use of org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCluster in project storm by apache.
the class TridentModifyRule method convert.
public RelNode convert(RelNode rel) {
final TableModify tableModify = (TableModify) rel;
final RelNode input = tableModify.getInput();
final RelOptCluster cluster = tableModify.getCluster();
final RelTraitSet traitSet = tableModify.getTraitSet().replace(TridentLogicalConvention.INSTANCE);
final RelOptTable relOptTable = tableModify.getTable();
final Prepare.CatalogReader catalogReader = tableModify.getCatalogReader();
final RelNode convertedInput = convert(input, input.getTraitSet().replace(TridentLogicalConvention.INSTANCE));
final TableModify.Operation operation = tableModify.getOperation();
final List<String> updateColumnList = tableModify.getUpdateColumnList();
final List<RexNode> sourceExpressionList = tableModify.getSourceExpressionList();
final boolean flattened = tableModify.isFlattened();
final Table table = tableModify.getTable().unwrap(Table.class);
switch(table.getJdbcTableType()) {
case STREAM:
if (operation != TableModify.Operation.INSERT) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("Streams doesn't support %s modify operation", operation));
return new TridentStreamInsertRel(cluster, traitSet, relOptTable, catalogReader, convertedInput, operation, updateColumnList, sourceExpressionList, flattened);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unsupported table type: %s", table.getJdbcTableType()));
use of org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCluster in project hive by apache.
the class HiveSemiJoinRule method perform.
protected void perform(RelOptRuleCall call, ImmutableBitSet topRefs, RelNode topOperator, Join join, RelNode left, Aggregate aggregate) {
LOG.debug("Matched HiveSemiJoinRule");
final RelOptCluster cluster = join.getCluster();
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder();
final ImmutableBitSet rightBits = ImmutableBitSet.range(left.getRowType().getFieldCount(), join.getRowType().getFieldCount());
if (topRefs.intersects(rightBits)) {
final JoinInfo joinInfo = join.analyzeCondition();
if (!joinInfo.rightSet().equals(ImmutableBitSet.range(aggregate.getGroupCount()))) {
// By the way, neither a super-set nor a sub-set would work.
if (join.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.LEFT) {
// since for LEFT join we are only interested in rows from LEFT we can get rid of right side
call.transformTo(topOperator.copy(topOperator.getTraitSet(), ImmutableList.of(left)));
if (join.getJoinType() != JoinRelType.INNER) {
if (!joinInfo.isEqui()) {
LOG.debug("All conditions matched for HiveSemiJoinRule. Going to apply transformation.");
final List<Integer> newRightKeyBuilder = Lists.newArrayList();
final List<Integer> aggregateKeys = aggregate.getGroupSet().asList();
for (int key : joinInfo.rightKeys) {
final ImmutableIntList newRightKeys = ImmutableIntList.copyOf(newRightKeyBuilder);
final RelNode newRight = aggregate.getInput();
final RexNode newCondition = RelOptUtil.createEquiJoinCondition(left, joinInfo.leftKeys, newRight, newRightKeys, rexBuilder);
RelNode semi = null;
// is not expected further down the pipeline. see jira for more details
if (aggregate.getInput() instanceof HepRelVertex && ((HepRelVertex) aggregate.getInput()).getCurrentRel() instanceof Join) {
Join rightJoin = (Join) (((HepRelVertex) aggregate.getInput()).getCurrentRel());
List<RexNode> projects = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < rightJoin.getRowType().getFieldCount(); i++) {
projects.add(rexBuilder.makeInputRef(rightJoin, i));
RelNode topProject = call.builder().push(rightJoin).project(projects, rightJoin.getRowType().getFieldNames(), true).build();
semi = call.builder().push(left).push(topProject).semiJoin(newCondition).build();
} else {
semi = call.builder().push(left).push(aggregate.getInput()).semiJoin(newCondition).build();
call.transformTo(topOperator.copy(topOperator.getTraitSet(), ImmutableList.of(semi)));
use of org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCluster in project hive by apache.
the class HiveExceptRewriteRule method onMatch.
// ~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
public void onMatch(RelOptRuleCall call) {
final HiveExcept hiveExcept = call.rel(0);
final RelOptCluster cluster = hiveExcept.getCluster();
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = cluster.getRexBuilder();
Builder<RelNode> bldr = new ImmutableList.Builder<RelNode>();
// branch
try {
bldr.add(createFirstGB(hiveExcept.getInputs().get(0), true, cluster, rexBuilder));
bldr.add(createFirstGB(hiveExcept.getInputs().get(1), false, cluster, rexBuilder));
} catch (CalciteSemanticException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// create a union above all the branches
// the schema of union looks like this
// all keys + VCol + c
HiveRelNode union = new HiveUnion(cluster, TraitsUtil.getDefaultTraitSet(cluster),;
// 2nd level GB: create a GB (all keys + sum(c) as a + sum(VCol*c) as b) for
// each branch
final List<RexNode> gbChildProjLst = Lists.newArrayList();
final List<Integer> groupSetPositions = Lists.newArrayList();
int unionColumnSize = union.getRowType().getFieldList().size();
for (int cInd = 0; cInd < unionColumnSize; cInd++) {
gbChildProjLst.add(rexBuilder.makeInputRef(union, cInd));
// the last 2 columns are VCol and c
if (cInd < unionColumnSize - 2) {
try {
gbChildProjLst.add(multiply(rexBuilder.makeInputRef(union, unionColumnSize - 2), rexBuilder.makeInputRef(union, unionColumnSize - 1), cluster, rexBuilder));
} catch (CalciteSemanticException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
RelNode gbInputRel = null;
try {
// Here we create a project for the following reasons:
// (1) GBy only accepts arg as a position of the input, however, we need to sum on VCol*c
// (2) This can better reuse the function createSingleArgAggCall.
gbInputRel = HiveProject.create(union, gbChildProjLst, null);
} catch (CalciteSemanticException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// gbInputRel's schema is like this
// all keys + VCol + c + VCol*c
List<AggregateCall> aggregateCalls = Lists.newArrayList();
RelDataType aggFnRetType = TypeConverter.convert(TypeInfoFactory.longTypeInfo, cluster.getTypeFactory());
// sum(c)
AggregateCall aggregateCall = HiveCalciteUtil.createSingleArgAggCall("sum", cluster, TypeInfoFactory.longTypeInfo, unionColumnSize - 1, aggFnRetType);
// sum(VCol*c)
aggregateCall = HiveCalciteUtil.createSingleArgAggCall("sum", cluster, TypeInfoFactory.longTypeInfo, unionColumnSize, aggFnRetType);
final ImmutableBitSet groupSet = ImmutableBitSet.of(groupSetPositions);
HiveRelNode aggregateRel = new HiveAggregate(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION), gbInputRel, groupSet, null, aggregateCalls);
if (!hiveExcept.all) {
RelNode filterRel = null;
try {
filterRel = new HiveFilter(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION), aggregateRel, makeFilterExprForExceptDistinct(aggregateRel, unionColumnSize, cluster, rexBuilder));
} catch (CalciteSemanticException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
// finally add a project to project out the last 2 columns
Set<Integer> projectOutColumnPositions = new HashSet<>();
projectOutColumnPositions.add(filterRel.getRowType().getFieldList().size() - 2);
projectOutColumnPositions.add(filterRel.getRowType().getFieldList().size() - 1);
try {
call.transformTo(HiveCalciteUtil.createProjectWithoutColumn(filterRel, projectOutColumnPositions));
} catch (CalciteSemanticException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} else {
List<RexNode> originalInputRefs = Lists.transform(aggregateRel.getRowType().getFieldList(), new Function<RelDataTypeField, RexNode>() {
public RexNode apply(RelDataTypeField input) {
return new RexInputRef(input.getIndex(), input.getType());
List<RexNode> copyInputRefs = new ArrayList<>();
try {
copyInputRefs.add(makeExprForExceptAll(aggregateRel, unionColumnSize, cluster, rexBuilder));
} catch (CalciteSemanticException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
for (int i = 0; i < originalInputRefs.size() - 2; i++) {
RelNode srcRel = null;
try {
srcRel = HiveProject.create(aggregateRel, copyInputRefs, null);
HiveTableFunctionScan udtf = HiveCalciteUtil.createUDTFForSetOp(cluster, srcRel);
// finally add a project to project out the 1st columns
Set<Integer> projectOutColumnPositions = new HashSet<>();
call.transformTo(HiveCalciteUtil.createProjectWithoutColumn(udtf, projectOutColumnPositions));
} catch (SemanticException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
use of org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCluster in project hive by apache.
the class TestHivePointLookupOptimizerRule method before.
public void before() {
HepProgramBuilder programBuilder = new HepProgramBuilder();
programBuilder.addRuleInstance(new HivePointLookupOptimizerRule.FilterCondition(2));
planner = new HepPlanner(;
JavaTypeFactoryImpl typeFactory = new JavaTypeFactoryImpl();
RexBuilder rexBuilder = new RexBuilder(typeFactory);
final RelOptCluster optCluster = RelOptCluster.create(planner, rexBuilder);
RelDataType rowTypeMock = typeFactory.createStructType(MyRecord.class);
LogicalTableScan tableScan = LogicalTableScan.create(optCluster, tableMock, Collections.emptyList());
builder = HiveRelFactories.HIVE_BUILDER.create(optCluster, schemaMock);
use of org.apache.calcite.plan.RelOptCluster in project hive by apache.
the class HiveMaterializedViewsRegistry method createMaterializedViewScan.
private static RelNode createMaterializedViewScan(HiveConf conf, Table viewTable) {
// 0. Recreate cluster
final RelOptPlanner planner = CalcitePlanner.createPlanner(conf);
final RexBuilder rexBuilder = new RexBuilder(new JavaTypeFactoryImpl(new HiveTypeSystemImpl()));
final RelOptCluster cluster = RelOptCluster.create(planner, rexBuilder);
// 1. Create column schema
final RowResolver rr = new RowResolver();
// 1.1 Add Column info for non partion cols (Object Inspector fields)
StructObjectInspector rowObjectInspector;
try {
rowObjectInspector = (StructObjectInspector) viewTable.getDeserializer().getObjectInspector();
} catch (SerDeException e) {
// Bail out
return null;
List<? extends StructField> fields = rowObjectInspector.getAllStructFieldRefs();
ColumnInfo colInfo;
String colName;
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> cInfoLst = new ArrayList<>();
for (StructField structField : fields) {
colName = structField.getFieldName();
colInfo = new ColumnInfo(structField.getFieldName(), TypeInfoUtils.getTypeInfoFromObjectInspector(structField.getFieldObjectInspector()), null, false);
rr.put(null, colName, colInfo);
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> nonPartitionColumns = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>(cInfoLst);
// 1.2 Add column info corresponding to partition columns
ArrayList<ColumnInfo> partitionColumns = new ArrayList<ColumnInfo>();
for (FieldSchema part_col : viewTable.getPartCols()) {
colName = part_col.getName();
colInfo = new ColumnInfo(colName, TypeInfoFactory.getPrimitiveTypeInfo(part_col.getType()), null, true);
rr.put(null, colName, colInfo);
// 1.3 Build row type from field <type, name>
RelDataType rowType;
try {
rowType = TypeConverter.getType(cluster, rr, null);
} catch (CalciteSemanticException e) {
// Bail out
return null;
// 2. Build RelOptAbstractTable
List<String> fullyQualifiedTabName = new ArrayList<>();
if (viewTable.getDbName() != null && !viewTable.getDbName().isEmpty()) {
RelNode tableRel;
// 3. Build operator
if (obtainTableType(viewTable) == TableType.DRUID) {
// Build Druid query
String address = HiveConf.getVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.HIVE_DRUID_BROKER_DEFAULT_ADDRESS);
String dataSource = viewTable.getParameters().get(Constants.DRUID_DATA_SOURCE);
Set<String> metrics = new HashSet<>();
List<RelDataType> druidColTypes = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> druidColNames = new ArrayList<>();
// @NOTE this code is very similar to the code at org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/parse/
// @TODO it will be nice to refactor it
RelDataTypeFactory dtFactory = cluster.getRexBuilder().getTypeFactory();
for (RelDataTypeField field : rowType.getFieldList()) {
if (DruidTable.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN.equals(field.getName())) {
// Druid's time column is always not null.
druidColTypes.add(dtFactory.createTypeWithNullability(field.getType(), false));
} else {
if (field.getName().equals(DruidTable.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN)) {
// timestamp
if (field.getType().getSqlTypeName() == SqlTypeName.VARCHAR) {
// dimension
List<Interval> intervals = Collections.singletonList(DruidTable.DEFAULT_INTERVAL);
rowType = dtFactory.createStructType(druidColTypes, druidColNames);
// We can pass null for Hive object because it is only used to retrieve tables
// if constraints on a table object are existing, but constraints cannot be defined
// for materialized views.
RelOptHiveTable optTable = new RelOptHiveTable(null, cluster.getTypeFactory(), fullyQualifiedTabName, rowType, viewTable, nonPartitionColumns, partitionColumns, new ArrayList<>(), conf, null, new QueryTables(true), new HashMap<>(), new HashMap<>(), new AtomicInteger());
DruidTable druidTable = new DruidTable(new DruidSchema(address, address, false), dataSource, RelDataTypeImpl.proto(rowType), metrics, DruidTable.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_COLUMN, intervals, null, null);
final TableScan scan = new HiveTableScan(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION), optTable, viewTable.getTableName(), null, false, false);
tableRel = DruidQuery.create(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(BindableConvention.INSTANCE), optTable, druidTable, ImmutableList.<RelNode>of(scan), ImmutableMap.of());
} else {
// Build Hive Table Scan Rel.
// We can pass null for Hive object because it is only used to retrieve tables
// if constraints on a table object are existing, but constraints cannot be defined
// for materialized views.
RelOptHiveTable optTable = new RelOptHiveTable(null, cluster.getTypeFactory(), fullyQualifiedTabName, rowType, viewTable, nonPartitionColumns, partitionColumns, new ArrayList<>(), conf, null, new QueryTables(true), new HashMap<>(), new HashMap<>(), new AtomicInteger());
tableRel = new HiveTableScan(cluster, cluster.traitSetOf(HiveRelNode.CONVENTION), optTable, viewTable.getTableName(), null, false, false);
return tableRel;