use of in project samza by apache.
the class JoinTranslator method validateJoinQuery.
private void validateJoinQuery(LogicalJoin join, JoinInputNode.InputType inputTypeOnLeft, JoinInputNode.InputType inputTypeOnRight) {
JoinRelType joinRelType = join.getJoinType();
if (joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.INNER) != 0 && joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.LEFT) != 0 && joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.RIGHT) != 0) {
throw new SamzaException("Query with only INNER and LEFT/RIGHT OUTER join are supported.");
boolean isTablePosOnLeft = inputTypeOnLeft != JoinInputNode.InputType.STREAM;
boolean isTablePosOnRight = inputTypeOnRight != JoinInputNode.InputType.STREAM;
if (!isTablePosOnLeft && !isTablePosOnRight) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query with both sides of join being denoted as 'stream'. " + "Stream-stream join is not yet supported. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
if (isTablePosOnLeft && isTablePosOnRight) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query with both sides of join being denoted as 'table'. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
if (joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.LEFT) == 0 && isTablePosOnLeft) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query for outer left join. Left side of the join should be a 'stream' and " + "right side of join should be a 'table'. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
if (joinRelType.compareTo(JoinRelType.RIGHT) == 0 && isTablePosOnRight) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query for outer right join. Left side of the join should be a 'table' and " + "right side of join should be a 'stream'. " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
final List<RexNode> conjunctionList = new ArrayList<>();
decomposeAndValidateConjunction(join.getCondition(), conjunctionList);
if (conjunctionList.isEmpty()) {
throw new SamzaException("Query results in a cross join, which is not supported. Please optimize the query." + " It is expected that the joins should include JOIN ON operator in the sql query.");
// TODO Not sure why we can not allow literal as part of the join condition will revisit this in another scope
conjunctionList.forEach(rexNode -> rexNode.accept(new RexShuttle() {
public RexNode visitLiteral(RexLiteral literal) {
throw new SamzaException("Join Condition can not allow literal " + literal.toString() + " join node" + join.getDigest());
final JoinInputNode.InputType rootTableInput = isTablePosOnRight ? inputTypeOnRight : inputTypeOnLeft;
if (rootTableInput.compareTo(JoinInputNode.InputType.REMOTE_TABLE) != 0) {
// it is not a remote table all is good we do not have to validate the project on key Column
For remote Table we need to validate The join Condition and The project that is above remote table scan.
- As of today Filter need to be exactly one equi-join using the __key__ column (see SAMZA-2554)
- The Project on the top of the remote table has to contain only simple input references to any of the column used in the join.
// First let's collect the ref of columns used by the join condition.
List<RexInputRef> refCollector = new ArrayList<>();
join.getCondition().accept(new RexShuttle() {
public RexNode visitInputRef(RexInputRef inputRef) {
return inputRef;
// start index of the Remote table within the Join Row
final int tableStartIndex = isTablePosOnRight ? join.getLeft().getRowType().getFieldCount() : 0;
// end index of the Remote table withing the Join Row
final int tableEndIndex = isTablePosOnRight ? join.getRowType().getFieldCount() : join.getLeft().getRowType().getFieldCount();
List<Integer> tableRefsIdx = -> x.getIndex()).filter(// collect all the refs form table side
x -> tableStartIndex <= x && x < tableEndIndex).map(// re-adjust the offset
x -> x - tableStartIndex).sorted().collect(// we have a list with all the input from table side with 0 based index.
if (conjunctionList.size() != 1 || tableRefsIdx.size() != 1) {
// TODO We can relax this by allowing another filter to be evaluated post lookup see SAMZA-2554
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query for join condition must contain exactly one predicate for remote table on __key__ column " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
// Validate the Project, follow each input and ensure that it is a simple ref with no rexCall in the way.
if (!isValidRemoteJoinRef(tableRefsIdx.get(0), isTablePosOnRight ? join.getRight() : join.getLeft())) {
throw new SamzaException("Invalid query for join condition can not have an expression and must be reference " + SamzaSqlRelMessage.KEY_NAME + " column " + dumpRelPlanForNode(join));
use of in project samza by apache.
the class JoinTranslator method resolveSQlIOForTable.
static SqlIOConfig resolveSQlIOForTable(RelNode relNode, Map<String, SqlIOConfig> systemStreamConfigBySource) {
if (relNode instanceof HepRelVertex) {
return resolveSQlIOForTable(((HepRelVertex) relNode).getCurrentRel(), systemStreamConfigBySource);
if (relNode instanceof LogicalProject) {
return resolveSQlIOForTable(((LogicalProject) relNode).getInput(), systemStreamConfigBySource);
if (relNode instanceof LogicalFilter) {
return resolveSQlIOForTable(((LogicalFilter) relNode).getInput(), systemStreamConfigBySource);
// is considered a stream. Hence, we return null for the table.
if (relNode instanceof LogicalJoin && relNode.getInputs().size() > 1) {
return null;
if (!(relNode instanceof TableScan)) {
throw new SamzaException(String.format("Unsupported query. relNode %s is not of type TableScan.", relNode.toString()));
String sourceName = SqlIOConfig.getSourceFromSourceParts(relNode.getTable().getQualifiedName());
SqlIOConfig sourceConfig = systemStreamConfigBySource.get(sourceName);
if (sourceConfig == null) {
throw new SamzaException("Unsupported source found in join statement: " + sourceName);
return sourceConfig;
use of in project samza by apache.
the class QueryTranslator method translate.
* Translate Calcite plan to Samza stream operators.
* @param relRoot Calcite plan in the form of {@link RelRoot}. RelRoot should not include the sink ({@link TableModify})
* @param outputSystemStream Sink associated with the Calcite plan.
* @param translatorContext Context maintained across translations.
* @param queryId query index of the sql statement corresponding to the Calcite plan in multi SQL statement scenario
* starting with index 0.
public void translate(RelRoot relRoot, String outputSystemStream, TranslatorContext translatorContext, int queryId) {
final RelNode node = relRoot.project();
ScanTranslator scanTranslator = new ScanTranslator(sqlConfig.getSamzaRelConverters(), sqlConfig.getInputSystemStreamConfigBySource(), queryId);
/* update input metrics */
String queryLogicalId = String.format(TranslatorConstants.LOGSQLID_TEMPLATE, queryId);
opId = 0;
node.accept(new RelShuttleImpl() {
public RelNode visit(RelNode relNode) {
// There should never be a TableModify in the calcite plan.
Validate.isTrue(!(relNode instanceof TableModify));
return super.visit(relNode);
public RelNode visit(TableScan scan) {
RelNode node = super.visit(scan);
String logicalOpId = String.format(TranslatorConstants.LOGOPID_TEMPLATE, queryId, "scan", opId++);
scanTranslator.translate(scan, queryLogicalId, logicalOpId, translatorContext, systemDescriptors, inputMsgStreams);
return node;
public RelNode visit(LogicalFilter filter) {
RelNode node = visitChild(filter, 0, filter.getInput());
String logicalOpId = String.format(TranslatorConstants.LOGOPID_TEMPLATE, queryId, "filter", opId++);
new FilterTranslator(queryId).translate(filter, logicalOpId, translatorContext);
return node;
public RelNode visit(LogicalProject project) {
RelNode node = super.visit(project);
String logicalOpId = String.format(TranslatorConstants.LOGOPID_TEMPLATE, queryId, "project", opId++);
new ProjectTranslator(queryId).translate(project, logicalOpId, translatorContext);
return node;
public RelNode visit(LogicalJoin join) {
RelNode node = super.visit(join);
String logicalOpId = String.format(TranslatorConstants.LOGOPID_TEMPLATE, queryId, "join", opId++);
new JoinTranslator(logicalOpId, sqlConfig.getMetadataTopicPrefix(), queryId).translate(join, translatorContext);
return node;
public RelNode visit(LogicalAggregate aggregate) {
RelNode node = super.visit(aggregate);
String logicalOpId = String.format(TranslatorConstants.LOGOPID_TEMPLATE, queryId, "window", opId++);
new LogicalAggregateTranslator(logicalOpId, sqlConfig.getMetadataTopicPrefix()).translate(aggregate, translatorContext);
return node;
String logicalOpId = String.format(TranslatorConstants.LOGOPID_TEMPLATE, queryId, "insert", opId);
sendToOutputStream(queryLogicalId, logicalOpId, outputSystemStream, streamAppDescriptor, translatorContext, node, queryId);
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class EnumerableMergeJoinRule method convert.
public RelNode convert(RelNode rel) {
LogicalJoin join = (LogicalJoin) rel;
final JoinInfo info = JoinInfo.of(join.getLeft(), join.getRight(), join.getCondition());
if (join.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER) {
// (It supports non-equi join, using a post-filter; see below.)
return null;
if (info.pairs().size() == 0) {
// EnumerableMergeJoin CAN support cartesian join, but disable it for now.
return null;
final List<RelNode> newInputs = Lists.newArrayList();
final List<RelCollation> collations = Lists.newArrayList();
int offset = 0;
for (Ord<RelNode> ord : {
RelTraitSet traits = ord.e.getTraitSet().replace(EnumerableConvention.INSTANCE);
if (!info.pairs().isEmpty()) {
final List<RelFieldCollation> fieldCollations = Lists.newArrayList();
for (int key : info.keys().get(ord.i)) {
fieldCollations.add(new RelFieldCollation(key, RelFieldCollation.Direction.ASCENDING, RelFieldCollation.NullDirection.LAST));
final RelCollation collation = RelCollations.of(fieldCollations);
collations.add(RelCollations.shift(collation, offset));
traits = traits.replace(collation);
newInputs.add(convert(ord.e, traits));
offset += ord.e.getRowType().getFieldCount();
final RelNode left = newInputs.get(0);
final RelNode right = newInputs.get(1);
final RelOptCluster cluster = join.getCluster();
RelNode newRel;
try {
RelTraitSet traits = join.getTraitSet().replace(EnumerableConvention.INSTANCE);
if (!collations.isEmpty()) {
traits = traits.replace(collations);
newRel = new EnumerableMergeJoin(cluster, traits, left, right, info.getEquiCondition(left, right, cluster.getRexBuilder()), info.leftKeys, info.rightKeys, join.getVariablesSet(), join.getJoinType());
} catch (InvalidRelException e) {
return null;
if (!info.isEqui()) {
newRel = new EnumerableFilter(cluster, newRel.getTraitSet(), newRel, info.getRemaining(cluster.getRexBuilder()));
return newRel;
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class RelMetadataTest method checkAverageRowSize.
private void checkAverageRowSize(RelOptCluster cluster, RelOptTable empTable, RelOptTable deptTable) {
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder();
final RelMetadataQuery mq = RelMetadataQuery.instance();
final LogicalTableScan empScan = LogicalTableScan.create(cluster, empTable);
Double rowSize = mq.getAverageRowSize(empScan);
List<Double> columnSizes = mq.getAverageColumnSizes(empScan);
assertThat(columnSizes.size(), equalTo(empScan.getRowType().getFieldCount()));
assertThat(columnSizes, equalTo(Arrays.asList(4.0, 40.0, 20.0, 4.0, 8.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 1.0)));
assertThat(rowSize, equalTo(89.0));
// Empty values
final LogicalValues emptyValues = LogicalValues.createEmpty(cluster, empTable.getRowType());
rowSize = mq.getAverageRowSize(emptyValues);
columnSizes = mq.getAverageColumnSizes(emptyValues);
assertThat(columnSizes.size(), equalTo(emptyValues.getRowType().getFieldCount()));
assertThat(columnSizes, equalTo(Arrays.asList(4.0, 40.0, 20.0, 4.0, 8.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 1.0)));
assertThat(rowSize, equalTo(89.0));
// Values
final RelDataType rowType = cluster.getTypeFactory().builder().add("a", SqlTypeName.INTEGER).add("b", SqlTypeName.VARCHAR).add("c", SqlTypeName.VARCHAR).build();
final ImmutableList.Builder<ImmutableList<RexLiteral>> tuples = ImmutableList.builder();
addRow(tuples, rexBuilder, 1, "1234567890", "ABC");
addRow(tuples, rexBuilder, 2, "1", "A");
addRow(tuples, rexBuilder, 3, "2", null);
final LogicalValues values = LogicalValues.create(cluster, rowType,;
rowSize = mq.getAverageRowSize(values);
columnSizes = mq.getAverageColumnSizes(values);
assertThat(columnSizes.size(), equalTo(values.getRowType().getFieldCount()));
assertThat(columnSizes, equalTo(Arrays.asList(4.0, 8.0, 3.0)));
assertThat(rowSize, equalTo(15.0));
// Union
final LogicalUnion union = LogicalUnion.create(ImmutableList.<RelNode>of(empScan, emptyValues), true);
rowSize = mq.getAverageRowSize(union);
columnSizes = mq.getAverageColumnSizes(union);
assertThat(columnSizes.size(), equalTo(9));
assertThat(columnSizes, equalTo(Arrays.asList(4.0, 40.0, 20.0, 4.0, 8.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 1.0)));
assertThat(rowSize, equalTo(89.0));
// Filter
final LogicalTableScan deptScan = LogicalTableScan.create(cluster, deptTable);
final LogicalFilter filter = LogicalFilter.create(deptScan, rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.LESS_THAN, rexBuilder.makeInputRef(deptScan, 0), rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.TEN)));
rowSize = mq.getAverageRowSize(filter);
columnSizes = mq.getAverageColumnSizes(filter);
assertThat(columnSizes.size(), equalTo(2));
assertThat(columnSizes, equalTo(Arrays.asList(4.0, 20.0)));
assertThat(rowSize, equalTo(24.0));
// Project
final LogicalProject deptProject = LogicalProject.create(filter, ImmutableList.of(rexBuilder.makeInputRef(filter, 0), rexBuilder.makeInputRef(filter, 1), rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.PLUS, rexBuilder.makeInputRef(filter, 0), rexBuilder.makeExactLiteral(BigDecimal.ONE)), rexBuilder.makeCall(SqlStdOperatorTable.CHAR_LENGTH, rexBuilder.makeInputRef(filter, 1))), (List<String>) null);
rowSize = mq.getAverageRowSize(deptProject);
columnSizes = mq.getAverageColumnSizes(deptProject);
assertThat(columnSizes.size(), equalTo(4));
assertThat(columnSizes, equalTo(Arrays.asList(4.0, 20.0, 4.0, 4.0)));
assertThat(rowSize, equalTo(32.0));
// Join
final LogicalJoin join = LogicalJoin.create(empScan, deptProject, rexBuilder.makeLiteral(true), ImmutableSet.<CorrelationId>of(), JoinRelType.INNER);
rowSize = mq.getAverageRowSize(join);
columnSizes = mq.getAverageColumnSizes(join);
assertThat(columnSizes.size(), equalTo(13));
assertThat(columnSizes, equalTo(Arrays.asList(4.0, 40.0, 20.0, 4.0, 8.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 1.0, 4.0, 20.0, 4.0, 4.0)));
assertThat(rowSize, equalTo(121.0));
// Aggregate
final LogicalAggregate aggregate = LogicalAggregate.create(join, ImmutableBitSet.of(2, 0), ImmutableList.<ImmutableBitSet>of(), ImmutableList.of(AggregateCall.create(SqlStdOperatorTable.COUNT, false, false, ImmutableIntList.of(), -1, 2, join, null, null)));
rowSize = mq.getAverageRowSize(aggregate);
columnSizes = mq.getAverageColumnSizes(aggregate);
assertThat(columnSizes.size(), equalTo(3));
assertThat(columnSizes, equalTo(Arrays.asList(4.0, 20.0, 8.0)));
assertThat(rowSize, equalTo(32.0));
// Smoke test Parallelism and Memory metadata providers
assertThat(mq.memory(aggregate), nullValue());
assertThat(mq.cumulativeMemoryWithinPhase(aggregate), nullValue());
assertThat(mq.cumulativeMemoryWithinPhaseSplit(aggregate), nullValue());
assertThat(mq.isPhaseTransition(aggregate), is(false));
assertThat(mq.splitCount(aggregate), is(1));