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Example 11 with OMOutputFormat

use of in project webservices-axiom by apache.

the class TestRootPartStreaming method runTest.

protected void runTest() throws Throwable {
    OMFactory factory = metaFactory.getOMFactory();
    // Programmatically create the message
    OMElement orgRoot = factory.createOMElement("root", null);
    for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
        factory.createOMElement("child", null, orgRoot).setText("Some text content");
    // Serialize the message as XOP even if there will be no attachment parts
    OMOutputFormat format = new OMOutputFormat();
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    orgRoot.serialize(baos, format);
    // Parse the message and monitor the number of bytes read
    InstrumentedInputStream in = new InstrumentedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()));
    OMXMLParserWrapper builder = OMXMLBuilderFactory.createOMBuilder(factory, StAXParserConfiguration.DEFAULT, MultipartBody.builder().setInputStream(in).setContentType(format.getContentType()).build());
    OMElement root = builder.getDocumentElement();
    long count1 = in.getCount();
    XMLStreamReader reader = root.getXMLStreamReader(false);
    while (reader.hasNext()) {;
    long count2 = in.getCount();
    // We expect that after requesting the document element, only a small part (corresponding to
    // the size of the parser buffer) should have been read:
    assertTrue(count1 < count2 / 2);
Also used : OMFactory( XMLStreamReader( ByteArrayInputStream( InstrumentedInputStream( OMElement( ByteArrayOutputStream( OMOutputFormat( OMXMLParserWrapper(

Example 12 with OMOutputFormat

use of in project webservices-axiom by apache.

the class TestSerializeUTF16 method runTest.

protected void runTest(OMDocument document) throws Throwable {
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    OMOutputFormat format = new OMOutputFormat();
    document.serializeAndConsume(baos, format);
    String xmlDocument = new String(baos.toByteArray(), "UTF-16");
    assertThat(xmlDocument).startsWith("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-16\"?>");
Also used : ByteArrayOutputStream( OMOutputFormat(

Example 13 with OMOutputFormat

use of in project webservices-axiom by apache.

the class PushOMDataSourceReader method proceed.

public boolean proceed() throws StreamException {
    // TODO: we might want to unwrap the NamespaceRepairingFilter (and some other filters) here
    XmlHandler handler = this.handler;
    OMOutputFormat format = null;
    XmlHandler current = handler;
    while (current instanceof XmlHandlerWrapper) {
        if (current instanceof XmlDeclarationRewriterHandler) {
            format = ((XmlDeclarationRewriterHandler) current).getFormat();
        current = ((XmlHandlerWrapper) current).getParent();
    if (format == null) {
        // This is for the OMSourcedElement expansion case
        format = new OMOutputFormat();
        handler = new PushOMDataSourceXOPHandler(handler);
    try {
        XMLStreamWriter writer = new XmlHandlerStreamWriter(handler, null, AxiomXMLStreamWriterExtensionFactory.INSTANCE);
        // Seed the namespace context with the namespace context from the parent
        OMContainer parent = root.getParent();
        if (parent instanceof OMElement) {
            for (Iterator<OMNamespace> it = ((OMElement) parent).getNamespacesInScope(); it.hasNext(); ) {
                OMNamespace ns =;
                writer.setPrefix(ns.getPrefix(), ns.getNamespaceURI());
        dataSource.serialize(new MTOMXMLStreamWriterImpl(new PushOMDataSourceStreamWriter(writer), format));
    } catch (XMLStreamException ex) {
        Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
        if (cause instanceof StreamException) {
            throw (StreamException) cause;
        } else {
            throw new StreamException(ex);
    return true;
Also used : OMNamespace( OMElement( XmlHandlerStreamWriter( StreamException( XMLStreamException( XMLStreamException( XmlHandlerWrapper( XmlHandler( XMLStreamWriter( OMOutputFormat( XmlDeclarationRewriterHandler( OMContainer(

Example 14 with OMOutputFormat

use of in project webservices-axiom by apache.

the class AbstractOMDataSource method getXMLBytes.

public final byte[] getXMLBytes(String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    OMOutputFormat format = new OMOutputFormat();
    try {
        serialize(baos, format);
    } catch (XMLStreamException ex) {
        throw new OMException(ex);
    return baos.toByteArray();
Also used : XMLStreamException( ByteArrayOutputStream( OMOutputFormat( OMException(

Example 15 with OMOutputFormat

use of in project wso2-axis2-transports by wso2.

the class RabbitMQMessageSender method publish.

 * Perform the creation of exchange/queue and the Outputstream
 * @param message    the RabbitMQ AMQP message
 * @param msgContext the Axis2 MessageContext
public void publish(RabbitMQMessage message, MessageContext msgContext) throws AxisRabbitMQException, IOException {
    String exchangeName = null;
    AMQP.BasicProperties basicProperties = null;
    byte[] messageBody = null;
    if (rmqChannel.isOpen()) {
        String queueName = properties.get(RabbitMQConstants.QUEUE_NAME);
        String routeKey = properties.get(RabbitMQConstants.QUEUE_ROUTING_KEY);
        exchangeName = properties.get(RabbitMQConstants.EXCHANGE_NAME);
        String exchangeType = properties.get(RabbitMQConstants.EXCHANGE_TYPE);
        String replyTo = properties.get(RabbitMQConstants.REPLY_TO_NAME);
        String correlationID = properties.get(RabbitMQConstants.CORRELATION_ID);
        String queueAutoDeclareStr = properties.get(RabbitMQConstants.QUEUE_AUTODECLARE);
        String exchangeAutoDeclareStr = properties.get(RabbitMQConstants.EXCHANGE_AUTODECLARE);
        boolean queueAutoDeclare = true;
        boolean exchangeAutoDeclare = true;
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(queueAutoDeclareStr)) {
            queueAutoDeclare = Boolean.parseBoolean(queueAutoDeclareStr);
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(exchangeAutoDeclareStr)) {
            exchangeAutoDeclare = Boolean.parseBoolean(exchangeAutoDeclareStr);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(correlationID)) {
            // if reply-to is enabled a correlationID must be available. If not specified, use messageID
            correlationID = message.getMessageId();
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(correlationID)) {
        if (queueName == null || queueName.equals("")) {
            log.debug("No queue name is specified");
        if (routeKey == null && !"x-consistent-hash".equals(exchangeType)) {
            if (queueName == null || queueName.equals("")) {
                log.debug("Routing key is not specified");
            } else {
                log.debug("Routing key is not specified. Using queue name as the routing key.");
                routeKey = queueName;
        // read publish properties corr id and route key from message context
        Object prRouteKey = msgContext.getProperty(RabbitMQConstants.QUEUE_ROUTING_KEY);
        Object prCorrId = msgContext.getProperty(RabbitMQConstants.CORRELATION_ID).toString();
        if (prRouteKey != null) {
            routeKey = prRouteKey.toString();
            log.debug("Specifying routing key from axis2 properties");
        if (prCorrId != null) {
            log.debug("Specifying correlation id from axis2 properties");
        // Declaring the queue
        if (queueAutoDeclare && queueName != null && !queueName.equals("")) {
            RabbitMQUtils.declareQueue(rmqChannel, queueName, properties);
        // Declaring the exchange
        if (exchangeAutoDeclare && exchangeName != null && !exchangeName.equals("")) {
            RabbitMQUtils.declareExchange(rmqChannel, exchangeName, properties);
            if (queueName != null && !"x-consistent-hash".equals(exchangeType)) {
                // Create bind between the queue and exchange with the routeKey
                try {
                    rmqChannel.getChannel().queueBind(queueName, exchangeName, routeKey);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    handleException("Error occurred while creating the bind between the queue: " + queueName + " & exchange: " + exchangeName + " with route-key " + routeKey, e);
        AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder builder = buildBasicProperties(message);
        String deliveryModeString = properties.get(RabbitMQConstants.QUEUE_DELIVERY_MODE);
        int deliveryMode = RabbitMQConstants.DEFAULT_DELIVERY_MODE;
        if (deliveryModeString != null) {
            deliveryMode = Integer.parseInt(deliveryModeString);
        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(replyTo)) {
        basicProperties =;
        OMOutputFormat format = BaseUtils.getOMOutputFormat(msgContext);
        MessageFormatter messageFormatter = null;
        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        try {
            messageFormatter = MessageProcessorSelector.getMessageFormatter(msgContext);
        } catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
            throw new AxisRabbitMQException("Unable to get the message formatter to use", axisFault);
        // given. Queue/exchange creation, bindings should be done at the broker
        try {
            // x-consistent-hash type
            if (exchangeType != null && exchangeType.equals("x-consistent-hash")) {
                routeKey = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
        } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException ex) {
            handleException("Unsupported encoding " + format.getCharSetEncoding(), ex);
        try {
            messageFormatter.writeTo(msgContext, format, out, false);
            messageBody = out.toByteArray();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            handleException("IO Error while creating BytesMessage", e);
        } finally {
            if (out != null) {
        try {
             * Check for parameter on confirmed delivery in RabbitMq to ensure reliable delivery.
             * Can be enabled by setting the parameter "" to "true" in broker URL.
            boolean isConfirmedDeliveryEnabled = Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.get(RabbitMQConstants.CONFIRMED_DELIVERY));
            if (isConfirmedDeliveryEnabled) {
            if (exchangeName != null && exchangeName != "") {
                rmqChannel.getChannel().basicPublish(exchangeName, routeKey, basicProperties, messageBody);
            } else {
                rmqChannel.getChannel().basicPublish("", routeKey, basicProperties, messageBody);
            if (isConfirmedDeliveryEnabled) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            handleException("Error while publishing the message", e);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            handleException("InterruptedException while waiting for AMQP message confirm :", e);
    } else {
        handleException("Channel cannot be created");
Also used : AxisFault(org.apache.axis2.AxisFault) AxisRabbitMQException(org.apache.axis2.transport.rabbitmq.utils.AxisRabbitMQException) IOException( MessageFormatter(org.apache.axis2.transport.MessageFormatter) ByteArrayOutputStream( AMQP(com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP) UnsupportedCharsetException(java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException) OMOutputFormat(


OMOutputFormat ( MessageFormatter (org.apache.axis2.transport.MessageFormatter)24 ByteArrayOutputStream ( OutputStream ( IOException ( AxisFault (org.apache.axis2.AxisFault)13 MessageContext (org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext)12 OMElement ( DataHandler (javax.activation.DataHandler)7 ByteArrayInputStream ( InputStream ( StringWriter ( XMLStreamException ( SOAPEnvelope (org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPEnvelope)6 UnsupportedCharsetException (java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException)5 OMText ( Map (java.util.Map)4 MultipartBody (org.apache.axiom.mime.MultipartBody)4 SOAPFactory (org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFactory)4 Collection (java.util.Collection)3