use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class InvertedIndexAccessMethod method copyAndReinitProbeSubTree.
* Copies the probeSubTree (using new variables), and reinitializes the probeSubTree to it.
* Accordingly replaces the variables in the given joinCond, and the optFuncExpr.
* Returns a reference to the original plan root.
private Mutable<ILogicalOperator> copyAndReinitProbeSubTree(OptimizableOperatorSubTree probeSubTree, ILogicalExpression joinCond, IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr, List<LogicalVariable> originalSubTreePKs, List<LogicalVariable> surrogateSubTreePKs, IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
probeSubTree.getPrimaryKeyVars(null, originalSubTreePKs);
// Create two copies of the original probe subtree.
// The first copy, which becomes the new probe subtree, will retain the primary-key and secondary-search key variables,
// but have all other variables replaced with new ones.
// The second copy, which will become an input to the top-level equi-join to resolve the surrogates,
// will have all primary-key and secondary-search keys replaced, but retains all other original variables.
// Variable replacement map for the first copy.
LinkedHashMap<LogicalVariable, LogicalVariable> newProbeSubTreeVarMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// Variable replacement map for the second copy.
LinkedHashMap<LogicalVariable, LogicalVariable> joinInputSubTreeVarMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
// Init with all live vars.
List<LogicalVariable> liveVars = new ArrayList<LogicalVariable>();
VariableUtilities.getLiveVariables(probeSubTree.getRoot(), liveVars);
for (LogicalVariable var : liveVars) {
joinInputSubTreeVarMap.put(var, var);
// Fill variable replacement maps.
for (int i = 0; i < optFuncExpr.getNumLogicalVars(); i++) {
joinInputSubTreeVarMap.put(optFuncExpr.getLogicalVar(i), context.newVar());
newProbeSubTreeVarMap.put(optFuncExpr.getLogicalVar(i), optFuncExpr.getLogicalVar(i));
for (int i = 0; i < originalSubTreePKs.size(); i++) {
LogicalVariable newPKVar = context.newVar();
joinInputSubTreeVarMap.put(originalSubTreePKs.get(i), newPKVar);
newProbeSubTreeVarMap.put(originalSubTreePKs.get(i), originalSubTreePKs.get(i));
// Create first copy.
LogicalOperatorDeepCopyWithNewVariablesVisitor firstDeepCopyVisitor = new LogicalOperatorDeepCopyWithNewVariablesVisitor(context, context, newProbeSubTreeVarMap);
ILogicalOperator newProbeSubTree = firstDeepCopyVisitor.deepCopy(probeSubTree.getRoot());
inferTypes(newProbeSubTree, context);
Mutable<ILogicalOperator> newProbeSubTreeRootRef = new MutableObject<ILogicalOperator>(newProbeSubTree);
// Create second copy.
LogicalOperatorDeepCopyWithNewVariablesVisitor secondDeepCopyVisitor = new LogicalOperatorDeepCopyWithNewVariablesVisitor(context, context, joinInputSubTreeVarMap);
ILogicalOperator joinInputSubTree = secondDeepCopyVisitor.deepCopy(probeSubTree.getRoot());
inferTypes(joinInputSubTree, context);
// Remember the original probe subtree reference so we can return it.
Mutable<ILogicalOperator> originalProbeSubTreeRootRef = probeSubTree.getRootRef();
// Replace the original probe subtree with its copy.
Dataset origDataset = probeSubTree.getDataset();
ARecordType origRecordType = probeSubTree.getRecordType();
// Replace the variables in the join condition based on the mapping of variables
// in the new probe subtree.
Map<LogicalVariable, LogicalVariable> varMapping = firstDeepCopyVisitor.getInputToOutputVariableMapping();
for (Map.Entry<LogicalVariable, LogicalVariable> varMapEntry : varMapping.entrySet()) {
if (varMapEntry.getKey() != varMapEntry.getValue()) {
joinCond.substituteVar(varMapEntry.getKey(), varMapEntry.getValue());
return originalProbeSubTreeRootRef;
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class BTreeAccessMethod method createSecondaryToPrimaryPlan.
public ILogicalOperator createSecondaryToPrimaryPlan(Mutable<ILogicalExpression> conditionRef, OptimizableOperatorSubTree indexSubTree, OptimizableOperatorSubTree probeSubTree, Index chosenIndex, AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx, boolean retainInput, boolean retainNull, boolean requiresBroadcast, IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
Dataset dataset = indexSubTree.getDataset();
ARecordType recordType = indexSubTree.getRecordType();
ARecordType metaRecordType = indexSubTree.getMetaRecordType();
// we made sure indexSubTree has datasource scan
AbstractDataSourceOperator dataSourceOp = (AbstractDataSourceOperator) indexSubTree.getDataSourceRef().getValue();
List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> exprAndVarList = analysisCtx.getIndexExprsFromIndexExprsAndVars(chosenIndex);
int numSecondaryKeys = analysisCtx.getNumberOfMatchedKeys(chosenIndex);
// List of function expressions that will be replaced by the secondary-index search.
// These func exprs will be removed from the select condition at the very end of this method.
Set<ILogicalExpression> replacedFuncExprs = new HashSet<>();
// Info on high and low keys for the BTree search predicate.
ILogicalExpression[] lowKeyExprs = new ILogicalExpression[numSecondaryKeys];
ILogicalExpression[] highKeyExprs = new ILogicalExpression[numSecondaryKeys];
LimitType[] lowKeyLimits = new LimitType[numSecondaryKeys];
LimitType[] highKeyLimits = new LimitType[numSecondaryKeys];
boolean[] lowKeyInclusive = new boolean[numSecondaryKeys];
boolean[] highKeyInclusive = new boolean[numSecondaryKeys];
ILogicalExpression[] constantAtRuntimeExpressions = new ILogicalExpression[numSecondaryKeys];
LogicalVariable[] constAtRuntimeExprVars = new LogicalVariable[numSecondaryKeys];
/* TODO: For now we don't do any sophisticated analysis of the func exprs to come up with "the best" range
* predicate. If we can't figure out how to integrate a certain funcExpr into the current predicate,
* we just bail by setting this flag.*/
boolean couldntFigureOut = false;
boolean doneWithExprs = false;
boolean isEqCondition = false;
BitSet setLowKeys = new BitSet(numSecondaryKeys);
BitSet setHighKeys = new BitSet(numSecondaryKeys);
// Go through the func exprs listed as optimizable by the chosen index,
// and formulate a range predicate on the secondary-index keys.
// checks whether a type casting happened from a real (FLOAT, DOUBLE) value to an INT value
// since we have a round issues when dealing with LT(<) OR GT(>) operator.
boolean realTypeConvertedToIntegerType;
for (Pair<Integer, Integer> exprIndex : exprAndVarList) {
// Position of the field of matchedFuncExprs.get(exprIndex) in the chosen index's indexed exprs.
IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr = analysisCtx.getMatchedFuncExpr(exprIndex.first);
int keyPos = indexOf(optFuncExpr.getFieldName(0), chosenIndex.getKeyFieldNames());
if (keyPos < 0 && optFuncExpr.getNumLogicalVars() > 1) {
// If we are optimizing a join, the matching field may be the second field name.
keyPos = indexOf(optFuncExpr.getFieldName(1), chosenIndex.getKeyFieldNames());
if (keyPos < 0) {
throw CompilationException.create(ErrorCode.NO_INDEX_FIELD_NAME_FOR_GIVEN_FUNC_EXPR);
Pair<ILogicalExpression, Boolean> returnedSearchKeyExpr = AccessMethodUtils.createSearchKeyExpr(optFuncExpr, indexSubTree, probeSubTree);
ILogicalExpression searchKeyExpr = returnedSearchKeyExpr.first;
if (searchKeyExpr.getExpressionTag() == LogicalExpressionTag.FUNCTION_CALL) {
constantAtRuntimeExpressions[keyPos] = searchKeyExpr;
constAtRuntimeExprVars[keyPos] = context.newVar();
searchKeyExpr = new VariableReferenceExpression(constAtRuntimeExprVars[keyPos]);
realTypeConvertedToIntegerType = returnedSearchKeyExpr.second;
LimitType limit = getLimitType(optFuncExpr, probeSubTree);
if (realTypeConvertedToIntegerType) {
if (limit == LimitType.HIGH_EXCLUSIVE) {
limit = LimitType.HIGH_INCLUSIVE;
} else if (limit == LimitType.LOW_EXCLUSIVE) {
limit = LimitType.LOW_INCLUSIVE;
switch(limit) {
case EQUAL:
if (lowKeyLimits[keyPos] == null && highKeyLimits[keyPos] == null) {
lowKeyLimits[keyPos] = highKeyLimits[keyPos] = limit;
lowKeyInclusive[keyPos] = highKeyInclusive[keyPos] = true;
lowKeyExprs[keyPos] = highKeyExprs[keyPos] = searchKeyExpr;
isEqCondition = true;
} else {
// (once from analyzing each side of the join)
if (lowKeyLimits[keyPos] == limit && lowKeyInclusive[keyPos] == true && lowKeyExprs[keyPos].equals(searchKeyExpr) && highKeyLimits[keyPos] == limit && highKeyInclusive[keyPos] == true && highKeyExprs[keyPos].equals(searchKeyExpr)) {
isEqCondition = true;
couldntFigureOut = true;
// If high and low keys are set, we exit for now.
if (setLowKeys.cardinality() == numSecondaryKeys && setHighKeys.cardinality() == numSecondaryKeys) {
doneWithExprs = true;
if (highKeyLimits[keyPos] == null || (highKeyLimits[keyPos] != null && highKeyInclusive[keyPos])) {
highKeyLimits[keyPos] = limit;
highKeyExprs[keyPos] = searchKeyExpr;
highKeyInclusive[keyPos] = false;
} else {
// (once from analyzing each side of the join)
if (highKeyLimits[keyPos] == limit && highKeyInclusive[keyPos] == false && highKeyExprs[keyPos].equals(searchKeyExpr)) {
couldntFigureOut = true;
doneWithExprs = true;
if (highKeyLimits[keyPos] == null) {
highKeyLimits[keyPos] = limit;
highKeyExprs[keyPos] = searchKeyExpr;
highKeyInclusive[keyPos] = true;
} else {
// (once from analyzing each side of the join)
if (highKeyLimits[keyPos] == limit && highKeyInclusive[keyPos] == true && highKeyExprs[keyPos].equals(searchKeyExpr)) {
couldntFigureOut = true;
doneWithExprs = true;
if (lowKeyLimits[keyPos] == null || (lowKeyLimits[keyPos] != null && lowKeyInclusive[keyPos])) {
lowKeyLimits[keyPos] = limit;
lowKeyExprs[keyPos] = searchKeyExpr;
lowKeyInclusive[keyPos] = false;
} else {
// (once from analyzing each side of the join)
if (lowKeyLimits[keyPos] == limit && lowKeyInclusive[keyPos] == false && lowKeyExprs[keyPos].equals(searchKeyExpr)) {
couldntFigureOut = true;
doneWithExprs = true;
if (lowKeyLimits[keyPos] == null) {
lowKeyLimits[keyPos] = limit;
lowKeyExprs[keyPos] = searchKeyExpr;
lowKeyInclusive[keyPos] = true;
} else {
// (once from analyzing each side of the join)
if (lowKeyLimits[keyPos] == limit && lowKeyInclusive[keyPos] == true && lowKeyExprs[keyPos].equals(searchKeyExpr)) {
couldntFigureOut = true;
doneWithExprs = true;
throw new IllegalStateException();
if (!couldntFigureOut) {
// Remember to remove this funcExpr later.
if (doneWithExprs) {
if (couldntFigureOut) {
return null;
// If the select condition contains mixed open/closed intervals on multiple keys, then we make all intervals
// closed to obtain a superset of answers and leave the original selection in place.
boolean primaryIndexPostProccessingIsNeeded = false;
for (int i = 1; i < numSecondaryKeys; ++i) {
if (lowKeyInclusive[i] != lowKeyInclusive[0]) {
Arrays.fill(lowKeyInclusive, true);
primaryIndexPostProccessingIsNeeded = true;
for (int i = 1; i < numSecondaryKeys; ++i) {
if (highKeyInclusive[i] != highKeyInclusive[0]) {
Arrays.fill(highKeyInclusive, true);
primaryIndexPostProccessingIsNeeded = true;
// determine cases when prefix search could be applied
for (int i = 1; i < lowKeyExprs.length; i++) {
if (lowKeyLimits[0] == null && lowKeyLimits[i] != null || lowKeyLimits[0] != null && lowKeyLimits[i] == null || highKeyLimits[0] == null && highKeyLimits[i] != null || highKeyLimits[0] != null && highKeyLimits[i] == null) {
primaryIndexPostProccessingIsNeeded = true;
if (lowKeyLimits[0] == null) {
lowKeyInclusive[0] = true;
if (highKeyLimits[0] == null) {
highKeyInclusive[0] = true;
// Here we generate vars and funcs for assigning the secondary-index keys to be fed into the secondary-index
// search.
// List of variables for the assign.
ArrayList<LogicalVariable> keyVarList = new ArrayList<>();
// List of variables and expressions for the assign.
ArrayList<LogicalVariable> assignKeyVarList = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> assignKeyExprList = new ArrayList<>();
int numLowKeys = createKeyVarsAndExprs(numSecondaryKeys, lowKeyLimits, lowKeyExprs, assignKeyVarList, assignKeyExprList, keyVarList, context, constantAtRuntimeExpressions, constAtRuntimeExprVars);
int numHighKeys = createKeyVarsAndExprs(numSecondaryKeys, highKeyLimits, highKeyExprs, assignKeyVarList, assignKeyExprList, keyVarList, context, constantAtRuntimeExpressions, constAtRuntimeExprVars);
BTreeJobGenParams jobGenParams = new BTreeJobGenParams(chosenIndex.getIndexName(), IndexType.BTREE, dataset.getDataverseName(), dataset.getDatasetName(), retainInput, requiresBroadcast);
jobGenParams.setLowKeyVarList(keyVarList, 0, numLowKeys);
jobGenParams.setHighKeyVarList(keyVarList, numLowKeys, numHighKeys);
ILogicalOperator inputOp = null;
if (!assignKeyVarList.isEmpty()) {
// Assign operator that sets the constant secondary-index search-key fields if necessary.
AssignOperator assignConstantSearchKeys = new AssignOperator(assignKeyVarList, assignKeyExprList);
// Input to this assign is the EmptyTupleSource (which the dataSourceScan also must have had as input).
assignConstantSearchKeys.getInputs().add(new MutableObject<>(OperatorManipulationUtil.deepCopy(dataSourceOp.getInputs().get(0).getValue())));
inputOp = assignConstantSearchKeys;
} else if (probeSubTree == null) {
//nonpure case
//Make sure that the nonpure function is unpartitioned
ILogicalOperator checkOp = dataSourceOp.getInputs().get(0).getValue();
while (checkOp.getExecutionMode() != ExecutionMode.UNPARTITIONED) {
if (checkOp.getInputs().size() == 1) {
checkOp = checkOp.getInputs().get(0).getValue();
} else {
return null;
inputOp = dataSourceOp.getInputs().get(0).getValue();
} else {
// All index search keys are variables.
inputOp = probeSubTree.getRoot();
ILogicalOperator secondaryIndexUnnestOp = AccessMethodUtils.createSecondaryIndexUnnestMap(dataset, recordType, metaRecordType, chosenIndex, inputOp, jobGenParams, context, false, retainInput, retainNull);
// Generate the rest of the upstream plan which feeds the search results into the primary index.
AbstractUnnestMapOperator primaryIndexUnnestOp = null;
boolean isPrimaryIndex = chosenIndex.isPrimaryIndex();
if (dataset.getDatasetType() == DatasetType.EXTERNAL) {
// External dataset
UnnestMapOperator externalDataAccessOp = AccessMethodUtils.createExternalDataLookupUnnestMap(dataSourceOp, dataset, recordType, secondaryIndexUnnestOp, context, retainInput, retainNull);
return externalDataAccessOp;
} else if (!isPrimaryIndex) {
primaryIndexUnnestOp = AccessMethodUtils.createPrimaryIndexUnnestMap(dataSourceOp, dataset, recordType, metaRecordType, secondaryIndexUnnestOp, context, true, retainInput, retainNull, false);
// Adds equivalence classes --- one equivalent class between a primary key
// variable and a record field-access expression.
EquivalenceClassUtils.addEquivalenceClassesForPrimaryIndexAccess(primaryIndexUnnestOp, dataSourceOp.getVariables(), recordType, metaRecordType, dataset, context);
} else {
List<Object> primaryIndexOutputTypes = new ArrayList<>();
AccessMethodUtils.appendPrimaryIndexTypes(dataset, recordType, metaRecordType, primaryIndexOutputTypes);
List<LogicalVariable> scanVariables = dataSourceOp.getVariables();
// If not, we create a new condition based on remaining ones.
if (!primaryIndexPostProccessingIsNeeded) {
List<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> remainingFuncExprs = new ArrayList<>();
try {
getNewConditionExprs(conditionRef, replacedFuncExprs, remainingFuncExprs);
} catch (CompilationException e) {
return null;
// Generate new condition.
if (!remainingFuncExprs.isEmpty()) {
ILogicalExpression pulledCond = createSelectCondition(remainingFuncExprs);
} else {
// Checks whether LEFT_OUTER_UNNESTMAP operator is required.
boolean leftOuterUnnestMapRequired = false;
if (retainNull && retainInput) {
leftOuterUnnestMapRequired = true;
} else {
leftOuterUnnestMapRequired = false;
if (conditionRef.getValue() != null) {
// The job gen parameters are transferred to the actual job gen
// via the UnnestMapOperator's function arguments.
List<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> primaryIndexFuncArgs = new ArrayList<>();
// An index search is expressed as an unnest-map over an
// index-search function.
IFunctionInfo primaryIndexSearch = FunctionUtil.getFunctionInfo(BuiltinFunctions.INDEX_SEARCH);
UnnestingFunctionCallExpression primaryIndexSearchFunc = new UnnestingFunctionCallExpression(primaryIndexSearch, primaryIndexFuncArgs);
if (!leftOuterUnnestMapRequired) {
primaryIndexUnnestOp = new UnnestMapOperator(scanVariables, new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(primaryIndexSearchFunc), primaryIndexOutputTypes, retainInput);
} else {
primaryIndexUnnestOp = new LeftOuterUnnestMapOperator(scanVariables, new MutableObject<ILogicalExpression>(primaryIndexSearchFunc), primaryIndexOutputTypes, true);
} else {
if (!leftOuterUnnestMapRequired) {
primaryIndexUnnestOp = new UnnestMapOperator(scanVariables, ((UnnestMapOperator) secondaryIndexUnnestOp).getExpressionRef(), primaryIndexOutputTypes, retainInput);
} else {
primaryIndexUnnestOp = new LeftOuterUnnestMapOperator(scanVariables, ((LeftOuterUnnestMapOperator) secondaryIndexUnnestOp).getExpressionRef(), primaryIndexOutputTypes, true);
primaryIndexUnnestOp.getInputs().add(new MutableObject<>(inputOp));
// Adds equivalence classes --- one equivalent class between a primary key
// variable and a record field-access expression.
EquivalenceClassUtils.addEquivalenceClassesForPrimaryIndexAccess(primaryIndexUnnestOp, scanVariables, recordType, metaRecordType, dataset, context);
return primaryIndexUnnestOp;
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class OptimizableOperatorSubTree method setDatasetAndTypeMetadata.
* Find the dataset corresponding to the datasource scan in the metadata.
* Also sets recordType to be the type of that dataset.
public boolean setDatasetAndTypeMetadata(MetadataProvider metadataProvider) throws AlgebricksException {
String dataverseName = null;
String datasetName = null;
Dataset ds = null;
ARecordType rType = null;
List<Mutable<ILogicalOperator>> sourceOpRefs = new ArrayList<>();
List<DataSourceType> dsTypes = new ArrayList<>();
// If there are multiple datasources in the subtree, we need to find the dataset for these.
if (getIxJoinOuterAdditionalDataSourceRefs() != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < getIxJoinOuterAdditionalDataSourceRefs().size(); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < sourceOpRefs.size(); i++) {
switch(dsTypes.get(i)) {
DataSourceScanOperator dataSourceScan = (DataSourceScanOperator) sourceOpRefs.get(i).getValue();
IDataSource<?> datasource = dataSourceScan.getDataSource();
if (datasource instanceof DataSource) {
byte dsType = ((DataSource) datasource).getDatasourceType();
if (dsType != DataSource.Type.INTERNAL_DATASET && dsType != DataSource.Type.EXTERNAL_DATASET) {
return false;
Pair<String, String> datasetInfo = AnalysisUtil.getDatasetInfo(dataSourceScan);
dataverseName = datasetInfo.first;
datasetName = datasetInfo.second;
AbstractUnnestOperator unnestMapOp = (AbstractUnnestOperator) sourceOpRefs.get(i).getValue();
ILogicalExpression unnestExpr = unnestMapOp.getExpressionRef().getValue();
AbstractFunctionCallExpression f = (AbstractFunctionCallExpression) unnestExpr;
AccessMethodJobGenParams jobGenParams = new AccessMethodJobGenParams();
datasetName = jobGenParams.getDatasetName();
dataverseName = jobGenParams.getDataverseName();
UnnestMapOperator externalScan = (UnnestMapOperator) sourceOpRefs.get(i).getValue();
datasetInfo = AnalysisUtil.getExternalDatasetInfo(externalScan);
dataverseName = datasetInfo.first;
datasetName = datasetInfo.second;
if (i != 0) {
return false;
if (dataverseName == null || datasetName == null) {
return false;
// Find the dataset corresponding to the datasource in the metadata.
ds = metadataProvider.findDataset(dataverseName, datasetName);
if (ds == null) {
throw CompilationException.create(ErrorCode.NO_METADATA_FOR_DATASET, datasetName);
// Get the record type for that dataset.
IAType itemType = metadataProvider.findType(ds.getItemTypeDataverseName(), ds.getItemTypeName());
if (itemType.getTypeTag() != ATypeTag.OBJECT) {
if (i == 0) {
return false;
} else {
rType = (ARecordType) itemType;
// Get the meta record type for that dataset.
IAType metaItemType = metadataProvider.findType(ds.getMetaItemTypeDataverseName(), ds.getMetaItemTypeName());
// First index is always the primary datasource in this subtree.
if (i == 0) {
setMetaRecordType((ARecordType) metaItemType);
} else {
dataverseName = null;
datasetName = null;
ds = null;
rType = null;
return true;
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class InvertedIndexAccessMethod method createSecondaryToPrimaryPlan.
public ILogicalOperator createSecondaryToPrimaryPlan(Mutable<ILogicalExpression> conditionRef, OptimizableOperatorSubTree indexSubTree, OptimizableOperatorSubTree probeSubTree, Index chosenIndex, AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx, boolean retainInput, boolean retainNull, boolean requiresBroadcast, IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr = AccessMethodUtils.chooseFirstOptFuncExpr(chosenIndex, analysisCtx);
Dataset dataset = indexSubTree.getDataset();
ARecordType recordType = indexSubTree.getRecordType();
ARecordType metaRecordType = indexSubTree.getMetaRecordType();
// we made sure indexSubTree has datasource scan
DataSourceScanOperator dataSourceScan = (DataSourceScanOperator) indexSubTree.getDataSourceRef().getValue();
InvertedIndexJobGenParams jobGenParams = new InvertedIndexJobGenParams(chosenIndex.getIndexName(), chosenIndex.getIndexType(), dataset.getDataverseName(), dataset.getDatasetName(), retainInput, requiresBroadcast);
// Add function-specific args such as search modifier, and possibly a similarity threshold.
addFunctionSpecificArgs(optFuncExpr, jobGenParams);
// Add the type of search key from the optFuncExpr.
addSearchKeyType(optFuncExpr, indexSubTree, context, jobGenParams);
// Operator that feeds the secondary-index search.
AbstractLogicalOperator inputOp = null;
// Here we generate vars and funcs for assigning the secondary-index keys to be fed into the secondary-index search.
// List of variables for the assign.
ArrayList<LogicalVariable> keyVarList = new ArrayList<LogicalVariable>();
// probeSubTree is null if we are dealing with a selection query, and non-null for join queries.
if (probeSubTree == null) {
// List of expressions for the assign.
ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>> keyExprList = new ArrayList<Mutable<ILogicalExpression>>();
// Add key vars and exprs to argument list.
addKeyVarsAndExprs(optFuncExpr, keyVarList, keyExprList, context);
// Assign operator that sets the secondary-index search-key fields.
inputOp = new AssignOperator(keyVarList, keyExprList);
// Input to this assign is the EmptyTupleSource (which the dataSourceScan also must have had as input).
inputOp.getInputs().add(new MutableObject<>(OperatorManipulationUtil.deepCopy(dataSourceScan.getInputs().get(0).getValue())));
} else {
// We are optimizing a join. Add the input variable to the secondaryIndexFuncArgs.
LogicalVariable inputSearchVariable = getInputSearchVar(optFuncExpr, indexSubTree);
inputOp = (AbstractLogicalOperator) probeSubTree.getRoot();
ILogicalOperator secondaryIndexUnnestOp = AccessMethodUtils.createSecondaryIndexUnnestMap(dataset, recordType, metaRecordType, chosenIndex, inputOp, jobGenParams, context, true, retainInput, retainNull);
// Generate the rest of the upstream plan which feeds the search results into the primary index.
AbstractUnnestMapOperator primaryIndexUnnestOp = AccessMethodUtils.createPrimaryIndexUnnestMap(dataSourceScan, dataset, recordType, metaRecordType, secondaryIndexUnnestOp, context, true, retainInput, retainNull, false);
return primaryIndexUnnestOp;
use of in project asterixdb by apache.
the class IntroduceLSMComponentFilterRule method rewritePost.
public boolean rewritePost(Mutable<ILogicalOperator> opRef, IOptimizationContext context) throws AlgebricksException {
if (!checkIfRuleIsApplicable(opRef, context)) {
return false;
AbstractLogicalOperator op = (AbstractLogicalOperator) opRef.getValue();
typeEnvironment = context.getOutputTypeEnvironment(op);
ILogicalExpression condExpr = ((SelectOperator) op).getCondition().getValue();
AccessMethodAnalysisContext analysisCtx = analyzeCondition(condExpr, context, typeEnvironment);
if (analysisCtx.getMatchedFuncExprs().isEmpty()) {
return false;
Dataset dataset = getDataset(op, context);
List<String> filterFieldName = null;
ARecordType recType = null;
if (dataset != null && dataset.getDatasetType() == DatasetType.INTERNAL) {
filterFieldName = DatasetUtil.getFilterField(dataset);
IAType itemType = ((MetadataProvider) context.getMetadataProvider()).findType(dataset.getItemTypeDataverseName(), dataset.getItemTypeName());
if (itemType.getTypeTag() == ATypeTag.OBJECT) {
recType = (ARecordType) itemType;
if (filterFieldName == null || recType == null) {
return false;
List<Index> datasetIndexes = ((MetadataProvider) context.getMetadataProvider()).getDatasetIndexes(dataset.getDataverseName(), dataset.getDatasetName());
List<IOptimizableFuncExpr> optFuncExprs = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < analysisCtx.getMatchedFuncExprs().size(); i++) {
IOptimizableFuncExpr optFuncExpr = analysisCtx.getMatchedFuncExpr(i);
boolean found = findMacthedExprFieldName(optFuncExpr, op, dataset, recType, datasetIndexes, context);
if (found && optFuncExpr.getFieldName(0).equals(filterFieldName)) {
if (optFuncExprs.isEmpty()) {
return false;
changePlan(optFuncExprs, op, dataset, context);
OperatorPropertiesUtil.typeOpRec(opRef, context);
context.addToDontApplySet(this, op);
return true;