use of in project calcite by apache.
the class RelMdColumnUniqueness method simplyProjects.
private boolean simplyProjects(RelNode rel, ImmutableBitSet columns) {
if (!(rel instanceof Project)) {
return false;
Project project = (Project) rel;
final List<RexNode> projects = project.getProjects();
for (int column : columns) {
if (column >= projects.size()) {
return false;
if (!(projects.get(column) instanceof RexInputRef)) {
return false;
final RexInputRef ref = (RexInputRef) projects.get(column);
if (ref.getIndex() != column) {
return false;
return true;
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class AbstractMaterializedViewRule method perform.
* Rewriting logic is based on "Optimizing Queries Using Materialized Views:
* A Practical, Scalable Solution" by Goldstein and Larson.
* <p>On the query side, rules matches a Project-node chain or node, where node
* is either an Aggregate or a Join. Subplan rooted at the node operator must
* be composed of one or more of the following operators: TableScan, Project,
* Filter, and Join.
* <p>For each join MV, we need to check the following:
* <ol>
* <li> The plan rooted at the Join operator in the view produces all rows
* needed by the plan rooted at the Join operator in the query.</li>
* <li> All columns required by compensating predicates, i.e., predicates that
* need to be enforced over the view, are available at the view output.</li>
* <li> All output expressions can be computed from the output of the view.</li>
* <li> All output rows occur with the correct duplication factor. We might
* rely on existing Unique-Key - Foreign-Key relationships to extract that
* information.</li>
* </ol>
* <p>In turn, for each aggregate MV, we need to check the following:
* <ol>
* <li> The plan rooted at the Aggregate operator in the view produces all rows
* needed by the plan rooted at the Aggregate operator in the query.</li>
* <li> All columns required by compensating predicates, i.e., predicates that
* need to be enforced over the view, are available at the view output.</li>
* <li> The grouping columns in the query are a subset of the grouping columns
* in the view.</li>
* <li> All columns required to perform further grouping are available in the
* view output.</li>
* <li> All columns required to compute output expressions are available in the
* view output.</li>
* </ol>
* <p>The rule contains multiple extensions compared to the original paper. One of
* them is the possibility of creating rewritings using Union operators, e.g., if
* the result of a query is partially contained in the materialized view.
protected void perform(RelOptRuleCall call, Project topProject, RelNode node) {
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = node.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
final RelMetadataQuery mq = RelMetadataQuery.instance();
final RelOptPlanner planner = call.getPlanner();
final RexExecutor executor = Util.first(planner.getExecutor(), RexUtil.EXECUTOR);
final RelOptPredicateList predicates = RelOptPredicateList.EMPTY;
final RexSimplify simplify = new RexSimplify(rexBuilder, predicates, true, executor);
final List<RelOptMaterialization> materializations = (planner instanceof VolcanoPlanner) ? ((VolcanoPlanner) planner).getMaterializations() : ImmutableList.<RelOptMaterialization>of();
if (!materializations.isEmpty()) {
// try to generate a rewriting are met
if (!isValidPlan(topProject, node, mq)) {
// Obtain applicable (filtered) materializations
// TODO: Filtering of relevant materializations needs to be
// improved so we gather only materializations that might
// actually generate a valid rewriting.
final List<RelOptMaterialization> applicableMaterializations = RelOptMaterializations.getApplicableMaterializations(node, materializations);
if (!applicableMaterializations.isEmpty()) {
// 2. Initialize all query related auxiliary data structures
// that will be used throughout query rewriting process
// Generate query table references
final Set<RelTableRef> queryTableRefs = mq.getTableReferences(node);
if (queryTableRefs == null) {
// Bail out
// Extract query predicates
final RelOptPredicateList queryPredicateList = mq.getAllPredicates(node);
if (queryPredicateList == null) {
// Bail out
final RexNode pred = simplify.simplify(RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, queryPredicateList.pulledUpPredicates, false));
final Triple<RexNode, RexNode, RexNode> queryPreds = splitPredicates(rexBuilder, pred);
// Extract query equivalence classes. An equivalence class is a set
// of columns in the query output that are known to be equal.
final EquivalenceClasses qEC = new EquivalenceClasses();
for (RexNode conj : RelOptUtil.conjunctions(queryPreds.getLeft())) {
assert conj.isA(SqlKind.EQUALS);
RexCall equiCond = (RexCall) conj;
qEC.addEquivalenceClass((RexTableInputRef) equiCond.getOperands().get(0), (RexTableInputRef) equiCond.getOperands().get(1));
// rewrite the given query
for (RelOptMaterialization materialization : applicableMaterializations) {
RelNode view = materialization.tableRel;
Project topViewProject;
RelNode viewNode;
if (materialization.queryRel instanceof Project) {
topViewProject = (Project) materialization.queryRel;
viewNode = topViewProject.getInput();
} else {
topViewProject = null;
viewNode = materialization.queryRel;
// 3.1. View checks before proceeding
if (!isValidPlan(topViewProject, viewNode, mq)) {
// Skip it
// 3.2. Initialize all query related auxiliary data structures
// that will be used throughout query rewriting process
// Extract view predicates
final RelOptPredicateList viewPredicateList = mq.getAllPredicates(viewNode);
if (viewPredicateList == null) {
// Skip it
final RexNode viewPred = simplify.simplify(RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, viewPredicateList.pulledUpPredicates, false));
final Triple<RexNode, RexNode, RexNode> viewPreds = splitPredicates(rexBuilder, viewPred);
// Extract view table references
final Set<RelTableRef> viewTableRefs = mq.getTableReferences(viewNode);
if (viewTableRefs == null) {
// Bail out
// Extract view tables
MatchModality matchModality;
Multimap<RexTableInputRef, RexTableInputRef> compensationEquiColumns = ArrayListMultimap.create();
if (!queryTableRefs.equals(viewTableRefs)) {
// subset of query tables (add additional tables through joins if possible)
if (viewTableRefs.containsAll(queryTableRefs)) {
matchModality = MatchModality.QUERY_PARTIAL;
final EquivalenceClasses vEC = new EquivalenceClasses();
for (RexNode conj : RelOptUtil.conjunctions(viewPreds.getLeft())) {
assert conj.isA(SqlKind.EQUALS);
RexCall equiCond = (RexCall) conj;
vEC.addEquivalenceClass((RexTableInputRef) equiCond.getOperands().get(0), (RexTableInputRef) equiCond.getOperands().get(1));
if (!compensatePartial(viewTableRefs, vEC, queryTableRefs, compensationEquiColumns)) {
// Cannot rewrite, skip it
} else if (queryTableRefs.containsAll(viewTableRefs)) {
matchModality = MatchModality.VIEW_PARTIAL;
ViewPartialRewriting partialRewritingResult = compensateViewPartial(call.builder(), rexBuilder, mq, view, topProject, node, queryTableRefs, qEC, topViewProject, viewNode, viewTableRefs);
if (partialRewritingResult == null) {
// Cannot rewrite, skip it
// Rewrite succeeded
view = partialRewritingResult.newView;
topViewProject = partialRewritingResult.newTopViewProject;
viewNode = partialRewritingResult.newViewNode;
} else {
// Skip it
} else {
matchModality = MatchModality.COMPLETE;
// 4. We map every table in the query to a table with the same qualified
// name (all query tables are contained in the view, thus this is equivalent
// to mapping every table in the query to a view table).
final Multimap<RelTableRef, RelTableRef> multiMapTables = ArrayListMultimap.create();
for (RelTableRef queryTableRef1 : queryTableRefs) {
for (RelTableRef queryTableRef2 : queryTableRefs) {
if (queryTableRef1.getQualifiedName().equals(queryTableRef2.getQualifiedName())) {
multiMapTables.put(queryTableRef1, queryTableRef2);
// If a table is used multiple times, we will create multiple mappings,
// and we will try to rewrite the query using each of the mappings.
// Then, we will try to map every source table (query) to a target
// table (view), and if we are successful, we will try to create
// compensation predicates to filter the view results further
// (if needed).
final List<BiMap<RelTableRef, RelTableRef>> flatListMappings = generateTableMappings(multiMapTables);
for (BiMap<RelTableRef, RelTableRef> queryToViewTableMapping : flatListMappings) {
// TableMapping : mapping query tables -> view tables
// 4.0. If compensation equivalence classes exist, we need to add
// the mapping to the query mapping
final EquivalenceClasses currQEC = EquivalenceClasses.copy(qEC);
if (matchModality == MatchModality.QUERY_PARTIAL) {
for (Entry<RexTableInputRef, RexTableInputRef> e : compensationEquiColumns.entries()) {
// Copy origin
RelTableRef queryTableRef = queryToViewTableMapping.inverse().get(e.getKey().getTableRef());
RexTableInputRef queryColumnRef = RexTableInputRef.of(queryTableRef, e.getKey().getIndex(), e.getKey().getType());
// Add to query equivalence classes and table mapping
currQEC.addEquivalenceClass(queryColumnRef, e.getValue());
queryToViewTableMapping.put(e.getValue().getTableRef(), // identity
// 4.1. Compute compensation predicates, i.e., predicates that need to be
// enforced over the view to retain query semantics. The resulting predicates
// are expressed using {@link RexTableInputRef} over the query.
// First, to establish relationship, we swap column references of the view
// predicates to point to query tables and compute equivalence classes.
final RexNode viewColumnsEquiPred = RexUtil.swapTableReferences(rexBuilder, viewPreds.getLeft(), queryToViewTableMapping.inverse());
final EquivalenceClasses queryBasedVEC = new EquivalenceClasses();
for (RexNode conj : RelOptUtil.conjunctions(viewColumnsEquiPred)) {
assert conj.isA(SqlKind.EQUALS);
RexCall equiCond = (RexCall) conj;
queryBasedVEC.addEquivalenceClass((RexTableInputRef) equiCond.getOperands().get(0), (RexTableInputRef) equiCond.getOperands().get(1));
Triple<RexNode, RexNode, RexNode> compensationPreds = computeCompensationPredicates(rexBuilder, simplify, currQEC, queryPreds, queryBasedVEC, viewPreds, queryToViewTableMapping);
if (compensationPreds == null && generateUnionRewriting) {
// Attempt partial rewriting using union operator. This rewriting
// will read some data from the view and the rest of the data from
// the query computation. The resulting predicates are expressed
// using {@link RexTableInputRef} over the view.
compensationPreds = computeCompensationPredicates(rexBuilder, simplify, queryBasedVEC, viewPreds, currQEC, queryPreds, queryToViewTableMapping.inverse());
if (compensationPreds == null) {
// This was our last chance to use the view, skip it
RexNode compensationColumnsEquiPred = compensationPreds.getLeft();
RexNode otherCompensationPred = RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(compensationPreds.getMiddle(), compensationPreds.getRight()), false);
assert !compensationColumnsEquiPred.isAlwaysTrue() || !otherCompensationPred.isAlwaysTrue();
// b. Generate union branch (query).
final RelNode unionInputQuery = rewriteQuery(call.builder(), rexBuilder, simplify, mq, compensationColumnsEquiPred, otherCompensationPred, topProject, node, queryToViewTableMapping, queryBasedVEC, currQEC);
if (unionInputQuery == null) {
// Skip it
// c. Generate union branch (view).
// We trigger the unifying method. This method will either create a Project
// or an Aggregate operator on top of the view. It will also compute the
// output expressions for the query.
final RelNode unionInputView = rewriteView(call.builder(), rexBuilder, simplify, mq, matchModality, true, view, topProject, node, topViewProject, viewNode, queryToViewTableMapping, currQEC);
if (unionInputView == null) {
// Skip it
// d. Generate final rewriting (union).
final RelNode result = createUnion(call.builder(), rexBuilder, topProject, unionInputQuery, unionInputView);
if (result == null) {
// Skip it
} else if (compensationPreds != null) {
RexNode compensationColumnsEquiPred = compensationPreds.getLeft();
RexNode otherCompensationPred = RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(compensationPreds.getMiddle(), compensationPreds.getRight()), false);
// a. Compute final compensation predicate.
if (!compensationColumnsEquiPred.isAlwaysTrue() || !otherCompensationPred.isAlwaysTrue()) {
// All columns required by compensating predicates must be contained
// in the view output (condition 2).
List<RexNode> viewExprs = topViewProject == null ? extractReferences(rexBuilder, view) : topViewProject.getChildExps();
// since we want to enforce the rest
if (!compensationColumnsEquiPred.isAlwaysTrue()) {
compensationColumnsEquiPred = rewriteExpression(rexBuilder, mq, view, viewNode, viewExprs, queryToViewTableMapping.inverse(), queryBasedVEC, false, compensationColumnsEquiPred);
if (compensationColumnsEquiPred == null) {
// Skip it
// For the rest, we use the query equivalence classes
if (!otherCompensationPred.isAlwaysTrue()) {
otherCompensationPred = rewriteExpression(rexBuilder, mq, view, viewNode, viewExprs, queryToViewTableMapping.inverse(), currQEC, true, otherCompensationPred);
if (otherCompensationPred == null) {
// Skip it
final RexNode viewCompensationPred = RexUtil.composeConjunction(rexBuilder, ImmutableList.of(compensationColumnsEquiPred, otherCompensationPred), false);
// b. Generate final rewriting if possible.
// First, we add the compensation predicate (if any) on top of the view.
// Then, we trigger the unifying method. This method will either create a
// Project or an Aggregate operator on top of the view. It will also compute
// the output expressions for the query.
RelBuilder builder = call.builder();
RelNode viewWithFilter;
if (!viewCompensationPred.isAlwaysTrue()) {
RexNode newPred = simplify.simplify(viewCompensationPred);
viewWithFilter = builder.push(view).filter(newPred).build();
// We add (and push) the filter to the view plan before triggering the rewriting.
// This is useful in case some of the columns can be folded to same value after
// filter is added.
Pair<RelNode, RelNode> pushedNodes = pushFilterToOriginalViewPlan(builder, topViewProject, viewNode, newPred);
topViewProject = (Project) pushedNodes.left;
viewNode = pushedNodes.right;
} else {
viewWithFilter = builder.push(view).build();
final RelNode result = rewriteView(builder, rexBuilder, simplify, mq, matchModality, false, viewWithFilter, topProject, node, topViewProject, viewNode, queryToViewTableMapping, currQEC);
if (result == null) {
// Skip it
// end else
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class AggregateProjectMergeRule method onMatch.
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final Aggregate aggregate = call.rel(0);
final Project project = call.rel(1);
RelNode x = apply(call, aggregate, project);
if (x != null) {
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class JoinProjectTransposeRule method onMatch.
// ~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
// implement RelOptRule
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
Join joinRel = call.rel(0);
JoinRelType joinType = joinRel.getJoinType();
Project leftProj;
Project rightProj;
RelNode leftJoinChild;
RelNode rightJoinChild;
// 2) input's projection doesn't generate nulls
if (hasLeftChild(call) && (includeOuter || !joinType.generatesNullsOnLeft())) {
leftProj = call.rel(1);
leftJoinChild = getProjectChild(call, leftProj, true);
} else {
leftProj = null;
leftJoinChild = call.rel(1);
if (hasRightChild(call) && (includeOuter || !joinType.generatesNullsOnRight())) {
rightProj = getRightChild(call);
rightJoinChild = getProjectChild(call, rightProj, false);
} else {
rightProj = null;
rightJoinChild = joinRel.getRight();
if ((leftProj == null) && (rightProj == null)) {
// Construct two RexPrograms and combine them. The bottom program
// is a join of the projection expressions from the left and/or
// right projects that feed into the join. The top program contains
// the join condition.
// Create a row type representing a concatenation of the inputs
// underneath the projects that feed into the join. This is the input
// into the bottom RexProgram. Note that the join type is an inner
// join because the inputs haven't actually been joined yet.
RelDataType joinChildrenRowType = SqlValidatorUtil.deriveJoinRowType(leftJoinChild.getRowType(), rightJoinChild.getRowType(), JoinRelType.INNER, joinRel.getCluster().getTypeFactory(), null, Collections.<RelDataTypeField>emptyList());
// Create projection expressions, combining the projection expressions
// from the projects that feed into the join. For the RHS projection
// expressions, shift them to the right by the number of fields on
// the LHS. If the join input was not a projection, simply create
// references to the inputs.
int nProjExprs = joinRel.getRowType().getFieldCount();
final List<Pair<RexNode, String>> projects = new ArrayList<>();
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = joinRel.getCluster().getRexBuilder();
createProjectExprs(leftProj, leftJoinChild, 0, rexBuilder, joinChildrenRowType.getFieldList(), projects);
List<RelDataTypeField> leftFields = leftJoinChild.getRowType().getFieldList();
int nFieldsLeft = leftFields.size();
createProjectExprs(rightProj, rightJoinChild, nFieldsLeft, rexBuilder, joinChildrenRowType.getFieldList(), projects);
final List<RelDataType> projTypes = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < nProjExprs; i++) {
RelDataType projRowType = rexBuilder.getTypeFactory().createStructType(projTypes, Pair.right(projects));
// create the RexPrograms and merge them
RexProgram bottomProgram = RexProgram.create(joinChildrenRowType, Pair.left(projects), null, projRowType, rexBuilder);
RexProgramBuilder topProgramBuilder = new RexProgramBuilder(projRowType, rexBuilder);
RexProgram topProgram = topProgramBuilder.getProgram();
RexProgram mergedProgram = RexProgramBuilder.mergePrograms(topProgram, bottomProgram, rexBuilder);
// expand out the join condition and construct a new LogicalJoin that
// directly references the join children without the intervening
// ProjectRels
RexNode newCondition = mergedProgram.expandLocalRef(mergedProgram.getCondition());
Join newJoinRel = joinRel.copy(joinRel.getTraitSet(), newCondition, leftJoinChild, rightJoinChild, joinRel.getJoinType(), joinRel.isSemiJoinDone());
// expand out the new projection expressions; if the join is an
// outer join, modify the expressions to reference the join output
final List<RexNode> newProjExprs = new ArrayList<>();
List<RexLocalRef> projList = mergedProgram.getProjectList();
List<RelDataTypeField> newJoinFields = newJoinRel.getRowType().getFieldList();
int nJoinFields = newJoinFields.size();
int[] adjustments = new int[nJoinFields];
for (int i = 0; i < nProjExprs; i++) {
RexNode newExpr = mergedProgram.expandLocalRef(projList.get(i));
if (joinType != JoinRelType.INNER) {
newExpr = newExpr.accept(new RelOptUtil.RexInputConverter(rexBuilder, joinChildrenRowType.getFieldList(), newJoinFields, adjustments));
// finally, create the projection on top of the join
final RelBuilder relBuilder = call.builder();
relBuilder.project(newProjExprs, joinRel.getRowType().getFieldNames());
// projection to fix differences wrt nullability of fields
if (joinType != JoinRelType.INNER) {
relBuilder.convert(joinRel.getRowType(), false);
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class FilterProjectTransposeRule method onMatch.
// ~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final Filter filter = call.rel(0);
final Project project = call.rel(1);
if (RexOver.containsOver(project.getProjects(), null)) {
// it can be pushed down. For now we don't support this.
if (RexUtil.containsCorrelation(filter.getCondition())) {
// Correlate from being de-correlated.
// convert the filter to one that references the child of the project
RexNode newCondition = RelOptUtil.pushPastProject(filter.getCondition(), project);
final RelBuilder relBuilder = call.builder();
RelNode newFilterRel;
if (copyFilter) {
newFilterRel = filter.copy(filter.getTraitSet(), project.getInput(), RexUtil.removeNullabilityCast(relBuilder.getTypeFactory(), newCondition));
} else {
newFilterRel = relBuilder.push(project.getInput()).filter(newCondition).build();
RelNode newProjRel = copyProject ? project.copy(project.getTraitSet(), newFilterRel, project.getProjects(), project.getRowType()) : relBuilder.push(newFilterRel).project(project.getProjects(), project.getRowType().getFieldNames()).build();