use of org.apache.calcite.jdbc.CalciteSchema in project calcite by apache.
the class ModelHandler method visit.
public void visit(JsonMaterialization jsonMaterialization) {
try {
checkRequiredAttributes(jsonMaterialization, "sql");
final SchemaPlus schema = currentSchema();
if (!schema.isMutable()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot define materialization; parent schema '" + currentSchemaName() + "' is not a SemiMutableSchema");
CalciteSchema calciteSchema = CalciteSchema.from(schema);
final String viewName;
final boolean existing;
if (jsonMaterialization.view == null) {
// If the user did not supply a view name, that means the materialized
// view is pre-populated. Generate a synthetic view name.
viewName = "$" + schema.getTableNames().size();
existing = true;
} else {
viewName = jsonMaterialization.view;
existing = false;
List<String> viewPath = calciteSchema.path(viewName);
schema.add(viewName, MaterializedViewTable.create(calciteSchema, jsonMaterialization.getSql(), jsonMaterialization.viewSchemaPath, viewPath, jsonMaterialization.table, existing));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error instantiating " + jsonMaterialization, e);
use of org.apache.calcite.jdbc.CalciteSchema in project calcite by apache.
the class ModelHandler method visit.
public void visit(JsonLattice jsonLattice) {
try {
checkRequiredAttributes(jsonLattice, "name", "sql");
final SchemaPlus schema = currentSchema();
if (!schema.isMutable()) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot define lattice; parent schema '" + currentSchemaName() + "' is not a SemiMutableSchema");
CalciteSchema calciteSchema = CalciteSchema.from(schema);
Lattice.Builder latticeBuilder = Lattice.builder(calciteSchema, jsonLattice.getSql()).auto(;
if (jsonLattice.rowCountEstimate != null) {
if (jsonLattice.statisticProvider != null) {
populateLattice(jsonLattice, latticeBuilder);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error instantiating " + jsonLattice, e);
use of org.apache.calcite.jdbc.CalciteSchema in project calcite by apache.
the class MaterializationService method defineMaterialization.
* Defines a new materialization. Returns its key.
public MaterializationKey defineMaterialization(final CalciteSchema schema, TileKey tileKey, String viewSql, List<String> viewSchemaPath, String suggestedTableName, TableFactory tableFactory, boolean create, boolean existing) {
final MaterializationActor.QueryKey queryKey = new MaterializationActor.QueryKey(viewSql, schema, viewSchemaPath);
final MaterializationKey existingKey = actor.keyBySql.get(queryKey);
if (existingKey != null) {
return existingKey;
if (!create) {
return null;
final CalciteConnection connection = CalciteMetaImpl.connect(schema.root(), null);
CalciteSchema.TableEntry tableEntry;
// with the name and if none can be found, lookup a view in the schema
if (existing) {
tableEntry = schema.getTable(suggestedTableName, true);
if (tableEntry == null) {
tableEntry = schema.getTableBasedOnNullaryFunction(suggestedTableName, true);
} else {
tableEntry = null;
if (tableEntry == null) {
tableEntry = schema.getTableBySql(viewSql);
RelDataType rowType = null;
if (tableEntry == null) {
Table table = tableFactory.createTable(schema, viewSql, viewSchemaPath);
final String tableName = Schemas.uniqueTableName(schema, Util.first(suggestedTableName, "m"));
tableEntry = schema.add(tableName, table, ImmutableList.of(viewSql));;
rowType = table.getRowType(connection.getTypeFactory());
if (rowType == null) {
// If we didn't validate the SQL by populating a table, validate it now.
final CalcitePrepare.ParseResult parse = Schemas.parse(connection, schema, viewSchemaPath, viewSql);
rowType = parse.rowType;
final MaterializationKey key = new MaterializationKey();
final MaterializationActor.Materialization materialization = new MaterializationActor.Materialization(key, schema.root(), tableEntry, viewSql, rowType, viewSchemaPath);
actor.keyMap.put(materialization.key, materialization);
actor.keyBySql.put(queryKey, materialization.key);
if (tileKey != null) {
actor.keyByTile.put(tileKey, materialization.key);
return key;
use of org.apache.calcite.jdbc.CalciteSchema in project calcite by apache.
the class CalciteCatalogReader method getAllSchemaObjectNames.
public List<SqlMoniker> getAllSchemaObjectNames(List<String> names) {
final CalciteSchema schema = SqlValidatorUtil.getSchema(rootSchema, names, nameMatcher);
if (schema == null) {
return ImmutableList.of();
final List<SqlMoniker> result = new ArrayList<>();
// Add root schema if not anonymous
if (!"")) {
result.add(moniker(schema, null, SqlMonikerType.SCHEMA));
final Map<String, CalciteSchema> schemaMap = schema.getSubSchemaMap();
for (String subSchema : schemaMap.keySet()) {
result.add(moniker(schema, subSchema, SqlMonikerType.SCHEMA));
for (String table : schema.getTableNames()) {
result.add(moniker(schema, table, SqlMonikerType.TABLE));
final NavigableSet<String> functions = schema.getFunctionNames();
for (String function : functions) {
// views are here as well
result.add(moniker(schema, function, SqlMonikerType.FUNCTION));
return result;
use of org.apache.calcite.jdbc.CalciteSchema in project calcite by apache.
the class CalciteCatalogReader method getFunctionsFrom.
private Collection<Function> getFunctionsFrom(List<String> names) {
final List<Function> functions2 = Lists.newArrayList();
final List<List<String>> schemaNameList = new ArrayList<>();
if (names.size() > 1) {
// the last 2 items in the path.
if (schemaPaths.size() > 1) {
} else {
} else {
for (List<String> schemaPath : schemaPaths) {
CalciteSchema schema = SqlValidatorUtil.getSchema(rootSchema, schemaPath, nameMatcher);
if (schema != null) {
for (List<String> schemaNames : schemaNameList) {
CalciteSchema schema = SqlValidatorUtil.getSchema(rootSchema, Iterables.concat(schemaNames, Util.skipLast(names)), nameMatcher);
if (schema != null) {
final String name = Util.last(names);
functions2.addAll(schema.getFunctions(name, true));
return functions2;