use of org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext in project wso2-synapse by wso2.
the class ThrottleHandler method process.
* processing through the throttle
* 1) concurrent throttling
* 2) access rate based throttling - domain or ip
* @param throttle The Throttle object - holds all configuration and state data
* of the throttle
* @param messageContext The MessageContext , that holds all data per message basis
* @throws AxisFault Throws when access must deny for caller
* @throws ThrottleException ThrottleException
public void process(Throttle throttle, MessageContext messageContext) throws ThrottleException, AxisFault {
String throttleId = throttle.getId();
ConfigurationContext cc = messageContext.getConfigurationContext();
// acquiring cache manager.
Cache<String, ConcurrentAccessController> cache;
CacheManager cacheManager = Caching.getCacheManagerFactory().getCacheManager(THROTTLING_CACHE_MANAGER);
if (cacheManager != null) {
cache = cacheManager.getCache(THROTTLING_CACHE);
} else {
cache = Caching.getCacheManager().getCache(THROTTLING_CACHE);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("created throttling cache : " + cache);
// Get the concurrent access controller
ConcurrentAccessController cac;
String key = null;
key = ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + throttleId + ThrottleConstants.CAC_SUFFIX;
cac = cache.get(key);
// check for concurrent access
boolean canAccess = doConcurrentThrottling(cac, messageContext);
if (canAccess) {
if (messageContext.getFLOW() == MessageContext.IN_FLOW) {
// gets the remote caller domain name
String domain = null;
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) messageContext.getPropertyNonReplicable(HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_SERVLETREQUEST);
if (request != null) {
domain = request.getRemoteHost();
// Domain name based throttling
// check whether a configuration has been defined for this domain name or not
String callerId = null;
if (domain != null) {
// loads the ThrottleContext
ThrottleContext throttleCtxt = throttle.getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.DOMAIN_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY);
if (throttleCtxt != null) {
// Loads the ThrottleConfiguration
ThrottleConfiguration throttleConfig = throttleCtxt.getThrottleConfiguration();
if (throttleConfig != null) {
// check for configuration for this caller
callerId = throttleConfig.getConfigurationKeyOfCaller(domain);
if (callerId != null) {
// If this is a clustered env.
AccessInformation infor = accessRateController.canAccess(throttleCtxt, callerId, ThrottleConstants.DOMAIN_BASE);
StatCollector.collect(infor, domain, ThrottleConstants.DOMAIN_BASE);
// check for the permission for access
if (!infor.isAccessAllowed()) {
// if the access has denied by rate based throttling
if (cac != null) {
cache.put(key, cac);
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Added the state of ConcurrentAccessController " + "to cache with key : " + key);
throw new AxisFault(" Access deny for a " + "caller with Domain " + domain + " " + " : Reason : " + infor.getFaultReason());
} else {
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Could not find the Throttle Context for domain-Based " + "Throttling for domain name " + domain + " Throttling for this " + "domain name may not be configured from policy");
} else {
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Could not find the domain of the caller - IP-based throttling may occur");
if (callerId == null) {
String ip = (String) messageContext.getProperty(MessageContext.REMOTE_ADDR);
if (ip != null) {
// loads IP based throttle context
ThrottleContext context = throttle.getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.IP_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY);
if (context != null) {
// Loads the ThrottleConfiguration
ThrottleConfiguration config = context.getThrottleConfiguration();
if (config != null) {
// check for configuration for this ip
callerId = config.getConfigurationKeyOfCaller(ip);
if (callerId != null) {
AccessInformation infor = accessRateController.canAccess(context, callerId, ThrottleConstants.IP_BASE);
// check for the permission for access
StatCollector.collect(infor, ip, ThrottleConstants.IP_BASE);
if (!infor.isAccessAllowed()) {
// if the access has denied by rate based throttling
if (cac != null) {
// set back if this is a clustered env
cache.put(key, cac);
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Added the state of ConcurrentAccessController " + "to cache with key : " + key);
throw new AxisFault(" Access deny for a " + "caller with IP " + ip + " " + " : Reason : " + infor.getFaultReason());
} else {
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Could not find the throttle Context for IP-Based throttling");
} else {
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Could not find the IP address of the caller " + "- throttling will not occur");
// just replicate the current state of ConcurrentAccessController
if (cac != null) {
cache.put(key, cac);
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Added the state of ConcurrentAccessController " + "to cache with key : " + key);
// finally engage rolebased access throttling if available
doRoleBasedAccessThrottling(throttle, messageContext);
} else {
// replicate the current state of ConcurrentAccessController
if (cac != null) {
cache.put(key, cac);
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Added the state of ConcurrentAccessController " + "to cache with key : " + key);
throw new AxisFault("Access has currently been denied since " + " maximum concurrent access have exceeded");
use of org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext in project wso2-synapse by wso2.
the class ThrottleHandler method doRoleBasedAccessThrottling.
* Helper method for handling role based Access throttling
* @param messageContext MessageContext - message level states
* @return true if access is allowed through concurrent throttling ,o.w false
private boolean doRoleBasedAccessThrottling(Throttle throttle, MessageContext messageContext) throws AxisFault, ThrottleException {
boolean canAccess = true;
if (throttle.getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY) == null) {
// if no role base throttle config return immediately
return canAccess;
ConfigurationContext cc = messageContext.getConfigurationContext();
String throttleId = throttle.getId();
// acquiring cache manager.
Cache<String, ConcurrentAccessController> cache;
CacheManager cacheManager = Caching.getCacheManagerFactory().getCacheManager(THROTTLING_CACHE_MANAGER);
if (cacheManager != null) {
cache = cacheManager.getCache(THROTTLING_CACHE);
} else {
cache = Caching.getCacheManager().getCache(THROTTLING_CACHE);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("created throttling cache : " + cache);
String key = null;
ConcurrentAccessController cac = null;
key = ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + throttleId + ThrottleConstants.CAC_SUFFIX;
cac = cache.get(key);
if (messageContext.getFLOW() == MessageContext.IN_FLOW) {
// gets the remote caller role name
String consumerKey = null;
boolean isAuthenticated = false;
String roleID = null;
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) messageContext.getPropertyNonReplicable(HTTPConstants.MC_HTTP_SERVLETREQUEST);
if (request != null) {
String oAuthHeader = request.getHeader("OAuth");
// consumerKey = Utils.extractCustomerKeyFromAuthHeader(oAuthHeader);
// roleID = Utils.extractCustomerKeyFromAuthHeader(oAuthHeader);
DummyAuthenticator authFuture = new DummyAuthenticator(oAuthHeader);
consumerKey = authFuture.getAPIKey();
new DummyHandler().authenticateUser(authFuture);
roleID = (String) authFuture.getAuthorizedRoles().get(0);
isAuthenticated = authFuture.isAuthenticated();
if (!isAuthenticated) {
throw new AxisFault(" Access deny for a " + "caller with consumer Key: " + consumerKey + " " + " : Reason : Authentication failure");
// Domain name based throttling
// check whether a configuration has been defined for this role name or not
String consumerRoleID = null;
if (consumerKey != null && isAuthenticated) {
// loads the ThrottleContext
ThrottleContext context = throttle.getThrottleContext(ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASED_THROTTLE_KEY);
if (context != null) {
// Loads the ThrottleConfiguration
ThrottleConfiguration config = context.getThrottleConfiguration();
if (config != null) {
// check for configuration for this caller
consumerRoleID = config.getConfigurationKeyOfCaller(roleID);
if (consumerRoleID != null) {
AccessInformation infor = roleBasedAccessController.canAccess(context, consumerKey, consumerRoleID);
StatCollector.collect(infor, consumerKey, ThrottleConstants.ROLE_BASE);
// check for the permission for access
if (!infor.isAccessAllowed()) {
// if the access has denied by rate based throttling
if (cac != null) {
cache.put(key, cac);
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Added the state of ConcurrentAccessController " + "to cache with key : " + key);
throw new AxisFault(" Access deny for a " + "caller with Domain " + consumerKey + " " + " : Reason : " + infor.getFaultReason());
} else {
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Could not find the Throttle Context for role-Based " + "Throttling for role name " + consumerKey + " Throttling for this " + "role name may not be configured from policy");
} else {
if (debugOn) {
log.debug("Could not find the role of the caller - role based throttling NOT applied");
return canAccess;
use of org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext in project wso2-synapse by wso2.
the class ThrottleEnguageUtils method enguage.
public static void enguage(AxisDescription axisDescription, ConfigurationContext configctx, Throttle defaultThrottle) throws AxisFault {
String currentServiceName;
if (axisDescription instanceof AxisService) {
Throttle throttle = null;
AxisService currentService = ((AxisService) axisDescription);
PolicySubject policySubject = currentService.getPolicySubject();
if (policySubject != null) {
try {
List policies = new ArrayList(policySubject.getAttachedPolicyComponents());
Policy currentPolicy = PolicyUtil.getMergedPolicy(policies, currentService);
if (currentPolicy != null) {
throttle = ThrottleFactory.createServiceThrottle(currentPolicy);
if (throttle == null) {
// this is for the scenario when throttle policy is empty rather than
// null (eg: removing the throttle policy via policy editor)
throttle = defaultThrottle;
// todo - done by isuru, recheck
} else {
AxisConfiguration axisConfig = configctx.getAxisConfiguration();
AxisModule throttleModule = axisConfig.getModule(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_MODULE_NAME);
policySubject = throttleModule.getPolicySubject();
if (policySubject != null) {
currentPolicy = ThrottleEnguageUtils.getThrottlePolicy(policySubject.getAttachedPolicyComponents());
if (currentPolicy != null) {
throttle = ThrottleFactory.createModuleThrottle(currentPolicy);
// todo - done by isuru
} catch (ThrottleException e) {
log.error("Error was occurred when engaging throttle module for" + " the service :" + currentService.getName() + e.getMessage());"Throttling will occur using default module policy");
throttle = defaultThrottle;
if (throttle != null) {
Map throttles = (Map) configctx.getPropertyNonReplicable(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP);
if (throttles == null) {
throttles = new HashMap();
configctx.setNonReplicableProperty(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP, throttles);
String serviceName = currentService.getName();
throttles.put(serviceName, throttle);
ConcurrentAccessController cac = throttle.getConcurrentAccessController();
if (cac != null) {
String cacKey = ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + serviceName + ThrottleConstants.CAC_SUFFIX;
configctx.setProperty(cacKey, cac);
} else if (axisDescription instanceof AxisOperation) {
Throttle throttle = null;
AxisOperation currentOperation = ((AxisOperation) axisDescription);
AxisService axisService = (AxisService) currentOperation.getParent();
if (axisService != null) {
currentServiceName = axisService.getName();
PolicySubject policySubject = currentOperation.getPolicySubject();
if (policySubject != null) {
try {
List policies = new ArrayList(policySubject.getAttachedPolicyComponents());
Policy currentPolicy = PolicyUtil.getMergedPolicy(policies, currentOperation);
if (currentPolicy != null) {
throttle = ThrottleFactory.createOperationThrottle(currentPolicy);
} catch (ThrottleException e) {
log.error("Error was occurred when engaging throttle module " + "for operation : " + currentOperation.getName() + " in the service :" + currentServiceName + e.getMessage());"Throttling will occur using default module policy");
// if current throttle is null, use the default throttle
if (throttle == null) {
throttle = defaultThrottle;
Map throttles = (Map) configctx.getPropertyNonReplicable(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP);
if (throttles == null) {
throttles = new HashMap();
configctx.setNonReplicableProperty(ThrottleConstants.THROTTLES_MAP, throttles);
QName opQName = currentOperation.getName();
if (opQName != null) {
String opName = opQName.getLocalPart();
String key = currentServiceName + opName;
throttles.put(key, throttle);
ConcurrentAccessController cac = throttle.getConcurrentAccessController();
if (cac != null) {
String cacKey = ThrottleConstants.THROTTLE_PROPERTY_PREFIX + key + ThrottleConstants.CAC_SUFFIX;
configctx.setProperty(cacKey, cac);
use of org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext in project wso2-synapse by wso2.
the class TestCasesMediator method createSynapseMessageContext.
* Creating message context using input payload and the synapse configuration.
* @param payload received input payload for particular test case
* @param synapseConfig synapse configuration used for deploy the sequence deployer
* @return message context
private static MessageContext createSynapseMessageContext(String payload, SynapseConfiguration synapseConfig) {
MessageContext synapseMessageContext = null;
try {
org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext messageContext = new org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext();
AxisConfiguration axisConfig = synapseConfig.getAxisConfiguration();
if (axisConfig == null) {
axisConfig = new AxisConfiguration();
ConfigurationContext configurationContext = new ConfigurationContext(axisConfig);
SynapseEnvironment env = new Axis2SynapseEnvironment(configurationContext, synapseConfig);
// Create custom Axis2MessageContext with required data and SOAP1.1 envelop
synapseMessageContext = new Axis2MessageContext(messageContext, synapseConfig, env);
SOAPEnvelope envelope = synapseMessageContext.getEnvelope();
((Axis2MessageContext) synapseMessageContext).getAxis2MessageContext().setConfigurationContext(configurationContext);
((Axis2MessageContext) synapseMessageContext).getAxis2MessageContext().setOperationContext(new OperationContext(new InOutAxisOperation(), new ServiceContext()));
if (payload != null) {
Map.Entry<String, String> inputPayload = CommonUtils.checkInputStringFormat(payload);
String inputPayloadType = inputPayload.getKey();
String trimmedInputPayload = inputPayload.getValue();
if (inputPayloadType.equals(XML_FORMAT)) {
} else if (inputPayloadType.equals(JSON_FORMAT)) {
org.apache.axis2.context.MessageContext axis2MessageContext = ((Axis2MessageContext) synapseMessageContext).getAxis2MessageContext();
envelope.getBody().addChild(JsonUtil.getNewJsonPayload(axis2MessageContext, trimmedInputPayload, true, true));
} else if (inputPayloadType.equals(TEXT_FORMAT)) {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Exception while creating synapse message context", e);
return synapseMessageContext;
use of org.apache.axis2.context.ConfigurationContext in project wso2-synapse by wso2.
the class ConfigurationDeployer method createConfigurationContext.
* Get configuration context from synapse configuration.
* @param synapseConfiguration synapse configuration context
* @return configuration context
* @throws AxisFault while return the configuration context
private ConfigurationContext createConfigurationContext(SynapseConfiguration synapseConfiguration) throws AxisFault {
AxisConfiguration axisConfiguration = synapseConfiguration.getAxisConfiguration();
ConfigurationContext configurationContext = new ConfigurationContext(axisConfiguration);
SynapseEnvironment synapseEnvironment = new Axis2SynapseEnvironment(configurationContext, synapseConfiguration);
axisConfiguration.addParameter(new Parameter(SynapseConstants.SYNAPSE_ENV, synapseEnvironment));
axisConfiguration.addParameter(new Parameter(SynapseConstants.SYNAPSE_CONFIG, synapseConfiguration));
return configurationContext;