use of org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasEdge in project atlas by apache.
the class DeleteHandlerV1 method deleteEdgeBetweenVertices.
* Deletes the edge between outvertex and inVertex. The edge is for attribute attributeName of outVertex
* @param outVertex
* @param inVertex
* @param attribute
* @throws AtlasException
protected void deleteEdgeBetweenVertices(AtlasVertex outVertex, AtlasVertex inVertex, AtlasAttribute attribute) throws AtlasBaseException {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Removing edge from {} to {} with attribute name {}", string(outVertex), string(inVertex), attribute.getName());
final String typeName = GraphHelper.getTypeName(outVertex);
final String outId = GraphHelper.getGuid(outVertex);
final AtlasEntity.Status state = getState(outVertex);
if (state == DELETED || (outId != null && RequestContextV1.get().isDeletedEntity(outId))) {
// If the reference vertex is marked for deletion, skip updating the reference
AtlasStructType parentType = (AtlasStructType) typeRegistry.getType(typeName);
String propertyName = AtlasGraphUtilsV1.getQualifiedAttributePropertyKey(parentType, attribute.getName());
String edgeLabel = EDGE_LABEL_PREFIX + propertyName;
AtlasEdge edge = null;
AtlasAttributeDef attrDef = attribute.getAttributeDef();
AtlasType attrType = attribute.getAttributeType();
switch(attrType.getTypeCategory()) {
// If its class attribute, its the only edge between two vertices
if (attrDef.getIsOptional()) {
edge = graphHelper.getEdgeForLabel(outVertex, edgeLabel);
if (shouldUpdateInverseReferences) {
GraphHelper.setProperty(outVertex, propertyName, null);
} else {
// Cannot unset a required attribute.
throw new AtlasBaseException("Cannot unset required attribute " + propertyName + " on " + GraphHelper.vertexString(outVertex) + " edge = " + edgeLabel);
case ARRAY:
// If its array attribute, find the right edge between the two vertices and update array property
List<String> elements = GraphHelper.getListProperty(outVertex, propertyName);
if (elements != null) {
// Make a copy, else list.remove reflects on titan.getProperty()
elements = new ArrayList<>(elements);
for (String elementEdgeId : elements) {
AtlasEdge elementEdge = graphHelper.getEdgeByEdgeId(outVertex, edgeLabel, elementEdgeId);
if (elementEdge == null) {
AtlasVertex elementVertex = elementEdge.getInVertex();
if (elementVertex.equals(inVertex)) {
edge = elementEdge;
// TODO element.size includes deleted items as well. should exclude
if (!attrDef.getIsOptional() && elements.size() <= attrDef.getValuesMinCount()) {
// Deleting this edge would violate the attribute's lower bound.
throw new AtlasBaseException("Cannot remove array element from required attribute " + propertyName + " on " + GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(outVertex) + " " + GraphHelper.getEdgeDetails(elementEdge));
if (shouldUpdateInverseReferences) {
// but when column is deleted, table will not reference the deleted column
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Removing edge {} from the array attribute {}", string(elementEdge), attribute.getName());
// Remove all occurrences of the edge ID from the list.
// This prevents dangling edge IDs (i.e. edge IDs for deleted edges)
// from the remaining in the list if there are duplicates.
GraphHelper.setProperty(outVertex, propertyName, elements);
case MAP:
// If its map attribute, find the right edge between two vertices and update map property
List<String> keys = GraphHelper.getListProperty(outVertex, propertyName);
if (keys != null) {
// Make a copy, else list.remove reflects on titan.getProperty()
keys = new ArrayList<>(keys);
for (String key : keys) {
String keyPropertyName = GraphHelper.getQualifiedNameForMapKey(propertyName, key);
String mapEdgeId = GraphHelper.getSingleValuedProperty(outVertex, keyPropertyName, String.class);
AtlasEdge mapEdge = graphHelper.getEdgeByEdgeId(outVertex, keyPropertyName, mapEdgeId);
if (mapEdge != null) {
AtlasVertex mapVertex = mapEdge.getInVertex();
if (mapVertex.getId().toString().equals(inVertex.getId().toString())) {
// TODO keys.size includes deleted items as well. should exclude
if (attrDef.getIsOptional() || keys.size() > attrDef.getValuesMinCount()) {
edge = mapEdge;
} else {
// Deleting this entry would violate the attribute's lower bound.
throw new AtlasBaseException("Cannot remove map entry " + keyPropertyName + " from required attribute " + propertyName + " on " + GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(outVertex) + " " + GraphHelper.getEdgeDetails(mapEdge));
if (shouldUpdateInverseReferences) {
// remove this key
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Removing edge {}, key {} from the map attribute {}", string(mapEdge), key, attribute.getName());
GraphHelper.setProperty(outVertex, propertyName, keys);
GraphHelper.setProperty(outVertex, keyPropertyName, null);
case STRUCT:
throw new IllegalStateException("There can't be an edge from " + GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(outVertex) + " to " + GraphHelper.getVertexDetails(inVertex) + " with attribute name " + attribute.getName() + " which is not class/array/map attribute. found " + attrType.getTypeCategory().name());
if (edge != null) {
deleteEdge(edge, false);
RequestContextV1 requestContext = RequestContextV1.get();
if (!requestContext.isUpdatedEntity(outId)) {
GraphHelper.setProperty(outVertex, Constants.MODIFICATION_TIMESTAMP_PROPERTY_KEY, requestContext.getRequestTime());
GraphHelper.setProperty(outVertex, Constants.MODIFIED_BY_KEY, requestContext.getUser());
use of org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasEdge in project atlas by apache.
the class DeleteHandlerV1 method removeTagPropagation.
public List<AtlasVertex> removeTagPropagation(AtlasVertex classificationVertex) throws AtlasBaseException {
List<AtlasVertex> ret = new ArrayList<>();
if (classificationVertex != null) {
String classificationName = getTypeName(classificationVertex);
List<AtlasEdge> propagatedEdges = getPropagatedEdges(classificationVertex);
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(propagatedEdges)) {
for (AtlasEdge propagatedEdge : propagatedEdges) {
AtlasVertex propagatedEntityVertex = propagatedEdge.getOutVertex();
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Removing propagated classification: [{}] from: [{}][{}] with edge label: [{}]", classificationName, getTypeName(propagatedEntityVertex), GraphHelper.getGuid(propagatedEntityVertex), CLASSIFICATION_LABEL);
if (getClassificationEdgeState(propagatedEdge) == ACTIVE) {
removeFromPropagatedTraitNames(propagatedEntityVertex, classificationName);
deleteEdge(propagatedEdge, true);
return ret;
use of org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasEdge in project atlas by apache.
the class EntityGraphRetriever method mapRelationshipArrayAttribute.
private List<AtlasRelatedObjectId> mapRelationshipArrayAttribute(AtlasVertex entityVertex, AtlasAttribute attribute) throws AtlasBaseException {
List<AtlasRelatedObjectId> ret = new ArrayList<>();
Iterator<AtlasEdge> edges = null;
if (attribute.getRelationshipEdgeDirection() == IN) {
edges = getIncomingEdgesByLabel(entityVertex, attribute.getRelationshipEdgeLabel());
} else if (attribute.getRelationshipEdgeDirection() == OUT) {
edges = getOutGoingEdgesByLabel(entityVertex, attribute.getRelationshipEdgeLabel());
} else if (attribute.getRelationshipEdgeDirection() == BOTH) {
edges = getAdjacentEdgesByLabel(entityVertex, AtlasEdgeDirection.BOTH, attribute.getRelationshipEdgeLabel());
if (edges != null) {
while (edges.hasNext()) {
AtlasEdge relationshipEdge =;
AtlasRelatedObjectId relatedObjectId = mapVertexToRelatedObjectId(entityVertex, relationshipEdge);
return ret;
use of org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasEdge in project atlas by apache.
the class EntityGraphRetriever method getAllClassifications.
public List<AtlasClassification> getAllClassifications(AtlasVertex entityVertex) throws AtlasBaseException {
List<AtlasClassification> ret = new ArrayList<>();
Iterable edges = entityVertex.query().direction(AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT).label(CLASSIFICATION_LABEL).has(CLASSIFICATION_EDGE_STATE_PROPERTY_KEY,;
if (edges != null) {
Iterator<AtlasEdge> iterator = edges.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
AtlasEdge edge =;
if (edge != null) {
return ret;
use of org.apache.atlas.repository.graphdb.AtlasEdge in project atlas by apache.
the class EntityGraphRetriever method getPropagationEnabledClassificationVertices.
protected List<AtlasVertex> getPropagationEnabledClassificationVertices(AtlasVertex entityVertex) {
List<AtlasVertex> ret = new ArrayList<>();
Iterable edges = entityVertex.query().direction(AtlasEdgeDirection.OUT).label(CLASSIFICATION_LABEL).edges();
if (edges != null) {
Iterator<AtlasEdge> iterator = edges.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
AtlasEdge edge =;
if (edge != null) {
AtlasVertex classificationVertex = edge.getInVertex();
if (isPropagationEnabled(classificationVertex)) {
return ret;