use of org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFault in project webservices-axiom by apache.
the class TestGetNode method runTest.
protected void runTest() throws Throwable {
SOAPFault soapFault = soapFactory.createSOAPFault();
assertNull("SOAP 1.2 Fault Test:- After creating a SOAP12Fault, it has a node", soapFault.getNode());
assertNotNull("SOAP 1.2 Fault Test:- After calling setNode method, Fault has no node", soapFault.getNode());
assertEquals("SOAP 1.2 Fault Test:- Fault node local name mismatch", SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_NODE_LOCAL_NAME, soapFault.getNode().getLocalName());
use of org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFault in project webservices-axiom by apache.
the class TestGetNodeWithParser method runTest.
protected void runTest(SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws Throwable {
SOAPFault soapFaultWithParser = envelope.getBody().getFault();
assertNotNull("SOAP 1.2 Fault Test with parser: - getNode method returns null", soapFaultWithParser.getNode());
assertEquals("SOAP 1.2 Fault Test with parser: - Fault node local name mismatch", SOAP12Constants.SOAP_FAULT_NODE_LOCAL_NAME, soapFaultWithParser.getNode().getLocalName());
use of org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFault in project webservices-axiom by apache.
the class TestGetNode method runTest.
protected void runTest() throws Throwable {
SOAPFault soapFault = soapFactory.createSOAPFault();
assertNull("SOAP 1.1 Fault Test:- After creating a SOAP11Fault, it has a node", soapFault.getNode());
use of org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFault in project webservices-axiom by apache.
the class TestGetValue method runTest.
protected void runTest() throws Throwable {
SOAPEnvelope env = soapFactory.getDefaultEnvelope();
SOAPFault fault = soapFactory.createSOAPFault(env.getBody());
SOAPFaultCode code = soapFactory.createSOAPFaultCode(fault);
code.setText(new QName("urn:test", "test"));
use of org.apache.axiom.soap.SOAPFault in project webservices-axiom by apache.
the class TestGetRoleWithParser method runTest.
protected void runTest(SOAPEnvelope envelope) throws Throwable {
SOAPFault soapFaultWithParser = envelope.getBody().getFault();
assertNotNull("Fault Test with parser: - getRole method returns null", soapFaultWithParser.getRole());
assertEquals("Fault Test with parser: - Fault role local name mismatch", spec.getFaultRoleQName(), soapFaultWithParser.getRole().getQName());