use of in project hive by apache.
the class HiveSortLimitVisitor method visit.
OpAttr visit(HiveSortLimit sortRel) throws SemanticException {
OpAttr inputOpAf = hiveOpConverter.dispatch(sortRel.getInput());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Translating operator rel#" + sortRel.getId() + ":" + sortRel.getRelTypeName() + " with row type: [" + sortRel.getRowType() + "]");
if (sortRel.getCollation() == RelCollations.EMPTY) {
LOG.debug("Operator rel#" + sortRel.getId() + ":" + sortRel.getRelTypeName() + " consists of limit");
} else if (sortRel.fetch == null) {
LOG.debug("Operator rel#" + sortRel.getId() + ":" + sortRel.getRelTypeName() + " consists of sort");
} else {
LOG.debug("Operator rel#" + sortRel.getId() + ":" + sortRel.getRelTypeName() + " consists of sort+limit");
Operator<?> inputOp = inputOpAf.inputs.get(0);
Operator<?> resultOp = inputOpAf.inputs.get(0);
// of their columns
if (sortRel.getCollation() != RelCollations.EMPTY) {
// In strict mode, in the presence of order by, limit must be specified.
if (sortRel.fetch == null) {
String error = StrictChecks.checkNoLimit(hiveOpConverter.getHiveConf());
if (error != null)
throw new SemanticException(error);
// 1.a. Extract order for each column from collation
// Generate sortCols and order
ImmutableBitSet.Builder sortColsPosBuilder = ImmutableBitSet.builder();
ImmutableBitSet.Builder sortOutputColsPosBuilder = ImmutableBitSet.builder();
Map<Integer, RexNode> obRefToCallMap = sortRel.getInputRefToCallMap();
List<ExprNodeDesc> sortCols = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
StringBuilder order = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder nullOrder = new StringBuilder();
for (RelFieldCollation sortInfo : sortRel.getCollation().getFieldCollations()) {
int sortColumnPos = sortInfo.getFieldIndex();
ColumnInfo columnInfo = new ColumnInfo(inputOp.getSchema().getSignature().get(sortColumnPos));
ExprNodeColumnDesc sortColumn = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(columnInfo.getType(), columnInfo.getInternalName(), columnInfo.getTabAlias(), columnInfo.getIsVirtualCol());
if (sortInfo.getDirection() == RelFieldCollation.Direction.DESCENDING) {
} else {
if (sortInfo.nullDirection == RelFieldCollation.NullDirection.FIRST) {
} else if (sortInfo.nullDirection == RelFieldCollation.NullDirection.LAST) {
} else {
// Default
nullOrder.append(sortInfo.getDirection() == RelFieldCollation.Direction.DESCENDING ? "z" : "a");
if (obRefToCallMap != null) {
RexNode obExpr = obRefToCallMap.get(sortColumnPos);
if (obExpr == null) {
// Use only 1 reducer for order by
int numReducers = 1;
// We keep the columns only the columns that are part of the final output
List<String> keepColumns = new ArrayList<String>();
final ImmutableBitSet sortColsPos =;
final ImmutableBitSet sortOutputColsPos =;
final List<ColumnInfo> inputSchema = inputOp.getSchema().getSignature();
for (int pos = 0; pos < inputSchema.size(); pos++) {
if ((sortColsPos.get(pos) && sortOutputColsPos.get(pos)) || (!sortColsPos.get(pos) && !sortOutputColsPos.get(pos))) {
// 1.b. Generate reduce sink and project operator
resultOp = HiveOpConverterUtils.genReduceSinkAndBacktrackSelect(resultOp, sortCols.toArray(new ExprNodeDesc[sortCols.size()]), 0, new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>(), order.toString(), nullOrder.toString(), numReducers, Operation.NOT_ACID, hiveOpConverter.getHiveConf(), keepColumns);
// 2. If we need to generate limit
if (sortRel.fetch != null) {
int limit = RexLiteral.intValue(sortRel.fetch);
int offset = sortRel.offset == null ? 0 : RexLiteral.intValue(sortRel.offset);
LimitDesc limitDesc = new LimitDesc(offset, limit);
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> cinfoLst = HiveOpConverterUtils.createColInfos(resultOp);
resultOp = OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(limitDesc, new RowSchema(cinfoLst), resultOp);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Generated " + resultOp + " with row schema: [" + resultOp.getSchema() + "]");
// 3. Return result
return inputOpAf.clone(resultOp);
use of in project hive by apache.
the class HiveOpConverter method visit.
OpAttr visit(HiveSortLimit sortRel) throws SemanticException {
OpAttr inputOpAf = dispatch(sortRel.getInput());
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Translating operator rel#" + sortRel.getId() + ":" + sortRel.getRelTypeName() + " with row type: [" + sortRel.getRowType() + "]");
if (sortRel.getCollation() == RelCollations.EMPTY) {
LOG.debug("Operator rel#" + sortRel.getId() + ":" + sortRel.getRelTypeName() + " consists of limit");
} else if (sortRel.fetch == null) {
LOG.debug("Operator rel#" + sortRel.getId() + ":" + sortRel.getRelTypeName() + " consists of sort");
} else {
LOG.debug("Operator rel#" + sortRel.getId() + ":" + sortRel.getRelTypeName() + " consists of sort+limit");
Operator<?> inputOp = inputOpAf.inputs.get(0);
Operator<?> resultOp = inputOpAf.inputs.get(0);
// of their columns
if (sortRel.getCollation() != RelCollations.EMPTY) {
// In strict mode, in the presence of order by, limit must be specified.
if (sortRel.fetch == null) {
String error = StrictChecks.checkNoLimit(hiveConf);
if (error != null)
throw new SemanticException(error);
// 1.a. Extract order for each column from collation
// Generate sortCols and order
ImmutableBitSet.Builder sortColsPosBuilder = ImmutableBitSet.builder();
ImmutableBitSet.Builder sortOutputColsPosBuilder = ImmutableBitSet.builder();
Map<Integer, RexNode> obRefToCallMap = sortRel.getInputRefToCallMap();
List<ExprNodeDesc> sortCols = new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>();
StringBuilder order = new StringBuilder();
StringBuilder nullOrder = new StringBuilder();
for (RelFieldCollation sortInfo : sortRel.getCollation().getFieldCollations()) {
int sortColumnPos = sortInfo.getFieldIndex();
ColumnInfo columnInfo = new ColumnInfo(inputOp.getSchema().getSignature().get(sortColumnPos));
ExprNodeColumnDesc sortColumn = new ExprNodeColumnDesc(columnInfo.getType(), columnInfo.getInternalName(), columnInfo.getTabAlias(), columnInfo.getIsVirtualCol());
if (sortInfo.getDirection() == RelFieldCollation.Direction.DESCENDING) {
} else {
if (sortInfo.nullDirection == RelFieldCollation.NullDirection.FIRST) {
} else if (sortInfo.nullDirection == RelFieldCollation.NullDirection.LAST) {
} else {
// Default
nullOrder.append(sortInfo.getDirection() == RelFieldCollation.Direction.DESCENDING ? "z" : "a");
if (obRefToCallMap != null) {
RexNode obExpr = obRefToCallMap.get(sortColumnPos);
if (obExpr == null) {
// Use only 1 reducer for order by
int numReducers = 1;
// We keep the columns only the columns that are part of the final output
List<String> keepColumns = new ArrayList<String>();
final ImmutableBitSet sortColsPos =;
final ImmutableBitSet sortOutputColsPos =;
final ArrayList<ColumnInfo> inputSchema = inputOp.getSchema().getSignature();
for (int pos = 0; pos < inputSchema.size(); pos++) {
if ((sortColsPos.get(pos) && sortOutputColsPos.get(pos)) || (!sortColsPos.get(pos) && !sortOutputColsPos.get(pos))) {
// 1.b. Generate reduce sink and project operator
resultOp = genReduceSinkAndBacktrackSelect(resultOp, sortCols.toArray(new ExprNodeDesc[sortCols.size()]), 0, new ArrayList<ExprNodeDesc>(), order.toString(), nullOrder.toString(), numReducers, Operation.NOT_ACID, hiveConf, keepColumns);
// 2. If we need to generate limit
if (sortRel.fetch != null) {
int limit = RexLiteral.intValue(sortRel.fetch);
int offset = sortRel.offset == null ? 0 : RexLiteral.intValue(sortRel.offset);
LimitDesc limitDesc = new LimitDesc(offset, limit);
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> cinfoLst = createColInfos(resultOp);
resultOp = OperatorFactory.getAndMakeChild(limitDesc, new RowSchema(cinfoLst), resultOp);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Generated " + resultOp + " with row schema: [" + resultOp.getSchema() + "]");
// 3. Return result
return inputOpAf.clone(resultOp);
use of in project hive by apache.
the class HiveSortProjectTransposeRule method onMatch.
// implement RelOptRule
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final HiveSortLimit sort = call.rel(0);
final HiveProject project = call.rel(1);
// Determine mapping between project input and output fields. If sort
// relies on non-trivial expressions, we can't push.
final Mappings.TargetMapping map = RelOptUtil.permutation(project.getProjects(), project.getInput().getRowType());
for (RelFieldCollation fc : sort.getCollation().getFieldCollations()) {
if (map.getTargetOpt(fc.getFieldIndex()) < 0) {
// Create new collation
final RelCollation newCollation = RelCollationTraitDef.INSTANCE.canonize(RexUtil.apply(map, sort.getCollation()));
// New operators
final HiveSortLimit newSort = sort.copy(sort.getTraitSet().replace(newCollation), project.getInput(), newCollation, sort.offset, sort.fetch);
final RelNode newProject = project.copy(sort.getTraitSet(), ImmutableList.<RelNode>of(newSort));
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class GroupByRules method toLimitSpec.
public static DefaultLimitSpec toLimitSpec(final List<String> rowOrder, final Sort sort) {
final Integer limit = sort.fetch != null ? RexLiteral.intValue(sort.fetch) : null;
final List<OrderByColumnSpec> orderBys = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(sort.getChildExps().size());
if (sort.offset != null) {
// LimitSpecs don't accept offsets.
return null;
// Extract orderBy column specs.
for (int sortKey = 0; sortKey < sort.getChildExps().size(); sortKey++) {
final RexNode sortExpression = sort.getChildExps().get(sortKey);
final RelFieldCollation collation = sort.getCollation().getFieldCollations().get(sortKey);
final OrderByColumnSpec.Direction direction;
final StringComparator comparator;
if (collation.getDirection() == RelFieldCollation.Direction.ASCENDING) {
direction = OrderByColumnSpec.Direction.ASCENDING;
} else if (collation.getDirection() == RelFieldCollation.Direction.DESCENDING) {
direction = OrderByColumnSpec.Direction.DESCENDING;
} else {
throw new ISE("WTF?! Don't know what to do with direction[%s]", collation.getDirection());
final SqlTypeName sortExpressionType = sortExpression.getType().getSqlTypeName();
if (SqlTypeName.NUMERIC_TYPES.contains(sortExpressionType) || SqlTypeName.TIMESTAMP == sortExpressionType || SqlTypeName.DATE == sortExpressionType) {
comparator = StringComparators.NUMERIC;
} else {
comparator = StringComparators.LEXICOGRAPHIC;
if (sortExpression.isA(SqlKind.INPUT_REF)) {
final RexInputRef ref = (RexInputRef) sortExpression;
final String fieldName = rowOrder.get(ref.getIndex());
orderBys.add(new OrderByColumnSpec(fieldName, direction, comparator));
} else {
// We don't support sorting by anything other than refs which actually appear in the query result.
return null;
return new DefaultLimitSpec(orderBys, limit);
use of in project druid by druid-io.
the class DruidQueryBuilder method getRelTraits.
public RelTrait[] getRelTraits() {
final List<RelFieldCollation> collations = Lists.newArrayList();
if (limitSpec != null) {
for (OrderByColumnSpec orderBy : limitSpec.getColumns()) {
final int i = outputRowSignature.getRowOrder().indexOf(orderBy.getDimension());
final RelFieldCollation.Direction direction = orderBy.getDirection() == OrderByColumnSpec.Direction.ASCENDING ? RelFieldCollation.Direction.ASCENDING : RelFieldCollation.Direction.DESCENDING;
collations.add(new RelFieldCollation(i, direction));
if (!collations.isEmpty()) {
return new RelTrait[] { RelCollations.of(collations) };
} else {
return new RelTrait[] {};