use of in project calcite by apache.
the class JdbcTest method testAggMultipleMeasures.
* Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-1097]
* Exception when executing query with too many aggregation columns</a>.
public void testAggMultipleMeasures() throws SQLException {
final Driver driver = new Driver();
CalciteConnection connection = (CalciteConnection) driver.connect("jdbc:calcite:", new Properties());
SchemaPlus rootSchema = connection.getRootSchema();
rootSchema.add("sale", new ReflectiveSchema(new Smalls.WideSaleSchema()));
final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
// 200 columns: sum(sale0) + ... sum(sale199)
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("select s.\"prodId\"" + sums(200, true) + "\n" + "from \"sale\".\"prod\" as s group by s.\"prodId\"\n");
assertThat(, is(true));
assertThat(resultSet.getInt(1), is(100));
assertThat(resultSet.getInt(2), is(10));
assertThat(resultSet.getInt(200), is(10));
assertThat(, is(false));
// 800 columns:
// sum(sale0 + 0) + ... + sum(sale0 + 100) + ... sum(sale99 + 799)
final int n = 800;
resultSet = statement.executeQuery("select s.\"prodId\"" + sums(n, false) + "\n" + "from \"sale\".\"prod\" as s group by s.\"prodId\"\n");
assertThat(, is(true));
assertThat(resultSet.getInt(1), is(100));
assertThat(resultSet.getInt(2), is(10));
assertThat(resultSet.getInt(n), is(n + 8));
assertThat(, is(false));
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class JdbcTest method testUpdateBind.
* Test case for
* <a href="">[CALCITE-2054]
* Error while validating UPDATE with dynamic parameter in SET clause</a>.
public void testUpdateBind() throws Exception {
String hsqldbMemUrl = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:.";
try (Connection baseConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(hsqldbMemUrl);
Statement baseStmt = baseConnection.createStatement()) {
baseStmt.execute("CREATE TABLE T2 (\n" + "ID INTEGER,\n" + "VALS DOUBLE)");
baseStmt.execute("INSERT INTO T2 VALUES (1, 1.0)");
baseStmt.execute("INSERT INTO T2 VALUES (2, null)");
baseStmt.execute("INSERT INTO T2 VALUES (null, 2.0)");
Properties info = new Properties();
final String model = "inline:" + "{\n" + " version: '1.0',\n" + " defaultSchema: 'BASEJDBC',\n" + " schemas: [\n" + " {\n" + " type: 'jdbc',\n" + " name: 'BASEJDBC',\n" + " jdbcDriver: '" + jdbcDriver.class.getName() + "',\n" + " jdbcUrl: '" + hsqldbMemUrl + "',\n" + " jdbcCatalog: null,\n" + " jdbcSchema: null\n" + " }\n" + " ]\n" + "}";
info.put("model", model);
Connection calciteConnection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:", info);
ResultSet rs = calciteConnection.prepareStatement("select * from t2").executeQuery();
assertThat(, is(true));
assertThat((Integer) rs.getObject("ID"), is(1));
assertThat((Double) rs.getObject("VALS"), is(1.0));
assertThat(, is(true));
assertThat((Integer) rs.getObject("ID"), is(2));
assertThat(rs.getObject("VALS"), nullValue());
assertThat(, is(true));
assertThat(rs.getObject("ID"), nullValue());
assertThat((Double) rs.getObject("VALS"), equalTo(2.0));
final String sql = "update t2 set vals=? where id=?";
try (PreparedStatement ps = calciteConnection.prepareStatement(sql)) {
ParameterMetaData pmd = ps.getParameterMetaData();
assertThat(pmd.getParameterCount(), is(2));
assertThat(pmd.getParameterType(1), is(Types.DOUBLE));
assertThat(pmd.getParameterType(2), is(Types.INTEGER));
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class JdbcTest method testReadme.
* The example in the README.
public void testReadme() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException {
Properties info = new Properties();
info.setProperty("lex", "JAVA");
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:", info);
CalciteConnection calciteConnection = connection.unwrap(CalciteConnection.class);
final SchemaPlus rootSchema = calciteConnection.getRootSchema();
rootSchema.add("hr", new ReflectiveSchema(new HrSchema()));
Statement statement = calciteConnection.createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("select d.deptno, min(e.empid)\n" + "from hr.emps as e\n" + "join hr.depts as d\n" + " on e.deptno = d.deptno\n" + "group by d.deptno\n" + "having count(*) > 1");
final String s = CalciteAssert.toString(resultSet);
assertThat(s, notNullValue());
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class JdbcTest method testOnConnectionClose.
* Tests {@link org.apache.calcite.avatica.Handler#onConnectionClose}
* and {@link org.apache.calcite.avatica.Handler#onStatementClose}.
public void testOnConnectionClose() throws Exception {
final int[] closeCount = { 0 };
final int[] statementCloseCount = { 0 };
final HandlerImpl h = new HandlerImpl() {
public void onConnectionClose(AvaticaConnection connection) {
throw new RuntimeException();
public void onStatementClose(AvaticaStatement statement) {
throw new RuntimeException();
try (final TryThreadLocal.Memo ignore = HandlerDriver.HANDLERS.push(h)) {
final HandlerDriver driver = new HandlerDriver();
CalciteConnection connection = (CalciteConnection) driver.connect("jdbc:calcite:", new Properties());
SchemaPlus rootSchema = connection.getRootSchema();
rootSchema.add("hr", new ReflectiveSchema(new HrSchema()));
final Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
final ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery("select * from \"emps\"");
assertEquals(0, closeCount[0]);
assertEquals(0, statementCloseCount[0]);
try {;
fail(" should throw SQLException when closed");
} catch (SQLException e) {
assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString("next() called on closed cursor"));
assertEquals(0, closeCount[0]);
assertEquals(0, statementCloseCount[0]);
// Close statement. It throws SQLException, but statement is still closed.
try {
fail("expecting error");
} catch (SQLException e) {
// ok
assertEquals(0, closeCount[0]);
assertEquals(1, statementCloseCount[0]);
// Close connection. It throws SQLException, but connection is still closed.
try {
fail("expecting error");
} catch (SQLException e) {
// ok
assertEquals(1, closeCount[0]);
assertEquals(1, statementCloseCount[0]);
// Close a closed connection. Handler is not called again.
assertEquals(1, closeCount[0]);
assertEquals(1, statementCloseCount[0]);
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class JdbcTest method testTableMacro.
* Tests a relation that is accessed via method syntax.
* <p>The function ({@link Smalls#view(String)} has a return type
* {@link Table} and the actual returned value implements
* {@link org.apache.calcite.schema.TranslatableTable}.
public void testTableMacro() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:");
CalciteConnection calciteConnection = connection.unwrap(CalciteConnection.class);
SchemaPlus rootSchema = calciteConnection.getRootSchema();
SchemaPlus schema = rootSchema.add("s", new AbstractSchema());
final TableMacro tableMacro = TableMacroImpl.create(Smalls.VIEW_METHOD);
schema.add("View", tableMacro);
ResultSet resultSet = connection.createStatement().executeQuery("select *\n" + "from table(\"s\".\"View\"('(10), (20)')) as t(n)\n" + "where n < 15");
// The call to "View('(10), (2)')" expands to 'values (1), (3), (10), (20)'.
assertThat(CalciteAssert.toString(resultSet), equalTo("N=1\n" + "N=3\n" + "N=10\n"));