use of org.apache.beam.sdk.PipelineResult.State in project beam by apache.
the class TpcdsRun method call.
public TpcdsRunResult call() {
TpcdsRunResult tpcdsRunResult;
try {
PipelineResult pipelineResult =;
long startTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
State state = pipelineResult.waitUntilFinish();
long endTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Make sure to set the job status to be successful only when pipelineResult's final state is
// DONE.
boolean isSuccessful = state == State.DONE;
tpcdsRunResult = new TpcdsRunResult(isSuccessful, startTimeStamp, endTimeStamp, pipeline.getOptions(), pipelineResult);
} catch (Exception e) {
// If the pipeline execution failed, return a result with failed status but don't interrupt
// other threads.
tpcdsRunResult = new TpcdsRunResult(false, 0, 0, pipeline.getOptions(), null);
return tpcdsRunResult;
use of org.apache.beam.sdk.PipelineResult.State in project beam by apache.
the class DataStoreReadWriteIT method testReadAllSupportedTypes.
public void testReadAllSupportedTypes() {
BeamSqlEnv sqlEnv = BeamSqlEnv.inMemory(new DataStoreV1TableProvider());
String projectId = options.getProject();
final Schema expectedSchema = Schema.builder().addNullableField("__key__", VARBINARY).addNullableField("boolean", BOOLEAN).addNullableField("datetime", DATETIME).addNullableField("floatingnumber", DOUBLE).addNullableField("integer", INT64).addNullableField("primitivearray", FieldType.array(STRING)).addNullableField("string", STRING).addNullableField("text", STRING).build();
String createTableStatement = "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE TEST( \n" + " `__key__` VARBINARY, \n" + " `boolean` BOOLEAN, \n" + " `datetime` TIMESTAMP, \n" + // + " `embeddedentity` ROW(`property1` VARCHAR, `property2` BIGINT), \n"
" `floatingnumber` DOUBLE, \n" + " `integer` BIGINT, \n" + " `primitivearray` ARRAY<VARCHAR>, \n" + " `string` VARCHAR, \n" + " `text` VARCHAR" + ") \n" + "TYPE 'datastoreV1' \n" + "LOCATION '" + projectId + "/" + KIND_ALL_TYPES + "'";
String selectTableStatement = "SELECT * FROM TEST";
PCollection<Row> output = BeamSqlRelUtils.toPCollection(readPipeline, sqlEnv.parseQuery(selectTableStatement));
assertThat(output.getSchema(), equalTo(expectedSchema));
PipelineResult.State state =;
assertThat(state, equalTo(State.DONE));
use of org.apache.beam.sdk.PipelineResult.State in project beam by apache.
the class DataStoreReadWriteIT method testDataStoreV1SqlWriteRead.
public void testDataStoreV1SqlWriteRead() {
BeamSqlEnv sqlEnv = BeamSqlEnv.inMemory(new DataStoreV1TableProvider());
String projectId = options.getProject();
String createTableStatement = "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE TEST( \n" + " `__key__` VARBINARY, \n" + " `content` VARCHAR \n" + ") \n" + "TYPE 'datastoreV1' \n" + "LOCATION '" + projectId + "/" + KIND + "'";
Key ancestor = makeKey(KIND, UUID.randomUUID().toString()).build();
Key itemKey = makeKey(ancestor, KIND, UUID.randomUUID().toString()).build();
String insertStatement = "INSERT INTO TEST VALUES ( \n" + keyToSqlByteString(itemKey) + ", \n" + "'2000' \n" + ")";
BeamSqlRelUtils.toPCollection(writePipeline, sqlEnv.parseQuery(insertStatement));;
String selectTableStatement = "SELECT * FROM TEST";
PCollection<Row> output = BeamSqlRelUtils.toPCollection(readPipeline, sqlEnv.parseQuery(selectTableStatement));
assertThat(output.getSchema(), equalTo(SOURCE_SCHEMA));
PipelineResult.State state =;
assertThat(state, equalTo(State.DONE));
use of org.apache.beam.sdk.PipelineResult.State in project beam by apache.
the class AvroTableProviderTest method testWriteAndReadTable.
public void testWriteAndReadTable() {
File destinationFile = new File(tempFolder.getRoot(), "person-info.avro");
String query = "INSERT INTO PersonInfo VALUES ('Alan', 22, 'England'), ('John', 42, 'USA')";
String ddl = String.format("CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE PersonInfo %s TYPE avro LOCATION '%s'", FIELD_NAMES, destinationFile.getAbsolutePath());
String readQuery = "SELECT age, country FROM PersonInfo WHERE age > 25";
PCollection<Row> rows = readPipeline.apply(SqlTransform.query(readQuery).withDdlString(ddl));
PAssert.that(rows).containsInAnyOrder(Row.withSchema(OUTPUT_ROW_SCHEMA).addValues(42L, "USA").build());
PipelineResult.State state =;
assertEquals(State.DONE, state);
use of org.apache.beam.sdk.PipelineResult.State in project beam by apache.
the class BigQueryReadWriteIT method testSQLRead_withExport.
public void testSQLRead_withExport() throws IOException {
bigQueryTestingTypes.insertRows(SOURCE_SCHEMA_TWO, row(SOURCE_SCHEMA_TWO, 9223372036854775807L, (byte) 127, (short) 32767, 2147483647, (float) 1.0, 1.0, true, parseTimestampWithUTCTimeZone("2018-05-28 20:17:40.123"), "varchar", "char", Arrays.asList("123", "456")));
BeamSqlEnv sqlEnv = BeamSqlEnv.inMemory(new BigQueryTableProvider());
String createTableStatement = "CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE TEST( \n" + " c_bigint BIGINT, \n" + " c_tinyint TINYINT, \n" + " c_smallint SMALLINT, \n" + " c_integer INTEGER, \n" + " c_float FLOAT, \n" + " c_double DOUBLE, \n" + " c_boolean BOOLEAN, \n" + " c_timestamp TIMESTAMP, \n" + " c_varchar VARCHAR, \n " + " c_char CHAR, \n" + " c_arr ARRAY<VARCHAR> \n" + ") \n" + "TYPE 'bigquery' \n" + "LOCATION '" + bigQueryTestingTypes.tableSpec() + "'" + "TBLPROPERTIES " + "'{ " + METHOD_PROPERTY + ": \"" + Method.EXPORT.toString() + "\" }'";
String selectTableStatement = "SELECT * FROM TEST";
PCollection<Row> output = BeamSqlRelUtils.toPCollection(readPipeline, sqlEnv.parseQuery(selectTableStatement));
PAssert.that(output).containsInAnyOrder(row(SOURCE_SCHEMA_TWO, 9223372036854775807L, (byte) 127, (short) 32767, 2147483647, (float) 1.0, 1.0, true, parseTimestampWithUTCTimeZone("2018-05-28 20:17:40.123"), "varchar", "char", Arrays.asList("123", "456")));
PipelineResult.State state =;
assertThat(state, equalTo(State.DONE));