use of org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.ManagedLedgerImpl in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class ManagedLedgerMetricsTest method testManagedLedgerMetrics.
public void testManagedLedgerMetrics() throws Exception {
ManagedLedgerMetrics metrics = new ManagedLedgerMetrics(pulsar);
final String addEntryRateKey = "brk_ml_AddEntryMessagesRate";
List<Metrics> list1 = metrics.generate();
Producer producer = pulsarClient.createProducer("persistent://my-property/use/my-ns/my-topic1");
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
String message = "my-message-" + i;
for (Entry<String, ManagedLedgerImpl> ledger : ((ManagedLedgerFactoryImpl) pulsar.getManagedLedgerFactory()).getManagedLedgers().entrySet()) {
ManagedLedgerMBeanImpl stats = (ManagedLedgerMBeanImpl) ledger.getValue().getStats();
stats.refreshStats(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
List<Metrics> list2 = metrics.generate();
Assert.assertEquals(list2.get(0).getMetrics().get(addEntryRateKey), 10.0D);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
String message = "my-message-" + i;
for (Entry<String, ManagedLedgerImpl> ledger : ((ManagedLedgerFactoryImpl) pulsar.getManagedLedgerFactory()).getManagedLedgers().entrySet()) {
ManagedLedgerMBeanImpl stats = (ManagedLedgerMBeanImpl) ledger.getValue().getStats();
stats.refreshStats(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
List<Metrics> list3 = metrics.generate();
Assert.assertEquals(list3.get(0).getMetrics().get(addEntryRateKey), 5.0D);
use of org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.ManagedLedgerImpl in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class PersistentTopicE2ETest method testProducerReturnedMessageId.
public void testProducerReturnedMessageId() throws Exception {
final String topicName = "persistent://prop/use/ns-abc/topic-xyz";
// 1. producer connect
Producer producer = pulsarClient.createProducer(topicName);
PersistentTopic topicRef = (PersistentTopic) pulsar.getBrokerService().getTopicReference(topicName);
assertEquals(topicRef.getProducers().size(), 1);
ManagedLedgerImpl managedLedger = (ManagedLedgerImpl) topicRef.getManagedLedger();
long ledgerId = managedLedger.getLedgersInfoAsList().get(0).getLedgerId();
// 2. producer publish messages
final int SyncMessages = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < SyncMessages; i++) {
String message = "my-message-" + i;
MessageId receivedMessageId = producer.send(message.getBytes());
assertEquals(receivedMessageId, new MessageIdImpl(ledgerId, i, -1));
// 3. producer publish messages async
final int AsyncMessages = 10;
final CountDownLatch counter = new CountDownLatch(AsyncMessages);
for (int i = SyncMessages; i < (SyncMessages + AsyncMessages); i++) {
String content = "my-message-" + i;
Message msg = MessageBuilder.create().setContent(content.getBytes()).build();
final int index = i;
producer.sendAsync(msg).thenRun(() -> {
assertEquals(msg.getMessageId(), new MessageIdImpl(ledgerId, index, -1));
}).exceptionally((ex) -> {
return null;
// 4. producer disconnect
use of org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.ManagedLedgerImpl in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class PersistentTopic method getInternalStats.
public PersistentTopicInternalStats getInternalStats() {
PersistentTopicInternalStats stats = new PersistentTopicInternalStats();
ManagedLedgerImpl ml = (ManagedLedgerImpl) ledger;
stats.entriesAddedCounter = ml.getEntriesAddedCounter();
stats.numberOfEntries = ml.getNumberOfEntries();
stats.totalSize = ml.getTotalSize();
stats.currentLedgerEntries = ml.getCurrentLedgerEntries();
stats.currentLedgerSize = ml.getCurrentLedgerSize();
stats.lastLedgerCreatedTimestamp = DATE_FORMAT.format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(ml.getLastLedgerCreatedTimestamp()));
if (ml.getLastLedgerCreationFailureTimestamp() != 0) {
stats.lastLedgerCreationFailureTimestamp = DATE_FORMAT.format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(ml.getLastLedgerCreationFailureTimestamp()));
stats.waitingCursorsCount = ml.getWaitingCursorsCount();
stats.pendingAddEntriesCount = ml.getPendingAddEntriesCount();
stats.lastConfirmedEntry = ml.getLastConfirmedEntry().toString();
stats.state = ml.getState().toString();
stats.ledgers = Lists.newArrayList();
ml.getLedgersInfo().forEach((id, li) -> {
LedgerInfo info = new LedgerInfo();
info.ledgerId = li.getLedgerId();
info.entries = li.getEntries();
info.size = li.getSize();
stats.cursors = Maps.newTreeMap();
ml.getCursors().forEach(c -> {
ManagedCursorImpl cursor = (ManagedCursorImpl) c;
CursorStats cs = new CursorStats();
cs.markDeletePosition = cursor.getMarkDeletedPosition().toString();
cs.readPosition = cursor.getReadPosition().toString();
cs.waitingReadOp = cursor.hasPendingReadRequest();
cs.pendingReadOps = cursor.getPendingReadOpsCount();
cs.messagesConsumedCounter = cursor.getMessagesConsumedCounter();
cs.cursorLedger = cursor.getCursorLedger();
cs.cursorLedgerLastEntry = cursor.getCursorLedgerLastEntry();
cs.individuallyDeletedMessages = cursor.getIndividuallyDeletedMessages();
cs.lastLedgerSwitchTimestamp = DATE_FORMAT.format(Instant.ofEpochMilli(cursor.getLastLedgerSwitchTimestamp()));
cs.state = cursor.getState();
stats.cursors.put(cursor.getName(), cs);
return stats;
use of org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.ManagedLedgerImpl in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class ReplicatorTest method testDeleteReplicatorFailure.
* It verifies that: if it fails while removing replicator-cluster-cursor: it should not restart the replicator and
* it should have cleaned up from the list
* @throws Exception
public void testDeleteReplicatorFailure() throws Exception {"--- Starting ReplicatorTest::testDeleteReplicatorFailure ---");
final String topicName = "persistent://pulsar/global/ns/repltopicbatch";
final DestinationName dest = DestinationName.get(topicName);
MessageProducer producer1 = new MessageProducer(url1, dest);
PersistentTopic topic = (PersistentTopic) pulsar1.getBrokerService().getTopicReference(topicName);
final String replicatorClusterName = topic.getReplicators().keys().get(0);
ManagedLedgerImpl ledger = (ManagedLedgerImpl) topic.getManagedLedger();
CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
// delete cursor already : so next time if topic.removeReplicator will get exception but then it should
// remove-replicator from the list even with failure
ledger.asyncDeleteCursor("pulsar.repl." + replicatorClusterName, new DeleteCursorCallback() {
public void deleteCursorComplete(Object ctx) {
public void deleteCursorFailed(ManagedLedgerException exception, Object ctx) {
}, null);
Method removeReplicator = PersistentTopic.class.getDeclaredMethod("removeReplicator", String.class);
// invoke removeReplicator : it fails as cursor is not present: but still it should remove the replicator from
// list without restarting it
CompletableFuture<Void> result = (CompletableFuture<Void>) removeReplicator.invoke(topic, replicatorClusterName);
result.thenApply((v) -> {
return null;
use of org.apache.bookkeeper.mledger.impl.ManagedLedgerImpl in project pulsar by yahoo.
the class SimpleProducerConsumerTest method testActiveAndInActiveConsumerEntryCacheBehavior.
* Usecase 1: Only 1 Active Subscription - 1 subscriber - Produce Messages - EntryCache should cache messages -
* EntryCache should be cleaned : Once active subscription consumes messages
* Usecase 2: 2 Active Subscriptions (faster and slower) and slower gets closed - 2 subscribers - Produce Messages -
* 1 faster-subscriber consumes all messages and another slower-subscriber none - EntryCache should have cached
* messages as slower-subscriber has not consumed messages yet - close slower-subscriber - EntryCache should be
* cleared
* @throws Exception
public void testActiveAndInActiveConsumerEntryCacheBehavior() throws Exception {"-- Starting {} test --", methodName);
final long batchMessageDelayMs = 100;
final int receiverSize = 10;
final String topicName = "cache-topic";
final String sub1 = "faster-sub1";
final String sub2 = "slower-sub2";
ConsumerConfiguration conf = new ConsumerConfiguration();
ProducerConfiguration producerConf = new ProducerConfiguration();
if (batchMessageDelayMs != 0) {
producerConf.setBatchingMaxPublishDelay(batchMessageDelayMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
/************ usecase-1: *************/
// 1. Subscriber Faster subscriber
Consumer subscriber1 = pulsarClient.subscribe("persistent://my-property/use/my-ns/" + topicName, sub1, conf);
final String topic = "persistent://my-property/use/my-ns/" + topicName;
Producer producer = pulsarClient.createProducer(topic, producerConf);
PersistentTopic topicRef = (PersistentTopic) pulsar.getBrokerService().getTopicReference(topic);
ManagedLedgerImpl ledger = (ManagedLedgerImpl) topicRef.getManagedLedger();
Field cacheField = ManagedLedgerImpl.class.getDeclaredField("entryCache");
Field modifiersField = Field.class.getDeclaredField("modifiers");
modifiersField.setInt(cacheField, cacheField.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.FINAL);
EntryCacheImpl entryCache = spy((EntryCacheImpl) cacheField.get(ledger));
cacheField.set(ledger, entryCache);
Message msg = null;
// 2. Produce messages
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
String message = "my-message-" + i;
// 3. Consume messages
for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
msg = subscriber1.receive(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Verify: EntryCache has been invalidated
verify(entryCache, atLeastOnce()).invalidateEntries(any());
// sleep for a second: as ledger.updateCursorRateLimit RateLimiter will allow to invoke cursor-update after a
// second
// produce-consume one more message to trigger : ledger.internalReadFromLedger(..) which updates cursor and
// EntryCache
msg = subscriber1.receive(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Verify: cache has to be cleared as there is no message needs to be consumed by active subscriber
assertTrue(entryCache.getSize() == 0);
/************ usecase-2: *************/
// 1.b Subscriber slower-subscriber
Consumer subscriber2 = pulsarClient.subscribe("persistent://my-property/use/my-ns/" + topicName, sub2, conf);
// Produce messages
final int moreMessages = 10;
for (int i = 0; i < receiverSize + moreMessages; i++) {
String message = "my-message-" + i;
// Consume messages
for (int i = 0; i < receiverSize + moreMessages; i++) {
msg = subscriber1.receive(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// sleep for a second: as ledger.updateCursorRateLimit RateLimiter will allow to invoke cursor-update after a
// second
// produce-consume one more message to trigger : ledger.internalReadFromLedger(..) which updates cursor and
// EntryCache
msg = subscriber1.receive(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
// Verify: as active-subscriber2 has not consumed messages: EntryCache must have those entries in cache
assertTrue(entryCache.getSize() != 0);
// 3.b Close subscriber2: which will trigger cache to clear the cache
// Verify: EntryCache should be cleared
assertTrue(entryCache.getSize() == 0);
subscriber1.close();"-- Exiting {} test --", methodName);