable.getByteArray(), fieldNamePointable.getStartOffset() + 1, fieldNamePointable.getLength() - 1);
//Add the merged field
if (combinedType != null && pos >= 0) {
if (rightValue == null) {
rbStack.get(nestedLevel).addField(pos, leftValue);
} else {
mergeFields((ARecordType) combinedType.getFieldTypes()[pos], (ARecordVisitablePointable) leftValue, (ARecordVisitablePointable) rightValue, false, nestedLevel + 1);
rbStack.get(nestedLevel + 1).write(tabvs.getDataOutput(), true);
rbStack.get(nestedLevel).addField(pos, tabvs);
} else {
if (rightValue == null) {
rbStack.get(nestedLevel).addField(fieldNamePointable, leftValue);
} else {
mergeFields(DefaultOpenFieldType.NESTED_OPEN_RECORD_TYPE, (ARecordVisitablePointable) leftValue, (ARecordVisitablePointable) rightValue, false, nestedLevel + 1);
rbStack.get(nestedLevel + 1).write(tabvs.getDataOutput(), true);
rbStack.get(nestedLevel).addField(fieldNamePointable, tabvs);
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class RecordRemoveFieldsEvalFactory method createScalarEvaluator.
public IScalarEvaluator createScalarEvaluator(final IHyracksTaskContext ctx) throws HyracksDataException {
final PointableAllocator pa = new PointableAllocator();
final IVisitablePointable vp0 = pa.allocateRecordValue(inputRecType);
final IVisitablePointable vp1 = pa.allocateListValue(inputListType);
final IPointable inputArg0 = new VoidPointable();
final IPointable inputArg1 = new VoidPointable();
final IScalarEvaluator eval0 = inputRecordEvalFactory.createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
final IScalarEvaluator eval1 = removeFieldPathsFactory.createScalarEvaluator(ctx);
return new IScalarEvaluator() {
private final RuntimeRecordTypeInfo runtimeRecordTypeInfo = new RuntimeRecordTypeInfo();
private final List<RecordBuilder> rbStack = new ArrayList<>();
private final ArrayBackedValueStorage tabvs = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private final Deque<IVisitablePointable> recordPath = new ArrayDeque<>();
private ArrayBackedValueStorage resultStorage = new ArrayBackedValueStorage();
private DataOutput out = resultStorage.getDataOutput();
public void evaluate(IFrameTupleReference tuple, IPointable result) throws HyracksDataException {
eval0.evaluate(tuple, inputArg0);
eval1.evaluate(tuple, inputArg1);
byte inputTypeTag0 = inputArg0.getByteArray()[inputArg0.getStartOffset()];
if (inputTypeTag0 != ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_RECORD_TYPE_TAG) {
throw new TypeMismatchException(BuiltinFunctions.REMOVE_FIELDS, 0, inputTypeTag0, ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_INT32_TYPE_TAG);
byte inputTypeTag1 = inputArg1.getByteArray()[inputArg1.getStartOffset()];
throw new TypeMismatchException(BuiltinFunctions.REMOVE_FIELDS, 1, inputTypeTag1, ATypeTag.SERIALIZED_ORDEREDLIST_TYPE_TAG);
ARecordVisitablePointable recordPointable = (ARecordVisitablePointable) vp0;
AListVisitablePointable listPointable = (AListVisitablePointable) vp1;
try {
processRecord(requiredRecType, recordPointable, listPointable, 0);
rbStack.get(0).write(out, true);
} catch (IOException | AsterixException e) {
throw new HyracksDataException(e);
private void processRecord(ARecordType requiredType, ARecordVisitablePointable srp, AListVisitablePointable inputList, int nestedLevel) throws IOException, AsterixException, HyracksDataException {
if (rbStack.size() < (nestedLevel + 1)) {
rbStack.add(new RecordBuilder());
List<IVisitablePointable> fieldNames = srp.getFieldNames();
List<IVisitablePointable> fieldValues = srp.getFieldValues();
List<IVisitablePointable> fieldTypes = srp.getFieldTypeTags();
for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.size(); i++) {
IVisitablePointable subRecFieldName = fieldNames.get(i);
if (isValidPath(inputList)) {
if (requiredType != null && requiredType.getTypeTag() != ATypeTag.ANY) {
addKeptFieldToSubRecord(requiredType, subRecFieldName, fieldValues.get(i), fieldTypes.get(i), inputList, nestedLevel);
} else {
addKeptFieldToSubRecord(DefaultOpenFieldType.NESTED_OPEN_RECORD_TYPE, subRecFieldName, fieldValues.get(i), fieldTypes.get(i), inputList, nestedLevel);
private void addKeptFieldToSubRecord(ARecordType requiredType, IVisitablePointable fieldNamePointable, IVisitablePointable fieldValuePointable, IVisitablePointable fieldTypePointable, AListVisitablePointable inputList, int nestedLevel) throws IOException, AsterixException, HyracksDataException {
int pos = runtimeRecordTypeInfo.getFieldIndex(fieldNamePointable.getByteArray(), fieldNamePointable.getStartOffset() + 1, fieldNamePointable.getLength() - 1);
if (pos >= 0) {
// Closed field
if (PointableHelper.sameType(ATypeTag.OBJECT, fieldTypePointable)) {
processRecord((ARecordType) requiredType.getFieldTypes()[pos], (ARecordVisitablePointable) fieldValuePointable, inputList, nestedLevel + 1);
rbStack.get(nestedLevel + 1).write(tabvs.getDataOutput(), true);
rbStack.get(nestedLevel).addField(pos, tabvs);
} else {
rbStack.get(nestedLevel).addField(pos, fieldValuePointable);
} else {
// Open field
if (PointableHelper.sameType(ATypeTag.OBJECT, fieldTypePointable)) {
processRecord(null, (ARecordVisitablePointable) fieldValuePointable, inputList, nestedLevel + 1);
rbStack.get(nestedLevel + 1).write(tabvs.getDataOutput(), true);
rbStack.get(nestedLevel).addField(fieldNamePointable, tabvs);
} else {
rbStack.get(nestedLevel).addField(fieldNamePointable, fieldValuePointable);
private boolean isValidPath(AListVisitablePointable inputList) throws HyracksDataException {
List<IVisitablePointable> items = inputList.getItems();
List<IVisitablePointable> typeTags = inputList.getItemTags();
int pathLen = recordPath.size();
for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) {
IVisitablePointable item = items.get(i);
if (PointableHelper.sameType(ATypeTag.ARRAY, typeTags.get(i))) {
List<IVisitablePointable> inputPathItems = ((AListVisitablePointable) item).getItems();
if (pathLen == inputPathItems.size()) {
boolean match = true;
Iterator<IVisitablePointable> fpi = recordPath.iterator();
for (int j = inputPathItems.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
match &= PointableHelper.isEqual(inputPathItems.get(j),;
if (!match) {
if (match) {
// Not a valid path for the output record
return false;
} else {
if (PointableHelper.isEqual(recordPath.getFirst(), item)) {
return false;
return true;