use of org.apache.beam.sdk.util.UserCodeException in project beam by apache.
the class SimpleParDoFnTest method testErrorPropagation.
public void testErrorPropagation() throws Exception {
TestErrorDoFn fn = new TestErrorDoFn();
DoFnInfo<?, ?> fnInfo = DoFnInfo.forFn(fn, WindowingStrategy.globalDefault(), null, /* side input views */
null, /* input coder */
MAIN_OUTPUT, DoFnSchemaInformation.create(), Collections.emptyMap());
TestReceiver receiver = new TestReceiver();
ParDoFn userParDoFn = new SimpleParDoFn<>(options, DoFnInstanceManagers.singleInstance(fnInfo), new EmptySideInputReader(), MAIN_OUTPUT, ImmutableMap.of(MAIN_OUTPUT, 0), BatchModeExecutionContext.forTesting(options, "testStage").getStepContext(operationContext), operationContext, DoFnSchemaInformation.create(), Collections.emptyMap(), SimpleDoFnRunnerFactory.INSTANCE);
try {
fail("should have failed");
} catch (Exception exn) {
// Because we're calling this from inside the SDK and not from a
// user's program (e.g. through, the error should
// be thrown as a UserCodeException. The cause of the
// UserCodeError shouldn't contain any of the stack from within
// the SDK, since we don't want to overwhelm users with stack
// frames outside of their control.
assertThat(exn, instanceOf(UserCodeException.class));
// Stack trace of the cause should contain three frames:
// TestErrorDoFn.nestedFunctionBeta
// TestErrorDoFn.nestedFunctionAlpha
// TestErrorDoFn.startBundle
assertThat(stackTraceFrameStrings(exn.getCause()), contains(containsString("TestErrorDoFn.nestedFunctionBeta"), containsString("TestErrorDoFn.nestedFunctionAlpha"), containsString("TestErrorDoFn.startBundle")));
assertThat(exn.toString(), containsString("test error in initialize"));
try {
fail("should have failed");
} catch (Exception exn) {
// Exception should be a UserCodeException since we're calling
// from inside the SDK.
assertThat(exn, instanceOf(UserCodeException.class));
// Stack trace of the cause should contain two frames:
// TestErrorDoFn.nestedFunctionBeta
// TestErrorDoFn.processElement
assertThat(stackTraceFrameStrings(exn.getCause()), contains(containsString("TestErrorDoFn.nestedFunctionBeta"), containsString("TestErrorDoFn.processElement")));
assertThat(exn.toString(), containsString("test error in process"));
try {
fail("should have failed");
} catch (Exception exn) {
// Exception should be a UserCodeException since we're calling
// from inside the SDK.
assertThat(exn, instanceOf(UserCodeException.class));
// Stack trace should only contain a single frame:
// TestErrorDoFn.finishBundle
assertThat(stackTraceFrameStrings(exn.getCause()), contains(containsString("TestErrorDoFn.finishBundle")));
assertThat(exn.toString(), containsString("test error in finalize"));