use of org.apache.axis2.builder.Builder in project wso2-synapse by wso2.
the class DeferredMessageBuilder method getDocument.
public OMElement getDocument(MessageContext msgCtx, InputStream in) throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
// that the payload stream is empty or not.
if (HTTPConstants.HEADER_DELETE.equals(msgCtx.getProperty(Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD)) && MessageUtils.isEmptyPayloadStream(in)) {
msgCtx.setProperty(BridgeConstants.NO_ENTITY_BODY, Boolean.TRUE);
return TransportUtils.createSOAPEnvelope(null);
String contentType = (String) msgCtx.getProperty(Constants.Configuration.CONTENT_TYPE);
String contentType1 = getContentType(contentType, msgCtx);
Map transportHeaders = (Map) msgCtx.getProperty(MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS);
String contentLength = null;
String transferEncoded;
if (transportHeaders != null) {
contentLength = (String) transportHeaders.get(BridgeConstants.CONTENT_LEN);
transferEncoded = (String) transportHeaders.get(BridgeConstants.TRANSFER_ENCODING);
if (contentType.equals(BridgeConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) && (contentLength == null || Integer.parseInt(contentLength) == 0) && transferEncoded == null) {
msgCtx.setProperty(BridgeConstants.NO_ENTITY_BODY, true);
msgCtx.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.CONTENT_TYPE, "");
return new SOAP11Factory().getDefaultEnvelope();
OMElement element = null;
Builder builder;
if (contentType != null) {
// loading builder from externally..
// builder = configuration.getMessageBuilder(_contentType,useFallbackBuilder);
builder = MessageProcessorSelector.getMessageBuilder(contentType1, msgCtx);
if (builder != null) {
try {
if ("0".equals(contentLength)) {
element = new SOAP11Factory().getDefaultEnvelope();
// since we are setting an empty envelop to achieve the empty body, we have to set a different
// content-type other than text/xml, application/soap+xml or any other content-type which will
// invoke the soap builder, otherwise soap builder will get hit and an empty envelope
// will be send out
msgCtx.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE, "application/xml");
} else {
element = builder.processDocument(in, contentType, msgCtx);
} catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
LOG.error("Error building message", axisFault);
throw axisFault;
if (element == null) {
if (msgCtx.isDoingREST()) {
try {
element = BuilderUtil.getPOXBuilder(in, null).getDocumentElement();
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
LOG.error("Error building message using POX Builder", e);
throw e;
} else {
// switch to default
builder = new SOAPBuilder();
try {
if ("0".equals(contentLength)) {
element = new SOAP11Factory().getDefaultEnvelope();
// since we are setting an empty envelop to achieve the empty body, we have to set a different
// content-type other than text/xml, application/soap+xml or any other content-type which will
// invoke the soap builder, otherwise soap builder will get hit and an empty envelope
// will be send out
msgCtx.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE, "application/xml");
} else {
element = builder.processDocument(in, contentType, msgCtx);
} catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
LOG.error("Error building message using SOAP builder");
throw axisFault;
// build the soap headers and body
if (element instanceof SOAPEnvelope) {
SOAPEnvelope env = (SOAPEnvelope) element;
// setting up original contentType (resetting the content type)
if (contentType != null && !contentType.isEmpty()) {
msgCtx.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.CONTENT_TYPE, contentType);
return element;
use of org.apache.axis2.builder.Builder in project wso2-synapse by wso2.
the class MessageUtils method getMessageFormatter.
* This selects the formatter for a given message format based on the the content type of the received message.
* content-type to builder mapping can be specified through the Axis2.xml.
* @param msgContext axis2 MessageContext
* @return the formatter registered against the given content-type
public static MessageFormatter getMessageFormatter(MessageContext msgContext) {
MessageFormatter messageFormatter = null;
String messageFormatString = getMessageFormatterProperty(msgContext);
messageFormatString = getContentTypeForFormatterSelection(messageFormatString, msgContext);
if (messageFormatString != null) {
messageFormatter = msgContext.getConfigurationContext().getAxisConfiguration().getMessageFormatter(messageFormatString);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Message format is: " + messageFormatString + "; message formatter returned by AxisConfiguration: " + messageFormatter);
if (messageFormatter == null) {
messageFormatter = (MessageFormatter) msgContext.getProperty(Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_FORMATTER);
if (messageFormatter != null) {
return messageFormatter;
if (messageFormatter == null) {
// If we are doing rest better default to Application/xml formatter
if (msgContext.isDoingREST()) {
String httpMethod = (String) msgContext.getProperty(Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD);
if (Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD_GET.equals(httpMethod) || Constants.Configuration.HTTP_METHOD_DELETE.equals(httpMethod)) {
return new XFormURLEncodedFormatter();
return new ApplicationXMLFormatter();
} else {
// Lets default to SOAP formatter
messageFormatter = new SOAPMessageFormatter();
return messageFormatter;
use of org.apache.axis2.builder.Builder in project wso2-synapse by wso2.
the class MessageConverter method toMessageContext.
* Converts a message read from the message store to a Synapse Message Context object.
* @param message Message from the message store
* @param axis2Ctx Final Axis2 Message Context
* @param synCtx Final Synapse message Context
* @return Final Synapse Message Context
public static MessageContext toMessageContext(StorableMessage message, org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axis2Ctx, MessageContext synCtx) {
if (message == null) {
logger.error("Cannot create Message Context. Message is null.");
return null;
AxisConfiguration axisConfig = axis2Ctx.getConfigurationContext().getAxisConfiguration();
if (axisConfig == null) {
logger.warn("Cannot create AxisConfiguration. AxisConfiguration is null.");
return null;
Axis2Message axis2Msg = message.getAxis2message();
try {
SOAPEnvelope envelope = getSoapEnvelope(axis2Msg.getSoapEnvelope());
// set the RMSMessageDto properties
if (axis2Msg.getRelatesToMessageId() != null) {
axis2Ctx.addRelatesTo(new RelatesTo(axis2Msg.getRelatesToMessageId()));
AxisService axisService;
if (axis2Msg.getService() != null && (axisService = axisConfig.getServiceForActivation(axis2Msg.getService())) != null) {
AxisOperation axisOperation = axisService.getOperation(axis2Msg.getOperationName());
ArrayList executionChain = new ArrayList();
if (axis2Msg.getFLOW() == org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext.OUT_FLOW) {
} else if (axis2Msg.getFLOW() == org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext.OUT_FAULT_FLOW) {
ConfigurationContext configurationContext = axis2Ctx.getConfigurationContext();
ServiceGroupContext serviceGroupContext = configurationContext.createServiceGroupContext(axisService.getAxisServiceGroup());
ServiceContext serviceContext = serviceGroupContext.getServiceContext(axisService);
OperationContext operationContext = serviceContext.createOperationContext(axis2Msg.getOperationName());
} else if (axis2Ctx.getOperationContext() == null) {
axis2Ctx.setOperationContext(new OperationContext(new InOutAxisOperation(), new ServiceContext()));
if (axis2Msg.getReplyToAddress() != null) {
axis2Ctx.setReplyTo(new EndpointReference(axis2Msg.getReplyToAddress().trim()));
if (axis2Msg.getFaultToAddress() != null) {
axis2Ctx.setFaultTo(new EndpointReference(axis2Msg.getFaultToAddress().trim()));
if (axis2Msg.getFromAddress() != null) {
axis2Ctx.setFrom(new EndpointReference(axis2Msg.getFromAddress().trim()));
if (axis2Msg.getToAddress() != null) {
axis2Ctx.getOptions().setTo(new EndpointReference(axis2Msg.getToAddress().trim()));
Object map = axis2Msg.getProperties().get(ABSTRACT_MC_PROPERTIES);
Object headers = axis2Msg.getProperties().get(org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS);
if (headers instanceof Map) {
setTransportHeaders(axis2Ctx, (Map) headers);
if (map instanceof Map) {
Map<String, Object> abstractMCProperties = (Map) map;
Iterator<String> properties = abstractMCProperties.keySet().iterator();
while (properties.hasNext()) {
String property =;
Object value = abstractMCProperties.get(property);
axis2Ctx.setProperty(property, value);
// That is to get the existing headers into the new envelope.
if (axis2Msg.getJsonStream() != null) {
JsonUtil.getNewJsonPayload(axis2Ctx, new ByteArrayInputStream(axis2Msg.getJsonStream()), true, true);
SynapseMessage synMsg = message.getSynapseMessage();
Iterator<String> properties = synMsg.getProperties().keySet().iterator();
while (properties.hasNext()) {
String key =;
Object value = synMsg.getProperties().get(key);
synCtx.setProperty(key, value);
Iterator<String> propertyObjects = synMsg.getPropertyObjects().keySet().iterator();
while (propertyObjects.hasNext()) {
String key =;
Object value = synMsg.getPropertyObjects().get(key);
if (key.startsWith(OM_ELEMENT_PREFIX)) {
String originalKey = key.substring(OM_ELEMENT_PREFIX.length(), key.length());
ByteArrayInputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) value);
StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(is);
OMElement omElement = builder.getDocumentElement();
synCtx.setProperty(originalKey, omElement);
return synCtx;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Cannot create Message Context. Error:" + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
return null;
use of org.apache.axis2.builder.Builder in project wso2-synapse by wso2.
the class TestMessageContextBuilder method build.
* Build the test message context.
* This method returns a new (and independent) instance on every invocation.
* @return
* @throws Exception
public MessageContext build() throws Exception {
SynapseConfiguration testConfig = new SynapseConfiguration();
// TODO: check whether we need a SynapseEnvironment in all cases
SynapseEnvironment synEnv = new Axis2SynapseEnvironment(new ConfigurationContext(new AxisConfiguration()), testConfig);
MessageContext synCtx;
if (requireAxis2MessageContext) {
synCtx = new Axis2MessageContext(new org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext(), testConfig, synEnv);
} else {
synCtx = new TestMessageContext();
for (Map.Entry<String, Entry> mapEntry : entries.entrySet()) {
testConfig.addEntry(mapEntry.getKey(), mapEntry.getValue());
XMLStreamReader parser = null;
if (contentString != null) {
parser = StAXUtils.createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(contentString));
} else if (contentFile != null) {
parser = StAXUtils.createXMLStreamReader(new FileInputStream(contentFile));
} else if (contentStringJson != null) {
// synCtx = new Axis2MessageContext(null, testConfig, synEnv);
SOAPEnvelope envelope = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory().getDefaultEnvelope();
JsonUtil.getNewJsonPayload(((Axis2MessageContext) synCtx).getAxis2MessageContext(), contentStringJson, true, true);
return synCtx;
SOAPEnvelope envelope;
if (parser != null) {
if (contentIsEnvelope) {
envelope = new StAXSOAPModelBuilder(parser).getSOAPEnvelope();
} else {
envelope = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory().getDefaultEnvelope();
// TODO: don't know why this is here, but without it some unit tests fail...
OMDocument omDoc = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory().createOMDocument();
SOAPBody body = envelope.getBody();
StAXOMBuilder builder = new StAXOMBuilder(parser);
OMElement bodyElement = builder.getDocumentElement();
if (addTextAroundBody) {
OMFactory fac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
} else {
} else {
envelope = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP11Factory().getDefaultEnvelope();
return synCtx;
use of org.apache.axis2.builder.Builder in project wso2-synapse by wso2.
the class FIXMessageFromatterTest method testWriteTo.
public void testWriteTo() {
String input = "8=FIX.4.0\u00019=105\u000135=D\u000134=2\u000149=BANZAI\u000152=20080711-06:42:26\u000156=SYNAPSE\u0001" + "11=1215758546278\u000121=1\u000138=90000000\u000140=1\u000154=1\u000155=DEL\u000159=0\u000110=121\u0001";
MessageContext msgCtx = new MessageContext();
FIXMessageBuilder builder = new FIXMessageBuilder();
OMElement element = null;
try {
element = builder.processDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(input.getBytes()), "fix/j", msgCtx);
// System.out.println(element);
} catch (AxisFault e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
FIXMessageFromatter fixMessageFromatter = new FIXMessageFromatter();
// msgCtx = new MessageContext();
// msgCtx.seten
OutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
SOAPFactory factory = OMAbstractFactory.getSOAP12Factory();
SOAPEnvelope env = factory.getDefaultEnvelope();
try {
} catch (AxisFault e1) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
OMOutputFormat myOutputFormat = new OMOutputFormat();
try {
fixMessageFromatter.writeTo(msgCtx, myOutputFormat, output, false);
assertTrue(output.toString().length() > 0);
} catch (AxisFault e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block