use of in project calcite by apache.
the class CalcitePrepareImpl method prepare2_.
<T> CalciteSignature<T> prepare2_(Context context, Query<T> query, Type elementType, long maxRowCount, CalciteCatalogReader catalogReader, RelOptPlanner planner) {
final JavaTypeFactory typeFactory = context.getTypeFactory();
final EnumerableRel.Prefer prefer;
if (elementType == Object[].class) {
prefer = EnumerableRel.Prefer.ARRAY;
} else {
prefer = EnumerableRel.Prefer.CUSTOM;
final Convention resultConvention = enableBindable ? BindableConvention.INSTANCE : EnumerableConvention.INSTANCE;
final CalcitePreparingStmt preparingStmt = new CalcitePreparingStmt(this, context, catalogReader, typeFactory, context.getRootSchema(), prefer, planner, resultConvention, createConvertletTable());
final RelDataType x;
final Prepare.PreparedResult preparedResult;
final Meta.StatementType statementType;
if (query.sql != null) {
final CalciteConnectionConfig config = context.config();
final SqlParser.ConfigBuilder parserConfig = createParserConfig().setQuotedCasing(config.quotedCasing()).setUnquotedCasing(config.unquotedCasing()).setQuoting(config.quoting()).setConformance(config.conformance()).setCaseSensitive(config.caseSensitive());
final SqlParserImplFactory parserFactory = config.parserFactory(SqlParserImplFactory.class, null);
if (parserFactory != null) {
SqlParser parser = createParser(query.sql, parserConfig);
SqlNode sqlNode;
try {
sqlNode = parser.parseStmt();
statementType = getStatementType(sqlNode.getKind());
} catch (SqlParseException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("parse failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
} Object[] { query.sql, sqlNode });
if (sqlNode.getKind().belongsTo(SqlKind.DDL)) {
executeDdl(context, sqlNode);
return new CalciteSignature<>(query.sql, ImmutableList.<AvaticaParameter>of(), ImmutableMap.<String, Object>of(), null, ImmutableList.<ColumnMetaData>of(), Meta.CursorFactory.OBJECT, null, ImmutableList.<RelCollation>of(), -1, null, Meta.StatementType.OTHER_DDL);
final SqlValidator validator = createSqlValidator(context, catalogReader);
preparedResult = preparingStmt.prepareSql(sqlNode, Object.class, validator, true);
switch(sqlNode.getKind()) {
case INSERT:
case DELETE:
case UPDATE:
// FIXME: getValidatedNodeType is wrong for DML
x = RelOptUtil.createDmlRowType(sqlNode.getKind(), typeFactory);
x = validator.getValidatedNodeType(sqlNode);
} else if (query.queryable != null) {
x = context.getTypeFactory().createType(elementType);
preparedResult = preparingStmt.prepareQueryable(query.queryable, x);
statementType = getStatementType(preparedResult);
} else {
assert query.rel != null;
x = query.rel.getRowType();
preparedResult = preparingStmt.prepareRel(query.rel);
statementType = getStatementType(preparedResult);
final List<AvaticaParameter> parameters = new ArrayList<>();
final RelDataType parameterRowType = preparedResult.getParameterRowType();
for (RelDataTypeField field : parameterRowType.getFieldList()) {
RelDataType type = field.getType();
parameters.add(new AvaticaParameter(false, getPrecision(type), getScale(type), getTypeOrdinal(type), getTypeName(type), getClassName(type), field.getName()));
RelDataType jdbcType = makeStruct(typeFactory, x);
final List<List<String>> originList = preparedResult.getFieldOrigins();
final List<ColumnMetaData> columns = getColumnMetaDataList(typeFactory, x, jdbcType, originList);
Class resultClazz = null;
if (preparedResult instanceof Typed) {
resultClazz = (Class) ((Typed) preparedResult).getElementType();
final Meta.CursorFactory cursorFactory = preparingStmt.resultConvention == BindableConvention.INSTANCE ? Meta.CursorFactory.ARRAY : Meta.CursorFactory.deduce(columns, resultClazz);
// noinspection unchecked
final Bindable<T> bindable = preparedResult.getBindable(cursorFactory);
return new CalciteSignature<>(query.sql, parameters, preparingStmt.internalParameters, jdbcType, columns, cursorFactory, context.getRootSchema(), preparedResult instanceof Prepare.PreparedResultImpl ? ((Prepare.PreparedResultImpl) preparedResult).collations : ImmutableList.<RelCollation>of(), maxRowCount, bindable, statementType);
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SetopOperandTypeChecker method checkOperandTypes.
public boolean checkOperandTypes(SqlCallBinding callBinding, boolean throwOnFailure) {
assert callBinding.getOperandCount() == 2 : "setops are binary (for now)";
final RelDataType[] argTypes = new RelDataType[callBinding.getOperandCount()];
int colCount = -1;
final SqlValidator validator = callBinding.getValidator();
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++) {
final RelDataType argType = argTypes[i] = callBinding.getOperandType(i);
if (!argType.isStruct()) {
if (throwOnFailure) {
throw new AssertionError("setop arg must be a struct");
} else {
return false;
// Each operand must have the same number of columns.
final List<RelDataTypeField> fields = argType.getFieldList();
if (i == 0) {
colCount = fields.size();
if (fields.size() != colCount) {
if (throwOnFailure) {
SqlNode node = callBinding.operand(i);
if (node instanceof SqlSelect) {
node = ((SqlSelect) node).getSelectList();
throw validator.newValidationError(node, RESOURCE.columnCountMismatchInSetop(callBinding.getOperator().getName()));
} else {
return false;
// column j.
for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
final int i2 = i;
final RelDataType type = callBinding.getTypeFactory().leastRestrictive(new AbstractList<RelDataType>() {
public RelDataType get(int index) {
return argTypes[index].getFieldList().get(i2).getType();
public int size() {
return argTypes.length;
if (type == null) {
if (throwOnFailure) {
SqlNode field = SqlUtil.getSelectListItem(callBinding.operand(0), i);
throw validator.newValidationError(field, // 1-based
RESOURCE.columnTypeMismatchInSetop(// 1-based
i + 1, callBinding.getOperator().getName()));
} else {
return false;
return true;
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlValidatorTest method testRewriteWithoutIdentifierExpansion.
public void testRewriteWithoutIdentifierExpansion() {
SqlValidator validator = tester.getValidator();
tester.checkRewrite(validator, "select * from dept", "SELECT *\n" + "FROM `DEPT`");
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlValidatorTest method testRewriteWithIdentifierExpansion.
public void testRewriteWithIdentifierExpansion() {
SqlValidator validator = tester.getValidator();
tester.checkRewrite(validator, "select * from dept", "SELECT `DEPT`.`DEPTNO`, `DEPT`.`NAME`\n" + "FROM `CATALOG`.`SALES`.`DEPT` AS `DEPT`");
use of in project calcite by apache.
the class SqlValidatorTest method testCoalesceWithoutRewrite.
public void testCoalesceWithoutRewrite() {
SqlValidator validator = tester.getValidator();
if (validator.shouldExpandIdentifiers()) {
tester.checkRewrite(validator, "select coalesce(deptno, empno) from emp", "SELECT COALESCE(`EMP`.`DEPTNO`, `EMP`.`EMPNO`)\n" + "FROM `CATALOG`.`SALES`.`EMP` AS `EMP`");
} else {
tester.checkRewrite(validator, "select coalesce(deptno, empno) from emp", "SELECT COALESCE(`DEPTNO`, `EMPNO`)\n" + "FROM `EMP`");