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Example 16 with SqlKind

use of in project flink by apache.

the class HiveParserBaseSemanticAnalyzer method getOrderKeys.

public static List<RexFieldCollation> getOrderKeys(OrderSpec orderSpec, HiveParserRexNodeConverter converter, HiveParserRowResolver inputRR, HiveParserTypeCheckCtx typeCheckCtx, HiveParserSemanticAnalyzer semanticAnalyzer) throws SemanticException {
    List<RexFieldCollation> orderKeys = new ArrayList<>();
    if (orderSpec != null) {
        List<OrderExpression> oExprs = orderSpec.getExpressions();
        for (OrderExpression oExpr : oExprs) {
            ExprNodeDesc exp = semanticAnalyzer.genExprNodeDesc(oExpr.getExpression(), inputRR, typeCheckCtx);
            RexNode ordExp = converter.convert(exp);
            Set<SqlKind> flags = new HashSet<>();
            if (oExpr.getOrder() == Order.DESC) {
            if (oExpr.getNullOrder() == NullOrder.NULLS_FIRST) {
            } else if (oExpr.getNullOrder() == NullOrder.NULLS_LAST) {
            } else {
                throw new SemanticException("Unexpected null ordering option: " + oExpr.getNullOrder());
            orderKeys.add(new RexFieldCollation(ordExp, flags));
    return orderKeys;
Also used : OrderExpression(org.apache.flink.table.planner.delegation.hive.copy.HiveParserPTFInvocationSpec.OrderExpression) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ExprNodeDesc(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.plan.ExprNodeDesc) SqlKind(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind) RexFieldCollation(org.apache.calcite.rex.RexFieldCollation) RexNode(org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) SemanticException(org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.SemanticException)

Example 17 with SqlKind

use of in project flink by apache.

the class RexSimplify method simplifyIs.

private RexNode simplifyIs(RexCall call, RexUnknownAs unknownAs) {
    final SqlKind kind = call.getKind();
    final RexNode a = call.getOperands().get(0);
    final RexNode simplified = simplifyIs1(kind, a, unknownAs);
    return simplified == null ? call : simplified;
Also used : SqlKind(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind) Nonnull(javax.annotation.Nonnull)

Example 18 with SqlKind

use of in project flink by apache.

the class FlinkAggregateExpandDistinctAggregatesRule method onMatch.

// ~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
    final Aggregate aggregate = call.rel(0);
    if (!AggregateUtil.containsAccurateDistinctCall(aggregate.getAggCallList())) {
    // accurate distinct call.
    if (AggregateUtil.containsApproximateDistinctCall(aggregate.getAggCallList())) {
        throw new TableException("There are both Distinct AggCall and Approximate Distinct AggCall in one sql statement, " + "it is not supported yet.\nPlease choose one of them.");
    // by DecomposeGroupingSetsRule. Then this rule expands it's distinct aggregates.
    if (aggregate.getGroupSets().size() > 1) {
    // Find all of the agg expressions. We use a LinkedHashSet to ensure determinism.
    // Find all aggregate calls without distinct
    int nonDistinctAggCallCount = 0;
    // Find all aggregate calls without distinct but ignore MAX, MIN, BIT_AND, BIT_OR
    int nonDistinctAggCallExcludingIgnoredCount = 0;
    int filterCount = 0;
    int unsupportedNonDistinctAggCallCount = 0;
    final Set<Pair<List<Integer>, Integer>> argLists = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    for (AggregateCall aggCall : aggregate.getAggCallList()) {
        if (aggCall.filterArg >= 0) {
        if (!aggCall.isDistinct()) {
            final SqlKind aggCallKind = aggCall.getAggregation().getKind();
            // We only support COUNT/SUM/MIN/MAX for the "single" count distinct optimization
            switch(aggCallKind) {
                case COUNT:
                case SUM:
                case SUM0:
                case MIN:
                case MAX:
            if (aggCall.getAggregation().getDistinctOptionality() == Optionality.IGNORED) {
                argLists.add(Pair.of(aggCall.getArgList(), aggCall.filterArg));
            } else {
        } else {
            argLists.add(Pair.of(aggCall.getArgList(), aggCall.filterArg));
    final int distinctAggCallCount = aggregate.getAggCallList().size() - nonDistinctAggCallCount;
    Preconditions.checkState(argLists.size() > 0, "containsDistinctCall lied");
    // we can still use this promotion.
    if (nonDistinctAggCallExcludingIgnoredCount == 0 && argLists.size() == 1 && aggregate.getGroupType() == Group.SIMPLE) {
        final Pair<List<Integer>, Integer> pair =;
        final RelBuilder relBuilder = call.builder();
        convertMonopole(relBuilder, aggregate, pair.left, pair.right);
    if (useGroupingSets) {
        rewriteUsingGroupingSets(call, aggregate);
    // we can generate multi-phase aggregates
    if (// one distinct aggregate
    distinctAggCallCount == 1 && // no filter
    filterCount == 0 && unsupportedNonDistinctAggCallCount == // sum/min/max/count in non-distinct aggregate
    0 && nonDistinctAggCallCount > 0) {
        // one or more non-distinct aggregates
        final RelBuilder relBuilder = call.builder();
        convertSingletonDistinct(relBuilder, aggregate, argLists);
    // Create a list of the expressions which will yield the final result.
    // Initially, the expressions point to the input field.
    final List<RelDataTypeField> aggFields = aggregate.getRowType().getFieldList();
    final List<RexInputRef> refs = new ArrayList<>();
    final List<String> fieldNames = aggregate.getRowType().getFieldNames();
    final ImmutableBitSet groupSet = aggregate.getGroupSet();
    final int groupCount = aggregate.getGroupCount();
    for (int i : Util.range(groupCount)) {
        refs.add(RexInputRef.of(i, aggFields));
    // Aggregate the original relation, including any non-distinct aggregates.
    final List<AggregateCall> newAggCallList = new ArrayList<>();
    int i = -1;
    for (AggregateCall aggCall : aggregate.getAggCallList()) {
        if (aggCall.isDistinct()) {
        refs.add(new RexInputRef(groupCount + newAggCallList.size(), aggFields.get(groupCount + i).getType()));
    // In the case where there are no non-distinct aggregates (regardless of
    // whether there are group bys), there's no need to generate the
    // extra aggregate and join.
    final RelBuilder relBuilder = call.builder();
    int n = 0;
    if (!newAggCallList.isEmpty()) {
        final RelBuilder.GroupKey groupKey = relBuilder.groupKey(groupSet, aggregate.getGroupSets());
        relBuilder.aggregate(groupKey, newAggCallList);
    // set of operands.
    for (Pair<List<Integer>, Integer> argList : argLists) {
        doRewrite(relBuilder, aggregate, n++, argList.left, argList.right, refs);
    relBuilder.project(refs, fieldNames);
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) TableException(org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException) RelBuilder( ImmutableBitSet(org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableBitSet) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SqlKind(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind) AggregateCall(org.apache.calcite.rel.core.AggregateCall) RelDataTypeField(org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeField) RexInputRef(org.apache.calcite.rex.RexInputRef) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ImmutableIntList(org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableIntList) List(java.util.List) Aggregate(org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Aggregate) LogicalAggregate(org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalAggregate) Pair(org.apache.calcite.util.Pair)

Example 19 with SqlKind

use of in project flink by apache.

the class FlinkAggregateRemoveRule method matches.

public boolean matches(RelOptRuleCall call) {
    final Aggregate aggregate = call.rel(0);
    final RelNode input = call.rel(1);
    if (aggregate.getGroupCount() == 0 || aggregate.indicator || aggregate.getGroupType() != Aggregate.Group.SIMPLE) {
        return false;
    for (AggregateCall aggCall : aggregate.getAggCallList()) {
        SqlKind aggCallKind = aggCall.getAggregation().getKind();
        // TODO supports more AggregateCalls
        boolean isAllowAggCall = aggCallKind == SqlKind.SUM || aggCallKind == SqlKind.MIN || aggCallKind == SqlKind.MAX || aggCall.getAggregation() instanceof SqlAuxiliaryGroupAggFunction;
        if (!isAllowAggCall || aggCall.filterArg >= 0 || aggCall.getArgList().size() != 1) {
            return false;
    final RelMetadataQuery mq = call.getMetadataQuery();
    return SqlFunctions.isTrue(mq.areColumnsUnique(input, aggregate.getGroupSet()));
Also used : AggregateCall(org.apache.calcite.rel.core.AggregateCall) RelMetadataQuery(org.apache.calcite.rel.metadata.RelMetadataQuery) RelNode(org.apache.calcite.rel.RelNode) SqlAuxiliaryGroupAggFunction(org.apache.flink.table.planner.functions.sql.internal.SqlAuxiliaryGroupAggFunction) Aggregate(org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Aggregate) LogicalAggregate(org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalAggregate) SqlKind(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind)

Example 20 with SqlKind

use of in project flink by apache.

the class SqlValidatorImpl method registerFrom.

 * Registers scopes and namespaces implied a relational expression in the FROM clause.
 * <p>{@code parentScope} and {@code usingScope} are often the same. They differ when the
 * namespace are not visible within the parent. (Example needed.)
 * <p>Likewise, {@code enclosingNode} and {@code node} are often the same. {@code enclosingNode}
 * is the topmost node within the FROM clause, from which any decorations like an alias (<code>
 * AS alias</code>) or a table sample clause are stripped away to get {@code node}. Both are
 * recorded in the namespace.
 * @param parentScope Parent scope which this scope turns to in order to resolve objects
 * @param usingScope Scope whose child list this scope should add itself to
 * @param register Whether to register this scope as a child of {@code usingScope}
 * @param node Node which namespace is based on
 * @param enclosingNode Outermost node for namespace, including decorations such as alias and
 *     sample clause
 * @param alias Alias
 * @param extendList Definitions of extended columns
 * @param forceNullable Whether to force the type of namespace to be nullable because it is in
 *     an outer join
 * @param lateral Whether LATERAL is specified, so that items to the left of this in the JOIN
 *     tree are visible in the scope
 * @return registered node, usually the same as {@code node}
private SqlNode registerFrom(SqlValidatorScope parentScope, SqlValidatorScope usingScope, boolean register, final SqlNode node, SqlNode enclosingNode, String alias, SqlNodeList extendList, boolean forceNullable, final boolean lateral) {
    final SqlKind kind = node.getKind();
    SqlNode expr;
    SqlNode newExpr;
    // Add an alias if necessary.
    SqlNode newNode = node;
    if (alias == null) {
        switch(kind) {
            case IDENTIFIER:
            case OVER:
                alias = deriveAlias(node, -1);
                if (alias == null) {
                    alias = deriveAlias(node, nextGeneratedId++);
                if (config.identifierExpansion()) {
                    newNode = SqlValidatorUtil.addAlias(node, alias);
            case SELECT:
            case UNION:
            case INTERSECT:
            case EXCEPT:
            case VALUES:
            case UNNEST:
            case OTHER_FUNCTION:
            case COLLECTION_TABLE:
            case PIVOT:
            case MATCH_RECOGNIZE:
                // give this anonymous construct a name since later
                // query processing stages rely on it
                alias = deriveAlias(node, nextGeneratedId++);
                if (config.identifierExpansion()) {
                    // Since we're expanding identifiers, we should make the
                    // aliases explicit too, otherwise the expanded query
                    // will not be consistent if we convert back to SQL, e.g.
                    // "select EXPR$1.EXPR$2 from values (1)".
                    newNode = SqlValidatorUtil.addAlias(node, alias);
    if (lateral) {
        SqlValidatorScope s = usingScope;
        while (s instanceof JoinScope) {
            s = ((JoinScope) s).getUsingScope();
        final SqlNode node2 = s != null ? s.getNode() : node;
        final TableScope tableScope = new TableScope(parentScope, node2);
        if (usingScope instanceof ListScope) {
            for (ScopeChild child : ((ListScope) usingScope).children) {
                tableScope.addChild(child.namespace,, child.nullable);
        parentScope = tableScope;
    SqlCall call;
    SqlNode operand;
    SqlNode newOperand;
    switch(kind) {
        case AS:
            call = (SqlCall) node;
            if (alias == null) {
                alias = call.operand(1).toString();
            final boolean needAlias = call.operandCount() > 2;
            expr = call.operand(0);
            newExpr = registerFrom(parentScope, usingScope, !needAlias, expr, enclosingNode, alias, extendList, forceNullable, lateral);
            if (newExpr != expr) {
                call.setOperand(0, newExpr);
            // column names. We skipped registering it just now.
            if (needAlias) {
                registerNamespace(usingScope, alias, new AliasNamespace(this, call, enclosingNode), forceNullable);
            return node;
        case MATCH_RECOGNIZE:
            registerMatchRecognize(parentScope, usingScope, (SqlMatchRecognize) node, enclosingNode, alias, forceNullable);
            return node;
        case PIVOT:
            registerPivot(parentScope, usingScope, (SqlPivot) node, enclosingNode, alias, forceNullable);
            return node;
        case TABLESAMPLE:
            call = (SqlCall) node;
            expr = call.operand(0);
            newExpr = registerFrom(parentScope, usingScope, true, expr, enclosingNode, alias, extendList, forceNullable, lateral);
            if (newExpr != expr) {
                call.setOperand(0, newExpr);
            return node;
        case JOIN:
            final SqlJoin join = (SqlJoin) node;
            final JoinScope joinScope = new JoinScope(parentScope, usingScope, join);
            scopes.put(join, joinScope);
            final SqlNode left = join.getLeft();
            final SqlNode right = join.getRight();
            boolean forceLeftNullable = forceNullable;
            boolean forceRightNullable = forceNullable;
            switch(join.getJoinType()) {
                case LEFT:
                    forceRightNullable = true;
                case RIGHT:
                    forceLeftNullable = true;
                case FULL:
                    forceLeftNullable = true;
                    forceRightNullable = true;
            final SqlNode newLeft = registerFrom(parentScope, joinScope, true, left, left, null, null, forceLeftNullable, lateral);
            if (newLeft != left) {
            final SqlNode newRight = registerFrom(parentScope, joinScope, true, right, right, null, null, forceRightNullable, lateral);
            if (newRight != right) {
            registerSubQueries(joinScope, join.getCondition());
            final JoinNamespace joinNamespace = new JoinNamespace(this, join);
            registerNamespace(null, null, joinNamespace, forceNullable);
            return join;
        case IDENTIFIER:
            final SqlIdentifier id = (SqlIdentifier) node;
            final IdentifierNamespace newNs = new IdentifierNamespace(this, id, extendList, enclosingNode, parentScope);
            registerNamespace(register ? usingScope : null, alias, newNs, forceNullable);
            if (tableScope == null) {
                tableScope = new TableScope(parentScope, node);
            tableScope.addChild(newNs, alias, forceNullable);
            if (extendList != null && extendList.size() != 0) {
                return enclosingNode;
            return newNode;
        case LATERAL:
            return registerFrom(parentScope, usingScope, register, ((SqlCall) node).operand(0), enclosingNode, alias, extendList, forceNullable, true);
        case COLLECTION_TABLE:
            call = (SqlCall) node;
            operand = call.operand(0);
            newOperand = registerFrom(parentScope, usingScope, register, operand, enclosingNode, alias, extendList, forceNullable, lateral);
            if (newOperand != operand) {
                call.setOperand(0, newOperand);
            // its first operand's (the table) scope.
            if (operand instanceof SqlBasicCall) {
                final SqlBasicCall call1 = (SqlBasicCall) operand;
                final SqlOperator op = call1.getOperator();
                if (op instanceof SqlWindowTableFunction && call1.operand(0).getKind() == SqlKind.SELECT) {
                    scopes.put(node, getSelectScope(call1.operand(0)));
                    return newNode;
            // Put the usingScope which can be a JoinScope
            // or a SelectScope, in order to see the left items
            // of the JOIN tree.
            scopes.put(node, usingScope);
            return newNode;
        case UNNEST:
            if (!lateral) {
                return registerFrom(parentScope, usingScope, register, node, enclosingNode, alias, extendList, forceNullable, true);
        // fall through
        case SELECT:
        case UNION:
        case INTERSECT:
        case EXCEPT:
        case VALUES:
        case WITH:
        case OTHER_FUNCTION:
            if (alias == null) {
                alias = deriveAlias(node, nextGeneratedId++);
            registerQuery(parentScope, register ? usingScope : null, node, enclosingNode, alias, forceNullable);
            return newNode;
        case OVER:
            if (!shouldAllowOverRelation()) {
                throw Util.unexpected(kind);
            call = (SqlCall) node;
            final OverScope overScope = new OverScope(usingScope, call);
            scopes.put(call, overScope);
            operand = call.operand(0);
            newOperand = registerFrom(parentScope, overScope, true, operand, enclosingNode, alias, extendList, forceNullable, lateral);
            if (newOperand != operand) {
                call.setOperand(0, newOperand);
            for (ScopeChild child : overScope.children) {
                registerNamespace(register ? usingScope : null,, child.namespace, forceNullable);
            return newNode;
        case TABLE_REF:
            call = (SqlCall) node;
            registerFrom(parentScope, usingScope, register, call.operand(0), enclosingNode, alias, extendList, forceNullable, lateral);
            if (extendList != null && extendList.size() != 0) {
                return enclosingNode;
            return newNode;
        case EXTEND:
            final SqlCall extend = (SqlCall) node;
            return registerFrom(parentScope, usingScope, true, extend.getOperandList().get(0), extend, alias, (SqlNodeList) extend.getOperandList().get(1), forceNullable, lateral);
        case SNAPSHOT:
            call = (SqlCall) node;
            operand = call.operand(0);
            newOperand = registerFrom(parentScope, usingScope, register, operand, enclosingNode, alias, extendList, forceNullable, lateral);
            if (newOperand != operand) {
                call.setOperand(0, newOperand);
            // Put the usingScope which can be a JoinScope
            // or a SelectScope, in order to see the left items
            // of the JOIN tree.
            scopes.put(node, usingScope);
            return newNode;
            throw Util.unexpected(kind);
Also used : SqlCall(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall) SqlOperator(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlOperator) SqlKind(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind) SqlIdentifier(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlIdentifier) SqlBasicCall(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlBasicCall) SqlJoin(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlJoin) SqlWindowTableFunction(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlWindowTableFunction) SqlNode(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode)


SqlKind (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlKind)44 RexNode (org.apache.calcite.rex.RexNode)21 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 SqlOperator (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlOperator)14 RelDataType (org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType)11 RexCall (org.apache.calcite.rex.RexCall)10 RexInputRef (org.apache.calcite.rex.RexInputRef)8 List (java.util.List)7 AggregateCall (org.apache.calcite.rel.core.AggregateCall)7 RexBuilder (org.apache.calcite.rex.RexBuilder)7 SqlNode (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode)6 ImmutableBitSet (org.apache.calcite.util.ImmutableBitSet)6 RelDataTypeField (org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeField)5 SqlAggFunction (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlAggFunction)5 SqlCall (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall)5 ImmutableList ( SqlBasicCall (org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlBasicCall)4 Aggregate (org.apache.calcite.rel.core.Aggregate)3 LogicalAggregate (org.apache.calcite.rel.logical.LogicalAggregate)3 SqlTypeName (org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeName)3