use of org.apache.beam.runners.samza.runtime.SamzaStoreStateInternals.ByteArray in project beam by apache.
the class SamzaTimerInternalsFactoryTest method testByteArray.
public void testByteArray() {
ByteArray key1 = ByteArray.of("hello world".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
Serde<ByteArray> serde = new ByteArraySerdeFactory().getSerde("", null);
byte[] keyBytes = serde.toBytes(key1);
ByteArray key2 = serde.fromBytes(keyBytes);
assertEquals(key1, key2);
Map<ByteArray, String> map = new HashMap<>();
map.put(key1, "found it");
assertEquals("found it", map.get(key2));
use of org.apache.beam.runners.samza.runtime.SamzaStoreStateInternals.ByteArray in project beam by apache.
the class SamzaTimerInternalsFactoryTest method testBufferSizeNotExceedingPipelineOptionValue.
public void testBufferSizeNotExceedingPipelineOptionValue() {
final SamzaPipelineOptions pipelineOptions = PipelineOptionsFactory.create().as(SamzaPipelineOptions.class);
final KeyValueStore<ByteArray, StateValue<?>> store = createStore();
final SamzaTimerInternalsFactory<String> timerInternalsFactory = createTimerInternalsFactory(null, "timer", pipelineOptions, store);
final StateNamespace nameSpace =;
final TimerInternals timerInternals = timerInternalsFactory.timerInternalsForKey("testKey");
// timers in store are then timestamped from 0 - 4.
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
timerInternals.setTimer(nameSpace, "timer" + i, "", new Instant(i), new Instant(i), TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
// only two timers are supposed to be in event time buffer
assertEquals(2, timerInternalsFactory.getEventTimeBuffer().size());
use of org.apache.beam.runners.samza.runtime.SamzaStoreStateInternals.ByteArray in project beam by apache.
the class SamzaTimerInternalsFactoryTest method testMaxExpiredEventTimersProcessAtOnce.
private void testMaxExpiredEventTimersProcessAtOnce(int totalNumberOfTimersInStore, int totalNumberOfExpiredTimers, int maxExpiredTimersToProcessOnce, int expectedExpiredTimersToProcess) {
final SamzaPipelineOptions pipelineOptions = PipelineOptionsFactory.create().as(SamzaPipelineOptions.class);
final KeyValueStore<ByteArray, StateValue<?>> store = createStore();
final SamzaTimerInternalsFactory<String> timerInternalsFactory = createTimerInternalsFactory(null, "timer", pipelineOptions, store);
final StateNamespace nameSpace =;
final TimerInternals timerInternals = timerInternalsFactory.timerInternalsForKey("testKey");
TimerInternals.TimerData timer;
for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfTimersInStore; i++) {
timer = TimerInternals.TimerData.of("timer" + i, nameSpace, new Instant(i), new Instant(i), TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
// Set the timestamp of the input watermark to be the value of totalNumberOfExpiredTimers
// so that totalNumberOfExpiredTimers timers are expected be expired with respect to this
// watermark.
final Instant inputWatermark = new Instant(totalNumberOfExpiredTimers);
final Collection<KeyedTimerData<String>> readyTimers = timerInternalsFactory.removeReadyTimers();
assertEquals(expectedExpiredTimersToProcess, readyTimers.size());
use of org.apache.beam.runners.samza.runtime.SamzaStoreStateInternals.ByteArray in project beam by apache.
the class SamzaTimerInternalsFactoryTest method testNewTimersAreInsertedInOrder.
public void testNewTimersAreInsertedInOrder() {
final SamzaPipelineOptions pipelineOptions = PipelineOptionsFactory.create().as(SamzaPipelineOptions.class);
final KeyValueStore<ByteArray, StateValue<?>> store = createStore();
final SamzaTimerInternalsFactory<String> timerInternalsFactory = createTimerInternalsFactory(null, "timer", pipelineOptions, store);
final StateNamespace nameSpace =;
final TimerInternals timerInternals = timerInternalsFactory.timerInternalsForKey("testKey");
// timers in store now are timestamped from 0 - 9.
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
timerInternals.setTimer(nameSpace, "timer" + i, "", new Instant(i), new Instant(i), TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
// fire the first 2 timers.
// timers in memory now are timestamped from 2 - 4;
// timers in store now are timestamped from 2 - 9.
Collection<KeyedTimerData<String>> readyTimers;
timerInternalsFactory.setInputWatermark(new Instant(1));
long lastTimestamp = 0;
readyTimers = timerInternalsFactory.removeReadyTimers();
for (KeyedTimerData<String> keyedTimerData : readyTimers) {
final long currentTimeStamp = keyedTimerData.getTimerData().getTimestamp().getMillis();
assertTrue(lastTimestamp <= currentTimeStamp);
lastTimestamp = currentTimeStamp;
assertEquals(2, readyTimers.size());
// prefixed with timer, timestamp is in order;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
timerInternals.setTimer(nameSpace, "timer" + i, "", new Instant(i), new Instant(i), TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
// there are 11 timers in state now.
// watermark 5 comes, so 6 timers will be evicted because their timestamp is less than 5.
// memory will be reloaded once to have 5 to 8 left (reload to have 4 to 8, but 4 is evicted), 5
// to 9 left in store.
// all of them are in order for firing.
timerInternalsFactory.setInputWatermark(new Instant(5));
lastTimestamp = 0;
readyTimers = timerInternalsFactory.removeReadyTimers();
for (KeyedTimerData<String> keyedTimerData : readyTimers) {
final long currentTimeStamp = keyedTimerData.getTimerData().getTimestamp().getMillis();
assertTrue(lastTimestamp <= currentTimeStamp);
lastTimestamp = currentTimeStamp;
assertEquals(6, readyTimers.size());
assertEquals(4, timerInternalsFactory.getEventTimeBuffer().size());
// watermark 10 comes, so all timers will be evicted in order.
timerInternalsFactory.setInputWatermark(new Instant(10));
readyTimers = timerInternalsFactory.removeReadyTimers();
for (KeyedTimerData<String> keyedTimerData : readyTimers) {
final long currentTimeStamp = keyedTimerData.getTimerData().getTimestamp().getMillis();
assertTrue(lastTimestamp <= currentTimeStamp);
lastTimestamp = currentTimeStamp;
assertEquals(4, readyTimers.size());
assertEquals(0, timerInternalsFactory.getEventTimeBuffer().size());
use of org.apache.beam.runners.samza.runtime.SamzaStoreStateInternals.ByteArray in project beam by apache.
the class SamzaTimerInternalsFactoryTest method testAllTimersAreFiredWithReload.
public void testAllTimersAreFiredWithReload() {
final SamzaPipelineOptions pipelineOptions = PipelineOptionsFactory.create().as(SamzaPipelineOptions.class);
final KeyValueStore<ByteArray, StateValue<?>> store = createStore();
final SamzaTimerInternalsFactory<String> timerInternalsFactory = createTimerInternalsFactory(null, "timer", pipelineOptions, store);
final StateNamespace nameSpace =;
final TimerInternals timerInternals = timerInternalsFactory.timerInternalsForKey("testKey");
// timers in store now are timestamped from 0 - 2.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
timerInternals.setTimer(nameSpace, "timer" + i, "", new Instant(i), new Instant(i), TimeDomain.EVENT_TIME);
// total number of event time timers to fire equals to the number of timers in store
Collection<KeyedTimerData<String>> readyTimers;
timerInternalsFactory.setInputWatermark(new Instant(3));
readyTimers = timerInternalsFactory.removeReadyTimers();
// buffer should reload from store and all timers are supposed to be fired.
assertEquals(3, readyTimers.size());